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50 Cards in this Set

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[A] острый проницательный сообразительный пронзительный резкий сильный высокий
-Use the adjective acute for when you want to describe something as sharp or extremely serious.
-acute pain
-acute shortage of labor
-an acute triangle
-an acute lack of research funds
[N] твердый минерал (твердый металл ) что-либо несокрушимое (твердое)
[A] непреклонный несгибаемый несокрушимый твердый
-an adamant refusal. непреклонный
-she was so adamant
-He was adamant on this subject
-he is adamant in his refusal to change his mind
[N] м`ука страдание тоска боль мучение
[V] испытывать острую тоску
-The woman suffered terrible anguish when her child died. мучение
-He let out a scream of anguish that resounded across the desert
-Anguish of body and mind - физические и душевные страдания
-A cry of anguish burst from her lips.
[V] забавлять развлекать поставить в тупик тешить приятно проводить время озадачить
-I was amused at the monkey's antics. забавлять
- They amused themselves playing cards. развлекать
-The play amused the ladies
-The clown amused the children
[N] блаженство нега счастье
-Bliss is a state of complete happiness or joy.
- the bliss of a young married couple. блаженство, счастье
-It was a scene of such domestic bliss
[V] поражать изумлять изумить
-I was astounded to hear of his imprisonment. поражать
Beef Up
усиливать, укреплять, подкреплять (людьми, средствами и т. п.); расширять; наращивать
-We need new young soldiers to beef up the army.
-Preaches reworked their sermons to beef up their slant against evil
[V] случаться происходить приключаться
-A disaster has befallen her. случаться
-He promised that no harm would befall her
-An earthquake can befall a city. A terrible disease could befall a child. A bolt of lightning could befall a very unlucky person.
[V] оплакивать оплакать
-Mrs. Dures bemoaned her filature to produce a son
-He continually bemoans his lot in life.
[N] койка спальное место полка причал место у причала якорное место (стоянка) каюта помещение место должность
[V] ставить на якорь предоставлять спальное место
-A berth is a bed, usually stacked like bunk beds, on a train or a ship
-The ship berthed last night.ставить на якорь
-found a berth in a nearby hotel
[N] болото трясина топь сортир
-very wet ground; marsh. трясна; болото
-You'd be pretty soggy by morning if you accidentally set your tent up in a bog.
-We walked steadily across moor and bog.
-'I'm in the bog!' she heard him call.
Be bogged down
- to be hindered in movement; to be prevented from making progress.
-The tractor is bogged down in the mud. увязнуть
[N] валун галька
- a boulder on the hillside. валун
-A boulder is a rock — a big one.
[N] сговор сообщничество соучастие
-They were in cahoots
-an accountant in cahoots with organized crime
-in cahoots with the mob
-They tell people they are getting divorced so no one will think they're in cahoots.
[N] плащ накидка пелерина капюшон мыс
-a waterproof cycling cape. накидка
-The fishing-boat rounded the cape; Cape Breton. мыс
-Superman is easily recognizable by his red cape, a sleeveless garment that hangs from his shoulders and rustles in the wind when he flies.
[A] пещеристый похожий на пещеру впалый полостной кавернозный глубокий и глухой
-The cavernous interior
-If something reminds you of a cave or cavern in size, shape, or feel, you can describe it with the adjective cavernous.
-the cavernous interior of the gallery
[A] часто меняющийся
порывистый (о ветре) неспокойный (о море) потрескавшийся
-The scenery grew choppy
-choppy seas
-choppy prose
-A gale was blowing and the sea was choppy.
