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157 Cards in this Set

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A triad is composed of 2 what and 1 what?
2 terminal cisternae on either side and the T Tubule, which provides achorage for sarcoplasmic reticulum
Skeletal muscles composed of relatively long large cynlindrical cells called
The nuclei of skeletal muscle pushed peripherally by longitudinally arranged _____ that fill the sarcoplasm
Myofibrils are made up of even smaller threadlike structures called
The myofilaments are composed largely of actin and
myosin, contractile proteins
The contractile unit of a muscle is called a
The indentation of the sarcolemna, plasma membrane of muscle, are called
t tubules
The tubules run between cross channels called
terminal cisternae
The combination of t tubule and terminal cisternae at either end is called a
Each muscle fiber enclosed by areolar connective tissue sheath called
Several muscle fibers aer wrapped by a collagenic membrane called
The junction between a nerve fiber or axon and a muscle cell is called a
neuromuscular junction
The neuron and all the muscle cells it stimulates is called a
motor unit
The neuron and muscle fiber membranes do not touch, but are separated by a small, fluid-filled gap called a
synaptic cleft
Each myofibril is a bundle of parallel protein filaments called
small building blocks of matter
Sarcoplasm is the cytoplasm of a muscle fiber; while, sarcolema is the _______ ________of a fiber
plasma membrane
The dilated ends of the sarcoplasmic reticulum extending from one side of muscle fiber to another.
Terminal cisternae
Thick filament
a myofilament made of myosin
thin filament
a myofilament made of troponin, tropomysosin, and actin
combination of two substances that maintain their own chemical identity
The H band is a lighter region in the middle of an ___ _____ that contains thick filaments only. Thin filaments do not _____ this far into A band in relaxed muscle.
A band
The M line is a dark line in the middle of a H band, and the origin of the ______ _________.
thick filaments
The I band is a _______ _______composed of thin filaments only.
light band
The Z disc is a protein disc to which thin filaments and elastic filaments are ________ at each end of a ________. Appears as narrow dark line in the middle of an _____ _____.
I band
The distance from one ____ band to the next, contractile unit of a muscle fiber.
The neuromuscular junction is the functional connection between the distal end of a nerve fiber and the middle of a ______ fiber.
The synaptic knob is the dilated tip of a nerve fiber; contains _______ vessicles.
Synaptic cleft is a gap between the synaptic knob and ________
Ach is the neurotransmitter released by a ______ _____ _____that stimulates a skeletal muscle cell.
somatic motor fiber
A nerve signal arrives at the synaptic knob and stimulates voltage-regulated calcium gates to ______
Calcium stimulates exocytosis of the synaptic vessicles which release _____ into the synaptic cleft.
Ach diffuses across the _______ ______ and binds to receptor proteins on the sarcolemna.
synaptic cleft
These receptors are ligand-gated ____ _____.
ion gates
2 Ach molecules must bind to each ______ to open the gate.
When this happens, Na+ diffuses quickly into cell and K+ diffuses out.
As a result of Na+ in and K+ out, the sarcolemna reverses ______. The rapid fluctutation in membrane voltage at the motor end plate Is
end plate potential or epp
Areas of the sarcolemna next to the motor end plate, have voltage-regulated ion gates that open in response to _____
4 Some opening of gate specific to Na+ some specific to K+. Ion movements create _______ ________
action potential
A wave of action potentials spreads from _____ _________ in all directions. When the excitation reaches the t tubules, it continues down into sarcoplasm.
end plate
Voltage regulated ion gates in the t tubules are linked to calcium channels in the terminal ______ of the SR.
7 Gates in the SR open and ______ diffuses out.
8 Calcium binds to the troponin of the _____ _______
thin filament
9 The troponin-tropomyosin complex changes shape and sinks deeper into the groove of the thin filament. This exposes the_______ ______of thin filaments and makes them availabe to Mysoin heads.
active sites
10The myosin head must have an _____ ______bound to it to intiate contraction.
ATP molecule
11 Myosin ATPase an enzyme in the _____ ______hydrolyzes this ATP.
Mysoin head
12. The energy released by this process ______ the head, cocks it.
13 The cocked mysoin binds to an exposed active site on the thin filament forming a ________ between myosin and actin.
cross- bridge
14 Upon binding more ATP, mysoin releases actin, It can now repeat the process. It will hyrolyze ATP and a recovery stroke will allow attachement to a new _______ ______ farther down the thin filament and produce another power stroke.
active site
15. When nerve signals stop arriving at the NMJ, the synaptic knob stops releasing ______
16 As Ach separates from its receptor, ACHE breaks it down into fragments that cannot ________the muscle. At power stroke, thick filament slide over thin filament.
