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55 Cards in this Set

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melancholy (adj, n)
a gloomy state of mind
ocular (adj)
pertaining to, or for the eyes, nature of the eyes
pique (v)
to excite
abash (v)
to make ashamed
conciliate (v)
to win friendship through pleasant behavior
facetious (adj)
not meant to be taken seriously
not conspicuous, prominent, or noticeable
conundrum (n)
anything that puzzles
wan (adj)
showing or suggesting ill health, fatigue, unhappiness, etc.
acrimonious (adj)
harsh in speech or manner
fortuitous (adj)
happening or produced by chance; accidental
acrid (adj)
harshly pungent or bitter
complacent (adj)
self satisfied; to please greatly
succinct (adj)
expressed in few words; concise
ostentatious (adj)
intended to attract notice; a attempt to impress others
rudimentary (adj)
pertaining to first principles
delve (v)
to carry an intensive & thorough research for data, info, or the like
arbitrary (adj)
subject to individual will or judgement without restriction; contingent solely upon ones discretion; determined by chance
redundant (adj)
exceeding what is necessary or normal
commodious (adj)
comfortably or conveniently spacious
querulous (adj)
habitually complaining
paltry (adj)
practically worthless insignificant
acquiesce (v)
to comply; to yield unwillingly
adversary (n)
enemy; opponent; one who turns against you
imperative (adj)
absolutely necessary
adoration (n)
profound devotion
amoral (adj)
lacking a sense of right and wrong
presentiment (n)
a feeling that something, especially of evil nature, is about to take place
staid (adj)
quiet, dignified, and serious
recondite (adj)
dealing with difficult subject
lugubrious (adj)
sad or mournful, especially, in an exaggerated way
cadaverous (adj)
gaunt; haggered
restive (adj)
restless; hard to mange
deplorable (adj)
deeply regrettable; unfortunate
taciturn (adj)
disinclined to conversation, reserved in speech
petulant (adj)
displaying impatience
pretentious (adj)
marked by conceit or shadowy display
vigilance (n)
alert and intent mental watchfulness in guarding against danger
effervescence (v)
to show enthusiasm, excitement, liveliness, etc.
emulate (v)
to imitate with intent to equal or surpass
copious (adj)
plenteous or plentiful
supplicate (v)
to beg
odious (adj)
ostensible (adj)
outwardly appearing as such: professed: pretended
eccentric (adj)
deviating from the recognized or customary character, practiced, etc.; irregular; erratic; peculiar; odd
uncanny (adj)
beyond the ordinary or normal; extraordinary
elicit (v)
to draw or bring out or forth; educe or evoke
precarious (adj)
dependent on circumstance beyond one's control; uncertain; unstable; insecure
reticent (adj)
reluctant or restrained; reserved
mundane (adj)
common, ordinary, or unimaginative
precocious (adj)
unusually advanced or mature in development especially mental development
cloistered (adj)
sheltered or shut out from the world
empathy (n)
the intellectual identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thought, or attitudes of another
impede (v)
to interfere with the progress of; to obstruct
dynamic (adj)
characterized by continuous change, activity, or progress