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48 Cards in this Set

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What is the Cecum?
First part of the large intestine
-continuous with the ascending colon
-blind intestinal pouch
-approx 7.5 cm in both length and the breadth
Where does the cecum lie?
lies in the iliac fossa inferior to the junction of the terminal ileum and cecum
what structure does the cecum lie within?
Inguinal ligament
-almost entirely enveloped by peritoneum and can be lifted freely
Does the cecum have a mesentery?
No it does not
-it has relative freedom and therefore may be displaced from the iliac fossa
What forms the frenula of the valve?
The folds of the cecum that meets laterally to form ridges
What events occur when the cecum is distended or contracted?
The frenula tighten and the valves close to prevent reflux from the cecum into the ileum
What is the function of the frenula of the valve?
prevent reflux from the cecum into the ileum as contractions occur to propel contents up the ascending colon and into the transverse colon
What is the appendix?
blind intestinal diverticulum
-contains masses of lymphoid tissue
Where does the appendix arise from?
posteromedial aspect of the cecum inferior to the ileocecal junction
Where is the mesoappendix derived from?
posterior side of the mesentery of the terminal ileum
Where does the mesoappendix attach?
To the cecum and the proximal part of the appendix
Which arteries supply the cecum?
Ileocolic artery
terminal branch of the superior mesenteric artery
Which artery supplies the appendix?
Appendicular artery
The lymphatic vessels fromt he cecum and appendix pass where?
The lymph nodes of the mesoappendix and to the ileocolic lymph nodes that lie along the ileocolic artery
Where are the nerve supply to the cecum and appendix derived from?
Sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves from the superior mesenteric plexus
Where do the sympathetic nerve fibers originate?
lower thoracic part of the spinal cord
Where do the parasympathetic nerve fibers derive from?
vagus nerves
Which segment of the spinal cord do the afferent nerve fibers from the appendix accompany the sympathetic nerves?
Where is the appendix located?
Usually retrocecal
Where does the appendix lie?
beneath the peritoneal covering of the cecum where it is often fused to the cecum or the posterior abdominal wall
Where does the pain of appendicitis occur?
The periumbilical region because afferent pain fibers enter the spinal cord at the T10 level
An acute infection of the appendix may result in what?
Thrombosis in the appendicular artery
-this often results in ischemia, gangrene, and perforations of an acutely inflamed appendix
The rupture of the appendix may result in what type of problems?
Infection of the peritoneum (peritonitis)
-increased abdominal pain
-nausea and/or vomiting
-abdominal rigidity
During an appendectomy which structures and incised?
Transversalis fascia
The cecum is delivered into the surgical wound
Where does the appendix arise from?
Convergence of the three teniae coli, therefore when the appendix is not obvious , one of the teniae coli is traced to its base.
What are the four parts of the colon?
Where does the colon lie ?
lies first to the right of the small intestine and then successively to the superior and anterior to the left of it and eventually inferior to it.
Where does the ascending colon pass superiorly?
passes superiorly on the right side of the abdominal cavity from the cecum
-to the right lobe of the liver where it turns to the left at the right colic flexure or hepatic flexure
Where does the ascending colon lie?
retroperitoneal along the right side of the posterior abdominal wall
- covered by peritoneum on the anterior aspect
What separates the ascending colon from the abdominal wall?
Greater omentum
What is the arterial supply of the ascending colon?
branches of the SMA
-the ileocolin and right colic arteries
The ileocolic and the right colic veins drain blood from which part of the colon?
Ascending colon
Where are the nerves to the ascending colon derived from?
Superior Mesenteric nerve plexus
Which part of the large intestine is the most mobile?
Transverse colon
Which part of the large intestines is the longest?
Transverse colon
Where does the transverse colon cross?
The abdomen from the right colic flexiure to the left colic flexure where it bends inferiorly to become the descending colon
Where does the transverse colon lie?
anterior to the inferior part of the left kidney and attaches to the diaphram through the phrenicolcolic ligament
Where does the transverse colon get its arterial supply?
Mostly from the middle colic artery which is a branch of the superior mesenteric artery
The venous draining of the transverse colon is through which vein?
Superior mesenteric vein
Which structure binds the colon to the posterior abdominal wall?
The Peritoneum
What structure links the descending colon and the rectum?
The sigmoid colon
Where does the sigmoid colon extend from?
iliac fossa to the S3 where it joins the rectum
Where does the sigmoid colon get its arterial supply from?
Left colic and sigmoid arteries
What is Colitis?
Chronic inflammation of the colon
-characterized by severe inflammation and ulceration of the colon and rectum
What is diverticulosis?
disorder in which multiple false diverticula develop along the intestine
Where does diverticulosis occur?
most commonly on the mesenteric side of the two nonmesenteric teniae coli where nutrient arteries perforate the muscle coat to reach the suibmucosa.
A rupture of the diverticula can result on what>
distort and erode the nutrient arteries which lead to hemorrhage
how is diverticulitis prevented?
high diet in fiber