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47 Cards in this Set

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* The urachus extends from ______________ to __________________.
umbilicus to apex of bladder
*The urachus connects _________ to ___________ in the fetus.
bladder to allantoic sac
* The umbilical arteries extend from ___________ to _______________.
umbilicus to iliac arteries
*The umbilical ________________ carry O2 poor blood from ____________ to ____________.
arteries; fetus to placenta
* the umbilical ____________ carries O2 rich blood from ____________ to _______________.
vein; placenta to ductus venosus
* What are the three external umbilical remnants?
1) umbilical arteries
2) umbilical vein
3) urachus
* what do the umbilical arteries become?
round ligaments of bladder
*what does the umbilical vein become?
round ligament of liver
* what does the urachus connect?
bladder to allantoic sac in the fetus
what are some umbilical conditions? (4)
1) umbilical hernia
2) umbilical infections/abscess
3) subcutaneous abscesses
4) patent urachus
what is the definition of an umbilical hernia?
defect in ventral body wall at the umbilicus, resulting in herniation of abdominal contents
When does a congenital umbilical hernia usually close?
by day 4
at what age does a developmental umbilical hernia usually develop?
usually develops at 5-8 weeks of age
is there a breed predisposition for an umbilical hernia? sex predisposition?
No and no
what are the usual contents of a umbilical hernia?
SI, omentum, cecum (rarely)
T or F
Incarceration of herniated viscera is not uncommon.
I dont' even know what this means. ******* double negatives. Whatever, the statement is TRUE!
Are hernias usually infected in foals> In calves?
Not in foals but usually infected in calves. Poor calves. :(
Reducible hernia = ?
Non-reducible hernia= ?
reducible hernia = uncomplicated
non-reducible hernia= complicated
what does an uncomplicated hernial feel like? complicated?
uncomplicated feels fluidy and soft
complicated feels denser, possibly hard, warm, painful
Will you see systemic signs with an uncomplicated umbilical hernia? what about a complicated umbilical hernia?
No systemic signs in an uncomplicated
commonly systemic signs in a complicated hernia
what might cause systemic signs in a complicated umbilical hernia?
incarceration of bowel (colic, shock)
umbilical infection ("poor doer", fever, signs of sepsis, infxn of other organ systems such as lung, GI tract and joints)
How do you dx an uncomplicated umbilica hernia?
visual inspection
How do you dx a complicated hernia?
FNA (ONLY if abscess is PRESENT!)
Cytology, culture and sensitivity, gram stain
In an umbilical hernia when should you NOT do an FNA?
If you could injure bowel
What does treatment of an umbilical hernia depend on?
whether the hernia is uncomplicated or complicated
What is some medical treatment for an uncomplicated hernia if the ring is < 10 cm?
manual reduction and irritation BID
abdominal bandage (+/- half tennis ball)
Do NOT use an umbilical clamp or elastrator band
When do you perform sx treatment of an uncomplicated umbilical hernia?
When the hernia ring is > 10 cm
no resolution with medical tx at 4-5 mos of age
signs of incarceration develop
if you have signs of bowel incarceration in a complicated umbilical hernia, when is it an emergency to treat?
when you have signs of bowel incarceration
when is sx tx recommended in a complicated umbilical hernia?
signs of local infxn/abscessation
what is infxn of the umbilical cord called?
umbilical artery? umbilical vein?
umbilical cord= omphalitis
umbilical vein=omphalophlebitis
umbilical artery=ophaloarteriitis
What are some possible etiologies of umbilical infxn? (3)
1) hematogenous infection pre-partum
2) hematogenous infection post-partum
3) ascending infection post-partum
what are the most common isolates in umbilical infxns? (3)
1) B-hemolytic strep
2) E. coli
3) proteus
what are the cx of an umbilical hernia? (5)
1) +/- umbilical enlargement with signs of inflammation
2) +/- low IgG levels
3) +/- systemic signs of sepsis
4) +/- secondary joint infxns
5) +/- septic osteomyelitis
what are some systemic/ laboratory signs of sepsis with umbilical infxn?
inflammatory CBC
T or F
U/S is THE way to diagnosis umbilical hernias.

U/S is THE way to diagnose umbilical INFECTIONS.
What size should the umbilical vein be in foals < 10 days old? in foals > 10 days old?
< 10 days= <10 mm
>10 days= < 5 mm
what size should the umbilical arteries be in a foal < 10 days old? > 10 days old?
< 10 days=< 10 mm
> 10 days= < 5 mm
what size should the urachus + umbilical arteries be in a foal < 10 days old? > 10 days old?
< 10 days= < 24 mm
> 10 days= < 24 mm
Tx for an umbilical infxn if the foal is healthy otherwise?
drain external abscess if present
Culture and sens
when do you have to do abx AND surgical resection for an umbilical infxn?
concurrent dz
no improvement withing 7 days
worsening of clinical condition
Umbilical hernias in calves:
Breed prediliction
gender prediliction
hernia contents
holstein breed
abomasum, omentum, SI
in calves what are hernias frequently complicated by?
infection (45%)
what is the most common isolate from umbilical infxn in calves?
arcanobacter pyonegenes
when doing umbilical resection on a calf, where to you want to enter the abdomen and why?
lateral to the umbilicus. it is the area you are least likely to cut into the abscess and therefore keep from spilling that pus everywhere. Yum.
What do you have to do surgically with an umbilical infection that extends all the way to the liver in a calf?
umbilical vein marsupilization (transect vein close to umbilicus, suture it and then relatively close to the sternum, make a little incision into body wall and make vein exit out of the body wall and then open up the vein. This is to provide drainage when the animal gets up.)
What is your post operative tx of an umbilical infxn in calves?
abx for 7-10 days
restrict activity for 3-6 weeks
remove/replace bandage or cover 1-3 days post-op
remove external skin sutures/staples in 2 weeks
what are some complications when dealing with a surgical tx of an umbilical infxn in calves?
septic arthritis
body wall infxn
abdominal adhesions