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78 Cards in this Set

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What is developed at the 23rd day after fertilization?
heart is beating, mesoderm is now somites and somitomeres, brain and head are developing
Describe circulation in fish:
heart pumps low O2 to gills, oxygenated blood f/gills to aorta to body, arteries give O2 to body and return low O2 blood to heart

Embryo circulation (5 week embryo):
1. Blood f/v to heart, pumped to aortic sac
2. Blood pumps up aortic arches 3, 4, 6
3. Blood anteriorly and posteriorly to right and left aortic arches of head
4. Blood from dorsal aortae of head fuse to travel down a single aorta of the body and to venous system
How does the gut tube move during early neural development?
pulled anteriorly with oral plate
What happens when gut tube pulls forward?
It pulls into a tube, which elongates
Where is the embryonic pharynx?
The part of the elongated tube (from oral plate pulling anteriorly) that is closest to the oral plate
Where is the septum transversum in relation to the gut tube being pulled anteriorly by the oral plate?
What does the gut tube expand to form?
pharynx, esophagus, stomach, midgut
What is the anteriormost region of the gut tube?
What do the arches begin development next to?
On either side of the pharynx
Which pharyngeal arch develops first?
The 1st pharyngeal arch
Which pharyngeal arch develops second?
The 2nd pharyngeal arch
What does the 1st pharygeal arch first divide into?
Maxillary division and mandibular division
What does the 1st pharyngeal arch bend around?
The oral plate to divide into the maxillary and mandibular division
Where does the 2nd pharyngeal arch develop?
Behind the 1st pharyngeal arch
Where does the 3rd pharyngeal arch develop?
Behind the 2nd pharyngeal arch
Is the cranial neuropore open or closed during the development of arches 1 and 2?
Is the cranial neuropore open or closed during the development of arch 3?
Where is Rathke's pouch?
Midline of maxillary division of PA I
What is the stomodaeum?
mouth, b/w maxillary and mandibular division of PA I
Where is the anterior 2/3 of tongue formed?
PA I, mandibular division
How is the "mouth" created?
stomadeum is a pit created when it is surrounded by PA I and eventually splits open when the embryo gets large enough
Is there are PA V?
What structures are found w/in the pharyngeal arches?
1. Aortic arch
2. Cranial nerve
3. PA mesoderm (muscle)
4. NC mesoderm (cartilage)
5. Pharyngeal pouch- endodermal side
6. Pharyngeal groove- ectodermal side
What does the neural crest contribute to?
Cartilage and bone of the head
What does AA 1 become?
It degenerates
What does AA2 become?
It degenerates
What does AA3 become?
Carotid arteries
What does AA4 become?
Left-arch of the aorta
Right subclavian V.
What does AA5 become?
Trick question!
No AA5 bc no PA5
What does AA6 become?
Pulmonary AA
What cranial nerve is derived from PA I-maxillary?
Maxillary division of the trigeminal n.
What cranial nerve is derived from PA1-mandibular?
Mandibular division of trigeminal n.
What cranial n. is derived from PA2?
Facial n.
What cranial n. is derived from PA3?
Glossopharyngeal n.
What cranial n. is derived from PA4/6?
Vagus n.
What muscles are derived from PA1?
Muscles of mastication
What muscles are derived from PA2?
Muscles of facial expression
What muscle is derived from PA3?
Stylopharyngeus m.
What muscles are derived from PA4?
Cricothyroid, muscles of pharynx
What muscles are derived from PA6?
Intrinsic muscles of the larynx
What bones develop from the pharyngeal arches?
facial bones, bones and cartilage of visceral part of neck
Upper and lower jaw bones
What type of bone are upper and lower jaw bones?
Membranous bone
Where does the cartilage of the larynx and thyroid come from?
PA 4
Where does the cartilage of the cricoid come from?
PA 6
What does the proximal part of Meckel's cartilage become?
Malleus and incus by endochondral ossification
What does the middle portion of Meckel's cartilage become?
Sphenomandibular ligament
What does the distal part of Meckel's cartilage do?
induces the Lower jaw ossification by intramembranous ossification around the cartilage
What does Reichert's cartilage form?
stapes, styloid process, stylohyoid ligament, part of hyoid bone (lesser cornu)
How is the hyoid bone formed?
Lesser cornu from Reichert's cartilage
Rest from PA3 cartilage
What does the cartilage from pharyngeal arches 4 and 6 become?
Cartilage of larynx (thyroid and cricoid, etc)
What develops from pharyngeal pouch 1?
middle ear and auditory tube
What develops from PP 2?
Palatine tonsils
What develops from PP3?
Parathyroid, thymus
What develops from PP 4/5?
Parathyroid, C-cells of thyroid
What develops from pharyngeal groove 1?
What happens behind PA 2?
PG fuse into cervical sinus that usually disappears
What happens if the cervical sinus, formed from what, doesn't disappear? Name it
Formed from fusing of pharyngeal grooves behind PA2

Forms a cyst if it doesn't disappear called
What do somites produce?
bone, muscle, dermis
What do somitomeres produce?
muscle, NO BONE
What comes from the embryonic brainstem?
Cranial nerves
What is a rhombomere?
segmentation of the cranial brainstem
Where do the ganglia of cranial nerves come from?
Neural crest and ectodermal placodes
How many division are there in the embryonic heart?
2- 1 atrium, 1 ventricle
What day does the embryonic heart start beating?
Is there ever a 5th pharyngeal arch in humans?
Is an external 6th arch formed?
Is an external 4th arch formed?
Is Rathke's pouch from endoderm or ectoderm?
What does Rathke's pouch form?
Anterior pituitary
What does the foramen cecum form? Which arch is it associated with?
Forms the thyroid gland. Associated with arch 2
Which arch are the anterior 2/3 of tongue associated with?
Mandibular of 1
Where does the posterior 1/3 of the tongue originate from?
PA 3 (as does the glossopharyngeal which originates from there)
What is the pharyngeal pouch?
space between arches on inside
What is the pharyngeal groove?
space between arches on outside
What are the contents of each pharyngeal arch?
1. aortic arch
2. cranial n
3. NC mesoderm (migrates from neural crest f/head area)
4. PA mesoderm (forms muscles- somitomeres)
5. Have pharyngeal arch and groove on ends
Does arch 4 become the entire aorta?
No, just a small piece
What happens to the left side of the aortic arch 6? the right?
It becomes ductus arteriousus; it become the pulmonary artery on the right