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22 Cards in this Set

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Simple Staining Technique

a basic cationic dye is flooded across a sample adding color the cells


a positively charged ion

Why is the background clear in a simple stain?

because the cytoplasm in the cell walls has a negative charge and is attracted to the positively charged dye which causes just the cells/bacteria to stain

Is a simple stain heat fixed?

Yes because it kills the bacteria and attaches it to the slide and enhances the stain uptake

Negative Staining Technique

an acidic, anionic dye mixed with a cell sample the dye changes the color of the background not the cells causing the cells to stand out


a negatively charged ion

Why is the negative stain background not clear?

because the negatively charged dye with the negative charged cells, they repell off of each other and causes the background to stain and the cells to remain clear

What is the simple staining technique used for?

determines cell morphology, size, and arrangement

Why doesnt a negative stain require heat fixing?

So the cells are not subjected to the distorting effects of chemicals and heat their natural size and shape can be seen

Reagent in a gram stain

primary stain (crystal violet)- mordant (gram's iodine)- decolorizing agent (ethyl alcohol, 95%)- counterstain (safranin)

Cocci shape

sphere bacteria

Bacilli shape

rod shaped

Cocci possibility shapes




tetrad=packet of 4

sarcina=packet of 8

Bacilli possibility shape



Gram Stain

differentiates between a gram positive and gram negative

Gram Positive

has a thick layer of peptidoglycan

Gram Negative

has a thin layer of peptidoglycan

Gram Positive stain process

Primary- purple


Decolorizing agent-purple


Gram Negative stain process



Decolorizing agent-colorless


Hanging Drop

culture on the depression slide and put the coverslip on top of the culture drop

Wet Mount

has a thin layer of petroleum jelly on the cover slip place the culture in the center of the depression slide and cover the culture with the cover slip to form a seal between the two

Difference between the hanging drop and a wet mount

hanging drop lives longer than wet mount because of the petroleum jelly and because it has more of an oxygen flow then a wet mount does which seals the oxygen out