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75 Cards in this Set

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Examples of chronic liver diseases?

--chronic active hepatitis




Differentiating causes of chronic liver disease: tools?

--bloodwork may be challenging

--ultrasound can be helpful

--biopsy necessary for accurate diagnosis

What is chronic active hepatitis? Where is the inflammation? What kind of infiltrate?

--chronic, idiopathic hepatic inflammation

--periportal and/or biliary inflammation with variable fibrosis and inflammatory infiltrate

--lymphocytes and plasma cells in infiltrate

Chronic active hepatitis results from an inflammatory or infectious insult that causes what?

--promotes biliary proliferation

>> impair bile excretion

>> destroy hepatocytes

>> promote fibrosis

Clinical signs of chronic active hepatitis?

--weight loss, icterus, depression

--mild colic and intermittent fever

--aseptic vasculitis (occasional)

>> dermatitis of coronary band (horses)

>>focal areas of necrotic leathery skin

Diagnosis of chronic active hepatitis?

--mild increase in AST, SDH

--marked increase in ALP and GGT

--increased bile acids

--increased bilirubin (esp. conjugated)

--variable increase in white cells, fibrinogen, TP

Most effective way to diagnose chronic active hepatitis?

--liver biopsy

>> culture and sensitivity

>> histopathology

Histo of liver biopsy with chronic active hepatitis?

--infiltration with mononuclear cells

--biliary hyperplasia can occur

--hepatocellular necrosis

>> bridging lobules or from portal tract to central v.

>> fibrosis and cirrhosis eventually

Treatment of chronic active hepatitis?

--antibiotics if CBC/culture/biopsy suggest infection

--corticosteroids if lymphocytic plasmacytic infiltration or fibrosis

>> prednisolone, dexamethasone

Antibiotic choices for chronic active hepatitis with infection?

--ampicillin and chloramphenicol

--IV penicillin/gentamicin (more severe case)

--TMS (oral, cheap, easy to give, available)

Chronic active hepatitis prognosis depends on?

--severity of clinical signs

--degree of fibrosis/hepatocellular disruption

Chronic active hepatitis prognosis poor if?

--severe clinical signs

--severe fibrosis or hepatocellular disruption on biopsy

Corticosteroids for chronic active hepatitis: prolong survival time?

--do not prolong survival

Monitor chronic active hepatitis with?

--repeat bloodwork

--potentially repeat biopsy?

Suppurative cholangiohepatitis is characterized by? Clinical signs?

--neutrophil accumulation within hepatic portal tracts and bile ducts

--fever, colic, icterus, weight loss, inc. GGT

Most important sequelae of cholangiohepatitis?


--eventual loss of hepatic function

--chronic active hepatitis?

Cholangiohepatitis occurs due to (7)?

--cholestasis or cholelithiasis

--intestinal inflammation/obstruction

--chronic active hepatitis


--intestinal parasitisim

--toxins: sporidesmin in cattle and sheep

--often idiopathic

Lab work with cholangiohepatitis will show?

--elevated hepatic enzymes

--elevated conjugated bilirubin

--inflammatory CBC

Ultrasound for cholangiohepatitis will show?

--diffuse increase in echogenicity due to cellular infiltrate and fibrosis


--mild biliary distension and biliary wall thickening

Biopsy for cholangiohepatitis will show?

--severity of disease and degree of fibrosis

--neutrophilic infiltrate and hepatocyte necrosis

Bacteria commonly cultured from cholangiohepatitis biopsy?


--E. coli




Cholangiohepatitis treatment? Drug choice? Monitor how?

--4-6 wks of antibiotics

--serial measurement of liver enzymes

--TMS, penicillin/gentamicin, ampicillin, chloramphenicol

Cholelithiasis means what?

--stones in left or right bile ducts or gallbladder

Choledocholithiasis means what?

--stones in common bile duct

Hepatolithiasis means what?

--stones in the intrahepatic bile ducts above left and right hepatic bile ducts

What is the most common cause of biliary obstruction in large animals? Labwork signs?


