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27 Cards in this Set

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Trade: Ambien
Generic: Zolpidem
Class: nonbarbituate sedative
Action: sedation/relaxation
Use: short term tx of insomnia
SE: AM drowsiness, HA, dizziness, nausea
Trade: N/A
Generic: Ampicillin
Class: Antibiotic
Action: Bacteriocidal
Use: GBS + mom & neonate
SE: N, V, D, vaginitis
Trade: Celestone
Generic: Betamethasone
Class: Corticosteroid
Action: Accelerates fetal lung maturity
Use: Prevention of RDS in fetus (preterm usually)
SE: Mom - Hyperglycemia, pulmonary edema BABY - hypoglycemia, risk for sepsis
Trade: N/A
Generic: Calcium Gluconate
Class: Electrolyte
Action: MgSO4 antagonist
Use: MgSO4 toxicity
SE: decr reflexes, oliguria, confusion, decr resp, circ collapse, N, V, blurred vision, slurred speech
Trade: Cervadil
Generic: Dinoprostone
Class: Prostoglandin
Action: Ripens Cervix & stimulates smooth muscle contraction
Use: labor induction
SE: uterine hyperstimulation, fetal distress
Trade: Cleocin
Generic: Clindamycin
Class: Antibiotic
Action: Bacteriocidal
Use: GBS+ Mom & neonate
SE: N, V, D, pseudomembranous colitis
Trade: Colace
Generic: Docusate
Class: Laxative
Action: Stool Softener
Use: promote bowel evacuation postpartum
SE: Ab cramping
Trade: Cytotec
Generic: Misoprostol

*Off label Use in OB
Class: Prostaglandin
Action: Ripens Cervix and stimulates smooth muscle contraction
Use: labor induction
SE: uterine hyperstimulation, fetal and maternal death, fever, HTN
Trade: Demerol
Generic: Meperidine
Class: Narcotic Analgesic
Action: Pain control
Use: Moderate postpartum pain
SE: N, V, dizziness, sedation
Trade: Motrin
Generic: Ibuprofen
Class: NSAID
Action: antiinflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic
Use: mild to mod postpartum pain.
SE: HA, dizziness, N, constipation
Trade: Hemabate
Generic: Carboplast
Class: Oxytocic & Prostaglandin
Action: smooth muscle stimulant, vasoconstrictor
Use: tx of uterine atony & hemorrhage
SE: HA, flushing, bradycardia, bronchospasm, wheezing
Trade: Normodyne, Trandate
Generic: Labetalol
Class: A & B adrenergic blocker; antihypertensive
Action: Block A1, b1, b2 receptors to lower BP
Use: Hypertension
SE: dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, fatique, gastric pain, constipation, N,V,D, bronchospasm, dyspnea
Trade: MgSO4
Generic: Magnesium Sulfate
Class: Electrolyte/anticonvulsant
Action: CNS depressant
Use: PIH, prevention of preterm labor
SE: weakness, dizziness, hypotnsn, low reflexes, hypothermia, flushing, sweating, circ collapse.
Trade: Methergine
Generic: Methylergonovine
Class: Oxytocic, Ergot alkaloid
Action:Smooth muscle stim; vasoconstrictor
Use: tx of uterine atony, hemorrhage, and subinvolution
SE: Dizziness, HA, N, transient HT, ab cramps.
Trade: Narcan
Generic: Naloxone
Class: narcotic antagonist
Action: reverses resp depression caused by narcotics
Use: lowers resp for mom and baby after narcotic during labor.
SE: can cause withdrawal syndrom in neonates of drug addicted mothers. Do not give.
Trade: Nubain
Generic: Nalbuphine
Class: narcotic analgesic
Action: pain control
Use: moderate to severe labor pain
SE: Sedation, clamminess, HA, dizziness, vertigo, dry mouth, urticaria
Trade: Penicillin G
Class: Antibiotic
Action: Bacteriocidal via cell wall synthesis inhibition
Use: GBS+ mom & neonate
SE: Chills, fever, rash, anaphylaxis
Trade: Phenergan
Generic: Promethazine
Class: Antiemetic
Action: Dec or elim nausea
Use: N & V assoc w/ L&D
SE: dizziness, drowsiness, urinary frequency
Trade: Pitocin
Generic: Oxytocin
Class: Oxytocic, synthetic hormone
Action: stim contraction of smooth uterine muscle
Use: labor induction, improve labor contraction to achieve vag delivery
SE: N, V, cardiac arrythmias, fetal bradycardia, uterine hyperstimulation, H2O intoxication
Trade: Procardia
Generic: Nifedipine

*Off label OB use
Class: Calcium Channel Blocker/ Tocolytic
Action: Uterine smooth muscle relaxation
Use: prevent preterm labor
SE: Hypotension, Dizziness
Trade: Rhogam
Class: vaccine
Action: prevent hemolytic disease of the newborn
Use: Give to Rh- mother and neonate Rh+
SE: Pain and soreness at injection site
Trade: Stadol
Generic: Butorphanol
Class: Narcotic analgesic
Action: pain control
Use: mod to severe labor pain
SE: maternal & fetal resp depression
Trade: Terbutaline
Generic: Brethine

*Off label OB Use - Tocolytic
Class: Beta-adrenergic recept
Action: Uterine smooth muscle relaxant
Use: prevention of preterm labor
SE: N, cardiac arrythmias, resp distress
Trade: Tylenol 3
Generic: Acetaminophen & Codeine combo
Class: Narcotic analgesic / antipyretic
Action: pain control
Use: mild to mod postpartum pain
SE: N, V, dizziness, sedation
Trade: Vicodin
Generic: Hydrocodone & Acetaminophen combo
Class: narcotic analgesic
Action: pain control
Use: mild to mod postpartum pain
SE: sedation, dizziness, vertigo, dry mouth, lethargy, confusion
Trade: Vitamin K
Generic: aquamephyton
Class: Fat Soluble Vitamin
Action: Prevent/tx of hemorrhagic disease of the newborn.
Use: Given at birth to all neonates.
SE: Bleeding, ecchymoses
Trade: Zofran
Generic: Odansetron
Class: antiemetic/CNS agent
Action: blocks seratonin, acts on vagal nerve and chemoreceptor trigger zone
Use: prevention of N,V, & TX of postop N, V.
SE: Anxiety, dizziness, somnolence, constipation, diarrhea