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33 Cards in this Set

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[A] бесконечный вечный
-Interminable time
-an interminable meeting
-Something that is interminable is often boring, annoying, or hard to bear, such as an interminable noise.
-Use interminable to describe something that has or seems to have no end. Your math class. Your sister's violin recital.
(´sɜ:rpən ̗tı:n,
sɜ:rpən ̗taın)
[N] серпентин змеевик
[V] извиваться
[A] змеевидный извилистый хитрый коварный предательский
-a serpentine wall
-You can use the adjective serpentine to describe things that look like a serpent or are snakelike.
[A] положительный степенный уравновешенный благоразумный
-A person of staid appearance/habits. степенный
-a staid country doctor
-Something that is staid is dignified, respectable — possibly even boring, like a staid dinner party that is heavy on the important guests but light on the laughs.
[A] восприимчивый рецептивный
-etc. восприимчивый
-The patient was not at all receptive to treatment.
-The voters had seemed receptive to his ideas.
-To be receptive is to be open to new ideas or change. If you’re responsive to other people’s suggestions and not set in your ways, then you’re not only receptive, but flexible.
[V] аннулировать отменять подавлять сокрушать
-He attempted to quash the rumours.
-an attempt to quash regional violence
-The Appeal Court has quashed the convictions.
-Quash means to put down, stop, extinguish, and it’s usually used to talk about ideas, feelings, or political movements.
(ın´sınju: ̗eıt)
[V] постепенно (незаметно) вводить намекать проникать пробираться втираться вкрадываться инсинуировать
-means you imply or suggest something that may or may not be true.
-The article insinuated that the President was lying
-I insinuated that I did not like his wife
-He insinuated himself into the conversation of the people at the nearby table
[A] восхищенный восторженный поглощенный увлеченный похищенный взятый живым на небо
-He listened to the speaker with rapt attention. восхищённый
-listened to the speaker with rapt admiration.
-was rapt in thought all evening.
[N] трамбовка
-Your rammer must have a collar of brass, to prevent the wood from splitting.
[A] много о себе возомнивший показной ритязательный
-a pretentious country house
-a pretentious fraud
“a pretentious scholarly edition
-Use the adjective pretentious as a way to criticize people who try to act like they are more important or knowledgeable than they really are.
[V] месить замешивать смешивать в общую массу растирать массировать уминать
-His mother was kneading (dough) in the kitchen. месить (тесто)
-kneading and rubbing parts of your body
-kneading a painful calf muscle.
-knead dough
-To knead is to massage, as you might knead a sore muscle to relieve the pain or knead bread dough before baking it.
[A] Братский
- a fraternal greeting - братский
-a close fraternal tie.
-a fraternal association.
-Use the adjective fraternal to mean "brotherly," the way you'd describe your fraternal relationship with your oldest friend who is like a brother to you.
[N] клык ядовитый зуб змеи зуб корень зуба крюк захват
-The wolf bared its fangs. клык
-tusk the cobra's venomous fangs
-A fang is a long, sharp tooth that is used to do harm. Vampires have them, venomous snakes have them.
( ̗ıntər´twaın)
[V] сплетать переплетать сплестись переплетаться скручиваться закручиваться
- She left her fingers intertwined with his
-intertwine the ribbons
-intertwined hearts
-When things intertwine, they're all mixed up together — it's hard to separate them. To make any type of clothing, threads have to be intertwined.
-Things that intertwine are twisted or mixed together. You have to intertwine yarn to make a scarf.
(ın´kʌl ̗keıt)
[V] внушать внедрять вселять прививать
-inculcate values into the young generation
-indoctrinate Care was taken to inculcate the values of nationhood and family.
-To inculcate is to teach through frequent instruction. If you repeatedly tell your brother how important it is to be responsible, then you’re trying to inculcate in him a sense of responsibility.
[A] разборчивый мелочно требовательный перегруженный деталями чересчур тшлифованный жеманный аффектированный
-She is a very finicky person. разборчивый
-a finicky eater
-Many large organizations are particularly finicky when it comes to references.
-Even the most finicky eater will find something to eat.
[A] неумолимый непримиримый заклятый
- an implacable enemy. непримиримый
-the threat of invasion by a ruthless and implacable enemy
-An implacable person just can’t be appeased. If you really offended your best friend and tried every kind of apology but she refused to speak to you again, you could describe her as implacable.
[N] владение недвижимость пребывание в должности срок владения пребывание срок пребывания
-the tenure of president
-his short tenure of the Labour leadership
-Take the noun tenure for the period of time a person holds a position or office. Your tenure as a student ends when you graduate high school — unless, of course, you go on to college.
[V] превозносить превознести нахваливать нахвалить
-extol the virtues of one's children
-She keeps extolling his managerial skills.
-If you have a crush on a guy who likes your best friend, it can be very depressing to listen to him extol your friend's virtues, while you just nod and smile. If you extol something, you praise it very highly.
[A] снисходительный терпимый потворствующий потакающий
-an indulgent parent
-indulgent grandparents
-indulgent parents risk spoiling their children
-an indulgent attitude
-His indulgent mother was willing to let him do what he wanted.
( ̗ınkən´desənt)
[A] накаленный добела накаленный раскаленный сверкающий ослепительный получаемый от ламп накаливания
-incandescent light bulbs
-an incandescent performance
-When heated, coals become incandescent, which means that they glow red-hot. When you're heated up by an argument, chances are you're incandescent with, or characterized by the intense emotion of frustration.
