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25 Cards in this Set

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[N] предположение подозрение догадка
[V] предполагать подозревать высказывать догадку
-It was not hard to surmise..
-He surmised that he had discovered one of the illegal streets.
-His surmise proved correct
-If you see the empty ice cream containers, the sprinkles littering the ground, a kicked can of Reddi-wip in the trash, you can surmise what has happened: Sundaes. To surmise is to form an opinion or make a guess about something.
[A] жизнеспособный жизнедеятельный всхожий
-In order to prove antimatter efficient and viable, one had to create specimens of a larger magnitude.
- The specimen that was supposed to prove antimatter was a safe and viable energy source had been stolen.
-When something is viable, the adjective refers to something workable with the ability to grow and function properly.
[N] урожай сбор плодов,
[V] производить давать сдавать Сдаваться
уступать соглашаться прервать оратора уступить трибуну поддаваться -пружинить
-He yielded to the other man's arguments; He yielded all his possessions to the state. уступать
-At last the door yielded. поддаваться
-How much milk does that herd of cattle yield? - производить
-the annual yield of wheat урожай
-Building an oil rig to yield a single barrel of oil was a losing endeavor.
[N] внимание осторожность
[V] внимательно следить обращать внимание
-He refused to heed my warning; Heed what I say! принимать во внимание
-The technician heeded the instruction, and the image lightened somewhat.
-He pays too much heed these days to my nephew Tom.
-Heed is an old word, meaning to listen to and follow.
[N] длинный трудный путь утомительная прогулка
[V] идти с трудом устало тащиться
-He trudged wearily up the hill. тащиться
-We had to trudge up the track back to the station.
-footslog We were reluctant to start the long trudge home.
-The noun trudge describes a long, difficult walk. You know those stories your grandparents tell about how they used to walk six miles uphill in the brutal cold every morning just to get to school? They're describing a trudge
[N] саркастическое замечание колкость острота остроумное замечание или ответ эпиграмма софизм увертка
[V] делать колкие замечания насмехаться
--Antimatter technology could save the planet.” - “Or destroy it,” Kohler quipped.
-A quip — a short, witty comment — can be pleasant, wise, or sarcastic, but usually carries an element of humor.
- “Advertising,” he quipped, “is like a tax on people who don’t do good work.”
[N] исполнение выполнение осуществление свершение завершение
-Fulfillment is a feeling of happiness and satisfaction. It's also the completion of something, like the fulfillment of a promise.
-Many people feel fulfillment from being a parent, having a great job, or graduating from school. People often feel fulfillment when something is completed, whether it's a goal or a dream or repair work that you've been waiting on.
[N] недовольство недоброжелательство зависть причина недовольства
[V] жалеть неохотно давать (позволять) испытывать недоброе чувство завидовать выражать недовольство
-I grudge wasting time on this, but I suppose I'll have to do it; She grudges the dog even the little food she gives it. жалеть
- I grudge him his success. завидовать
- He has a grudge against me
[N] скорость быстрота
[A] скоростной
- at the velocity of sound
-If your rocket is traveling at maximum velocity, it means it can't go any faster. Velocity is quickness of motion or action.
-the velocity at which the planets orbit
[N] бдительность зоркость бессонница вигильность
-He watched her with the vigilance of a hawk. бдительность
-Drugs are a problem that requires constant vigilance.
-Vigilance and discretion are my duty
-Vigilance is devoted attentiveness or watchfulness. Security guards and test proctors alike need to practice vigilance.
[A] безжалостный неумолимый непреклонный беспощадный неотступный неустанный неослабевающий неослабный
-The police fight a relentless battle against crime. безжалостный; упорный
-If you're a relentless student, for instance, you might stay up all night studying your vocabulary, just in case there might be a quiz in the morning.
-relentless persecution
-Relentless is a good word for describing something that's harsh, unforgiving, and persistent, like the hot sun in the desert, or a cold that keeps you in bed for days with a nose like a strawberry.
The emotion was guilt. Uncontrollable, relentless guilt.
