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77 Cards in this Set

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three domains of life

-domain bacteria

-domain archaea

-domain eukaryota

consist of prokaryotic organisms

domain archaea

domain bacteria

includes all eukaryotic organism

eukaryotic branch


-in todays lab will observe

-specifically bacteria

-no nucleus

-translates to pre-nucleus

-most are unicellular

-typically very small length of .5 um to 5um

-great diversity

-photosynthetic or non-photosynthetic

-some req oxygen to survive(obligate aerobes)

-while others die in presence of oxygen (obligate anaerobes)

-some are faculative anaerobes

-some inhibit extreme saline environments extreme cold or heat extreme acid and some can survive extreme radiation


-single celled

-though some form colonies or aggregates

faculative anaerobes

-they can survive in anaerobic conditions survive in anaerobic conditions but thrive in oxygenated environments


-many bacteria are this

-means they consume dead organisms

-recycles carbon in dead matter

-bacteria consume the organic molecules in dead matter and release co2 back into the atmosphere so it can be used for photosynthesis

photosynthetic bacteria

-fix co2 into sugars and release o2 into the environemnt

some bacteria erform

nitrogen fixation

nitrogen fixation

-incorporating N2 nitrogen gas form the atmosphere into organic molecules

-needed for building nitrogen conatining biomolecules such as amino acids

where do prokaryotes live

-in your intestine(aid digestion), live on skin and do nothing


-organisms tha tlive in close contact with you

-can be beneficial (mutualistic), harmful(parasitic or pathogenic) or they can b neither(commensalistic)

some nitrogen fixing bacteria are

-mutualistic symbionts with plant roots

-supply plants with amino acids or ammonia by fixing nitrogen from the soil while th plant supplis bacteria with other organic molecules

pathogenic bacteria

-are those that cause diseases

-warrant the useof antibacterial products such as antiseptics and disinfectants

-this is why expeiremnt for ditecting effectiveness of such products

cell wall

-feature comon to all bacteria is the presence of this

-provides structure for the ells and protects thecells from bursting in hypotonic environemnts much like th ecell wall of plants

-diff because made of peptidoglycan not cellulose


- is a rigid matieral composed of polysaccharides that are cross linked (reinforced) by short polypeptides

in this lab you will learn

- abou the comp of bactieral cell walls and how th ecell wall is used to classify bacteria

E. coli


-bacterial species that is made up of harmful and nonharmul strains

-mutualistic ecoli in lower intestine

-help to provent growth of pahtogenic bacteria

-few strains of pathogenic E. coi whic r responsible for food poisining


-can cause diaherra

-dangersous type of E. coli

-produce one or more kinds of toxins called shiga toxins

shiga toxins

-can severly damage the lining of your intestines and kidneys

-these bacterias are called shiga toxin-producing E. coli(STEC)


-often causes bloody diharea and can lead to kidney failure in children or in ppl with weakend immune systems

most common contaminated foods and liquids that have caused e coli outbreaks

-undercooked or raw burgers


-produce such as spinach,lettuce,sprouted seeds

-unpastuerized milk, apple juice or cider

-contimainated well water or surface water frequented by animals

STEC can also occur in

-hand wahsing bad infected animal or animal waste

-hand washign after contact with infected person

-swallowing unchlorinated or underchlorinated water inswimming pool contimated by human feces

-swimming water with even low levels of sewage contimation

-contaminated food wateror ice

we use

-the ecoli HB101 strain


-will use steril techniques in lab


-of antimicrobial products can be dangerous

natural selection

-the process which individuals with certian traits leave behind more offspring than indiviudals with other triats

-select for particualr genes tht inatctive antibaterial products

if there is some randeom mutation in the bacterial DNA

-that allows for resistance to antibacterial products the use of these products will select for cells with that mutation

-these cells wil replicate in far greater numbers thatn non resistant cells

-over many generations the entire population of bacteria will be made up of antibacterial resistant cells

disc-diffusion method

-used in this study

-study the efficacy of the products on curbing bacteria growth

disc-diffusion method relies on

-the principle of diffusion

-the molecules in the product will difuse out of the paper disc

-the molecules are most concentrated

near the disk and least away

if a low cocentration of the product is able to inhibit bacterial growth

-you will see a large zone of non grwoth around the disc

zone of inhibition

-the clear zone on disc

-the larger the zone of inhibition the more effective the product is at inhibiting bacterial growth

first off

-set up bacteria plates to test the degree to which the products can inhibit bacteria growth

next week(this week)

-will view and analyze the plates to determine which products are effective in reducing bacterial grwoth by measuring and recording the zone of inhibition


