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57 Cards in this Set

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て-form of verbs

The て-form of verbs is used to connect two or more sentences.

Ex. (I) go to the library. (I) borrow books. →

(I) go to the library and borrow books.

Ex. 図書館に行く。本を借りる。 →


て-form of verbs

The て-form is used to connect two or more sentences when the original sentence is in the past tense.

Ex. (I) went to the library. (I) borrowed books. →

(I) went to the library and borrowed books.

Ex. 図書館に行った。本を借りた。 →


て-form of verbs

The て-form expresses the methods/means, or causes/reasons.

Ex. (I) cut a thread using scissors. [methods/means]

Ex. (I) stayed home from school because (I) caught a cold. [causes/reasons]

Ex. はさみを使って、いとを切る。

Ex. かぜをひいて、学校を休んだ。

て-form of verbs

When connecting sentences in the ます-form, the “て-form” is often used.

Ex. (I) went to the library. (I) borrowed books. →

(I) went to the library and borrowed books.

Ex. 図書館に 行きました。本を 借りました。 →

図書館に 行って、本を 借りました。


By adding で to ない-form of verb, the first negative sentence and the next sentence can be connected.

Ex. (I) returned the book to the library without reading (it).

Ex. 本を読まないで、図書館に返した。

Request Expressions “~をください”

Ex. Coffee, please.

“ください” is used when someone requests something.

Ex. コーヒーをください。

Request Expressions “~てください”

Ex. (You) put some milk in (it). →

Please put (some) milk in (it).

Ex. (You) show (me) the menu. →

Please show (me) the menu.

By adding “ください” to the て-form of a verb, it becomes a request.

Ex. ミルクを入れる。 →


Ex. メニューを見せる。 → 


Request Expressions “~ないでください”

By adding “ください” to a verb ending with “~ないで”, it becomes a negative request.

Ex. (You) do not put (any) sugar in (it). →

Please do not put (any) sugar in (it).

Ex. さとうを入れない。 →



Ex. ”Please show (me) the menu.” “Here you are.”

Ex. “Please take (your) seat over there.”

“どうぞ” is a polite word used when giving something to someone else.


Ex.「あちらの席へどうぞ。」席 (せき) = seat

“~ている” – 1 – In progress

Ex. (We) make a snowman. →

(We) are making a snowman.

It expresses that the action started in the past is still in progress.

Ex. 雪だるまを作る。 →


The negative of “~ている”

Ex. The wind is blowing. →

The wind is not blowing.

Replace “いる” with “いない” to make the negative of “~ている.”

Ex. 風が吹いている。


吹く = ふく

吹いてる = ふいている

“~ている” – 2 – Common practice

“~ている” expresses habitual or continuous actions.

Ex. I learn the piano once a week.

Ex. The professor is researching environmental issues.

Ex. 週一回、ピアノを習っている。

習う = ならう

Ex. その教じゅは、かんきょう問だいを研究している。

教授 = きょうじゅ

研究 = けんきゅう

“~ている” – 2 – Common practice

The past tense of “~ている”

Ex. My aunt teaches the piano once a week. →

My aunt used to teach the piano once a week.

Replace “いる” with “いた.”

Ex. おばは週一回、ピアノを教えている。 →


~ている” – 2 – Common practice

The past negative of “~ている”

Ex. My aunt did not (used to) teach the piano.“

Replace “いた” with “いなかった.”

Ex. おばはピアノをおしえていなかった。

“~ている” – 3 – Continuation of the result of an action

“~ている” expresses that the result of an action is still continuing as the current situation.

Ex. Children put on (their) hats. →

Children are wearing (their) hats.

Ex. My father went to the UK. →

My father is in the UK. (My father went to the UK and is now in the UK.)

Ex. 子どもたちはぼうしをかぶった。 →


Ex. 父はイギリスに行った。 →


“~ている” – 4 – Situations

"~ている" expresses the current situation, which is not the result of a particular action.