[N] плотина запруда водослив
[V] устраивать плотину запруживать
( ̗dısen´geıdʒ)
[V] освобождать выпутывать высвобождать отвязывать отвязываться отрываться от противника выйти из боя разобщить выключать разъединять
-to disengage the gears; He disengaged himself from her embrace. освобождать(ся)
-I want to disengage myself from his influence
[A] непогрешимый надежный верный безошибочный
-never making a mistake. безошибочный
-infallible cures. надёжный
-none of us is infallible
-Infallible security
"Fallible" means capable of making mistakes — or, easier to remember — capable of failing. Infallible means exactly the opposite — incapable of failing.
-She had an infallible eye for style.
[N] образец образчик экземпляр тип субъект проба
[A] Пробный
-We looked at specimens of different types of rock under the microscope. образец
-A specimen is a sample of something, like a specimen of blood or body tissue that is taken for medical testing.
-they collected a urine specimen for urinalysis
(ıg ̗zılə´reıʃən)
[N] веселость возбуждение приятное возбуждение радостное настроение
-Soaring, though, suggests exhilaration, even joy.
-The exhilaration had worn off. The craving had returned.
-A wave of exhilaration swept through me.
-Despite the horror stories, my exhilaration at first overcame fear.
-Exhilaration is great joy, and excitement and liveliness! When you ride an ocean wave, hear a favorite song, or have a long and uncontrollable laugh with friends, there's a feeling of exhilaration, an overflow of happiness
( ̗ımplı´keıʃən)
[N] вовлечение замешанность причастность соучастие смысл подтекст подразумеваемое
то, что подразумевается
-Implication in a murder finally brought him to the gallows.
-his resignation had political implications
-An implication is something that is suggested, or happens, indirectly. When you left the gate open and the dog escaped, you were guilty by implication
[N] отступник дезертир перебежчик
-Defector can at least sometimes have a neutral or even positive implication.
-a Soviet citizen who defected to Israel.
-Turkey granted asylum to defectors from Communist countries.
[N] удовлетворенность довольство
-Contentment is the state of being happy and satisfied. On Thanksgiving when you think about all you are grateful for, hopefully you feel a sense of contentment.
-the contentment of a comfortable retirement
-Contentment is the state of being happy and satisfied. On Thanksgiving when you think about all you are grateful for, hopefully you feel a sense of contentment.
[N] шансы неравенство разница преимущество перевес разногласие
- Science and religion are not at odds.
-The odds are the chances that something will happen. If you flip a coin, the odds are 50-50 you'll get heads.
-What are the odds of that happening?
-makes no odds what I do, it'll be wrong.
odds and ends
[ID] остатки всякая всячина случайные предметы обрывки хлам обрезки осколки
-She packed her clothes and a few other odds and ends.
-There were lots of odds and ends in the attic, but nothing of real value
( ̗ınstən´teınıəs)
[A] мгновенный немедленный
-The effect of this poison is instantaneous. мгновенный
-relief was instantaneous
-Death was not instantaneous
-Something instantaneous is happening right now, without delay. In today's society, the technology we carry in our pockets means people often expect an instantaneous or immediate response to emails and text messages.
( ̗rı:pər´kʌʃən)
[N] отдача отзвук эхо отражение последствия влияние
-“This situation could have very, very serious repercussions for CERN.”
-his declaration had unforeseen repercussions
-A repercussion is something that happens because of another action. You could quit paying your rent, but getting evicted from your apartment might be the repercussion.
[N] выравнивание уравнение [мат.]
-equation → уравнение
-the equation between higher spending and higher taxes
-Clearly, there was a piece missing in this equation
-In an equation, the quantities on both sides of the equal sign are equal. That's the mathematical meaning of equation, but equation can also be used in any number of situations, challenges, or efforts to solve a problem.
[N] отсутствие чего-л. нехватка дефицит недостаток неполноценность
[ADV] недостаточно
-Water is the critical deficiency in desert regions
-A deficiency is an insufficient amount of something. If feel sluggish and tired all day, you might have an iron deficiency, meaning you aren't eating enough iron-rich foods.
-Unfortunately for science, however, their equations, even today, have one serious deficiency that the church likes to point out.”