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20 Cards in this Set

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*Where are the spinal meninges located?
*Where are the epidural, subdural, & subarachnoid spaces located?
-They surround the spinal cord
-Epidural-A space between the dura mater & the wall of the vertegral canal.
-Subdural-Space between the dura mater and the arachnoid mater shich contains interstital fluid.
-Subarachnoid-Space between the arachnoid mater & the pia mater, contains cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
*What are the cervical & lumbar enlargements?
-Cervical Enlargement-Superior & extends from C4 to T1. Nerves to & from the upper limbs arise here.
-Lumbar Enlargemnet-Inferior &extends from T9-T12. Nerves to & from the lower limbs arise here.
-Inferior to the lumbar enlargement, the spinal cord terminates as a tapering, conical structure called the _________ ___________.
-Conus Medullaris-
(KO-nus med-u-LAR-is; conus=cone)
aArising from the conus medullaris is the __________ __________ ann extension of the pia mater that extends inferiorly and anchors the spinal cord to the coccyx.
Filum Teminale-
(FI-lum ter-mi-NAL-e-terminal filament)
The roots of the spinal nerves angle inferiorly in the vertebral cavity from the end of the spinal cord like wisps of hair.
-Cauda Equina
(KAW-da e-KWI-na)
meaning "horse's tail/
Forms the crossbar of the H
Gray commissure
In the center of the gray commisure is a small spacced called the ________ _________. It extends the entire length of the spinal cord & is filled with cerebrospinal fluid.
Central canal
The _______ _______ _____ contain somatic motor nuclei, which provide nerve impulses for contraction of skeletal muscles.
-Anterior (ventral) gray horns.
Lies between the anterior and posterior gray horns and are present only in the thoracic, upper lumbar & sacral segments of the spinal cord. Contains autonomic motor nuclei that regulate the activity of the smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and glands.
-Lateral Gray horn
Conatins somatic & autonomic sensory nuclei.
-Posterior Gray Horn
Superficial (sensory) branches
Lesser occipital C2
Greater auricular C2-3
Transverse Cervical C2-3
Supraclavicular C3-4
*Skin of scalp posterior & superior to ear
*Skin anterior, inferior, & over ear & parotid
*Skin over anterior aspect of neck
*Skin over superior portion of chest & shoulder.
Deep (largely motor) branches
Andaman cervicalls
Superior root. C1
Inferior root. C2-3
Phrenic C3-5
Segmental branches. C1-5
This nerve divides into superior & inferior roots
*infrahyoid & geniohyoid muscles of the neck
*Infrahyoid muscles of neck
*Prevertebral muscles of neck, levator scapulae, & middle scalene muscles.
Formed by the roots (ventral rami) of the first four cervical nerves (C1-C4) with contributions from C5.
Cervical Plexes
Individual axons within a nerve, whether myelinated or unmyelinated, are wrapped in _______________, the innermost layer
Where spinal nerves divide into several branches.
Branch that serves the deep muscles and skin of the dorsal surface of the trunk.
Posterior (dorsal) ramus
Branches that serve the muscles and structures of the upper and lower limbs and the skin of the lateral and ventral surfaces of the trunk.
Anterior (ventral) ramus
This branch reenters the vertebral cavity through the intervertebral foramen and supplies the vertebrae, vertebral ligaments, blood vessels of the spinal cord, and meanings.
Meningeal branch.
A network of axons.
The anterior rami of spinal nerves T2-T12 are not part of the plexi and are known as ___________ nerves.
Intercostal (thoracic) nerves.