-what we are testing the effectiveness today

-are products used on living tissue


-products used on inanamate objs

will use

-LB nutrient rich agar plates


standard deviation

-after calculate the average zone of inhibition for each quadrant

-a measure of the variation in your measurements

-a calcution of the average amount that your individual measurements differ fromteh mean(average) of the measurements

to calculate standard deviation

-subtract the mean for each individual measuremnt- this is called the deviation

-square each deviation (d squared)

-take the sume of d squared values- tis is known as the sum of the squares (SS) divide this sum by the number of measurements collected (n). SS/n is called the variance

-will take the square root of the variance-this will give ou the standard deviation

bacterias small size

-complicated classifying and studying them

through use of electron microscope and genetic analysis using modern molecular techniques

- we have jsut begun ot appreciate in the past few decades the variety and complexity of the prokaryotes

they have reisded on earth for at least

3.5 billion years( 2 billion years longer than eukaryotes)

bacteria few basic shapes are

-spherical coccus

-rodshaped bacillus


spherical coccus

-plural cocci meaning berries

-usually round can b oval

-elongated or flattened on one side

-wen divided to reproduce th ecells can remain attached to one another

cocci that remain in pairs after dividiign are called


those that divide and remain attached in chainlike patterns are called


cocci that form grape-like clusters are called



-divide ony across their short axis so tere are fewer groupings of bacilli than of cocci

-most appear as single rods


-appear in pairs after division


-occur in chains

some bacilli

-look like straws

-other have tapered ends like cigars

-others are oval and look like cocci that they are calle coccobacilli

bacillus has

-two meanings in microbiology

-as we used it refers to bacterial shape

-when capitalized and italicized refers to specific genus( ex bacterium bacillus anthracis is the causitive agent of anthrax)

spiral shaped bacteria

-the "other" shaped bacteria

-will see spiral shapes inlab today

size of bacteria

1 um

-use 1000X magnification

ocular lenses

-magnify images by 10X

obj lenses


to view 1000X magnification

-will need to use the 100X obj

-req the oil immersion technique

gram stain

-developed in 1884 by the danish bacteriologist Hans christian Gram

-most useful becuz it classifies bactieria into two large groups

-gram-positive, gram-negative based on their cell wall characteristics

-not universally applicable becuase some bacterial cells stain poorly or not at all

-most conisitant when used on young growing bacteria

a cell is gram positive if

-it hsa thick layger of peptidoglycan in the cell wall

gram positive cells take in

-crystal violet dye and stain bluish purple

gram negative cellls have

-a thin layer of peptidoglican in the cell wall

-an outer lipopolysaccharide layer which makes a more complex cell wall

gram negative cels dont retain

-crystal violet dye and would be colorless if they were not counterstained

counterstain we will use

-safranin which will stain the gram negative cells pink

gram reaction of bacterium can

-provide valuable info for the treatment of disease

gram-positive bacteria

-tend to be killed easily by penicillin and cephalosporin antibiotics

gram negative bacteria are generally

-more resisitant becuz the antibiotics cant penetrate teh lipopolysaccharide laer

-some general antibiotics such as ampicilin tha target both gram positive and negative bacteria

four chemicals solutions used in gram stain technique

-crystal violet, iodine, alcohol, safranin

crystal violet

-simple stain that will stain all the cells bluish purple


-is a mordant that will help the crystal violet stay in the cell wals of tehe gram postie bacteria

a mordant

-is a substance used in dyeing to fix the coloring matter

-her ethe iodine combines with the crystal violet dye and forms large water insoluable colored compounds inteh cell wall

the purpose of using alc during the gram staining procecdure

- is that it is a decolorizer

-for gram positive bacteria the cell wall will dehydrate and the pores will shrink- the crystal violet trapped in the cell wall and thecell reamins violet

-for gram neg bacteria -the lipopolysaccharide layer will b removed by the alc and this thin peptidolglycan layger willnot be able to retain crystal violet . as the crystal vioelt is removed the cells bcome colorless


-simple stian tha twill stain the gram neg cells red

-this stain does not effect the gram pos bacteria which will remain violet

crystal violet


regnat used

-gram pos will look violet , gram neg same


-1 min

-violet violet

alc (decolorizer_)

-usign aprox 2mL, violet, clear


-1 min

-violet, redish pink

microscope use

-begin viewing under 4 X obj mag(short yellow obj.)

-look for colored smear9 either pink or purple0 and bring to focus

-incrose to 10X obj focusing agian with fine focus knob

-switch to 40X obj bring the colored speack into sharp focus using the fine focus knob must b in sharp focus

-fotate the 40X obj slightly oout of way so that you can place a small drop of oil on slife

-roatat 100X obj into postiion so almost touches slide and becomes immersed in the drop of oil as it locks into place