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122 Cards in this Set

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what is the primary sign of LI dz
is diarrhea an emergency in horses
yes! they can lose a ton of fluids can cause shock
what is colitis
actinve inflammation of the colon wall.
what is the cardinal sign of colitis
diarrhea, but not all with this have d+
what is the effector cell with horses with colic its
PMN attack the fuck out of the muocsa in the intestine
what messes up the barrier in the mucosa of the intestine
PMN and their friends the inflammatory mediators
what do paitents look like with colitis
they are really sick
CS of colitis
peripheral edema
colic pain (so intense it mimicis surgical lesion) pain appears to escalate before te onset of diarrhea
+/- gastric reflux
how does gastric reflux occur in lg colon dz
ileum, some bacterial like certain places in the intestine
how can you differntitiate between a colitis horse or a sx horse
CS of colitis
diarrhea is severe or prolonged, signs of hypovolemic shock may ensue
fluid loss through diarrhea
fluid loss in 3rd space (secretion Na+ rich fluid into GIT)
endotoxemic/septic shock (poor vascular tone)
how do you work up colitis horses
GI auscultation (slouching/fluid sounds, hyper motility)
bloodwork, rectal exam, abdominal US, peritoneal paracentesis
what can you see on US in a horse with colitis
increased wall thickenss of intestines
colitis bloodwork
PLE (inflamed colon wall)
neutorpenia with left shift (toxic neuts)
metabolic acidosis
what are te big tip offs of colitis bw
NEUTROPENIA left shift (toxic neuts)
metabolic acidosis
colitis rectal exam
fluid in colon
palpation of peritoneal surface
ddx- small colon impactation (typically small volume diarrhea)
abdominal US of colitis
swirling fluid in colon/cecum
may see dilated SI/ stomach
may see excess peritoneal fluid
paracentesis of colitis
likely normal
non-septic peritonitis
may be straw yello
WBC should be wnl
TP- will often be elevated
d/dx of colitis
potomac horse fever
grain overload
cantharidin toxicity
rule out causes of chronic diarrhea (right dorsal colitis, sand enteropathy, cyathostomiasis)
def. diagnosis of colitis
fecal bacT cultures
colitis treatmnt
crystalloids + colloid terapy
many patients with colitis they will present with signs of dhhydration and volume depletion what do you do
aggressive fluids but you have to be careful cause they are already hyponatremic so that osmotic demyleination thing you have to be careful with
treatment of colitis
anti endoteoxnmic therpay
equine plasma
polymixin B
addtional colitis treatments
oral anti-diarrheal agents
bismuth subsalicylate
DTO-smectite (biosponge binds clostridial toxins)
omg more colitis treatment
+/- antimicrobials (yea probably a good idea their immune system is all crazy)
nutrition- TPN is encouraged
colitis complications
additional complications of coliits
prolapsed rectum (need to suck the edema out, sugar)
prolapsed rectum
infarcted bowel
so if you have a horse with infarcted bowel what do you do
you can do surgery but its risky, problaby euthanize
salmonellosis, what kind of horses get this
hospitalized horses. hard to kill most common type in horses. s. typhimurium
can salmonella in feces be normal
yes 1-17% have it and its fine its when they are stressed out that this goes nuts and gets shed to immuosuppressed horses
transmission of salmonella
salmonella is zoonotic, true or false
yes true
salmonella risk factors
stress, hospitalization, diet changes, general anesthesia, abx use, small colon impaction, younger, older, and sick horses are susceptible
salmonella pathophysiology
bacteria invade mucosa, engulfed by macrophages, cause entorotxin causes salt secretion into GI lumen potentiates diarrhea causes translocation. they are the ones that cant pass diarrhea they are really colicy
IL 8 will causes what
neutrophils to come and hang out
dx of salmonella
fecal bacterial culture
PCR of feces/ tissue/ blood
rectal mucosal biopsy
if at least 5 cultures taken ~ 24 hours apart or 3 PCRs are neg. unlikely the horse is shedding
prog of salmonella
mort rate is variable
prolonged diarrhea/ sepsis decrease prognosis
how long can horses shed salmonella for
for days to months
biosecurity for salmonella horses
wear stuff for your face, hair, everywhere don't be lazy you can get sick or get other animals sick
what would make you think your post-op hock arthroscopy patient is developing a salmonella infection
colon inflamed- neutropenic and hypoproteinemic
clostridium common types
perfingens and difficult
gram +ve spore former
normal flora in horse
when does clostrum overgrow
which clostrim is common with abx assoc. diarrhea
can probiotics help horses with clostridium stuff
no its never been proven
what do the toxins from clostridium do
elaborate the exotoxin cause enterocyte damage and inc. intestinal permeablitiy
dx of clostriudium
diffinitive is difficult because normal flora
suspect if culture in feces
tx of clostridium
discontinue other abx immediately
saccharymyces bioulardii (yeast messes up the clostrial organisms)
additional supportive care
prog of clostridium horses
mort is high
test for clostridium difficult a and b
clostridium perfringens test
what do you have to have for potomac horse fever
what causes potomac horse fever
neorickettsia risticii very much like salmon poisoning in dogs.