17 Active transport, which requires ATP, pumps begin pumping Ca from cytosol into cisternae. The Ca binds to _________
ATP is needed for muscle contraction as well as muscle ______
18 As Ca ions dissociate from Troponin they are pumped into the ____ and not replaced.
19 Tropomyosin moves back to blocking the active sites of actin filament. Mysoin can no longer bind to _____ and the muscle fiber ceases producing tension.
A band is a dark band formed by parallel _____ ______ that partly overlap the thin filaments.
thick filaments
a thick filament is a myofilament composed of bunded _____ molecules.
A myofibril is a bundle of protein _______
The smooth endoplasmic reticulum of the muscle fiber is the _______ _______
sarcoplasmic reticulum
the dilated end sacs of the sarcoplasmic reticulum are ___________ _________
terminal cisternae
Tubular infoldings of the sarcoplasmic reticulum are _________
T tubules
A t tubule and the 2 terminal cisternae associated with it constitue a ____
Actin and myosin are called _________ proteins cause help shorten the muscle fiber.
Tropin and tropomyosin are regulatory proteins cause they determine when fiber can or can't ______
M line is a dark line in middle of ___ band. Origin of thick filaments.
Myofilament a threadlike complex of several hundred contractile _____ molecules
A bundle of protein microfilaments
The distance from one Z disc to the next
Fibrous connective tissue surrounding each muscle fiber
Fibrous connective tissue or endomysium continuous with collagen fibers of
Endomysium thin sleeve of connective tissue surrounds each ______ ______
muscle fiber
A thicker connective tissue sheath that wraps muscle fibers into bundles called fasciles.
Fibrous sheath that surrounds the entire muscle
Sheet of connective tissue separating muscles or muscle groups from each other
The point where a nerve fiber meets sit target cell
Junction between a nerve fiber and a muscle cell

_____ _________
neuromuscular junction
A neuromuscular junction is also called a ____ _____ ____
motor end plate
At each synapse, the nerve fiber ends in a bulbous swelling called a _____ _____
synaptic knob
Small space between the synaptic knob and muscle fiber
synaptic cleft
Spheroidal organelles of synaptic knob
synaptic vessicles
The insulating layer around a nerve fiber
Myelin Sheath
The end of the nerve cell, where it connects with another nerve cell, or a different type of cell, such as a muscle. Here that electrical signals sent from one cell to another.Distal terminations of the branches of an axon. An axon nerve fiber is a long, slender projection of a neuron, that conducts electrical impulses away from the soma, in order to transmit those impulses to other neurons.
Axon terminal
A ______ is a single stimulus–contraction–relaxation sequence in a muscle fiber.
Twitches vary in duration, and can be divided into a latent period, a _______ phase, and a relaxation phase:
A single stimulation produces a single twitch, but twitches in a skeletal muscle do not accomplish anything useful. All normal activities involve _______ muscle contractions.
Wave Summation and Incomplete Tetanus occurs when a second stimulus arrives before the relaxation phase has ended, a second, more ______ ______occurs. The addition of one twitch to another in this way constitutes the summation of twitches, or wave summation (Figure 10-13a).
powerful contraction
The duration of a single twitch determines the maximum time available to produce ______summation. For example, if a twitch lasts 20 msec (1/50 sec), subsequent stimuli must be separated by less than ___msec--a stimulation rate of more than 50 stimuli per second. Rather than refer to stimulation rate, we usually use frequency, which is a number per unit time. In this instance, a stimulus _____ of greater than 50 per second produces wave summation, whereas a stimulus frequency below 50 per second will produce individual _______.
If the stimulation continues and the muscle is never allowed to relax completely, tension will rise to a peak A muscle producing peak tension during rapid cycles of contraction and relaxation is in _______ ________.
incomplete tetanus
If a skeletal muscle is stimulated a second time immediately after the relaxation phase has ended, the contraction that occurs will develop a slightly higher maximum tension than did the contraction after the first stimulation. The increase in peak tension will continue over the first 30–50 stimulations. Thereafter, the amount of tension produced will remain constant at roughly 25 percent of the maximal tension that would be produced in complete tetanus. Because the tension rises in stages, like the steps in a staircase, this phenomenon is called treppe, a German word meaning "stairs." The rise is thought to result from a ______ increase in the concentration of calcium ions in the sarcoplasm, in part because the ion pumps in the sarcoplasmic reticulum are unable to recapture them in the time between stimulations.
