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35 Cards in this Set

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[N] безвкусные украшения дешевый шик
[A] кричаще безвкусный мишурный
-He hated them for the tawdry lives they led
-tawdry ornaments
-tawdry jewelry
-Tawdry affair with a young white house aide
-Tawdry means cheap, shoddy, or tasteless. It can be used to describe almost anything from clothes to people to even events or affairs.
[N] пядь интервал миг промежуток времени пролет
[V] перекрывать соединять соединять берега
-The first span of the bridge is one hundred metres long. пролёт
-Seventy or eighty years is the normal span of a man's life. промежуток времени
-His professional career spanned 16 years.
-The batteries had a life span of six hours.
-Any distance between two things is called a span. These end points can be physical, like the span of a rope between two trees, or they can be more abstract, such as the span of time between five and six o'clock.
[A] банальный избитый затасканный
-His poetry is full of trite descriptions of nature. банальный
-a trite or obvious remark
-The movie is teeming with trite and obvious ideas.
-When you want to indicate that something is silly or overused, you would call it trite. A love song with lyrics about holding hands in the sunshine? Totally trite.
(´ekspı ̗eıt)
[V] искупать (вину) искупить
-expiate one's sins
-repentant sinners seeking to expiate their wrongdoing
-He expiated his crimes two weeks ago at Fort Wilhelmina, your excellency
[A] мрачный угрюмый хмурый
-a glum expression. угрюмый
-To be glum is to be sad. Glum is a word for being depressed, bummed out, or down in the dumps.
-a glum, hopeless shrug
-What are you both looking glum about?
[A] поздний запоздалый медленный медлительный
- be tardy for school
-The explanation of a tardy student
-the agency's tardy response to the hurricane
tardy children are sent to the principal
-always tardy in making dental appointments

[A] стадный живущий стаями ( стадами, обществами) общительный
- a gregarious person. общительный
- Geese are gregarious. стадный
-If you know someone who's outgoing, sociable, and fond of the company of others, you might want to call her gregarious
-he is a gregarious person who avoids solitude
-gregarious bird species
( ̗ıntər´mıŋgəl)
[V] перемесить перемешивать смешивать смешиваться общаться
-In this part of town things were intermingled
- Policemen in plain clothes intermingled with the crowd to prevent trouble during the foreign ruler's state visit. - смешивать(ся), перемешивать(ся) (with)
-The two cultures intermingle without losing their identity.
[V] переставать прекращать воздерживаться
-You can use the verb desist as a way to say "stop" or "cease.
-Kindly desist from making so much noise.
-He was about to say something further, but he desisted.
[N] огненно-красный цветок
[A] пламенеющий яркий цветистый пышный чрезмерно пышный
-He wears flamboyant clothes. броский
-He was a flamboyant personality
-When you think of flamboyant, think of Las Vegas showgirls: feathers, sequins, three-inch heels, enough make-up to disguise any irregularity.
-flamboyant handwriting
Headlong (´hed ̗lɔ:ŋ)
[A] опрометчивый безудержный бурный
[ADV] головой вперед опрометью стремглав прометчиво очертя голову
-a headlong rush for the exit
-Do not leap headlong into decisions.
-heedlessly He ran headlong for the open door.
( ̗ınkən´sıvəbəl)
[A] непостижимый невероятный немыслимый невообразимый необычайный
-inconceivable wickedness. невообразимый
The idea was inconceivable
-, it's inconceivable that you would actually eat your hat.
-If something is inconceivable, it doesn’t seem possible, it’s hard to imagine, or it can’t be true.
[V] наводить лоск разглаживать пригладить приглаживать сглаживать
[A] лоснящийся (о волосах) прилизанный гладкий холеный елейный
-The dog has a lovely sleek coat. лоснящийся, гладкий
-Siamese cat lay by the fire. ухоженный
-The sleek women
-sleek black fur
-sleek figures in expensive clothes
-If you hair is sleek, it is smooth and glossy. If your car is sleek, it's shiny and looks like it goes fast. Sleek always means smooth, glossy, and streamlined.
[A] туземный местный здешний природный врожденный
-Indigenous, aboriginal and native all mean the same thing
-the country's indigenous population
-Indigenous, aboriginal and native all mean the same thing
--Use indigenous to describe a plant, animal or person that is native or original to an area. Though Switzerland is known for its chocolates, chocolate, which comes from the cocoa plant, is indigenous to South America.
[A] Непочтительный
-If you're being cheeky you're being brash or irreverent.
-noisy irreverent tourists
-irreverent humor.
-If you are irreverent, you don’t show respect toward something, like your irreverent singing of your school's alma mater in a funny voice.
[N] промышленный магнат финансовый магнат
-an oil tycoon. магнат
-a self-made property tycoon
-The billionaire tycoon made his wealth in 1990s Moscow, making him suspect in some eyes.
[N] кувалда
[V] избивать жестоко избивать калечить терзать неумело ( грубо) обращаться жестоко критиковать
-He was badly mauled by an angry lion. терзать, калечить
-badly mauled by a bear - сильно помятый медведем
-The troops were severely mauled before evacuating the island.
-Maul is both the name of a heavy hammer, and also a verb meaning beating and scratching. Tigers, lions, bears––animals with powerful paws and sharp claws, will maul their victims.
