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186 Cards in this Set

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Science of body structures and relationships among them
Science of body functions - ho body parts work
Levels of Structural Organization
System? Components:
Skin & structures assoc. w/it.
Functions: Helps regulate body temperature, protects the body
-Integumentary System
System? Components:
All glands & tissues that produce chemical regulators of body functions, called hormones
-Endocrine System
System? Components:
Blood, heart & blood vessels.
Functions: Nutrients to cells & Carbon dioxide & waste away from cells.
-Cardiovascular System
Protect against disease causing microbes
-Lymphatic System & Immunity
Components: Kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder & urethra
Functions: Produces, stores, & eliminates urine; eliminates wastes & regulates bolume and chemical composition of blood; helps regulate red blood cell production
-Urinary System
Name the 6 Basic Life Processes
Life Process:
Sum of all the chemical process that occur in the body
CATABOLISM-Breakdown of complex chemical substances into simpler components
Building up of complex chemical substances from smaller, simpler components
Life Process?
Development of a cell from an unspecialized to specialized state
*Stem Cells give rise to cells that undergo ___________.
A condition of equilibrium (balance) in the body's internal environment.
Narrow range is compatible w/ maintaining live
Dilute, watery solutions containing dissolved chemicals inside or outside of the cell
-Body Fluids
Fluid within cells
-Intracellular Fluid (ICF)
Fluid outside cells
-Extracellular Fluid (ECF)
Homeostasis is constatly being disrupted. Primarily controlled by ___________ & ___________ systems.
-endocrine & nervous
Anatomical Position:
Standing erect facing observer.
Upper limbs to the sides
Palms turned________


Toward the head

Away from the head

Nearer to the middle

Farther from the middle

Between two structures

On the same side of the body

On the opposite side of the body


Nearer to the attachment of a limb to the trunk

Farther from the attachment of a limb to the trunk

Toward or on the surface of the body.

Away from the surface of the body.

Sagittal Plane:

_____________ plane divides body into equal right and left sides.
Sagittal plane:

_____________ plane divides bocy into uneaqual right and left sides.
Dorsal Cavity

2 parts?
-Cranial Cavity

-Vertebral (Spinal) Canal
The bones that lie around the longitudinal axis of the human body?

# of bones?
-Axial skeleton

-80 bones
The bones of the upper and lower limbs (extremities), plus the bones formaing the girdles that connect the limbs to the axial skeleton

# of bones?
-Appendicular Skeleton

-126 bones
Types of Bones;
*Greater length than width
*Lower & Upper limbs
-Long Bones
Type of Bones:
*Complex shapes
*Vertebra, hip bones, some facial bones, calcaneus
-Irregular Bones
Forms the posterior part of cranium
-Occipital Bone

Big O Bone
Largest skull foramen
-Foramen Magnum
-Articulates w/every facial bone except mandible
-Form the upper jawbone
-Form most of the hard palate
-Separates the nasal cavity from the oral cavity
Form the prominences of the cheeks
-Zygomatic Bones
-Forms part of the inferior lateral wall of the nasal cavity
-Not part of the ethmoid bone
-Inferior nasal Conchae
-Lower jawbone
-The largest, strongest facial bone
-Only movable skull bone
-Condylar Process forms TMJ
Unique Features of the Skull?
-Sutures, Paranasal sinuses and fontanels
Immoval joints that unite skull bones

Unites parietal & occipital

Unites parietal & temporal


Name the skull bones.
Soft spots?
Often fractured during strangulation
-Hyoid Bone
Vertebral Column:
Adult has ____ vertebrae.
Child has ____ vertebrae.

