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38 Cards in this Set

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[V] оживлять оживляться
[A] живой оживленный свежий проворный юркий борзый отрывистый шипучий
-Business was brisk today. бодрящий; оживлённый
-Brisk is one of those delightful words that sounds like what it means: quick, lively, bracing, and refreshing. There's nothing like a brisk walk in the morning to get the blood flowing and the spirit ready for the day.
- had a brisk walk in the park.
- a brisk greeting.
- a brisk wind.
- a brisk tea.
- a brisk walk trade was brisk
- brisk weather
[N] грубый: грубая ошибка, промах (M), просчет (M)
[V] Промахнуться, промахиваться грубо ошибаться, сделать грубую ошибку Испортить, напутать, плохо справляться, двигаться ощупьюидти вслепую спотыкаться
-He blundered into the door.- Натыкаться
-He really blundered when he insulted the boss's wife.
- he blundered into a situation he knew nothing about
[N] плохой: плохая работа ошибка (F) путаница (F)
[V] работать неумело портить работу делать кое-как портачить напортачить настряпать
[ADV] неумело
-Someone has bungled. - делать кое– как
-Saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, dropping something, tripping and falling: these are some classic bungles — and they’re always embarrassing.
-made a bungle of the case due to inexperience.
-Two prisoners bungled an escape bid last night
[V] притуплять притупить
[A] тупой грубоватый грубый прямой резкий
-She said bluntly
- a blunt knife. тупой
- She was very blunt, and said that she did not like him. - прямой; резкий
- This knife has been blunted by years of use - . Затупляться
-Are you crazy?” Jack had asked her bluntly before Amanda arrived
-blunt angle
-blunted emotions”
[N] грубиян (M) невежа (MF) хам (M) грубый человек
невоспитанный человек мальчик, подносящий клюшки для игроков
[ABBR] платеж наличными против грузовых документов
- A cad is a man who is not gentlemanly or honorable, especially toward a woman. He asked the waitress for her phone number and left you with the check? That cad!
-I am a cad
-You bet we’re up to date, but are no cads,
[N] подделка (F) фальсификат (M) подлог (M) обманщик (M) подставное лицо
[V] подделать подделывать притворяться притвориться, подражать, похожий: быть похожим oбманывать
[A] подложный поддельный фальшивый притворный
- A counterfeit is a fake or a forgery. If you painted an uncanny copy of the "Mona Lisa" and tried to pass it off as the original, you'd have a counterfeit on your hands.
“counterfeit emotion”
“counterfeit money”
“counterfeit works of art”
“a counterfeit prince”
“they counterfeited dollar bills”
[N] глухой звук глухой стук
[V] свалиться сваливаться бухнуться лепаться ударяться с глухим стуком
-He dropped the book with a thud. - глухой звук/стук (от падения)
-The tree thudded to the ground. - двигаться, валиться (с глухим стуком)
“the knocker thudded against the front door”
“Bullets were thudding against the wall”
-Friday, they heard a thud as they were falling asleep.
-He was going blind; there was a strange, rhythmic thudding in his ears.
-Twice the keen blade sank noiselessly overhead, scattering a black dust in the frosty air; and then there was a clear, ringing thud.
-Then presently there are close beside them apparently, two sharp dull thuds.
- She tripped and fell with a sickening thud.
- She ran upstairs, her bare feet thudding on the wood.
- the book fell to the ground with a thud
[N] отклонение от курса кривизна борта продольный: продольная погибь
[V] отклоняться от курса
[A] настоящий истинный сущий aбсолютный полнейший
явный неразбавленный несмешанный чистый прозрачный
легкий отвесный перпендикулярный
[ADV] перпендикулярно отвесно полностью абсолютно примесь: без примеси
-The speed-boat sheered off course. отклоняться, уклоняться
-Her singing was a sheer delight; It all happened by sheer chance. -aбсолютный
