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54 Cards in this Set

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Common facies for contact metamorphism metabasite.
Albite-epidote hornfels facies, Hornblende hornfels facies, Pyroxene hornfels facies, and sanidine facies
define hornfels
massive, undeformed rock with a granular fabric lacking any preferred orientation (lineation, foliation); characteristically has a 'spotty' appearance.
what restriction does one have in contact metamorphism?
Contact metamorphic facies are best defined by pelite mineral assemblages; the higher-T facies are uncommon
Common facies for contact metamorphism pelite.
Albite-epidote hornfels, Hornblende hornfels, Pyroxene hornfels , and sanidine
define Albite-epidote hornfels facies in metabasite contact metamorphism and common assemblages.
low-P equivalent of the greenschist-facies.

Assemblage: ab + ep + act + chl ± bio, qz
define Hornblende hornfels facies in metabasite contact metamorphism and common assemblages.
low-P equivalent of the amphibolite-facies.

Assemblage: hbl + act + anth + plg + gt ± bio, qz
define Pyroxene hornfels facies in metabasite contact metamorphism and common assemblages.
low-P equivalent of the granulite-facies.

Assemblage: cpx + opx + plg + gt ± hbl, bio, qz
define sanidine facies in metabasite contact metamorphism and common assemblages.
not well defined for metabasite
define Albite-epidote hornfels in pelite contact metamorphism and common assemblages/diagnostic minerals.
chl diagnostic.

Assemblage: ms + bio + chl + ab + qz ± kf
define Hornblende hornfels in pelite contact metamorphism and common assemblages/diagnostic minerals.
cd + ms diagnostic.

Assemblage: cd + ms + bio + plg + qz ± kf, gt,
define Pyroxene hornfels in pelite contact metamorphism and common assemblages/diagnostic minerals.
cd + and + kf diagnostic.

Assemblage: cd + and + kf + plg + bio + qz ± gt
define Sanidinite in pelite contact metamorphism and common assemblages/diagnostic minerals.
glass diagnostic; kf is sanidine.

Assemblage: cd + kf + plg + glass
define zeolite facies in metabasite in regional metamorphism.
Zeolite-facies minerals common as fracture or vesicle fillings in massive basalt.

Calcite replaced by albite.

presence of the zeolite mineral laumontite diagnostic.

Secondary quartz, calcite, and fine-grained phyllosilicate (chlorite) are commonly also formed.
define zeolite facies in pelite in regional metamorphism.
Only calcic bulk compositions develop zeolite.

Original clay minerals (smectite or montmorillonite) become mixed-layer (illite-smectite) clay.

smectite + fsp = illite-smectite + qz
define Prehnite-Pumpellyite-Facies regional metamorphism in metabasite.
Presence of prehnite [Ca2Al2Si3O10(OH)2] and pumpellyite [Ca4(Mg,Fe)(Al,Fe)5Si6O23(OH)3.2H2O] diagnostic

Quartz, albite, chlorite, and calcite are common additional secondary minerals.

relic igneous textures preserved.
define Prehnite-Pumpellyite-Facies regional metamorphism in pelite.
Only calcic bulk compositions develop prehnite and pumpellyite.<>
Mixed-layer clay minerals become more ordered illite (illite crystallinity increases).

illite-smectite + qz ± chl = illite + qz ± chl

must have hydrocirculutation
define Greenschist-Facies regional metamorphism in metabasite.
Presence of actinolite diagnostic, but at higher P-T actinolite replaced by a blue-green hornblende; plagioclase is sodic

act + ep + ab + chl + qz at lower T

hbl ± act + ep + ab + chl ± gt at higher T
define Greenschist-Facies regional metamorphism in pelite.
Chlorite, biotite, garnet Barrovian zones.

Chlorite diagnositic.

Assemblage: chl + ms + ab + qz chlorite zone
Assemblage: bio + chl + ms + ab + qz biotite zone
Assemblage: gt + chl + bio + ms + ab + qz garnet zone
define amphibolite facies regional metamorphism in metabasite
Absence of actinolite and plagioclase is more calcic than in the greenschist-facies.

