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66 Cards in this Set

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The Endocrine glands

Hypothalamus, Pituitary Gland, Thyroid Gland, Parathyroid, Adrenal, Pancreas, Gonads, Thymus, Pineal

Hypothalamus produces

ADH and Oxytocin

Anterior Pituitary hormones

FSH, LH,ACTH, TSH, GH, Prolactin

Posterior Pituitary hormones

ADH, Oxytocin

General Function and feedback mechanism for FSH

Follicle stimulating hormone. GnRH gonadotropin releasing hormone causes release. Targets Ovaries and Testes. Stimulates ovarian follicle maturation, estrogen production, and sperm production. Negative feedback.Tropic hormone

General Function of LH

Luteinizing Hormone. stimulated by: GnRH. Targets Ovaries and Testes. F: trigger ovulation. Stimulates estrogen and progesterone production. M: stimulates testosterone production. Tropic Hormone


Adrenocorticotropic hormone. Stimulated by CRH. Targets Adrenal Cortex. Stimulates release of glucocorticoids and androgens. Tropic hormone.

Thyroid stimulating hormone. stimulated by TRH. Targets thyroid gland. stimulates secretion of thyroid hormones. T3 and T4. Tropic hormone.


Not tropic, Growth hormone. stimulated by GHRH. Targets liver, muscles, bone, and cartilage. Stimulates body growth and protein synthesis, mobilizes fat and conserves glucose.


Prolactin. not tropic. Stimulated by decrease in PIH prolactin inhibiting hormone. Targets mammary glands in the breasts. Stimulates milk production. (lactation)

Posterior pituitary hormones

ADH, Oxytocin. Produced in the hypothalamus.


Antidiuretic hormone. stimulus for release is nerve impulses. increased blood solute concentration or decreased blood volume. targets kidneys. tells kidneys to reabsorb more water.

responde to cnerve impulses. ervical/uterine stretching or suckling of an infant. target uterus and mammary glands. stimulate powerful contractions.

Hormones of the thyroid gland

Thyroxine t4, and triiodothyronine t3 and calcitonin

T4, T3

Thyroxine, Triiodothyronine. S4R = TSH. target = most cells of the body. Effects = increase BMR, regulate tissue growth and development


S4R = high levels of calcium in the blood. humoral. Targets bones. No known physiological role in humans.

Parathyroid hormone

PH. S4R = low levels of calcium in the blood. Targets bones and kidneys. effects = increases blood calcium by stimulating osteoclasts and stim kidneys to resorb more calcium.

Adrenal glands

medulla and the cortex

adrenal medulla cells and hormones

chromaffin cells. hormones: catecholamines epinephrine and norepinephrine

catecholamines: epinephrine and norepinephrine

S4R = nerve impulses from preganglionic sympathetic fibers.

Target cells = most body cells.

Effects = mimics sympathetic NS fight or flight response.

Adrenal Cortex


mineralocorticoids - aldosterone

glucocorticoids - cortisone

Gonadocorticoids - androgens

mineralcorticoids - aldosterone

s$R = increased potassium in the blood. target = kidneys.

effects = ^ of reabsoption of sodium and water by the kidneys. increase secretion of potassium in the urine.

Glucocorticoids mostly cortisol


Target = most body cells.

Effects = promotes breakdown of fat and protein. promotes stress resistance, inhibits the immune response

Gonadocorticoids - androgens


Target= bone, muscle, integument, and other tissues.

Effects = body groeth, pubic & axillary hair, sex drive. insignificant effects in males.

Pancreas hormones

insulin and glucagon


S$R = increase blood glucose levels.

Target = most cells.

Effects = accelerates transport of glucose into body cells.glycogen, fat, and protein synthesis


S4R = decrease blood glucose levels.

Target cells = liver and adipose

Effects = breakdown of glycogen to glucose, conversion of lactic acid into glucose.

Female Gonads

Estrogens and E and progesterone together


S4R = LH and FSH

Targets = most cells.

Effects = promote matuartion of female reproductive organs. and secondary sex characteristics.

Estrogen and progesterone together

S4R = LH and FSH.

Target = uterus and mammary glands.

Effects = regulate menstrual cycle and breast development.


S4R = LH and FSH

Targets = most cells.

Effects = maturation of male reproductive organs.

Approximately ______ liters of blood in the adult body

5-6 males

4-5 females

2 major components of blood

plasma - non-;iving 55% of blood and formed elements (cells) - living 45% of blood


RBC. Erythrocytes. sacs of hemoglobin molecules. transport oxygens. 4-6 million/mm3


Leukocytes. Spherical. 4800-10800, 2 major groups granulocytes and agranulocytes


neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils


Neutrophils. Most numerous. Multilobed nucleus. Pale red and blue granules. . phagocytize pathogens or debris.


Eosinophils. bi lobed nucleus, dark red dots. kill parasitic worms. Phacocytic. 100-400


Basophils. vary dark purple dots. 20 - 50. Release histamines and other mediators of inflammation. anticoagulant.


lymphocytes and monocytes

Lymphocytes. smaller cells little cytoplasm. mount inmmune response by direct cell attack. 1500-3000.

Monocytes. huge cells hazyblue no dots. U shaped nucleus. 100-700. develop into macrophages in tissues and phagocytize pathogens or debris.

Platelets. smaller than RBC. look like specs of dust. 150000-400000. seal tears in blood vessels. instrumental in blood clotting. Not cells.

Heart APex

the inferior point

hearts base

mainly left ventricle, flat, superior region.

serous membrane inclosing heart

visceral pericardium or epicardium - on the surface of the heart. parietal pericardium not part of the heart

Layers of the heart wall

epicardium or visceral pericardium - outer layer. Myocardium - middle layer, muscle. endocaridium - very thin inner layer.

Atrium "atria"

2 superior chambers. auricle - out growth for more space. receive blood R sid from sup and inf vena cava. left side from pulmoary veins. contract slightly.


2 inferior chambers. the pumps. left pumps to body. right pumps to lungs.

blood supply to the myocardium

R & L coronary atries branch from aorta and supply to myocardium. then passes through capillaries, collected by the veins and drained into the coronary sinus > the R atrium.

Atrioventricular valves

AV, between R and L atrium and R & L ventricles.

Right and Left AV valves

Right = tricuspid

Left = mitral or bi cuspid

Semilunar valves

between ventricles and arteries, made up of 3 pocket cusps

pulmonary and aortic semiluner valves

Pulmonary = from right V to Lungs

Aortic = Left V to body.

Chordae tendonae

anchor tips of heart valves to ventricular walls

papillary muscles

cardiac muscle that anchor chordae tendonae

What happens at each

1 - p wave - A depolarization +

2 - atrial contraction

3, 4, 5, 6 - QRS Complex - V depolarization + (also repolarization of atria -)

7 - ventricle contraction

8 - T wave repolarization of ventricles.

flow of conduction in the heart

Sinoatrial node - pace maker

Atrioventriclular node - RA septum

AV bundle of his - more in V septum.

R & L bundle branches - down the septum

Perkunje fibers - up the walls

Tackycardia / brady cardia

>100 / < 60

Normal = 75


rapid uncoordinated heart contractions

how to find pulse pressure

Sys BP - Dia BP = pp

how to find MAP

Dia bp + (1/3 X PP) = mean arterial pressure

Systole / diastole

ventricular contraction / ventricular relaxation

cardiac cycle

1 heart beat

AVg HR, avg length of 1 cardiac cycle.

75, .8

1st heart sound "lub" =

2nd heart sound "dub" =

1 = S1, AV closure

2 = S2 SL closure