- very steep a sheer drop to the sea. крутий, стрімкий
--(of cloth) very thin sheer silk. лёгкий, прозрачный
sheer → completo абсолютный
-If people can see through your shirt, it's sheer. This can also mean something steep, like a cliff, or anything extreme, like sheer nerve.
[A] острый пикантный едкий
- (of a taste or smell) sharp and strong. острый
-Use pungent to describe a taste or smell that gives a sharp sensation. "What is that pungent odor?" is a polite way of suggesting that someone in the room has BO.
- The more herbs you use, the more pungent the sauce will be.
[N] бодрость духа энергия (F) живость (F)
[V] вселять бодрость духа оживлять стимулировать усиливать усилить подгонять
- she needed a pep talk right now
-nformal word for energy full of pep. энергия
-ep-talk - a talk intended to arouse enthusiasm, or to make people work harder, better etc The director gave all the staff a pep-talk. зажигательная речь
-hey need something to put the pep back in their lives.
[N] гребок фаза гребка весло байдарочное весло весло для каноэ лопасть лопатка валек затвор плавник
ласт плавательный: плавательная пластинка гребля
[V] медленно грести плыть на байдарке передвигаться при помощи гребных колес грести байдарочным веслом шлепать по воде ковылять лескаться
играть руками перебирать руками отшлепать
- The children went paddling in the sea. шлёпать по воде
-He paddled the canoe along the river грести
--paddling around the South Pacific in a kayak
- The children were paddling in the stream.
- He paddled his hands in the water.
[V] упорствовать упрямствовать упрямиться настоять
настойчиво продолжать упорно продолжать оставаться остаться продолжать существовать сохраняться сохраниться удерживаться устоять
- It will not be easy but you will succeed if you persist; He didn't want to tell her, but she persisted (in asking). настойчиво продолжать
-Consult your doctor if the symptoms persist.
- He urged them to persist with their efforts to bring about peace.
[N] томный вид томность (F)
[V] Вянуть, чахнуть, слабеть, ослабевать, разомлеть, изнывать Тосковать, томиться, принимать томный вид, принимать печальный вид, уменьшиться уменьшаться
- to grow weak; to waste away. слабеть, чахнуть
-To languish is to become pitiful or weak because you're
-A prisoner might languish in jail, longing for her freedom.
l-anguished away in prison.
- legislation that continued to languish in committee.
- languish apart from friends and family; languish for a change from dull routine.
- He continues to languish in prison.
- New products languish on the drawing board.
- a bride languishing for a kiss that never comes
[N] страх (M) трепет (M) благоговение (N)
[V] внушать благоговение внушать страх
-hold in awe [V] держать в страхе
-keep in awe [V] держать в страхе
-stand in awe of [V] бояться испытывать благоговейный трепет
-The child looked in awe at the king. - благоговение
-He was awed by his new school. - внушать благоговение
“he stared over the edge with a feeling of awe”
“The famous professor awed the undergraduates”
[A] Слабый, ничтожный, хилый немощный бессильный бесхарактерный Бледный, невыразительный
-The old lady has been rather feeble since her illness; a feeble excuse. слабый
-You know how you feel when you can’t open a jar of pickles? And then grandma walks in and does it in one shot without even grunting? That’s called feeling feeble, or lacking strength.
-His feeble secretary “a feeble excuse”
“feeble efforts” “a feeble voice” “a feeble old woman”
- Her health became very feeble, and at times her mind wandered.
-At last a feeble voice said, "Fifty dollars."
[V] убеждать, убедить, склонить, уговаривать уговорить Сагитировать, Уверять, уверить упросить урезонить Урезонивать, отговорить
-We persuaded him (not) to go. -уговаривать; отговаривать
-We eventually persuaded him that we were serious. - убеждать
You can't persuade me to buy this ugly vase!”