.The latent period begins at stimulation and typically lasts about 2 msec. Over this period, the action potential sweeps across the sarcolemma and the sarcoplasmic reticulum releases calcium ions. The muscle fiber ____ ____ produce tension during the latent period, because the contraction cycle has yet to begin.
does not
In the contraction phase, tension rises to a peak. As tension rises, calcium ions are binding to troponin, active sites on thin filaments are being exposed, and cross-_____ interactions are occurring. The contraction phase ends roughly 15 msec after stimulation.
The ________ phase then continues for about another 25 msec. During this period, calcium levels are falling, active sites are being covered by tropomyosin, and the number of active cross-bridges is declining
If the stimulation continues and the muscle is never allowed to relax completely, tension will rise to a peak (Figure 10-13b). A muscle producing peak tension during rapid cycles of contraction and relaxation is in _______tetanus.
Complete tetanus is obtained by increasing the ________ rate until the ________phase is eliminated (Figure 10-13c). During complete tetanus, action potentials arrive so rapidly that the sarcoplasmic reticulum does not have time to reclaim the _____ ions. The high Ca2+ concentration in the cytoplasm _______ the contraction state, making it continuous. Virtually all ______ muscular contractions involve complete tetanus of the participating muscle fibers
A______contraction in response to a single nerve action potential is called a twitch contraction.
The latent period is the time required for the release of ____
The contraction period represents the time during actual muscle _______.
The relaxation period is the time during which Ca2+ is returned to the sarcoplasmic reticulum by _____ transport.
The refractory period is the time immediately following a _______ during which the muscle fiber will not respond to a second stimulus. For skeletal muscle fibers, this period typically ends during the early part of the contraction period.
A ______ effect (treppe) is produced if each successive stimulus occurs after the relaxation period of the previous stimulus. Each successive muscle contraction is greater than the previous one, up to some maximum value. In addition to the accumulation of Ca2+, other factors, such as increases in temperature and changes in pH, may contribute to this “warming up” effect commonly employed by athletes.
Wave (temporal) summation occurs if ________ stimuli are applied during the relaxation period of each _______muscle contraction. In this case, each _______ contraction builds upon the previous contraction before its _________ period ends.
Incomplete (unfused) tetanus occurs when the _______ of stimuli increases. Successive muscle contractions begin to blend, almost appearing as a single large contraction.
Complete ______ tentanus occurs when the frequency of stimuli increases still further. In this case, individual muscle contractions completely _____to produce one large muscle contraction.
Isotonic contractions occur when muscles _______ length during a contraction. Picking up a book is an example
By increasing the number of motor units firing, we
can produce a steady increase in muscle force, a process called
recruitment or
multiple motor unit summation.
a single
contraction of skeletal muscle is called a muscle ----------
A tracing of a muscle twitch is divided into
three phases: latent, ______, and relaxation.
The latent
period is a short period between the time of stimulation and
the beginning of ________. Although no force is generated
during this interval, chemical _______ occur intracellularly in
preparation for contraction, such as the release of ______
from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
The first activity you will conduct simulates an isometric,
or fixed length, contraction of an isolated skeletal
As the stimulus to a muscle is increased, the amount of force produced by the muscle also
contraction occurs when all the muscle cells have been
activated. Any stimulation beyond this voltage will not increase
the force of contraction. This experiment mimics muscle
activity in vivo where the recruitment of additional motor
units increases the total force produced. This phenomenon is
multiple motor unit summation or recruitment.
A myogram, a
recording of a muscle twitch, reveals this phenomenon as the
_______, or staircase, effect. For the first few twitches, each
__________ stimulation produces slightly more force than the
previous contraction as long as the muscle is allowed to fully
_____ between stimuli, and the stimuli are delivered relatively
______ together. Treppe is thought to be caused by increased
efficiency of the ______systems within the cell and increased
availability of intracellular calcium.
Wave summation is achieved by increasing the _______
frequency, or rate of stimulus delivery to the muscle. Wave
summation occurs because the muscle is already in a partially ________ state when subsequent stimuli are delivered.