(not common, but most common cause)

>> horses are often incredibly painful

--increased GGT and bilirubin

Acute biliary obstruction can occur in horses with?

--colonic displacements >> cholestasis

Pathogenesis of cholelithiasis?

--ascending inflammation or infection

--Salmonella, E coli, Aeromonas, Citrobacter, group D Strep

Triad of clinical signs for cholelithiasis?




Cholelithiasis most often causes problems in which spp? Age at occurrence?Signs indicate what? Stones may result in? Obstruction of common duct can produce?

--horses, >5y

--signs indicate multiple stones in liver or occluded bile duct

--photosensitization, encephalopathy, weight loss

--CBD block: severe icterus and profound colic

Chemistry profile with cholelithiasis?

--increased ALP, GGT, AST, SDH

--total bilirubin elevated

--elevated serum bile acids, ammonia


--prolonged clotting times


--increased globulins and fibrinogen

Profound increase in ____ if common bile duct is block.


>25-30% of bilirubin is ____ with cholelithiasis bilirubin increase.

--direct or conjugated

Diagnosis of cholelithiasis requires which signs?

--fever + colic + jaundice

--elevation of GGT, ALP, bilirubin

--signs of cholelithiasis on ultrasound

>> dilation and thickening of bile ducts on US
>> hepatomegaly on US

>> diffuse increase in echogenicity on US

>> choleliths on US

Most common site to view choleliths?

--cranioventral right hepatic lobe (6th - 8th ICS)

Are choleliths always visible on US?


Can you image the common bile duct?


If you see hepatoliths on ultrasound, does that mean they're causing liver disease?

--no, look at clinical signs and bloodwork

DDX for cholelithiasis?

--other forms of chronic liver disease

--causes of mild recurrent colic

Treatment of cholelithiasis?

--long-term antibiotics and anti-inflammatories

--surgery indicated for choledocholithiasis

Liver is often ___ organ to encounter toxins.


Chemical toxins may be most problematic in which spp?

--cattle and sheep

>> do things like suck on batteries

Drugs that may cause hepatic injury in horses?






Mycotoxins cause what kind of hepatic injury? Most common in which spp?

--hepatocellular necrosis

--fatty liver changes

--biliary hyperplasia


--more common in ruminants

>> accept moldy feed

Pyrrolizidine alkaloids cause what kind of toxicosis?

--chronic, delayed hepatic failure

Pyrrolizidine alkaloid toxicosis occurs when?

--forage is parse

--dried plants in hay or silage

--seeds accidentally included in ration

Lethal dose of pyrrolizidine alkaloid for horse, cattle, sheep/goats?

--200-250 mg/kg bw

-- ~5% bw of dried plants in horses

-- 2-5 % bw toxin in cattle

-- 150% bw in goats and sheep

Common plants containing pyrrolizidine alkaloids?



--salvation jane

--common heliotrope



Pathophysiology of pyrrolizidine alkaloids?

--hepatically metabolized to pyrroles

--pyrroles crosslink dsDNA (anti-mitotic)

>> cells can't divide and form megalocytes

>> chronic megalocytic hepatopathy

--cells die and are replaced by fibrosis

>> marked portal hypertension (diarrhea/ascites) in ruminants

Why might foal be at risk of pyrrolizidine alkaloid toxicosis?

--pyrroles are rapidly excreted in body fluids

>> milk

Clinical signs of pyrrolizidine alkaloid toxicosis in horses?

--weight loss


--hepatic encephalopathy




--secondary gastric impaction in ponies

Clinical signs of pyrrolizidine alkaloid toxicosis in cattle?

--diarrhea, weight loss, tenesmus, prolapsed rectum, ascites

--subtle neurologic or behavioral changes

Pyrrolizidine alkaloid toxicosis is a chronic liver injury, but may present?

--acute presentation of hepatic failure

>> sudden onset of photosensitization and HE

Diagnosis of pyrrolizidine alkaloid toxicosis?

