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25 Cards in this Set

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[N] камбала неудача палтус плоская рыба трематода
лапа якоря (F) зазубрина гарпуна счастливый: счастливая случайность неожиданный: неожиданная удача ровал (M)
[V] выиграть случайно потерпеть неудачу обмишулиться
- by a fluke - [ID] случайность: по счастливой случайности
-Passing the exam was a fluke – I had done no work - (неожиданная) удача
-As I said, I had not been driving fast, but the reports said she had somehow landed in a way that slammed her head against a protruding rock in the ditch. They called it a fluke, a one in a million occurrence. I was not sure I believed it.
-A fluke is an unexpected stroke of good luck. It was a fluke to find that fifty dollar bill on the ground, and it made you smile for the rest of the day.
- -What we thought might be a fluke turned out to be the norm.
- The discovery was something of a fluke.
[N] щель порыв ветра трещина изъян недостаток брак порок пятно брешь упущение огрех ошибка шквал
[V] вызывать трещину расколоть раскалывать портить повреждать трескаться потрескаться портиться недействительный: делать недействительным
-a flaw in the material. дефект
-flaw → изъян
-A flaw can be a sign of weakness or defect. If you try to make wings and fly off the roof but wind up crashing in the gutter, there's a flaw in your plan.
-a flaw in the crystal that caused it to shatter.
- They share the character flaw of arrogance.
- Almost all these studies have serious flaws.
[V] покорять подчинять подавлять смирить укротить укрощать ослаблять смягчать смягчить снижать обрабатывать землю
-After months of fighting the rebels were subdued. подавлять
-They admit they have not been able to subdue the rebels.
-He forced himself to subdue and overcome his fears.
[N] совокупность (F) агрегат данных скопление (N) агрегат (M) заполнитель (M)
[A] совокупный собранный вместе весь общий сгруппированный сложный агрегатный
-What is the aggregate of goals from the two football matches?---- совокупность
-To aggregate is to collect many units into one. If you're writing a novel, you might create a character who is an aggregate of five or six real people.
-society viewed as an aggregate of individuals
- the rate of growth of aggregate demand
[A] Угрюмый, сердитый, Грубый, неприветливый
-Surly describes behavior nobody wants to be around. Think of the irritable old guy who lives on your street and always seems to be simmering (закипать) with some sullen nasty anger, whose every utterance he spits out with a rude snarl. He's the poster boy for surly.
-He behaves in a surly and rude manner towards me.
-a surly waiter”
[N] ров канава борозда котлован окоп траншея [V] рыть канавы рыть окопы рыть рвы рыть траншеи вскапывать прорезать прорезывать прорубить прорубать
[A] окопный траншейный
-He worried that the trough would became a trench, the trench become a vortex
-I know the people in the trench
- The soldiers returned to the trenches
-A trench is a deep and narrow hole, or ditch, in the ground, like the kind soldiers on frontlines might dig to give themselves shelter from the enemy.
(´ædvər ̗serı)
[N] противник (M) враг (M) неприятель (M) соперник (M) оппонент (M)
-his adversary in the chess match. opponent, противник
-An adversary is someone who fights against or opposes another. In tennis, you stand across the net from your adversary.
-His political adversaries were creating trouble for him.
(´tæsı ̗tɜ:rn)
[A] молчаливый неразговорчивый
-Someone who is taciturn is reserved, not loud and talkative. A taciturn person might be snobby, naturally quiet, or just shy.
-Taciturnity is often considered a negative
-He came in hurriedly, was gloomy and taciturn
[N] плеск прибой сильное течение отмель
[V] плеснуть плескать плескаться ударять с силой важничать заважничать
-swash of the surf
-the swash of waves on the beach
-Was there ever any actor who better swashed a buckle?
-One night we heard water swashing under the forecastle deck
-The swash of waves on the beach”
[A] загнивающий начинающий гнить испорченный
-If something's tainted, it's ruined or spoiled. If you leave milk on the counter overnight, it could be tainted
-“tainted bacon”
[N] пятно позор зараза испорченность
болезнь в скрытом состоянии примесь налет
[V] разлагать заражать аразить портить заражаться портиться загнивать
- The meat has been tainted. - портить(ся)
- He has been tainted by his contact with criminals. портить; развращать
- the taint of decay. налёт
-The nation is tainted with evil and corruption. испорченный
-Taint means to contaminate. If your water supply is tainted with arsenic, you should stop drinking it right away.
-- oil has tainted the water
- taint on someone's reputation
[N] устремление вниз налет (M) наскок (M) внезапный: внезапное нападение
[V] устремляться вниз налетать бросаться менять обменять обменивать меняться обменяться обмениваться подхватывать хватать
[V] устремляться вниз пикировать спикировать
-“The teacher swooped down upon the new students”
[N] два (PL) двое (PL) пара (F)
[A] двойной

