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60 Cards in this Set

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Ecological site planning promotes

-Wetland preservation

-Increasing pervious surface area

-On site Stormwater Management

Which Document would be most appropriate to control and other wise manage growth in the city?

Zoning Ordinance

'Eminent Domain' refers to

The right of a government or its agent to take private property for public use with payment of compensation.

'Time of concentration' refers to

The amount of time needed for water to flow from the most remote point in a watershed to the watershed outlet.

Developers generally site residential developments on what land use type?

Agricultural lands due to their low cost of development and ability to produce a high density of housing.

Topography affects hydrological drainage in what ways

-Rate of runoff

-The direction and velocity of run off

Zoning is typically described through what documents?

-Zoning Map

-Zoning Ordinance

Q=ciA is an equation to determine what?

Rate of Runoff

(Rational Method Equation)

Q= the peak Discharge in cubic feet per second

c= the rational method runoff coefficient

i= rainfall intensity measured in inches per hour

A= drainage area measured in acres

Non point source pollution

Pollution that occurs when contaminantes are introduced to the enviroment over a large, widespread area and do not orignate from a single centralized location.

Ex. Deicing salts on highways

Point Source Pollution

Contaminants that originate from a single, centralized location.

Ex. Factory somestck, Wastewater plant or sewage pipe.

When soils are overly Alkaline

Sulpher should be added to soils

(decreases pH)

When soils are under Alkaline

Lime should be added

(increases pH)

Can be defined as the direction of a celestial object from the observer, expressed as the angular distance from the north or south point of the horizon to the point at which a vertical passing through the object intersects with the horizon.


The angle at which a ray of light (usually the sun) hits a surface.

Angle if incidence

The measurement of an objects reflectivity. Specifically. it measures the fraction of solar energy reflected from a surface back into space.


Can be used to establish soil fertility.

NPK Values Describes the ratio of nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P) and potassium (K) present in a fertilizer.

Native plants are typically describable because...

They are pre-adapted to their respective climate and are often (but not always) less resource intensive to grow than exotic plants. They tend to provide outstanding wildlife benefit and can enhance a sense of place.


A type of wetland found in the northern climates and are characterized by acidic soils, rich deposits of organic material such as peat and a diversity of vegetation types.

Greenfield Site

Term used to describe and land that is undeveloped or is used for agricultural purposes.

(typically the least expensive to develop primarily because they do not require extensive demolition or remediation.

Program Development

Period of research and information gathering that the landscape architect can utilize to gather the input of various stakeholders to determine project outcomes and uses. Helps to identify the personal, political, financial and social aspects of a project.

Site Inventory

A process of documenting various site data.

Site Analysis

Follows site inventory, interpret the site inventory data to make conclusions relevant to the design process.


The filling in of stream channels with sediment.

Drainage Wind

A wind that blows from a higher elevation.


A disorder related to plant tissue

What are three general soil texture classifications? (from largest to smallest)

Sand, silt, clay.


The arrangement of the natural and artificial physical features of an area.

When a plant is described as 'Chlorotic' it is what?

-Suffering from chlorosis

-Has leaves that are yellowish in color while the leaf veins remain green.

-Experiencing an iron deficiency.

(overwatering and lack of aeration are typically the cause of Chlorosis)

What is the minimum slope necessary for a site to shed water and have proper drainage?

2% slope

Compacted soils generally have what?

Poor Aeration and reduced infiltration.

'Bearing Capacity' Can be defined as..

The measure of a soil to decrease in volume under the pressure of a given weight.

'Soil Plasticity' Can be defined as..

The ability of a soil to be deformed under pressure without breaking apart,

'Liquid Limit' Can be defined as..

The minimum moisture content at which a soil will flow under its own weight.

'Soil Elasticity' Can be defined as..

the ability of a soil to return to its original shape after being subjected to a load condition.

A Projects program should include..

-A list of goals and objectives

-A list on elements to be included in the deisgn

-A list of special requirements for the design

What are three geological factors that have the ability to negatively impact the development of a site and increase the cost of construction?

-Shallow Bed Rock (Excavation Cost)

-Seismic Fault (shoring)

-Soil with low bearing strength

Fire Danger is determined by..

-Existing Fuel Load ( the amount of flammable material in an ecosystem)



How many acres are contained in a standard section of land?

640 Acres

What factors cause hydrophobic soils?



Plants that require little moisture to survive and are often refereed to as 'drought tolerant'


Plants that are adapted to neither dry nor wet environments.


Plants that are adapted to living in aquatic or wetland conditions with a surplus of available water

Stadia Measurement

A survey technique that use the observed height of a 6' tall object to infer horizontal distance.

What factors are relevant to the design of an artificial wetland?


-Regulatory requirements

-Wildlife benefit

What documents in the design process would a planning agency not review during a site plan submittal?

Site inventory and analysis

-Functional use diagram

-concept plan

What data should be collected during a site visit?

Invetory of existing elements not found on a survey

-assessment of health and character of existing vegetaion.

What document controls and otherwise manages the growth of a city?

Zoning Ordinance

What are three geological factors tat can negatively impact construction and the construction budget?

Shallow bedrock

-seismic fault

-Soil with low bearing strength

Program development can be use to determine the following aspects of a project...





Comprehensive Master Plan

Offers guidance for future development

-Is not legally binding

Zoning Ordinance

Used to regulate growth

-Is legally Binding

What factors influence the scope of site inventory and analysis?

Existing conditions

-Proposed uses for the site

Permitting requirements

-Cost of data collection and analysis

What elements are included in site inventory and analysis?

Presence of endangered species

-relationship between proposed site and existing site resources

A zoning ordinance typically restricts the followings..

-Building setbacks

-Building height

-Minimum lot size

-Land uses

Fire danger is determined by..

-Existing fuel load




Erosion control, reducing impervious surfaces and effective watershed management, would reduce the filling of stream channels with sediment.

Community resource inventories map includes..


-archaeological sites

-scenic views

-significant wildlife habitats

Bearing capacity

The measure of a soil to decrease in volume under the pressure of a given weight.

Topography can be defined as..

The arrangement of the natural and artificial physical features of an area.