___ Cervical are in the neck region.
___ Thoracic in posterior of thoracic cavity
___ Lumbar support lower back
____ 1 sacrum = 5 fused
____ 1 Coccyx - 4 fused
-Located in center of thoracic wall
-Consists of Manubrium, body, exiphoid process
Excessive lumbar curve
(Hallow Back)
Name the bones of the pectoral girdle.
-Clavicle (Shoulder Blade)
-Scapula(Shoulder Blade)
-Highest point of the shoulder
-A protruding projection on the anterior surface just inferior to the lateral aspect of the clavicle (crow's beak)
-Coracoid Process
Upper limb consist of ___ bones. Name them and #.
- 1 humerus (arm)
-1 ulna (forearm)
-1 radius (forearm)
-8 carpal bones (wrist)
-5 metacarpals (palm)
-14 phalanges (digits)
Posterior depression that receives olecranon of the ulna during forearm extension.
-Olecranon fossa
Bony projections at distal end of humerus. (funnybone)
-Medial & Lateral epicondyles
_______ nerve runs posterior to medial epicondyle.
-Ulnar nerve
Medial forearm bone (pinky side)
Lateral forearm bone (thumb side)
The pelvic Girdle consist of these 3 bones.
The largest foramen in skeleton formed by ischium & pubis
-Obturator Foramen
Deep fossa; forms hip joint
Serves as origination for hamstrings
Largest of the 3 hip bone parts.
Longest, heaviest and strongest bone in the body.
Posterior ridge (border) on the Femur.
-Linea Aspera
Holds muscle to bone.
Holds bone to bone
Lower limb consist of ___ bones. Name them & #.
-1 Femur (thigh)
-1 Patella (kneecap)
-1 Tibia (leg bone)
-1 Fibula (leg bone)
-7 Tarsals (ankle)
-5 Metatarsals (foot)
-14 Phalanges (digits)
Larger, medial weight-bearing leg bone. (Shin bone)
Smaller, laterally placed bone of the leg.
Non weight bearing
Distal Prominence on lateral surface of ankle
-Lateral malleolus
Most proximal tarsal bone.
Articulates with tibia & fibula to form ankle joint
Heel bone. Largest & strongest.
Joint classifications:
-Structural Classification
-Functional Classification
Name the 3 types of structural classification
-Fibrous joints (bones held by dense fibers)
-Cartilaginous joints (bones held by cartilage)
-Synovial joints (bones held by articular capsule)
3 types of Fibrous joints:
-Lack of synovial cavity
-Held by dense fibers
-Permit little or no movement
-Interosseous Membrane
2 types of Cartilaginous joints
-Connected by cartilage
-Allow little or no movement
--Hyaline found in epiphyseal (growth) plate
--Fibrocartilage is strongest type
---EX: Pubic Synphysis & Intervertebral Disc
Name the 3 types of Functional classification
-Synarthrosis (immovable joint)
-Amphiarthrosis (slightly movable joint)
-Diarthrosis (freely movable joint)
Freely movable joint that is most likely to dislocate.
Movements at Synovial Joints
-Back & forth and side to side
-Forward motion
-Decreases angle
-Usually backward motion
-Increases angle between bones
-Back to anatomical position
-Movement from the midline

-Movement to the midline

-Movement of a body part in a circle.
-Turning head "no"
-Medial movement of sole (in)

-Lateral movement of sole (out)

Movement of the thumb across the palm to touch fingertips on the same hand
Six types of Synovial joints
-Ball & Socket
_________ joints permit back & forth and side to side movements.
Articulated surfaces are flat.
-Planar (foot)
________ joints:Surface of one bone articulates with a ring formed by another bone
-Pivot joints
Pivot joint that rolls out, supination & pronation
Pivot joint that signifies "no"
_______ joint: Bone fits into oval-shaped depression of another bone.
-Condyloid Joint
Condyloid Joint that permits flexion-extension & abduction-adduction.
Give example

-Radiocarpal (Wrist)
_____ & _____Joints are ball like surface of one bone fits into a cuplike depression of another bone
-Ball & Socket joint
________ B&S joint: Permits flexion-extension, abduction-adduction & medial-lateral rotation.
Give example

-Shoulder & hip
Shoulder & Hip are what type of joint?
-Triaxial: Ball & Socket Joint
70% of all severe knee injuries happen here.

Limits hyperextension
-Anterior Cruciate Ligament
Twisting of joint that stretches or tears ligaments.
Considerable swelling from hemorrhaging
Joint most often sprained
-Ankle Joint
R.I.C.E. therapy
Progressive disease that primarily deteriorates articular cartilage of large weight bearing joints such as knees & hips. "wear & tear" disease
_______ attach muscles to bones.
-Stationary attachment
-Attachment to movable bone

- Origin

_________ is always pulled towards ________.

Types of Levers:
-See Saw effect (Atlanto-Occipital)
-Calf Raises
-Forearm Flexion
-1st Class lever
-2nd Class lever
-3rd Class lever
____ class lever is the strongest type.
Effort farther away from fulcrum.
-2nd Class
_____ class lever is the most common.
Effort is between the fulcrum and load.
-3rd Class
Muscle Bundles are known as:
Orbicularis Oculi is what type of fascicle.
Muscle Coordination:
-Causes Min action
-Prime Mover/Agonist
Muscle coordination:
Opposite side, stretches (relaxes)
Muscle coordination:
Assist the prime mover
Muscle coordination:
Stabilize the origin of prime mover
2 examples of how muscles are named.
-Location of muscle: temporalis (temporal bone)
-Location of oring & insertion: sterno (sternum) cleido (clavicle) mastoid (mastoid process of temporal bone) SCM
__________; Wrinkles forehead

Innervation: _______ nerve

Pouting muscle

Innervation on the ______ nerve.