it likes leukocytes and enterocytes
how caries n. risticii
flukes-> mayfly/ caddis flies
when will potomac horse fever be in the year
pahtophys of PHF
n. risticii infects monovyes with affinity for GI mucosa, blocks pahgo-lyosome fusion-> proliferation
early dz PHF path
infiltartion of macfophabes- muscoal damage
late dz PHF path
fingrions, necrotyzing
how many PHF get diarrhea
how many PHF get laminits
what other thing can horses have with PHF
dx of PHF
serology- paired titers
acute/ convalescent samples
PCR detects the antigen in blood or feces
what does PCR detect
DNA alive or dead so it may not be an active infection and again detects ANTIGEN
phf tx
have to dilute because it BIND CALCIUM!!
supportive care for diarrhea and laminitis
what kills the horse in PHF
sequalle the endotoxemia
why are the vaccines for PHF terrible
they use the original strains from the freaking 70's
cantaharidin toxicosis what causes it
blister beetles
where do these beetles like to liv
in alfalfa hay so horses accidentally eat them
what does the cantharidin do to the body
its a toxin that affects mucosa
how many beetles do horses have to eat for CS to occur?
ingestion of four to five
pathophysiology of cantharaidin
absorbed in the GIT, renal elimination
toxin acts as a mucosal vesicant (interrupts mitotic activity, altered cell permeability-> celular lysis) hematuria, stranguluria- goes all the way through the GIT
cardiac mm necrosis occurs
CS reflect mucosal irritation
oral (salivation), GI (colic, diarrhea), urintary tract ulceration
inc CK, cardiac torponin I
BW for canthardidin *
HYPOCALCEMIA (synchronous diaphragmatic flutter, thumps) can lead to neuronal disability (phrenic nerve moves with the heart beat)
+/- hypomagnesemia
where does cantharidin tox happen
can happen anywhere
you need to detect the toxin in gastric reflux and in the urine for definittive dx
prog of canthardidin tox
fatality rate ~50%
if the patient survives for a few days they may live
grain overload
ingestion of heavy concentrate feeds- excess carb ingestion
can starch be digested in SI
some , but if you overwhelm it the excess goes to the cecum and the colon the bacteria have a huge party and cause lactate decal ceceal pH to 6.0 gonna burn the hel out of the cecum leads to colic pain and laminits- if you have got massive inflation you are translocating bacteria across mucosal barrie
CS of grain overload
colic-signs may be severe
severe gas distention/bloat
GI ileum
Tx of grain overload
gastric lavge
+/- mineral oil/charcoal
anti-endotoxic therapy
laminitis prophylaxis
severe gas distention may bead to abdominal compartment syndrom
cecal tracharizaation may be performed
how much is too much grain
feeding >2.7 kg of oats per day increase the risk of clic by 6 times
< 2g / kg btw of starch per meal will halp decrease colic
ionophore (monesin) poisoning can happen when horses eat what
cow food
overdose of ionophores will effect with organ system
chronic diarrhea in horses
sand enteropathy
right dorsal colitis
sand enteropathy
environments with sandy soils
horses ingest when they graze
where does sand like to go in the intestine
sand settles out in the ventral colon
where is the highest prevalence of sand colic
s. carolina
california, michigan, coastal regions
sand colic CS
mild abdominal pain to severe acute pain (complete obstruction)
diarrhea is common (characteristic, sm. volume, evidence/ fecal staining in tail)
acute obstruction= signs of endotoxemia
what will happen when you have acute obstruciotn from sand
signs of endotoxemia acts as sandpaper to mess up the mucosa can cause translocation
bw for acute sand colic
neutropenia and left shit
bw for acute sand colic
maybe neutopnia
increase fibrinogen
PLE/ hypoproteinema
dx of sand colic
sand may be palpate in the feces
fecal float for sand
sand colic dx
rads can be very subjective
peritoneal fluid= wnl
caution- enterocentesis is possible because its heavy so you'll hit the colon and not the peritoneum
