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168 Cards in this Set

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Origin of Trapezius
Origin: External occipital protuberance, spinous processes of C1-T12
Insertion of Trapezius
Insertion: spine and acromion of scapula
Action of Trapezius
Elevate and retract scapula
Origin of Pectoralis minor
Insertion of Pectoralis Minor
coacoid process
Action of Pectoralis Minor
depress scapula
Origin of serratus anterior
medial border of scapula
Insertion of serratus anterior
coracoid process
Action of serratus anterior
protraction of the scapula
Origin Rhomboids (major and min)
Thoracic spinous processes
Insertion of Rhomboids (min and major)
Medial border of scapula
Action of Rhomboids (min and major)
Retract the scapula
Origin of Levator scapulae
Cervical spinous processes
Insertion of levator scapulae
Superior angle of scapula
Action of levator scapulae
elevate scapula
Origin of deltoid
scapula and clavicle
Insertion of deltoid
deltoid tuberosity
Action of deltoid
abduction of humerus
Origin of coracobrachialis
coracoid process
Insertion of coracobrachialis
middle of the 1/3 of humerus
Action coracobrachialis
Adduction of humerus
Move medially
move toward the mid line of the body

(Moving the upper arm down to the side toward the body)
Origin Pectoralis Major
sternum and clavicle
Insertion pectoralis major
intertubercular groove
Action pectoralis major
Flexion of humerus
move anteriorly
moving to the front of the body
(moving the upper arm upward to the front)
Origin Latissimus dorsi
Thoracic and lumbar spinous processes
Insertion Latissimus dorsi
Intertubercular groove
Action Latissimus dorsi
extension and medial rotation of the humerus
Origin Teres major
Inferior angle of scapula
Insertion Teres major
Intertubercular groove
Action Teres major
Extension and Medial rotation of the humerus
Origin supraspinatus
supraspinous fossa
Insertion supraspinatus
Greater tubercle
Action supraspinatus
lateral rotation and and abduction of humerus
Origin infraspinatus
infraspinous fossa
Insertion infraspinatus
Greater tubercle
Action infraspinatus
lateral rotation of humerus
Origin teres minor
Inferior angle of scapula
Insertion teres minor
Greater tubercle
Action teres minor
lateral rotation of humerus
Origin subscapularis
subscapular fossa
Origin subscapularis
Subscapular fossa
Insertion subscapularis
Lesser tubercle
Action subscapularis
lateral rotation of humerus
external rotation
Origin biceps brachii
Insertion biceps brachii
Radial tuberosity
Action biceps brachii
flexion of antebrachium
Origin brachialis
Insertion brachialis
ulnar tuberosity
Action brachialis
flexion of antebrachium
Origin triceps brachii
scapula and humerus
Insertion triceps brachii
olecranon process
Action tricpes brachii
Extension of antebrachium
Origin flexor digitorum superficialis
Medial epicondyle
Insertion flexor digitorum superficialis
phalanges (2-5)
Action flexor digitorum superficialis
flexion of digits
Origin pronator teres
medial epicondyle
Insertion pronator teres
lateral surface of radius
Action pronator teres
pronation of antebrachium
(radial movement)
turns hand on other side-facing down
Origin Flexor carpi ulnaris
Medial epicondlye
Insertion Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
Ulnar carpals
Action Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
Flexion of wrist
Origin Brachioradialis
Lateral epicondyle
Insertion Brachiaradialis
Syloid process of radius
Action Brachiaradialis
Flexion of atebrachium
Origin Extensor Carpi Radialis (longus and brevis)
lateral epicondyle
Insertion Extensor Carpi Radialis (longus and brevis)
radial carpals
Action Extensor Carpi Radialis (longus and brevis)
extension of wrist
Origin Extensor digitorum
lateral epicondyle
Insertion Extensor digitorum
phalanges (2-4)
Action Extensor digitorum
extension digits
Origin Extensor Digiti minimi
lateral epicondyle
Insertion Extensor Digiti minimi
phalanx (5)
Action Extensor Digiti minimi
extension digit
Origin entensor carpi ulnaris
Lateral epicondyle
Insertion extensor carpi ulnaris
ulnar carpals
Action extensor carpi ulnaris
Extension of wrist
Origin supinator
lateral epicondyle and ulna
Insertion supinator
anterior surface of radius
Action supinator
supination of antebrachium (palm facing up)