--They were split twain
[N] щипок (M)
[V] ущипнуть щипать щипнуть дернуть дергать
-Version, 3.3 is still being tweaked as I understand it. We are using 32 bit win xp workstations
-When you tweak something, you pinch it or twist it.
-Shannon said, “Just to tweak him a little bit.”
[N] дерн (M) торф (M) беговой: беговая дорожка скачки (PL)
[V] дерновать выбросить вышвырнуть
-rough grass and the earth it grows out of - He walked across the springy turf. дерен

-We laid turf in our garden to make a lawn.
- We are going to turf that part of the garden - покрывать
- to throw We turfed him out of the house. - вышвыривать
[N] рысь (F), походка: быстрая походка, торопливая походка ребенок, который учится ходить, перевод подстрочник шпаргалка старухакарга: старая карга
[V] идти рысью, пускать рысью, спешить бежать или идти быстрыми мелкими шагами
-The horse trotted down the road; The child trotted along beside his mother. идти рысью; семенить
-They rode at a trot. рысь
trotted down the steps and out to the shed.
- He walked briskly, but without breaking into a trot.
- She lost five games on the trot.
[A] обидчивый легковоспламеняющийся раздражительный повышенно чувствительный рискованный опасный
-touchy → чувствительный
-Things that are touchy are hard to handle — not literally, but to talk about
- a touchy situation.
- She is very touchy about her past.
- a touchy subject
[N] домашний торт проститутка (F) фруктовый: фруктовое пирожное пирог (M)
[A] кислый терпкий едкий резкий колкий
-A tart is small pie filled with fruit or custard, with no top crust,
-“a tart remark”
[N] убийца (MF) головорез (M) бандит (M) разбойник-душитель (M)
-Where are the young thugs who robbed the old man? - головорез
- the cowardly thugs who mug old people
[N] гражданское правонарушение деликт (M)
-One of those national tort firms
[V] откладывать отсрочивать предоставлять отсрочку от призыва считаться с чьим-л. мнением поступать по совету другого уступать
- They can defer their departure. -
- I defer to your greater knowledge of the matter. считаться с
-Defer means to put off or delay. You can try to defer the inevitable by pushing “snooze” and falling back asleep, but eventually you're going to have to get up.
-Customers often defer payment for as long as possible.
[V] полагать думать считать
-He deemed it unwise to tell her the truth. полагать
-A quick learner, Hamilton deemed himself quite capable of becoming a self-made man.
-deemed it was time for a change.
- deemed the results unsatisfactory
- I do not deem him worthy of this honour
[N] поступокподвиг действие дело факт документ акт
[V] передавать по акту
-in deed and not in name - [ADV] дело: на деле, а не на словах только
-in very deed - [ADV] действительность: в действительности дело: в самом деле
- something done; an act a good deed. - поступок
-A deed is an action that you perform with intent, like turning in a lost wallet you find in a store. Definitely a good deed.
-Deeds, not words, matter most.
- deeded the property to the children.
[V] показывать фокусы колдовать заниматься магией вызывать в воображении вызывать изгонять духов заклинать
-Tried to conjure away the doubts that beset her.
-he conjured wild birds in the air”
-They managed to conjure up a victory.
[N] тщеславие (N) самомнение (N) самонадеянность (F) чванство (N) причудливый образ
[V] тешить себя надеждой
-He's full of conceit about his good looks - самомнение
- She's conceited about her artistic ability. - - самонадеянный
-If you’re always boasting and can’t stop talking about yourself, you have that character flaw known as conceit.
-He knew, without conceit, that he was considered a genius.