[N] ссылка упоминание цитата перечисление вызов в суд упоминание в списках отличившихся
-The city issued a citation for unauthorized used
- citation of facts - перечисление
- get a citation - воен. упоминание в списках отличившихся -
-the student's essay failed to list several important citations
-a citation for bravery
[N] коготь лапа с когтями клешня рука лапа палец кулак зубец зуб выступ
[V] царапать рвать когтями хватать лавировать
-The cat sharpened its claws on the tree-trunk. коготь
-The owl held the mouse in its claw. с когтями
-the leg of a crab etc. клешня
-The two cats clawed at each other. царапать(ся)
[N] милосердие снисходительность мягкость
-He supplicate for clemency
-The prisoners' pleas for clemency were turned down
-the clemency of the storm
[V] истреблять уничтожать пожирать (об огне) потреблять расходовать съедать поглощать расточать быть снедаемым чахнуть
-He consumes a huge amount of food. поглощать
- How much electricity do you consume per month? потреблять
-The entire building was consumed by fire. уничтожать
[A] вероятный заслуживающий доверия
-The story he told was barely credible. правдоподобный
- But none proved credible
-Someone who's credible is honest and believable. A pathological liar, for example, might not be the most credible witness
-credible information
-a credible witness
[N] развилина вилка (стебля) крюк разветвление ветвление промежность
-The crotch of her panty hose had slipped to snoot the middle of her things
-he climbed into the crotch of a tree”
-in humans, the place where the legs meet together and join the body. пах
[N] припадание к земле
[V] полуприсесть припасть к земле низко кланяться припадать к ногам заискивать пресмыкаться раболепствовать
-He crouched behind the bush. сидеть на корточках
-The tiger was crouching ready to spring on its prey. - припадать к земле
-A man was crouching behind the bushes.
[N] неровная окраска пятнистое животное
[V] покрывать пятнами покрываться пятнами пестреть
[A] пятнистый
-Covered over the dapples of rust on the doors
( ̗dı:kəm´pəʋz)
[V] разлагать на составные части анализировать растворять гнить разлагаться раствориться
-Corpses decompose quickly in heat. разлагаться
-A bog is a swampy kind of ground made up mostly of decomposing plants and mosses.
-The verb decompose means to break down or decay, like tree leaves that decompose into dirt, or cell phone batteries that decompose
-Plastics take years to decompose.
[V] вынос`ить (мебель) разбирать (машину) демонтировать разнять расснащивать лишать оборудования разоружать (корабль) снимать раздеть раздевать срывать
-The wardrobe was so large we had to dismantle it to get it down the stairs. разбирать
-He began dismantling the junk.
-To take something apart or down is to dismantle it.
-dismantled the house before knocking it down.
[N] потоп наводнение всемирный потоп ливень поток град лавина
[V] затоплять наводнять наводнить
-Few people survived the deluge. наводнение
-We've been deluged with orders for our new book. засыпать
-The press secretary was deluged with requests for information.
-A dozen homes were damaged in the deluge.
-Torrential rain deluged the capital.
[A] жуткий мрачный суеверно боязливый сверхъестественный
-The Bridge hanging eerily above an invisible bay
eerie жуткий
-an eerie midnight howl
-An eerie silence settled over the forest.
[N] мольберт пюпитр подставка
-The bulletin will be placed on an easel in front of the building
-If you're an artist, you probably use an easel, a stand that holds the canvas you're painting.

[A] спускающийся ухудшающийся
[ADV] вниз книзу
-the downward course of the stream
-he lay face downward
-the downward pull of gravity
-prices plunged downward
[A] Послушный покорный понятливый
-a docile child/pony. послушный, покорный
-If someone is docile, he is easily taught or handled
-They were docile, obedient children.
-docile pupils eager for instruction
[N] эпическая поэма многосерийный приключенческий фильм (роман с продолжением)
[A] эпический героический
-epic tradition
-an epic voyage
-An epic is a long poem or other work of art celebrating heroic feats. After you sail around the world for seven years, fighting corruption and planting vegetable gardens, some poet will surely write the epic of your adventures.
[N] объятие объятия
[V] обнимать воспользоваться принимать воспринимать избирать включать включать (заключать) в себе содержать охватывать
-She embraced her brother warmly.обнимать
-a loving embrace. объятие
-To embrace something is to welcome it with open arms, hold, hug, and accept completely. You might embrace your sweetheart, or even changes in technology.