--clinical signs

--history of exposure to toxic plants

What if SDH, LDH, GLDH are normal with pyrrolizidine alkaloid toxicosis? What do you expect GGT and ALP to do?

--elevated during acute hepatocyte destruction

>> may be normal by the time signs present

>> no hepatocellular mass left

--GGT and ALP should be consistently elevated (periportal lesions)

How do you differentiate pyrrolizidine alkaloid toxicosis from other chronic liver diseases?


>> look for megalocytosis, biliary hyperplasia, periportal fibrosis

Treatment of pyrrolizidine alkaloid toxicosis? Improvement unlikely if? Horses that may survive?

--supportive until the end (probably euthanasia)

--control of hepatic encephalopathy

--improvement unlikely if substantial fibrosis

--horses that retain an appetite may survive if protected from further exposure

--low protein, high energy diet

Establishing pyrrolizidine alkaloid toxicosis prognosis?

--consecutive measurement of hepatic enzymes and serum bile acids in conjunction with serial biopsy

General principles of treating hepatic disease?

--eliminate further exposure

--control abnormal behavior

>> sedation, reduce ammonia, analgesia, reduce cerebral edema

--appropriate nutritional support >> need to eat

--protein and clotting factor support

--treat dehydration, shock, acidosis, and electrolyte derangements

What type of liver failure is more likely to result in a good prognosis if treated? Examples?

--acute liver failure

>> no severe chronic changes or fibrosis

>> good prognosis for regeneration

Poor prognostic indicators for liver disease?



--severe acidosis


--bridging necrosis or fibrosis on biopsy

--high serum bile acids

--long PT


Sedation for hepatic encephalopathy?

--sedate with alpha 2s (e.g. detomidine)

Methods to reduce blood ammonia?

--oral neomycin


--lactulose or acetic acid to decrease colonic pH

--mineral oil


How does lactulose work?

--reduces pH, increases bacterial assimilation of ammonia, decreases production of ammonia, traps ammonia in lumen, changes microflora

Addressing metabolic derangements with liver disease? Fluid rate? Advantages of fluid therapy?

--continuous IV fluids with 5-10% dextrose


--decrease blood ammonia

--address dehydration and shock

--may improve bile flow

When should you correct metabolic acidosis?

-- if pH <7.1

Why might animals with liver disease require potassium supplementation? Why is this important?

--reduced appetite >> reduced K+ intake

--low potassium increased production and absorption of ammonia from kidney

What should you do if the animal has coagulopathy?

--plasma transfusion

What additional therapies should be considered for liver disease patients? Which vitamins should be supplemented?

--anti-oxidants: DMSO, mannitol, vitamin E

--anti-inflammatory therapy: banamine

--vitamin B1, folic acid, A, D, E, K3

Which type of vitamin K should be avoided in horses?

--vitamin K3 can cause renal failure in horses!

Bacterial cholangitis/cholelithiasis and liver abscesses should be treated with? Length of therapy?

--penicillin and gentamicin superior

--cetiofur, chlorampheicol, enrofloxacin, TMS, metronidazole

--long term therapy up to 12 wks

Horses with chronic active hepatitis and bridging necrosis with no bacterial etiology, you may consider what treatment?


>> not desirable in overt liver failure (gluconeogenic, stim. protein catabolism, lipolysis)

Things that may decrease fibrosis?

--colchicine, cyclosporine, pentoxyfilline, SAM-E

Diet for animals with milder liver disease and good appetite?

--feed small meals frequently >> maintain blood glucose, stabilize insulin regulation

--palatable meals

--high carbohydrate, moderate protein (~10%)

--protein source rich in branched chain amino acids, e.g. leucine, valine, isoleucine

>> sorghum, milo, beet pulp, bran

It's important to avoid excessive ____ in animals with hepatic disease. Why? Avoid which feed? Preferred hay?

--avoid excessive protein

--don't want to make more ammonia

--avoid alfalfa and legumes

--oat and grass hay preferable