Wave summation is achieved by increasing the _______
frequency, or rate of stimulus delivery to the muscle. Wave
__________ occurs because the muscle is already in a partially ________ state when subsequent stimuli are delivered.
Passive force is generated by ________ the muscle and is due to the elastic properties of the tissue itself.
This passive force is largely due to the protein titin,
which acts as a molecular bungee cord.
Active force is generated
by the _________contraction of the muscle.
During isotonic contraction, muscle length changes, but the force produced stays the same (iso  same, tonic  force).Unlike the isometric exercise in which both ends of the muscle are held in a fixed position, one end of the muscle remains
_____ in the isotonic contraction exercise.
Amotor unit consists of a motor neuron and all of the muscle fibers it innervates.
Motor neurons direct muscles when and when not to contract. A motor neuron and
a muscle cell intersect at what is called the ________ junction.
the neuromuscular junction is where the axon _______ of the neuron meets a specialized
region of the muscle cell’s plasma membrane. This specialized region is
called the ______ _______ _______
motor end plate
An action potential (depolarization) in a motor neuron
triggers the release of acetylcholine, which diffuses into the muscle plasma membrane
(also known as the sarcolemma). The acetylcholine binds to receptors on the
_______ cell, initiating a change in ion permeability that results in ________of the muscle plasma membrane, called an end-plate potential. The end-plate potential,
in turn, triggers a series of events that results in the contraction of a muscle
cell. This entire process is called excitation-contraction coupling.
muscle twitch—the mechanical ______ to a single action
the latent period, which is the period of time that elapses between the generation of an action potential in a muscle cell and the start of muscle ________;
the contraction phase, which starts at the
Skeletal Muscle Physiology
E X E R C I S E 2
1. To define motor unit, twitch, latent period, contraction phase, relaxation
phase, threshold, summation, tetanus, fatigue, isometric contraction,
and isotonic contraction
2. To understand how nerve impulses trigger muscle movement
3. To describe the phases of a muscle twitch
4. To identify threshold and maximal stimuli
5. To understand the effect of increases in stimulus intensity on a muscle
6. To understand the effect of increases in stimulus frequency on a muscle
7. To demonstrate muscle fatigue
8. To explain the differences between isometric and isotonic muscle
end of the latent period and ends when muscle tension peaks;
and the relaxation phase, which is the period of time from
peak tension until the end of the muscle _______ (Figure
y definition, the threshold is the minimal _______ needed
to cause a depolarization of the muscle plasma membrane
(sarcolemma.) The threshold is the point at which sodium
ions start to move into the cell (instead of out of the cell) to
bring about the membrane __________
Treppe is the _______ increase in force generated when a muscle is stimulated at a sufficiently _____ frequency. At such a frequency, muscle twitches follow one another ______, with each successive twitch peaking slightly higher than the one before. This step-like increase in force is why treppe is also known as the ________phenomenon.
When a muscle is stimulated ______, such that the stimuli
arrive one after another within a short period of time,
twitches can overlap with each other and result in a stronger
muscle _______ than a stand-alone twitch. This phenomenon
is known as ______. Summation occurs when muscle
fibers that have already been ________ once are stimulated
again, before the fibers have relaxed.
wave summation
if stimuli continue to be applied frequently to a muscle
over a prolonged period of time, the muscle force will eventually
reach a plateau—a state known as _______. If stimuli
are applied with even greater frequency, the twitches will begin
to fuse so that the peaks and valleys of each twitch become
indistinguishable from one another—this state is
known as complete (fused) tetanus. The stimulus frequency
at which no further increases in force are generated by the
muscle is the _________ _________ ________.
maximal tetanic tension
Fatigue is a decline in a muscle’s ability to maintain a constant
force of contraction after prolonged, repetitive stimulation.