-his willing embrace of new ideas
-a young couple locked in a passionate embrace
[N] каминная решетка предохранительная решетка крыло автомобиля
-fender → крыло автомобиля
-Mr. Cook, who has nearly three million Twitter followers, once tweeted: “Being famous and having a fender bender is weird
(´flɜ:rı, ´flʌrı)
[N] сильный порыв ветра шквал внезапный сильный ливень неожиданный ливень (снегопад) возбуждение волнение смятение беспокойство спешка суматоха взрыв активности
[V] волновать будоражить
-don't get flurried!
-A flurry of wind made the door bang; a flurry of excitement; The children expected a lot of snow but there were only flurries. порыв ветра;лёгкий снежок
-She was in a flurry. суматоха
-Flurry of affairs
- don't get flurried - не волнуйтесь
-he had to close the window against the flurries
there was a flurry of chicken feathers”
to take time/
occasion by the forelock
- воспользоваться случаем; использовать благоприятный момент; не зевать
-• Our heroes had taken time by the forelock.
(´fɔ:r ̗lɒk)
[N] прядь волос на лбу чуб челка хохол чека
-Tom Cherry touched his forelock and turned away, followed by his eight comrades.
[N] острие острый шип копье клин зубило бодец стрекало
[V] слоняться шататься
-She's forever gadding about now that the children are at school. шляться
-Gad around the world
-Don't think I'll just wait here for you while you gad about.
[N] глубокая рана надрез разрез запил
[V] наносить глубокую рану
[A] мрачный проницательный привлекательный нарядный разговорчивый лишний запасной
- a gash on his cheek. глубокая рана
-A gash is a deep cut, like a gash on your knee from a biking accident, or a gash in the earth caused by workers who are digging up a broken sewer.
-Julien said Chara slipped and "had a little gash over his eye."
-He gashed his leg while felling trees
[ADV] весело радостно ярко
-Calling back gaily to Pilar in French
-gaily dressed in ribbons and flounces.
-gaily painted front doors
(´flæp ̗dʒæk)
[N] лепешка блин оладья плоская пудреница
-Rub salt on your pancake griddle and your flapjacks won't stick.
-After baking our flapjacks, we found they would not hold together.
[N] гравирование травлением травление вытравливание гравировка гравюра офорт
[A] Травильный
-He spent months drawing, etching and engraving versions of it.
(dı´tıərıə ̗reıt)
[V] ухудшаться портиться вырождаться разрушаться дегенерировать
-His work has deteriorated recently.ухудшаться
-She watched a healthy, strong man slowly deteriorate
-When something gets worse due to neglect or an unfortunate health problem, stuff starts to deteriorate — or fall apart.
-His mind deteriorated
-Her condition deteriorated
-Time and neglect had deteriorated the property
[N] растратчик
-May be he was embezzler or tax cheat
-In the real world, embezzlers are seldom so obvious.
[N] эксцентричная личность чудак
[A] неустойчивый колеблющийся рассеянный неуверенный странный беспорядочный сумасбродный отклоняющийся от нормы эксцентричный блуждающий
-His behaviour/work is erratic. беспорядочный
-erratic temperature - неустойчивая температура
-The adjective erratic describes things that are unpredictable, unusual, and that deviate from the norm.
-an erratic heartbeat
Go berserk
[ID] впасть в исступление сходить с ума
-She went berserk and strangled her cat.
[N] ореол сияние нимб венчик
[V] окружать ореолом
-Baby with a halo of blond hair
-A glowing light that circles something, like the moon or a person's head is a halo. Painters of religious art often put a halo around the heads of angels and saints.
-The sun had a faint halo round it.
[N] носовой платок
-Soak stained hankies in salt water before washing.
[A] бесполезный тщетный несерьезный пустой поверхностный бесплодный
-having no effect. a futile attempt. бесполезный
-He realized the futility of trying to continue his journey. бесполезность
-The search was futile
-When something fails to deliver a useful result, you can call it futile. Hopefully all the time you're spending studying vocabulary won't turn out to be futile!
-a futile effort
-futile years after her artistic peak