what will you see on US with sand impaction
you cant see the hausta anymore
sand colic tx mild
mild- oral and IV fluids
therapy directed from removing the sand and ingest from the colon-over time . after a whle they will just get rid of it on their own just get them off the damn sand
psyliium (metamucil)- can be helpful, maybe
complications of sand colic
endotoxemia-> laminits
if pain is severe and unrelenting from sand colic, what is necessary
sx to remove the sand
what do you do with sand clear
put in feed 1 wk for every month to help px sand colic
what kind of sx will you do with sand colic
pelvic flexure enterotomy
put horse on its back take out the cecum from the body lay it on a colon tray cut a hole in the pelvic flexure and put a hose up into the colon and you're going to clean the colon out. suture with layers rinse colon off with sterile saline put it back in
px of sand colic
manangement changes are vital to px recurrence
provide hay in racks or in bind with a tarp, carpet or mat beneath
anything that can be swept of shaken to remove the sand
avoid overgrazing pastures
prophylactic administration of psyliiium
right dorsal colitis caused by
non-steroidal antiflammatory drug toxicity
NSAIDs path
mucosal ulceration through inhib of cyclo-oxygenase pathway of the araciodoin ace cascase
COX-1 constitute/physiologic c
COS 2- inducible
colinic damage may occur with over-dose
may occur at recommended dosese to horses with inc. sensitivity
pge 2- builds mucosa
CS of right dorsal colitis
acute cases- similar to salmonella and sand colic
colic pain
depends on size of inflammatory lesion
chronic cases
what part of the colon is most sensitive to NSAID tox
right dorsal colon
acute on chronic right dorsal colitis CS
ventral edema in bellly and legs and distention of colon
what can happen to the right dorsal colon with NSAID tox
ventral edema, scroatal edema, post pole limbs patern up to their elbows
right dorsal colitis
dx of RDC
supporitve bloodwork (loss of albumin, neutorpenia, elevated fibrinogen)
may be diagnosis of exclusion
gastric ulceration and RENAL PAPILLARY NECROSIS
what can help support you dx of RDC
ultrasound. it will be largely thickened right dorsal colon wall
tx of RDC
supportive care for colitis
keep in mind colloids for protein
discontinue NSAIDs
feed them pelleted feed, restrict long stem fibers/ roughage can feed them alfalfa cubes
corn oil 1 cup q 12-24 hours
synthetic prostaglandin's- very expensive mimics PGE2
format of exam
mostly GI
RDC tx
supportive care
immediate discontinuation of NSAIDs
what can mistoprotol do
its a PGE2 to help lay down mucosal layer
pain management in RDC
opiods (morphine, butorphanol) going to slow motility down
2% lidocaine CRI
what will you do with uncontrollable pain with RDC
exploratory celiotomy
colonic resection or bypass of the RDC
how can you use torb for RDC
what do you have to remember about torb
sedative effects last longer than analgesic effects
prog of RDC
guarded because of complications
colon rupture
colonic infarction
colonic stricutre
what will happen in the future for horse that has a colonic stricture
they will colic in the future
many species of small strongyles
complex lifecycle
option 1: L3 ingestied- migrated into cecal/ colonic mucosa, mature to L4 and exit back into te lumen to complete their life cycle in 5-6 wks
option 2: L3 are ingested, migrate into the cecal/colonic mucoa and remain there encysted/hypo biotic, may remain hypobitoic L3 for months to years
when do te cyathostomes become hypo biotic
when they don't think they can live
CS of cyathostomes
diarrhea occurs as a result of massive excysttion, may present as acute colitis
chronic diarrhea may also rsult, wt. loss is significant
tx of cyanthostomes
bensizmasole resistant there are 2 products licensed as larvidcieds fenbendazole (power pack 2x dose for 5 days)
need to look for 90% reduction in FEC in one week of Tx