Ex. That player [over there] is fat.

Ex. A wide river flows in that town.

Ex. あのせん手は太っている。

Ex. その町には大きい川がながれている。


Past tense of "~ている" showing the continuation of the result of an action. The formal style is "~ていました."

Ex. A lady is sitting on the seat. →

A lady was sitting on the seat.

Ex. 女せいが席にすわっている。


女性 = じょせい

= せき


"~てある" expresses that the result of someone's actions or behaviors still remains. The formal style is "~てあります."

Ex. The curry is ready. (The curry is made.)

Ex. カレーが作ってある。

The past tense of "~てある"

Ex. The curry was ready. (The curry was made.)

It was in the past that the curry was found. It is even before that that someone made the curry.

To change "~てある" to the past tense, replace "ある" with "あった."

Ex. カレーが作ってあった。

Verbs which modify nouns 1 Present (tense)

When a verb modifies a noun, the verb in the informal style is placed just before the noun.

Ex. A boy plays soccer. →

the boy who plays soccer

Ex. 少年がサッカーをする。→


Verbs which modify nouns 1 Future (tense)

To express the future, the dictionary form of a verb is used.

Ex. I meet my friend at three. →

the friend whom I meet at three

Ex. 三時に友だちに会う。→


Verbs which modify nouns 1 “ている”

When “ている” modifies a noun, “ている” is used as it is.

Ex. A family is eating boxed lunches. →

the family that is eating boxed lunches

Ex. 家族がおべんとうを食べている。 →


Verbs which modify nouns 1

Sentences in the formal style

Even in sentences in the formal style, a verb in the informal style is used.

Ex. The boy who plays soccer in the playground is my son.

Ex. 運動場でサッカーをする少年は、私のむすこです。

運動場 (うんどうじょう) = playground

Verbs which modify nouns 2


Ex. An exchange student came from China. →

the exchange student who came from China

Ex. I took a photo in Tokyo. →

the photo that I took in Tokyo

Ex. I was traveling in Tokyo →

I, who was traveling in Tokyo

When the past tense of a verb modifies a noun, use the た-form or "~ていた" as it is.

Ex. りゅう学生が中国から来た。 →


Ex. 私は東京で写真をとった。 →


Ex. は東京を旅行していた。 →


Verbs which modify nouns 2

Sentences in the formal style

Ex. Smith-san who came from the US is tall.

Even in sentences in the formal style, the た-form or "~ていた" is used.

Ex. アメリカから来たスミスさんは、背が高いです。

" もの " and " の "

" もの " is used to avoid repeating the same nouns.

Ex. my camera → mine

Ex. big doll → big one

Ex. 私のカメラ → 私のもの

Ex. 大きい人形 → 大きいもの

" もの " and "の"

"私のもの" can also be said as "私の." This "の" is not a particle but works as a noun.

Ex. big one

Ex. beautiful one

Ex. 大きいもの → 大きいの

Ex. きれいなもの → きれいなの

" こと " and "の"

By adding " こと " right after a verb in the informal style, the verb becomes a noun.

Ex. watch movies →

to watch movies / watching movies

Ex. えいがを見る →


" こと " and "の"

In a sentence, a verb + " こと " can be replaced with the verb + "の."

Ex. I like to watch movies.

えいがを見ること →


Ex. 私はえいがを見るのが好きです。

Potential expressions

Ex. I play the violin. →

I can play the violin.

By adding "~ことができる" to the dictionary form of a verb, it becomes a potential expression.

Ex. バイオリンをひく。 →

バイオリンをひくことができる。 (informal)

バイオリンをひくことができます。 (formal)

Potential expressions

Ex. I could play the violin.

For past tense, use "~ことができた"

Ex. バイオリンをひくことができた。 (informal)

バイオリンをひくことができました。 (formal)

The negative of potential expressions

Ex. I can eat sashimi. →

I cannot eat sashimi.

By changing "できる" to "できない," you can get the negative of potential expressions.