Assemblage: hbl + plg (³An17) ± ep ± gt ± qz

chl + Al-ep + qz = hbl + an + H2O
ab + act = hbl + qz
act + chl + qz + Al-ep = hbl + H2O
define amphibolite facies regional metamorphism in pelite
Staurolite, kyanite, sillimanite Barrovian zones.
Assemblage: st + bio + musc + qz + ab + gt ± chl staurolite zone

ctd + qz = st + gt + H2O
chl + ms + gt = st + bio + qz + H2O
chl + ms = st + bio + qz + H2O

Assemblage: ky + bio + ms + qz + ab + gt ± st kyanite zone
chl + ms + qz = ky + bio + H2O
st + chl + ms = ky + bio + qz + H2O
st + ms + qz = ky + bio + H2O
Assemblage: sil + bio + ms + qz + ab + gt ± st, ky sillimanite zone
ky = sil
st + ms + qz = sil + bio + H2O
define blueshist facies in regional metamorphism of metabasite
High P
Glaucophane + lawsonite (CaAl2Si2O7(OH)2.H2O) is diagnostic

Assemblage: gl + law ± jd, chl, qz, ms, ag
define blueshist facies in regional metamorphism of pelite
High P
Gl + law again diagnostic, but presence (especially of law) depends on bulk composition.
No biotite.
gl + phengite + chl + qz ± law, jd, ag
define Eclogite-Facies regional Metamorphism in metabasite
Mineralogy is predominantly pyralspite garnet plus the sodic pyroxene omphacite.

Assemblage: gt + om ± qz ± rt ± ky

No plag
define Eclogite-Facies regional Metamorphism in pelite
Metamorphism of pelite at very high-P produces unusual whiteschist of mostly kyanite and talc [Mg6Si8O20(OH)4].

Assemblage: tc + ky + qz ± gt ± musc
define Amphibolite
a metamorphic rock (typically a metabasite) predominantly comprising
hornblende and plagioclase; a mineral assemblage characteristic of the
define Blueschist
a metabasite containing abundant sodic amphibole; a mineral assemblage
characteristic of the blueschist-facies.
define Corona
mineral surrounded by a rim or mantle of another mineral(s); a reaction rim.
define Calc-silicate
a metamorphic rock derived from a marly sedimentary protolith
define Charnockite
a K-feldspar and hypersthene bearing granulite.
define Eclogite
a metabasite composed predominantly of garnet and omphacite; a mineral
assemblage characteristic of the eclogite-facies
define Foliation
alignment of platy mineral grains perpendicular to the direction of maximum applied
define Gneiss
a coarse grained, foliated rock typically showing segregation of feldspar- and quartzrich
layers and mafic- and mica-rich layers.
define Granulite
a metamorphic rock characterized by equidimensional, polygonal grains of all
minerals which are typically feldspar, pyroxene, amphibole; a mineral assemblage
characteristic of the granulite-facies.
define Greenschist
a metabasite composed predominantly of chlorite, epidote, and actinolite; a
mineral assemblage characteristic of the greenschist-facies.
define hornfels
a contact metamorphic rock comprising a random fabric of interlocking grains.
define Idioblast
a porphyroblast with well developed crystal faces (= euhedral).
define Lineation
- alignment, parallel to the direction of stretching, of elongate grains.
define Marble
a metamorphic rock derived from a carbonate-rich sedimentary protolith.
define Metabasite
a metamorphic rock derived from a basic igneous protolith
define Migmatite
a rock comprising a schistose or gneissose portion intimately mixed with veins of
apparently igneous quartzo-feldspathic material (leucosome).
define Mortar texture
in mylonite, a matrix (mortar) of fine, syntectonically recrystallized material
enclosing larger, fractured, and strained relics (pophyroclasts) of pre-existing
define Mylonite
recrystallization in response to strain, typically in shear zones.
define Orthogneiss
a gneiss formed from an igneous protolith.
define Paragneiss
gneiss formed from a sedimentary protolith
define pelite
a metamorphic rock derived from a clay-rich sedimentary protolith.
define pokiloblast
a porphyroblast with a very high density of inclusions.
define porphyroblast
grains that are significantly larger than those of the matrix.
define psammite
a metamorphic rock derived from an arenaceous sedimentary protolith
define psuedomorph
a mineral, or aggregate of minerals, displaying the characteristic shape of
another mineral. Formed by the replacement of a primary mineral by a secondary
define pseudtachylyte
a thin seam of glassy rock produced as the result of frictional heating during
extreme deformation in shear zones
define quartzite
a metamorphic rock derived from a quartz-rich sedimentary protolith.
define slate
strongly cleaved rock with cleavage planes pervasively developed throughout the rock,
due to orientation of very fine grained phyllosilicate minerals.
define schist
rock with parallel alignment of relatively coarse phyllosilicate grains, usually clearly
visible to the naked eye.
define symplectite
an intimate intergrowth of two minerals, one having a worm-like habit.