Neck; depresses (opens) mandible
-Platysma (Plate to eat)
Extrinsic Eye Muscles:
Name the 4 Rectus muscles and their action
-Superior (Elevates)
-Inferior (Depresses)
-Lateral (Abducts)
-Medial (Adducts)
Extrinsic Eye Muscles:
Name the 2 Oblique muscles and their action
-Superior (depresses/abducts-down& out)
-Inferior (elevates/abducts-up & out)
Elevates upper eyelid
-Levator Palpebrae (eyelid) Superioris (LPS)
Extrinsic Eye Muscles innervation:
(LR6-S04) 3 + LBS
Oculomotor nerve except
Lateral Rectus & Superior Oblique
All muscles of mastication (chewing) elevate except _________
-Lateral Pterygoid (depresses)
Swallowing Muscles:
Suprahyoid Mucscles
Most named by O & I
-Stylohyoid (Styloid Process)
-Digastric (Anterior & Posterior bellies)
Elevate ribs during deep inhalation.
Flex neck & head
-One of the largest & most important neck muscles.
Divides neck into tow major triangles.
-___________ flexes neck
-Innervation: ________ nerve
-Sternocleidomastoid (SCM)
-Accessory Nerve
Anterolateral Ab. Wall Muscles.
-8 pack
-Forms inguinal ligament
-________ _________
-Girdle muscle
-Rectus Abdominis
-External Oblique
-Internal Oblique
-Transversus Abdominis
-Compress the abdomen
-Posterior Ab. Wall Muscle
--Stabilizes 12th ribs during forced exhalation
--Unilaterally flexs trunk elevating hip "hip hiker"
-Quadratus Lumborum
Dome-shaped muscle separates toracic & abdominal cavities

-Innervation: ________ nerve

-Phrenic nerve
Contracts (flattens) increasing thoracic cavity
-During Inhalation (breathing in)
Relaxes moving superiorly decreasing thoracic cavity
-During exhalation (breathing out)
Muscles of Breathing:
During forced inhalation; elevates ribs increasing anteroposterior & lateral thoracic cavity dimensions
-External Intercostals
Muscles of Breathing:
During forced exhalation; pulls ribs down & in decreasing anteroposterior & lateral thoracic cavity dimensions
-Internal Intercostals
Pelvic Diaphragm:
Supports pelvic viscera & resists inferior movement during coughing, vomiting, urination & defecation
Largest & most important muscle of pelvic floor
-Levator Ani - 2 components
External/Inferior to Pelvic floor.
No Coccygeus muscles
-Two muscles
-Bilaterally: extends head (O below I)
-Unilaterally: rotates head to same side (O inside I)
-Splenius Capitis & Cervicis
-Largest back muscle; runs parallel to midline
-Main extensors of vertebral column
-Erector Spinae Muscles

-NOT part of Erector Spinae Muscles
-Three groups of Erector Spinae Muscles
-Iliocostalis (Lateral)

-Longissimus (intermediate)