-We could not persuade him to wait.

-to persuade the judge of the prisoner's innocence.
- he finally persuaded them to buy it
- even with the evidence, the police were not persuaded
- My husband persuaded me to come.

n perˈsuasion [-ʒən] - the act of persuading He gave in to our persuasion and did what we wanted him to do. убеждение

able to persuade He is a persuasive speaker; His arguments are persuasive - убедительный

adv perˈsuasively - убедительность

If you get talked into something, you've been persuaded. If your friends try to persuade you to swan-dive into a dangerous ravine, it's time to find some new friends.
[N] приработок (M), случайный доход, чаевые привилегия (F) прерогатива (F), то, что по использовании переходит в распоряжение подчиненным
[V] поднимать голову, воспрянуть духом задирать нос вскидывать голову с бойким или нахальным видом
[A] высокомерный
- I gave her a cup of tea and she soon perked up приободриться, воспрянуть духом
-His ears perked up.
-“They’re perks, as opposed to offering massage therapy, for example, and expecting direct payoff.”
[N] завещание (N) завещанное имущество
[V] придумывать, изобретать, задумывать, разрабатывать завещать
-A shelter / new scheme was hurriedly devised. придумывать
-To devise is to figure out a plan. Men twirling long mustaches might devise a plan to tie someone to the railroad tracks.
-devise a plan to take over the director's office
- We devised a scheme to help him.
[V] сожалеть оплакивать оплакать порицать считать предосудительным
-We all deplore the actions of murderers. - считать предосудительным
- They deplore war and talk for peace, but believe in building battleships.
-“We deplore the government's treatment of political prisoners”
[N] соперник (M) конкурент (M) противник (M)
[V] соперничать конкурировать
[A] соперничающий конкурирующий
- a person etc who tries to compete with another; a person who wants the same thing as someone else - The two brothers are rivals for the girl next door – they both want to marry her; (also adjective ) rival companies; rival teams. - соперник, конкуре
-He finished two seconds ahead of his rival.
- He is a pastry chef without rival.
- Cassettes cannot rival the sound quality of CDs.
- It would be no use having two rival companies.
N] прыжок (M) скачок (M) обыскивание (N)
[V] резвиться прыгать обыскать обыскивать
- to jump about playfully- The lambs are frisking in the fields. - Резвиться
-The adjective frisky means playful or lively. Your frisky puppy likes to play tug-of-war with your socks, whether they're on or off your feet.
-“he gave the suspect a quick frisk
- He pushed him against the wall and frisked him.
(´əʋvər ̗lænd)
[A] сухопутный проходящий большей частью по суше проходящий целиком по суше
[ADV] суша: по суше суша: на суше
-traveled overland to the ranch.
-“an overland journey”
“the overland route used by Marco Polo”
[V] слегка поджаривать слегка подсушивать высушивать сушить иссушать иссушить жечь пожечь палить пересыхать (в горле) запекаться (о губах)
-The sun parched the earth. -Иссушать
adj parched - hot and dry Nothing could grow in the parched land-. засушливый
– I'm parched!- пересохший
-If you don't water your lawn all summer, the hot weather will parch the grass until it's brown and withered. To parch is to dry up or wither due to sunlight or heat.
-Crops will parch during a drought.
A patient's skin will parch during an intense fever
- the sun parches the fields
- I was parched after the run
[N] лошадка: небольшая верховая лошадка кляча (F) пони лошадь придирки постоянный: постоянное ворчание
[V] придраться придираться ворчать заворчать проворчать пилить спилить надоедать надоесть ныть раздражать раздражить изводить болеть
- She nags (at) her husband about their lack of money. ворчать
-Do not nag about things to be done
She nags her husband all day long
“nagging concerns and doubts”
[A] сырой и теплый влажный удушливый спертый (о воздухе)
-Think of hot, humid, steamy weather as being so unpleasant that you feel "mugged" by it when you step outside. That's one way to remember the meaning of muggy.
- Liriano was having trouble catching his breath on an 87-degree, muggy evening.
- “It feels like earthquake weather, a little, hot and muggy
-muggy weather”
[V] чувствовать отвращение испытывать отвращение любить: не любить ненавидеть
-to hate very much. ненавидеть
-Sister he had loathed