radial movement
Only joint connecting the upper limb to the axial skeleton
sternoclavicular joint
A number of upper limb muscles are extremely important in fastening what to what?
scapular to the thorax
What the is the important function of upper limb muscles, that is rare among animals?
manipulating our environment
What are the four movements of the scapula?
protraction, retraction, elevation, depression
The scapula is pulled laterally, as when extending the arm for something out of reach?
The scapula is pulled medially, as when pulling your shoulders back?
The scapula is moved superiorly, as when shrugging the shoulders?
The scapula is moved inferiorly, as when carrying a heavy suitecase
What are the glenoidhumeral motions?
movements of the humerus: abduction, adduction, medial rotation, lateral rotation, flexion, extension
What are the humeroulnar motions?
Movements of the ulna: flexion and extension
What are the radial motions?
Movements of the radius: Supination and pronation
What are the wrist motions?
flexion, extension, abduction, adduction
What are the metacarpophalangeal joints movements?
flexion, extension, abduction, adduction
What are the interphalangeal joints movements?
movements of the tip of your fingers: flexion and extension
Wrist motion of abduction
move the thumb out
Wrist motion of adduction
move the pinky side of wrist out
Metacarpophalangeal joints abduction
move thumb and pinky fingers out
Metacarpophalangeal joints adduction
move thumb and pinky fingers in
This forms a very mobile connection the the body
pectoral girdle
What glides and rotates along the thorax?
What connects the scapula to the axial skeleton?
What is the major action of the trapezius? And what does this do?
elevate the scapula

stabilizes the weight that is carried by the arm
What muscle stablizes the weight carried by the arm?
What are the two functions of the trapezius?
1) elevate scapula
2) retraction scapula
This assists the rhomboids in their shared function?
trapezius, retraction of scapula
This is a fan shaped muscle that has fascicles that travel in several directions?
The fascicles of what muscle travel in several directions are capable of doing what?

moving the scapula in a variety of directions
What two muscles depress the scapula?
Pectoralis minor (more signficant one) and subclavius
Protraction of the scapula is produced by what muscle?
serratus anterior
This muscle is called the boxer's muscle?
serratus anterior
This three muscles retract and elevate the scapula respectfully?
rhomboids(major and minor)
levator scapulae

(dont forget that trapezius retracts the scapula)
Movers of the scapula are?
trapezius, rhomboids (major and minor), larector scapulae, serratus anterior, pectoralis minor
Two groups of movers of the shoulder?
1) extrinsic muscles
2) intrinsic muscles
What do these two groups of movers of the shoulder do? (2)
1) they originate on the scapula
2) cross the gelnohumeral joint
The muscles that attach at the shaft of the humerus?
extrinsic muscles
The muscles that attach more proximally near the HEAD of the humerus?
intrinsic muscles
These are the longer muscles that produce major movements of the upper arm?
extrinsinic muscles
The four major muscles of the upper arm (extrinsinc muscles)

1) deltoid
2) coracobrachialis
3) lattismus dorsi
4) pectaoralis major
If you stand with your arms outstretched laterally, these four muscles are arranged to produce movements at roughly 90 degrees from one another
extrinsic muscles
This muscle abducts the humerus
This muscle flexes the humerus
pectotralis major
This muscle flexes the humerus when you bring your fists together or doing push ups?
pectotralis major
This muscle adducts the humerus
These two muscles extend the humerus as when rowing a boat, and also medially rotate the humerus?
lattissimus dorsi and teres major
These are humerus shaft muscles
and they do what?
extrinsic muscles