The causes of fatigue are still being investigated, though
in the case of high-intensity exercise, lactic acid buildup in
muscles is thought to be a factor. In low-intensity exercise,fatigue may be due to a depletion of _____reserves.
if stimuli continue to be applied frequently to a muscle
over a prolonged period of time, the muscle force will eventually reach a _____—a state known as _____. If stimuli are applied with even greater frequency, the twitches will begin
to _____ so that the peaks and valleys of each twitch become
indistinguishable from one another—this state is
known as _______ _______ _______
complete fused tetanus
By increasing the number of _____ _____ firing, we
can produce a steady increase in muscle force, a process called
recruitment or _______ motor unit summation
motor units
a single contraction of skeletal muscle is called a muscle _____
The latent period is a short period between the time of stimulation and the beginning of ________. Although no force is generated during this interval, chemical changes occur intracellularly in
preparation for contraction, such as the release of ________from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
Relaxation takes place when contraction has ended
and the muscle returns to its normal ______ _____and length.
resting state
isometric\ is a or ____ _____, contraction of an isolated skeletal muscle.
fixed length
Active force is produced during
muscle contraction, while passive force results from the muscle
being stretched (much like a rubber band). The total force
is the sum of _____ and ++++Active force is produced during
muscle contraction, while passive force results from the muscle
being stretched (much like a rubber band). The total force
is the sum of active and passive forces.Active force is produced during
muscle contraction, while passive force results from the muscle
being stretched (much like a rubber band). The total force
is the sum of _____ and ____ forces. forces.
passive and active
the recruitment of additional motor
units increases the total force produced. This phenomenon is
called _____ _____ _____ summation or recruitment.
multiple motor unit
For the first few twitches, each
successive stimulation produces slightly ______ _____than the previous contraction as long as the muscle is allowed to fully _____ between stimuli, and the stimuli are delivered relatively close together. Treppe is thought to be caused by increased efficiency of the enzyme systems within the cell and increased availability of _________ _________.
more force
intracellular calcium
Multiple motor unit summation relied on increased stimulus intensity in that simulation. Another way to increase force is by wave, or _______, summation.Wave summation is achieved by increasing the stimulus __________, or rate of stimulus delivery to the muscle. Wave summation occurs because the muscle is already in a partially
_______ state when subsequent stimuli are ______.
Tetanus can be considered an extreme form of wave
summation that results in a steady, sustained contraction. In
effect, the muscle does not have any chance to relax because
it is being stimulated at such a high frequency. This fuses the _____ _____so that we observe a smooth tracing
force peaks
activated units are maximally
contracted. By increasing the number of motor units firing, we can produce a _____increase in muscle force, a process called
recruitment or _____ _____ ______ ______.
multiple motor unit summation
a single contraction of skeletal muscle is called a _____ ____
muscle twitch
A tracing of a muscle twitch is divided into three phases: -------, ______, and ______
The latent
period is a short period between the time of _______ and the beginning of ________.
During the period of ______, chemical changes occur intracellularly in
preparation for _______, such as the release of _______from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
an isometric is a
_____ ______ contraction of an isolated skeletal muscle.
fixed length
As more voltage is delivered
to the whole muscle, more muscle fibers are activated
and the total force produced by the muscle is _______ Maximal contraction occurs when all the muscle cells have been activated. Any stimulation beyond this voltage will not increase
the force of ________.
the recruitment of additional _____ _____ increases the total _____ produced. This phenomenon is
called multiple _____ ____ ____ or recruitment.
motor units
multiple motor unit
When a muscle first contracts, the ______it is able to produce is _____ than the force it is able to produce in ________ contractions
within a relatively narrow time span. A myogram, a
recording of a muscle twitch, reveals this phenomenon as the ______, or staircase, effect.
Treppe is thought to be caused by increased
efficiency of the ______systems within the cell and increased availability of ______ _______
intracellular calcium
with single stimuli, multiple
motor unit summation is one way to ______the amount of
force produced by muscle.Another
way to increase ______ is by _____, or temporal, summation.
Wave summation is achieved by increasing the stimulus
_______, or rate of stimulus delivery to the muscle.by increasing the stimulus
frequency, or rate of stimulus delivery to the muscle.
summation occurs because the muscle is already in a partially ______ state when subsequent______are delivered.
______ can be considered an extreme form of wave
summation that results in a steady, _______contraction. In
effect, the muscle does not have any chance to relax because
it is being stimulated at such a _____frequency. This fuses the _____ _____so that we observe a smooth tracing.
force peaks
the stimulus rate above which
there appears to be no ______ _____ in force.
This rate is the______frequency, also called tetanus.
significant increase
An axon terminal is a _____knob which form synapses or _______between neurons or _____ cells.
Dendrites bear receptors for ___________ released by other neurons
myelin sheath
fatty insulating fiber layer underneath plasma membrane of neuron.
Myelin fibers formed by ______ _____
Schwann Cell
_____knob which form synapses or _______between neurons or _____ cells.