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72 Cards in this Set

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Trichomonas vaginalis

Balantidium coli

Giardia lamblialambkins

Plasmodium SPP

Clonorchis sinensis

Schistosoma mansoni

Entromoeba hystolytics

Trichomonas vaginalis

-Protozoan parasite

-Most common sexual transmitted disease in US

-Can be both asymptomatic in both male and females

-s/s include burning and itching within the urethra for both sexes. Females may also have painful intercourse, redness, edema, and vaginal discharge with odor

Life cycle of Trichomonas vaginalis

1) Trophozoite (Urethra, vagina, epididymus, prostate)

2) Infectious stage

multiply by longitudinal fission (no cyst)

3) method of infecton

Sexual transmitted disease

Balantidium coli

-Protozoan parasite

-endemic to tropical areas

-transmitted by oral/fecal route

-cysts ingested and trophozoites colonized in intestinal tract

-reproduced by binary fission

-pigs can be the resevoir

-s/s are cramping and diahrrea and most severe bowel perforation

Life cycle of Balantidium coli

1) Trophozoite in large intestine; multipy asexually by binary fission

2) Infective stage; cysts passed in feces

3) Method of infection; man ingests infective cyst; transmitted by feces, fingers, food, formites, and flies

simple stain

negative stain

do you heat fix a negative stain

No. It will interfere with the dye/cell interaction

What are the negative stains

-Congo red

-India Ink


What are the positive stains


-Methylene Blue

-Crystal violet


What can be determined with a simple stain




what color do negative stained bacteria take

they are colorless


when performing the simple stain one decolorizes for 30 seconds


simple stains dont have a decolorizer

It is ok to stain a slidetha has only been air dried when simple staining



​When performing a negative stain th slide is heat fixed after th dye has been added


Define pure culture

One type of specimen in a media

Briefly explain why it is important toobserve aseptic technique when performing a negative stain

Because you don't wnt your specimen to be contaminated and alter your view and conclusion of your specimen


When preparing a smear from a liquid broth you should not add water to your slide

Already in liquid


When preparing a smear from a solid media you should not add water to your slide


Adding DI water allows the bacteria to spread out so you can observe the bacteria properly

What is the reason for heat fixing a smear

To adhere te bacteria to the slide

To kill th bacteria without altering the bacteria chemical properties


Parfocal is a characteristic of a microsope that allows one to adjust the working distance once andthen use the fine adjutment knob to focus on the specimen


What is the total magnificatin of a scan power lens

40 x

Objective lens magnification -4x

Ocular magnification - 10x

What is the total magnification of a low power


objective lens magnification - 10x

Ocular magnification - 10x

What is the total magnifcation of a high power


Objective lens magnification - 40x

Ocular magnification - 10x

What is the total magnification of oil immersion


Objective lens magnification - 100x

Ocular magnificaton - 10x

What is resolution

the ability to discern the different aspects of a specimen from each other

There are two aspects of resolving power that must be considered when calculating the resolving power of a particular lens

1) Wavelength of light used to illuminate the specimen

2) The refractive index of the lens

(Refraction is the bending of a ray of light as it passes through any material and th refractive index is related to the degree by which it is bent)

What is the formula for resolving power

Wavelength of light (nm)


2 x Numerical Aperture


500 nm

________ = 200 nm


1) Ocular lens

2) Arm

3) Body

4) dont have to know

5) Course Adjustment knob

6) Fine Adjustment knob

7) base

8) Lamp

9) Diaphragm and Condensor

10) dont have to know

11) Stage clips

12) Mechanical stage

13) Objective lens

14) Revolving Nosepiece

15) dont have to know

Who invented the Gram Stain

Christian Gram

What kind of stain is a Gram Stain


What does it mean by a differential stain on a Gram stain

Because it separates bacteria into tow groups based on cell wall structure

what are the exceptions that you won't use a Gram stain

Spirochaetes, Mycobacteria, and Actinomycetes because they do not respond to the Gram staining in a consistant manner

