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97 Cards in this Set

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the muscles forming an upside down V in cat's chin region
cheek muscles
v-shaped muscle in neck
chest muscles
pectoral complex
outer stomach muscle
external oblique
inner stomach muscle (circular)
internal oblique
line down the middle of the stomach
linea alba
muscle running down middle of stomach
rectus abdominus
three muscle going down middle back, cranial to caudal
clavotrapezius (near neck)
acromiotrapezius (between shoulder blades)
spinotrapezius (just above latissimus dorsi
three muscles going down back shoulder, cranial to caudal
clavodeltoid - strip running along top of shoulder
side/back muscle (wings)
latissimus dorsi
under upper "arm"
triceps brachii
"arm" muscle between clavodeltoid and triceps brachii
biceps brachii
detached outermost muscle hanging off top lower leg
detached small muscle just beneath sartorius (leg)
tensor fascia lata
detached muscle on the inner portion of thigh
more cranial butt muscle
gluteus medius
more caudal butt muscle
gluteus maximus
group of four muscles deep to the sartorius and tensor fascia lata
quadriceps femoris
most lateral quadricep
vastus lateralis
most medial quadricep
vastus medialis
center quad muscle (between lateral and medial muscles)
rectus femoris
outside flap (detached muscle of thigh)
biceps femorus
thigh muscle deep to gracilis that connects to knee
thigh muscle deep to gracilis that connects just below knee
biceps femorus, semimembranosus, and semitendinosus make up this group
calf muscle
tendon behind ankle
achilles tendon
muscle down length of shin
tibialis anterior
compare amount of receptors in the skin on various parts of the body
most sensitive/more receptors (in order): finger tip, nose, tongue
least sensitive/less receptors: hand back and palm
what does the proprioceptive sense do?
allows us to recognize the location and rate of movement of one part of the body in relation to the other parts...skills in experiment improved with each try
tongue map
sweet - tip
bitter - back
salty - front sides
sour - back sides
how cold and heat receptors compare
skin has more heat receptors than cold receptors, so is more sensitive to heat
taste inheritance
people can only perceive certain tastes if they have the gene that allows them to, one example is phenylthiocarbamide (PTC)
taste and smell
while some basics can be tasted without smell (like salt), smell is necessary to get the full flavor of something
the clear covering over the pupil/iris
portion that gives eye its "color"
hole in center of eye
outermost layer of eyeball
middle pigmented layer of eyeball
innermost layer of eyeball
portion of eye just behind pupil/iris
muscles holding lens in place
ciliary body
space between cornea and lens
anterior chamber
spaces lateral to lens
posterior chamber
gelatinous material filling eyeball
vitreous body
iridescent portion of choroid
tapetum lucidum
nerve coming off back of eyeball
optic nerve
small circle covering area where optic nerve enters eye
optic disc
most lateral section of ear, up to eardrum
outer ear
portion of ear containing ear ossicles
middle ear
most medial portion of ear, everything medial to stapes
inner ear
outer fleshy part of ear
outer ear canal
external auditory meatus
tympanic membrane
ear ossicles, outside in
inner ear canal that connects middle ear and throat
eustachian tube
first part, "bulb" of inner ear
fluid-filled tubes in inner ear
semicircular canal
shell-like part of inner ear
nerve extending from cochlea
auditory nerve
function of ear ossicles
transmit sound waves from tympanic membrane to inner ear
function of eustachian tubes
allow middle ear to equalize with surrounding atmospheric pressure
how semicircular canals relate to equilibrium
3 canals in three planes at right angles to each other which detect dynamic equilibrium as movement of the fluid inside bends haircells and generates electric potentials that are sent to the brain for interpretation
outermost layer surrounding brain
dura mater
right and left sides of brain
cerebral hemispheres
ridges on the cerebral cortex
grooves in cerebral cortex
bulbs on the underside, most front part of the brain
olfactory bulbs
white band between hemispheres
corpus callosum
most top/front part of midbrain, next to corpus callosum
area just below thalamus
looking at underside of brain, with olfactory bulbs on top, section just below bulbs
optic chiasma
large portion of brain in back, underneath cerebrum
when pulling cerebrum up from cerebellum, little pea-shape above corpora quadrigemina
pineal gland
area below pineal gland
corpora quadrigemina
upper portion of corpora quadrigemina
superior colliculi
lower portion of corpora quadrigemina
inferior colliculi
little round piece sticking off of human model brain
area next to thalamus/hypothalamus (moving toward back/bottom)
area between midbrain and medulla
area below pons, just above spinal cord
medulla oblongata
very end of brain stem, just below medulla
spinal cord
turn the brain over, look at bulby part with all the nerves. what are the tiny lateral nerves?
trochlear nerves
turn the brain over, look at bulby part with all the nerves. what are the tiny, more medial nerves?
abducens nerves
turn the brain over, look at bulby part with all the nerves. what are the large lateral nerves?
trigeminal nerves
turn the brain over, look at bulby part with all the nerves. what are the uppermost, central nerves?
oculomotor nerves
nerves coming off top of optic chiasma
optic nerves
spinal slide: middle circle
central canal
dark area around central canal
grey matter
lighter area around dark butterfly area
white matter
line coming down from central canal
ventral fissue
extensions coming from same side as fissure
ventral root
extensions coming from opposite side from fissure
dorsal root
bulge on dorsal root
dorsal root ganglion
where ventral and dorsal root meet
spinal nerve
fluid that fills anterior and posterior chambers
aqueous humor