Ex. さしみを食べることができる。 →

さしみを食べることができない。 (informal)

さしみを食べることができません。 (formal)

The negative of potential expressions

Ex. I could not eat sashimi.

For the past tense use "~ことができなかった"

Ex. さしみを食べることができなかった。 (informal)

さしみを食べることができませんでした。 (formal)

Potential expressions: "~ことも" and "ことは"

Ex. I can also play the piano.

Ex. I cannot play the flute.

Emphasize that the person is able to play other instruments, but not the flute.

"が" in "~ことができる" can also be replaced with "も" or "は."

Ex. ピアノをひくこともできる。

Ex. フルートを吹くことはできない。

"は" is to emphasize that the person is able to play other instruments, but not the flute.

Adjectives which modify verbs (AKA adverbs)

Ex. early → get up early

When an い -adjective modifies a verb, replace "い" with "く."

Ex. 早い → 早く起きる

Adjectives which modify verbs (AKA adverbs)

Ex. is good at → play (the violin) well

When a な -adjective modifies a verb, replace "な" with "に."

Ex. 上手 → 上手にひく

Conjunctive Expressions of Time 1


Ex. When I was an elementary school student, I was often hospitalized.

noun + の時

Ex. 小学生の時、よく入院をした。

"時" expresses the time a condition or action happened (or will happen).

Conjunctive Expressions of Time 1


Ex. When I was very young, I was physically weak.

adjective + 時

Ex. おさない時、私は体が弱かった。

"時" expresses the time a condition or action happened (or will happen).

Conjunctive Expressions of Time 1


Ex. When I read books, I wear glasses.

dictionary form of verb + 時

Ex. 本を読む時、めがねをかける。

"時" expresses the time a condition or action happened (or will happen).

Conjunctive Expressions of Time 1


Ex. When I became a junior high school student, I joined the kendo club.

た -form of verb + 時

Ex. 中学生になった時、けん道ぶに入った。

"時" expresses the time a condition or action happened (or will happen).

Conjunctive Expressions of Time 1


Ex. I have the most fun when I am doing sports.

"~ている" + 時

Ex. 運動をしている時が、一ばん楽しい。

("が" is used to emphasize that it is the time when the speaker does sports, rather than other activities, that he has most fun.)

"時" expresses the time a condition or action happened (or will happen).

Conjunctive Expressions of Time 1


Ex. When I was hospitalized, my class friends came (to see me).

"~ていた" +

Ex. 入院していた時、クラスの友だちが来た。

"" expresses the time a condition or action happened (or will happen).

入院 = にゅういん

Conjunctive Expressions of Time 2

"before" and "after"

Ex. Before meals, I wash my hands.

Conjunctive Expressions of Time 2

"" and ""

noun + "の前に"

Ex. 食事の前に、手を洗う。

食事 = しょくじ

Conjunctive Expressions of Time 2

"before" and "after"

Ex. After meals, I brush my teeth.

Conjunctive Expressions of Time 2

"" and ""

noun + "の後に"

Ex. 食事の後に、はをみがく。

Conjunctive Expressions of Time 2

"before" and "after"

Ex. Before turning off the heat/fire, I put an egg in.

Conjunctive Expressions of Time 2

"" and ""

dictionary form of verb + "前に"

Ex. 火を消す前に、たまごを入れる。

(The dictionary form of verb "消す" is used even in the past tense and the -form "消した" is not used.)

Ex. 火を消す前に、たまごを入れた。

火を消す = ひをけす

Conjunctive Expressions of Time 2

"before" and "after"

Ex. After putting an egg in, I turn off the heat/fire.

Conjunctive Expressions of Time 2

"" and ""

-form of verb + "後に"

Ex. たまごを入れた後に、火を消す。

The -form "入れた" is used even for non-past (present and future) sentences.

Supposition Expressions (informal)


Noun sentences / な -adjectives sentences

Ex. It will be cloudy tomorrow. →

It will probably be cloudy tomorrow.