[N] веточка росток узор в виде веточки молодой человек юноша отпрыск штифт гвоздь без шляпки
[V] давать побеги украшать узором в виде веточек забивать гвозди закреплять штифтом
-She was wearing her best dress- blue and white sprigged, with cape sleeves
-Pack cup tightly with crushed ice; add bourbon and mint sprig.
( ̗su:pər´sılıəs)
[A] надменный высокомерный горделивый презрительный
- a supercilious look. презрительный
-curled his lip in a supercilious smile
-Supercilious people think very highly of themselves, more highly than of others. Think of them as a "super silly ass," and you'll remember the basic sense of supercilious.
-His manner is supercilious and arrogant.
(ın´vıgə ̗reıt)
[V] давать силы подбадривать бодрить укреплять
-The shower invigorated her. придавать бодрость
-Invigorate means to give strength or energy to something or someone.
-The cold water invigorated him
-Exercise is invigorating
-Take a deep breath in to invigorate you.
[N] мечтания мечты мечтательность
-He was lost in reverie. мечтание
-pleasant reveries. фантазия; грёзы
-to fall into a reverie
-lost in reverie.
-The voice brought him out of his reverie.
-If you're relaxing on the beach, dreaming of how you will never have to get up and go back to work, you're engaged in a reverie, or pleasant daydream.
( ̗nɒnʃə´lɒnt)
[A] беззаботный беспечный небрежный безразличный равнодушный бесстрастный
-Just happened to be nonchalantly smoking herself
-Denis tried unsuccessfully to look nonchalant and uninterested.
-If your friend is acting cool, unconcerned or in an indifferent manner, call him nonchalant
Inexorable (ın´eksərəbəl)
[A] неумолимый непреклонный непоколебимый безжалостный
-the seemingly inexorable rise in unemployment
-When a person is inexorable, they're stubborn. When a thing or process is inexorable, it can't be stopped.
-An inexorable person is hard-headed and cannot be convinced to change their mind, no matter what. You can also say that a process, like the progress of a deadly illness, is inexorable because it can't be stopped.
[N] горняк горнорабочий шахтер рудокоп забойщик минер
-a retired Welsh miner
-Commodity prices have fallen as well, forcing miners to cut back on orders.
[A] Непобедимый
-He was not only invincible but immoral
-That general thinks that his army is invincible. непобедимый
-Something invincible is victorious over everything
-an invincible army
-her invincible spirit
[A] поддельный ложный подложный незаконнорожденный
-a spurious work of art
-Better no facts at all than spurious ones.
-Something false or inauthentic is spurious. Don't trust spurious ideas and stories. Spurious statements often are lies, just as a spurious coin is a counterfeit coin — a fake.
[N] мошенник негодяй валет [карт.] плут приятель мальчик-слуга слуга
-the knave of diamonds. валет
-A therefore deals, as knave is in this game higher than ace.
-You don't hear about knaves much these days: it's an older word for a rascal, a scoundrel, or a rogue. It isn't a compliment.
[N] уклон косина скос наклонная плоскость склон точка зрения мнение подход предвзятое отношение взгляд быстрый взгляд тенденция
[V] наклонять отклонять наклоняться отклоняться искажать тенденциозно освещать
[A] наклонный
-The house is very old and all the floors and ceilings slant a little. наклоняться, отклоняться
-The roof has a steep slant. уклон, скос
-that picture slants to the right ― картина висит косо
-he slants towards drinking too much ― он склонен к выпивке
(´sɒlə ̗tu:d)
[N] уединение уединенность одиночество уединенные ( безлюдные) места
-He saved her from solitude
-Imagine long golden beaches where you can wander in solitude.
-Solitude is the state of being alone. You might crave solitude after spending the holidays with your big, loud family
[V] профанировать осквернять
[A] мирской светский непосвященный языческий нечестивый богохульный
-Profane is the sort of language that gets bleeped on TV but it's also whenever you deeply offend people with how little respect you show something (usually religious).
-profane words
-profane the name of God
-Churches should not be used for profane or secular purposes.
(´rektə ̗faı)
[V] исправлять поправлять улучшать очищать ректифицировать выпрямлять (ток) детектировать
-We shall rectify the error as soon as possible . исправлять
-Only an act of Congress could rectify the situation.
-rectify the calculation
-rectify the inequities in salaries
[A] пестрый разноцветный
-Pied means colorfully jumbled.
-pied daisies
-a bird with pied markings
[N] несправедливость
- He complained of injustice in the way he had been treated; They agreed that an injustice had been committed. несправедливость
-They will continue to fight injustice.
-Life isn’t fair, and that quality is exactly what defines injustice: something unfair that happens, often in violation of a basic human right.
[A] послушный покорный
-They were docile, obedient children.
-an obedient soldier
-a little man obedient to his wife
-a sweet, obedient little girl
-If you always do what you’re told, you can be described as obedient. Authority figures love to have obedient followers.
[V] обязать обязыватьделать одолжение одолжить принуждать заставлять связывать обязательством угождать услуживать радеть
-She was obliged to go; The police obliged him to leave. обязывать; заставлять
-Could you oblige me by carrying this, please?д елать одолжение; оказывать услугу
-He is always ready to oblige journalists with information.
-They obliged us by arriving early.
-To oblige is to do something you have to, because you're bound by either good manners or the law.