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28 Cards in this Set

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Transpiration =?
Water control
- Stomata allow for gas exchange
- Stomata open during the day, when gasses are needed for photosynthesis
- Stomata close at night
- Reversed for desert plants to conserve water
Water Control- Transpiration
What creates tension in xylem?
Pulls cohesive column of water from roots to leaves
- High light levels
- High temperature
- Low humidity
- High air flow (wind)
- High soil moisture content
- More stomata on lower surface of leaf, to reduce water loss due to transpiration
- Lower surface= Less heat and light from sun
- Cuticle seal epidermis, further reducing water loss
Factors that increase transpiration
- Water still enters plant through roots when stomata are closed
- Root pressure builds
- Gutation
- Occurs when humidity and soil moisture are high, and transpiration rate low
Water Control- gutation
Water control?
- Growth of new plant from small piece of an old plant
- Asexual
Vegetative Reproduction
- Epiphytes
- Some bromeliads are epiphytes
- Epiphytic bromeliads have greatly reduced roots
Modified Roots
Plants that live attached to other plants?
- Fine hair- like extensions of epidermis
- Fine hair- like extensions of epidermis
- Serve a variety of roles, depending on plant species
- Reduce transpiration by decreasing air flow, and creating a dead space around the leaf
- Reduce herbivory physically or chemically
- Reflect sun in hot climates
- Increase surface area for moisture absorption
- Prevent frost forming on living tissue
- Trichomes wiith secretory cells
- Ex. sundew, herbs
Glandular Trichomes
- Old man of mount cactus
- Leaves have evolved into spines
- Reduce water loss through transpiration
- Less surface area
- Protection from herbivory
- Hairlike trichomes surrounding each spine
- Further reduce transpiration by reducing airflow
- Reflects Sunlight
Modified Leaves
- Rocky mimicry
- Leaves modified to look like rocks or pebbles
- Reduce herbivory
- Thick leaves store water
Modified Leaves
- Remove salt from xylem, keeping cellular concentration at healthy levels
- Allow plants to live in otherwise uninhabitable environments
- Ex. Button wood, White mangrove
Salt Glands
- Color bracts look like petals, but are actually modified leaves
- Flowers are tiny, nested between bracts
- Bracts attract pollinators
- Ex. Bougainvillae and Poinsetta
Modified Flowers
- Red mangrove
- Seeds germinate while still on plant
- Form propagles
- Propagules drift in the ocean prior to becoming anchored and growing into a seed
- Increased chance of survival in aquatic environment
Modified Fruit
Stores moisture?
Mucilage (Aloe)
Heals wounds, reduce herbivory?
Mucilage and latex?
Secretory cells
- Rapid response to touch or vibration?
- Thigmotrism
- Change in turgor pressure in specific cell causes leaves to move
- Ex. mimosa
Mastic Movements
Venus fly trap
- 3-5 triggers on each side of leaf
- Trap closes when a hair is touched twice in a row, or when two hairs are touched in rapid succession
- Rapid increase in cell size along the outside edge of the hinge causes the leaf to close
Nastic Movements
- Etialation
- Seedling grown in darkness have long internodes: attempt to reach light
- Lack of chlorophyll causes plant to be pale
Light as Movement
- Direction of growth is determines by light source
- The hormone auxin migrates away from light, causing cells along the dark side ot stem to elongate
- Stems are positively phototrophic
Roots are negatively phototrophic
- Can also be partially responsible for bending stem?
- Apical dominance
- Apical bud produce auxin
- promotes cell division in the bud
- Inhibit growth in lateral buds to prevent competition for resources
- Removing apical bud stops auxin production
- Allows lateral buds to develop
Lateral Bud Inhibition