-If you loathe someone or something, you hate them very much. You might not choose to eat raw carrots if you dislike them, but if you loathe them, you might have a hard time even having them on your plate.
-I loathe that man”
"I loathe myself," he said in a low voice.
-I stopped looking at it with a feeling of loathing and horror.
[V] объявлять и предъявлять комбинацию объединяться сливаться слиться
-melded to financial incentives
-Melding with mom lasts longer than just a few beats, however.
-But TV and the internet are melding together in many ways.
- Their Mountain View, Calif.-based company is melding technology and teaching in exactly the way our schools need
- "a professional position that seemed to meld all his training"
- "a meld of diverse ethnic stocks"
[N] прыжки (PL) скачки (PL) бег вприпрыжку
[V] бежать вприпрыжку
-We lopped away
-Colin set off at an easy lope across the marshes.
-He had not gone far when his loping speed slackened abruptly to a contemplative trot.
[N] темнота (F) мрак (M) хмурость (F)
[A] темный мрачный
-murk of rain - [ID] пелена дождя
-murky (´mɜ:rkı) - [A] темный мрачный пасмурный сомнительный
-in the murk - in the murky world of legislative manipulation
-Side by side, two dim figures in the murk, we loped away
-Something that's murky is dim, gloomy or hard to see through clearly. Think of the dark fog around a haunted house or the cloudy, muddy water in a swamp.
-Today was very murky; I was surprised the pics came out at all.
[A] нежелающий несклонный неохотный
-If you are loath to do something, you really don't want to do it. If you are reluctant to go swimming, people will say you are loath to swim, but if they are really mean — they may throw you in anyway.
-loath to admit a mistake”
- I am loath to go on such short notice.
(´hæm ̗strıŋ)
[N] поджилки (PL) подколенное сухожилие
[V] подрезать поджилки калечить резко ослаблять подрезать крылья
-“The teachers were hamstrung by the overly rigid schedules”
-The hamstrings healed, but after surgery, the knee has little cartilage remaining.
[A] Задний
[V] мешать препятствовать быть помехой
-All these interruptions hinder my work; All the interruptions hinder me from working. мешать
-The verb hinder means to block or put something in the way of, so if you’re in a high-speed car chase with the police, they might put up a blockade to hinder your progress.
-“The brace I have to wear is hindering my movements”
the hinder part of a carcass”
[N] случай (M), случайность (F)
[A] случайный бессистемный
[ADV], случайно наудачу вкривь
- depending on chance; without planning or system a haphazard arrangement. случайный
-hapˈhazardly - наобум
-Anything haphazard is random, disorganized, slipshod, or hit-or-miss.
-The investigation does seem haphazard.
- She was trying to connect her life's seemingly haphazard events.
[A] веселый общительный
-He seems to be in a very jovial mood this morning. весёлый
-Use jovial to describe people who show good humor and are full of joy. Santa Claus, with his constant "ho-ho-hoing" is a jovial figure.
-Cleasby describes him as “an uncommonly animated, jovial fellow.”
- Father Whittaker appeared to be in a jovial mood.
- a jovial host.
[A] нетвердый на ногах непрочный неустойчивый шаткий слабый
-If you feel a little confused or foggy-headed you can say that you are groggy. When you first wake up, you might be groggy until you get up and start moving around.
-She was still feeling a bit groggy when I saw her.
- I'm not seriously hurt – I just feel a bit groggy. нетвёрдый на ногах
[N] кремень (M) огниво (N) кремневый: кремневая галька твердый: что-либо твердое как камень жесткий: что-либо жесткое как камень
-Prehistoric man used flint knives. кремень
- I must buy a new flint for my cigarette-lighter. кремень
[N] кишка (F) пищеварительный канал струна или леса из кишки кетгут узкий пролив узкий проход
[V] потрошить опустошать (о пожаре) схватывать суть книги, бегло просматривая есть с жадностью
[A] инстинктивный насущный слепой
-Gut the building”
-She felt in her gut that he was guilty.
-gut the sheep-
-gut a manuscript.
-Fire gutted the house.
[N] внутренности (PL), кишки (PL), кишечник (M), существенная часть чего-л. ценная часть чего-л., сила воли, выдержка (F) мужество (N), характер (M)
- a man with plenty of guts
- “Newt has guts and he has experience,” Mr. Cenatiempo said.
- New Orleans showed guts and got a little good fortune on a decisive 14-play, 80-yard scoring drive in the fourth quarter