abduct, adduct, flex, extend the humerus
There are four muscles that orginate at the scapula and insert to the proximal humerus. They form the what...
intrinsic muscles often called the rotator cuff muscles
This is a tendinous support that holds the humeral head in the shallow glenoid fossa of the scapula
rotator cuff
What holds the place of the humeral head in of the scapula?
glenoid fossa
What does the glenoid fossa of the scapula hold and support?
humeral head
Name the three muscles that attach from the posterior surface of the scapula and insert on the greater tubercle of the humerus.
1) supraspinatus
2) infraspinatus
3) teres minor
Name the four intrinsic muscles
1) supraspinatus
2) infraspinatus
3) teres minor
4) subscapularis
What kind of muscles form the rotator cuff muscles?
intrinsic muscles
Where does the posterior surface muscles attach to?
greater tubercle of the humerus
What do all three muscles of the posterior surface of the scapula (intrinsic muscles) do?
rotate the humerus laterally
What does the the supraspinatous muscle do?
intrinsic muscle

abducts the humerus
What is the single muscle that originates in the anterior subscapular fossa? Where does it attach? What does it do?

lesser tubercle

medially rotates the humerus
Which muscle attaches to the lesser tubercle of the humerus?
Which muscle attaches to the greater tubercle of the humerus?
teres minor
The brachium is seperated by which two compartments?
anterior and posterior
What does the anterior compartment of the brachium contain?
flexors of the forearm (brachium)
What does the posterior compartment of the brachium contain?
extensors of the forearm (brachium)
What two muscles are part of the flexor (anterior) compartment?
brachialis, biceps brachii
This muscle originates at the scapula and attaches to the radial tuberosity.
biceps brachii
Two heads
biceps brachii
Where do the three heads originate from?
scapula and humerus
Where does the triceps insert on?
oclecranon process
What is the insignifcant muscle that makes up the extensor compartment?
anconeus, along with the triceps
This origninates on the scapula and the humerus, it inserts itself on the olecranon process?
The anterior compartment of the antebrachium consist of?
contains flexors of the wrist and digits

two muscles that pronate the forearm
The posterior compartment of the antebrachium consist of?
contains extensors of the wrist and digits

supinator of the forearm
Exact muscles of the anterior (flexor) compartment
1) flexor digitorum superficialis
2) pronator teres
3) flexor carpi radialis
4) palmaris longus
5) flexor carpi ulnaris
Where do the five muscles of the flexor compartment of the antebrachium originate?
medial epicondyle of the humerus
The largest and deepest of the flexor compartment?
flexor digitorum superficialis
This muscle sends tendons to the digits allowing for the flexion of digits
flexor digitorum superficialis
flat muscle

and the four round muscles overlying this flat muscle?
flexor digitorum superficialis

pronator teres, flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus, flexor carpi ulnaris
Order the four muscles of the flexor compartment of the antebrachium from lateral to medial.
pronator teres, flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus, flexor carpi ulnaris
Medially rotates (pronates) the antebrachium
pronator teres
These two muscles flex the wrist
Flexor carpi radialis
flexor carpi ulnaris
Attaches to a thick connective tissue of the hand, palamar aponeurosis
palmaris longus
What is the thick connective tissue of the palm called?
palmaris aponeurosis
This tissue holds the skin of the palm in place
palamaris longus
Contraction of this muscle stablizes the palm when gripping an object.
palamaris longus
Where is the freely mobile skin located
on the dorsal surface of your hand
This muscle is wrapped around the radius so as the "unwind" when contracting turning the palm forward in opposition to the pronator teres.
Supinator turns the antebrachium in opposition with what muscle?
pronator teres
3 lateral extensors that orginate from the lateral epicondyle
extensor carpi radialis (longus and brevis)
3 medial extensors that originate from the lateral epicondyle
extensor digitorum
extensor digiti minimi
extensor carpi ulnaris
The common irritation of their proximal attachement is called tennis elbow
extensor carpi radialis (longus and brevis)
The most lateral extensor is