[A] Болотистый
-the swampy lowlands of southern Tuscany
-a financial swamp
-She was swamped with work
( ̗ıntər´pəʋz)
[V] ставить между становиться между вклиниться вклиниваться вмешиваться прерывать вставить вставлять выставлять выдвигать вводить
-Police had to interpose themselves between the rival groups.
-The court interposes no objection to your going to Mexico.
-It's annoying when ads interpose segments of your favorite TV show. When something interposes something else it interrupts it.
[V] процветать преуспевать буйно расти пышно расти разрастаться буйно (пышно) разрастаться
-Children thrive on milk; the business is thriving.
набираться сил; расцветать
-a thriving industry. процветающий
-He thrived on the meeting he called ‘”tiresome”
-The deer population in this town is thriving
-Today his company continues to thrive
-If something is thriving, it's doing well — so well you could call it "booming." A thriving retail business sees its products flying off the shelves.
[ADV] якобы по видимости
-Illness was the ostensible reason for his absence, but in fact he was just lazy. служащий предлогом
-His ostensible purpose was charity, but his real goal was popularity.
-the ostensible reason for his resignation
[N] лицо, присматривающее за кем-л. тендер плавучая база посыльное судно предложение сумма в уплату долга сумма заявка на подряд
[V] предоставить вносить вносить деньги посылать предлагать подавать заявку подавать заявление о подписке
[A] нежный мягкий ласковый любящий заботливый чуткий слабый хрупкий незрелый молодой чувствительный болезненный уязвимый деликатный щекотливый неяркий
-The meat is tender. мягкий
-His injured leg is still tender. болезненный
-She had a tender heart. нежный
-tender beef, a tender heart, a tender smile, tender loving care
[V] помучить мучить причинять боль досаждать раздражать изводить промучить
-He was in torment. мучение
-She was tormented with worry/toothache. мучить(ся)
-By repeatedly trying to make someone miserable you torment them. The noun torment is the result of the verb torment.
-He spent days in torment while they searched for her.
(´vægə ̗bɒnd)
[N] бродяга бездельник мерзавец
[V] скитаться бродяжничать
[A] Бродячий
-rogues and vagabonds. бродяга
- to live a vagabond life - вести бродячий образ жизни, скитаться
-A vagabond is someone who moves around a lot.
-pirate ships were vagabonds of the sea
-led a vagabond life
[N] япошка щипок укус замечание колкость придирк обидный упрек похолодание резкий холодный ветер резкое воздействие сжатие захват тиски завал раздавливание целиком глоток ткушенный кусок небольшой глоток японец
[V] ущипнуть щипать кусать тяпнуть укусить побить побить морозом повредить пресечь сжимать зажать прищемить прихватить схватить захватить арестовать стащить стянуть украсть откусить отрезать отрезывать отпивать маленькими глотками
[A] Японский
- A crab nipped her toe; The dog nipped her ankle. щипать; кусать
- He nipped the wire with the pliers; He nipped off the heads of the flowers. откусывать; отщипывать
-Iodine nips when it is put on a cut. щипать
- I'll just nip into this shop for cigarettes; He nipped over to Paris for the week-end. сбегать; слетать
-The frost has nipped the roses. побить
-His dog gave her a nip on the ankle. щипок; укус
-a nip in the air. морозец, похолодание
-A nip is a tiny bite, a cold feeling, or a strong taste on your tongue. It’s also a verb for pinching or biting something, but not always in a bad way.
[A] очень голодный изголодавшийся прожорливый жадный хищный грабительский
-ravenous as wolves
-He had moderated his ravenous appetite.
-Proper ladies poke at a meal, gentlemen eat a meal, and teenagers devour a meal like ravenous cowhands
-A ravenous person feels like they haven't eaten in days and could probably finish off 10 pizzas without help. So ravenous is not a good state to be in when you go grocery shopping.
[N] перерыв в работе (в заседаниях) каникулы большая перемена в школе углубление ниша альков ямка впадина паз вогнутость выемка [тех.] выточка прорезь тайник глухое место уединенное место (уголок)
[V] отодвигать назад прятать в тайник помещать в укромном месте делать перерыв в работе делать перерыв помещать в углубление делать углубление углублять делать выемку
-We can put the dining-table in that recess. ниша
-Parliament or the law-courts do not work. Parliament is in recess. перерыв (в заседании)
-Recess is a break from doing something, like work or school
-Parliament returns to work today after its summer recess.
-The judge announced the court would recess until the following day.
[A] причудливый привлекательный необычный эксцентричный приятный (привлекательный) своей необычностью приятный (привлекательный) своей стариной
-Quaint tourist town
-The hotel was tiny and quaint
-quaint customs. причудливый
-Quaint means strange and unusual in an old-fashioned and charming way
[N] намеченная жертва карьер открытая разработка каменоломня источник сведений добыча преследуемый зверь
[V] разрабатывать карьер добывать рыться порыться выискивать информацию (факты)
-The large limestone caves are also quarried for cement.
-As a journalist he stuck to his quarry like a lamprey.
-The police lost their quarry in the crowd.
[V] надписывать надписать вписывать фигуру [геом.] вырез`ать на дереве начертать на камне посвящать
-The monument was inscribed with the names of the men who died in the war; He carefully inscribed his name in his new book. вырезать; вписывать
-To inscribe means to write in a permanent way for example by carving.
-They read the words inscribed on the walls of the monument.
-Students have already started selling T-shirts inscribed with “Forever a Redskin.”