What manuel is the definitive resource for bacterial identification, is divided based on Gram reaction

Bergey's Manuel

What are the reagents used in a Gram Stain

Crystal violet- Primary Stain

Gram's Iodine- Mordant

Ethanol- decolorizer

Safranin- Seconday stain (counterstain)

What Gram stain is this

What Gram stain is this

Gram negative

What Gram stain is this

What Gram stain is this

Gram positive

Define staph

clusters of bacterial cells

Define strep

a line of bacterial cells

List the possible shapes that bacteria may take





Gram positive bacteria stain red


Gram positive stain purple


Gram positive bacteria stain purple


List one factor that may affect the outcome of the Gram stain

overuse of te decolorizer (Alcohol)

What type of staining techniqu is the Gram stain


Name the secondary stain used in the Gram stain


What can be determined with the Gram stain

Gram reaction




It is not necessary to heat fix slides that are Gram stained


must heat fix slides to see bacteria if not they will wash away

What color are Gram negative bacteria after staining


Briefly explain why Gram positive bacteria stain the way they do

Because they have a thick cellular wall (made up of peptidoglycan) that absorbs the dye with the help with the mordant (Iodine) which binds to the crystal violet allowing it to keep the dye intact

Name the primary stain used in the Gram stain

Crystal violet


Acid fast bacteria stain red


What type of staining technique is the acid fast stain


because it distinquishes bacteria that has mycolic acid

Briefly explain why acid fast bacteria resist staining using conventional staining techniques

Because it has a mycolic layer tha does not allow dyes to penetrate. Its protectant

Name the primary stain used in the acid fast



Non-acid fast bacteria stain red


Non acid fast stain blue


The primary stain is steamed in the acid fast stain


Name the secondary stain used in the acid fast stain

Methlene Blue

Name the steps for an Acid-Fast stain

1) make a smear on a slide and lay bibulous paper on the slide and saturate with carbolfuchsin (primary stain)

2) place slide on boiling water and allow it to steam (mordant)

3)Remove blotting paper and rince with DI water, Add the acid-alcohal (decolorizer) and rinse with DI water

4) Add methylene blue (counterstain) to the smear for 1 min and rinse with DI water

What is the a positive and a negative result in an Acid-Fast stain

Positive- Red

Negative- Blue

What is the pH indicater solution in a Carbohydrate fermentation test

Bromocresol purple

What test is this?

What result is #1?

What result is #2B?

What result is #3A?

What test is this?

What result is #1?

What result is #2B?

What result is #3A?

Carbohydrate fermentation test

negative reaction

positive reaction (acidic)

positive reaction with production of gas

What kind of test is this?


Is this positive or negative?


What is added to the plate?


What are you looking for in this test?

What kind of test is this?

Is this positive or negative?

What is added to the plate?

What are you looking for in this test?

Starch Digestion test

Positive ( contains enzyme amylase)


If bacteria contains amylase to break down starch

What test is this?


Which is a positive result?


What are you looking for?


What does this agar contain?

What test is this?

Which is a positive result?

What are you looking for?

What does this agar contain?

DNA Digestion Test

S. Marcescens

Looking to see if bacteria contains DNAse for breaking DNA down to nucleotides

methyl green

What test is this


What is a positive test


What are you looking for?

What test is this

What is a positive test

What are you looking for?

Catalase test

A bubbly top

To see if hydrogen peroxide will break down into water and oxygen by the enzyme catalase

What test is this?


Explain A

Explain B

Explain C


What reagent do you use for indole?

What test is this?

Explain A

Explain B

Explain C

What reagent do you use for indole?

SIMs Test

(Sulfur, Indole, Motility)

A- No motility, no indole, and no hydrogen sulfide

B- Motility, Indole (amino acid tryptophan will degrade and produce indole by the enzyme tryptophanase), no hydrogen sulfide

C- motility, indole production, hydrogen sulfide production (amino acid Cysteine is degraded by the enzyme Cysteine Desulfurase and produces hydrogen sulfide)