-Spinalis (medial)
Transversospinalis Muscles:
5 muscles;
-Bilaterally extends head & vertebral column
-Unilaterally rotates head & vertebral column to opposite side
-Semispinalis Capitis
O & I of transversospinalis Muscles
O - Transverse processes
I - Spinous
Common source of headace
Suboccipital Muscles
-Rectus capitis
--Posterior Major
--Posterior Minor
-Obliquus Capitis
3 muscles that move the anterior pectoral girdle
-Pectoralis Minor
-Serratus Anterior
Only muscle to insert on the coracoid process of scapula
-Pectoralis minor
Boxer's Muscle
I-Vertebral (medial) border of scapula
-Serratus Anterior
4 Muscles that move the Pectoral Girdle: Posterior
-Levator Scapulae
-Rhomboids: Major & Minor
Most superficial upper back muscle
-Elevates & Depresses
Trapezius innervates on the __________ nerve.
-Accessory Nerve
(Accessorize the neck)
Two Axial Muscles that move the Humerus
-Pectoralis Major
-Latissimus Dorsi
Fan shaped muscle that forms axilla anterior wall
-Flex arm (O- anterior to I)
-Pectoralis Major
-Swimmer's Muscle
-Most superficial lower back
-Latissimus Dorsi
Forms rounded contour of shoulder
-3 sets of fibers (anterior, middle & posterior)
Deltoid inserts on _________
Innervation _________ nerve
-Deltoid Tuberosity
-Axillary Nerve
Deltoid & Coracobrachialis _____ arm (O anterior I)
Deltoid & Supraspinatus (synergist) ________ arm (O above I)
Deltoid, Infraspinatus & Teres Minor _________ rotate (I outside of arm)
Name the Rotator Cuff Muscles & their insertion
-Supraspinatus/Greater Tubercle
-Infraspinatus/Greater Tubercle
-Teres Minor/Greater Tubercle
-Subscapularis/Lesser Tubercle
-Two heads of origin
-Crosses shoulder & elbow joints
-Flexes Arm & Foreman
-Biceps Brachii
(Anterior Arm Compartment)
Biceps Brachii inserts on the ___________ __________
-Radial tuberosity
(Rad to have big biceps!)
-Three heads (long, lateral & medial)
-Crosses shoulder (extends arm) & elbow Joints
-Triceps Brachii
(Posterior Arm Compartment)
Synergist to Triceps
Triceps Brachii and Aconeus Insertion
-Olecranon Process (elbow prominence
Supinate foreman
(Rolls radius out)
Pronates foreman
(Rolls radius in)
-Pronator teres
Abducts wrist
(I - radial side)
-Flexor Carpi Radialis
Absent 10% of individuals
Used for tendon repairs
-Palmaris Longus
Adducts hand
(I - ulnar side)
-Flexor Carpi Ulnaris (FCU)
Flexes thumb
-Flexor Pollicis Longus
Flexes digits 2-5 (hand)

-Flexor Digtorum Profundus
-Distal Phalanges 2-5
Extends digits 2-5 (hand)
-Extensor Dititorum
Extends little finger
-Extensor Digiti Minimi
Extends Index finger (digit 2)
-Extensor Indicis
Anterior Pelvic Compartment: 2 muscles that make up the Iliopsoas & their O & I
-Psoas Major / O-Lumbar Vertebrae
-Iliacus / O-Iliac fossa
-I - Lesser Trochanter
One muscle in the Lateral Thigh Compartment and it's insertion
-Tensor Fasciae Latae (lateral)
-I Lateral tibia by iliotibial (IT Band) band
Name the 5 muscles in the Medial Thigh Compartment
-Adductor Brevis
-Adductor Longus
-Adductor Magnus
*All adduct & Flex the thigh
Name the muscles of the Superficial Poster Pelvic Compartment
-Gluteus Maximus
-Gluteus Medius
-Gluteus Minimus
Main thigh Extensor
Lateral Thigh Rotator
-Gluteus Maximus
Common site intramuscular injection
-Gluteus Medius
2 Medially rotators of the thigh
-Gluteus Medius
-Gluteus Miimus
Deep Posterior Pelvic Compartment
Name the 6 Deep Hip Lateral Rotators
*Quilt Muscles
-Piriformis (above Sciatic Nerve
-Gemellus (Superior)
-Obturator Internus
-Gemellus (Inferior)
-Obturator Externus
-Guadratus Femoris
Anterior Thigh:
Largest Muscle in the body
-Quadriceps Femoris
Muscles that make up the Quadriceps Femoris
-Rectus Femors
-Vastus Lateralis
-Vastus medialis
-Vastus Intermedius
Which quadricep femoris muscle flexes femur at hip joint
-Rectus Femoris
Quadricep femoris that O- on Linea Aspera
-Vastus Lateralis
-Vastus Medialis
Quadricep femoris muscle that O- on Body of femur & forms the pulge on the front of the thigh
-Vastus Intermedius
Tailor's Muscle:
Longest muscle in the body
-O - ASIS (Hip Pointer)
Posterior Thigh:
Muscles that make up the Hamstrings and their action
-Biceps Femoris
-Action/All extend thigh & flex leg
Anterior Leg:
Extends Great Toe upward
*other action
-Extensor Hallucis Longus
*Dorsiflex foot (on heels)
Extends toes (2-5)
*other action
-Extensor Digitorum Longus
*Dorsiflex foor (on heels)
Muscles that plantar flex & evert the foot.
(Pull foot down and out)
-Peroneus/Fibularis Longus
-Peroneus/Fibularis Brevis
*Lateral Leg
Superficial Posterior Leg:
Calf muscles
-Gastrocneuius (Butt Cheeks=Gas)
-Plantaris (Sometimes absent)
-All plantar flex foot @ ankle joint
-Calcaneus via Achilles tendon
Which Deep Posterior leg muscle does NOT Plantar Flex and where is it?
-Back of knee