Ex. Towns during Christmas time are busy. →

Towns during Christmas time are probably busy.

Supposition Expressions (informal)


Change " だ" at the end of sentences to " だろう"

Ex. 明日はくもりだ。→  明日はくもりだろう

Ex. クリスマスの町はにぎやかだ。→


Supposition Expressions (informal)

" だろう"

い -adjectives sentences / verb sentences

Ex. It will be colder tomorrow than today. →

It will probably be colder tomorrow than today.

Ex. It will rain. → It will probably rain.

Supposition Expressions (informal)

" だろう"

Add " だろう" at the end of sentences.

Ex. 明日は今日より寒い。→  


Ex. 雨が降る。→  雨が降るだろう。

Supposition Expressions (informal)

Negative sentences

" だろう"

Ex. It won't be cloudy tomorrow. →

It probably won't be cloudy tomorrow.

Supposition Expressions (informal)

Negative sentences

" だろう"

Add " だろう" to the " ない " of the negative.

Ex. 明日はくもりではない。→  


Supposition Expressions (formal)


Ex. It will probably be cloudy tomorrow.

Ex. It probably won't be cloudy tomorrow.

Supposition Expressions (formal)

Replace "~だろう " with "~でしょう ."

Ex. 明日はくもりだろう。→  明日はくもりでしょう

Ex. 明日はくもりではないだろう。→


Invitation Expressions 1 (formal)

" ~ましょう"

Ex. We will go to Japan. → Let's go to Japan.

Ex. We will go skiing. → Let's go skiing.

Invitation Expressions 1 (formal)

" ~ましょう"

By replacing the "~ます" of ます -form verbs with "~ましょう ," it becomes an invitation expression in the formal style.

Ex. 日本に行きます。→  日本に行きましょう。

Ex. スキーをします。→  スキーをしましょう。

Invitation Expressions 1 (formal)

" ~ませんか "

Ex. We will go to Japan. → Shall we go to Japan?

Invitation Expressions 1 (formal)

" ~ませんか "

"~ませんか " can be used be used as a casual invitation.

Ex. 日本に行きます。→  日本に行きませんか

" に行きます "

In some cases, " に行きます " expresses a purpose, instead of a place.

Ex. We go on a trip.

Ex. We go sightseeing at the festival.

Ex. We go on a factory tour.

" に行きます "

In some cases, " に行きます " expresses a purpose, instead of a place.

Ex. 旅行に行きます

Ex. 祭りの見物に行きます

Ex. 工場の見学に行きます

祭り = まつり

見物 = けんぶつ

工場 = こうじょう

見学 = けんがく

Invitation Expressions 2 (informal)

Group 1 verbs

Ex. go let's go

Ex. spend time let's spend time

Ex. invite/call out let's invite/call out

Invitation Expressions 2 (informal)

Group 1 verbs

Change the last letter of the dictionary form to '' form, and then add .

Ex. 行く 行こう

Ex. すごす すごそう

Ex. 呼ぶ 呼ぼう

呼ぶ = よぶ

Invitation Expressions 2 (informal)

Group 2 verbs

Ex. eat → let's eat

Ex. get up → let's get up

Ex. make (plans) → let's make (plans)

Invitation Expressions 2 (informal)

Group 2 verbs

Replace "る" of the dictionary form with "よう."

Ex. 食べる → 食べよう

Ex. 起きる → 起きよう

Ex. 立てる → 立てよう

Invitation Expressions 2 (informal)

Irregular verbs

Ex. do → let's do

Ex. come → let's come

Invitation Expressions 2 (informal)

Irregular verbs

Ex. する しよう

Ex. 来る 来よう (こよう)

"~て行く" and "~て来る"

Ex. go running

Ex. bring

"~て行く" and "~て来る"

Adding "行く" or "来る" to the "て -form" of verbs, expresses the direction of actions or situations.

Ex. 走って行く

Ex. 持って来る