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101 Cards in this Set

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Q600. What is the Glascow Coma Score for Verbal response?
A600. Verbal response ("Jackson 5"):; 5: Appropriate and oriented; 4: Confused; 3: Inappropriate words; 2: Incomprehensible sounds; 1: No sounds
Q601. What is the GCS of a man in a Coma?; Of a Dead man?
A601. Coma: 8 or less; Dead: 3
Q602. what are the most emergent orthopedic surgeries? (2)
A602. 1. Hip Dislocation (must be reduced immediately); 2. Exsanguinating Pelvic fracture (external fixator)
Q603. When is a surgical cricothyroidotomy not recommended?; What is done instead/
A603. in patient younger then 12-yo; (Perform Needle Cricothyroidectomy)
Q604. If you only have one vial of blood from a trauma victim to send to the lab, what test should be ordered?
A604. Type and Cross
Q605. what is the Tx for human or dog bites? (3 together)
A605. Leave wound open, Irrigation and Antibiotics
Q606. What test may help identify the site of a massive UGI bleed when endoscopy fails to Dx the cause and blood continues per NGT?
A606. Mesenteric Angiography
Q607. What are the (3) possible Tx regimens for H. Pylori PUD?
A607. MOC, MOA or COA; M: Metronidazole;; O: Omeprazole (PPI);; C: Clarithromycin;; A: Ampicillin
Q608. What are the classic Sx of Carcinoid syndrome? (4)*
A608. B-FDR (Be FDR in a cool CAR):; Bronchospasm;; Flushing;; Diarrhea;; Right-sided heart failure
Q609. what tumors are assoc with carcinoid syndrome? (3)*
A609. BLT:; Bronchus CA;; Liver Metastasis;; Testicular CA or Ovary CA; (occurs when venous draining from the tumor gains access to the systemic circulation by avoiding heatic degradation via the portal system)
Q610. MCC of colonic Fistulas
A610. Diverticulitis
Q611. MC fistula type
A611. Colovesical fistula
Q612. Dx: large air/fluid level in the RLQ forming a "coffee bean" sign
A612. Cecal Volvulus
Q613. What procedure is used if kindey stones are too large or too hard to remove via lithotripsy?
A613. Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy
Q614. Crohn's dz or Ulcerative Colitis:; Full-thickness wall involvement
A614. Crohn's Dz
Q615. Crohn's dz or Ulcerative Colitis:; Crypt Abscess
A615. Ulcerative Colitis
Q616. Crohn's dz or Ulcerative Colitis:; Pseudopolyps
A616. Ulcerative Colitis
Q617. Crohn's dz or Ulcerative Colitis:; Bloody Diarrhea
A617. Ulcerative Colitis
Q618. Crohn's dz or Ulcerative Colitis:; Granulomas
A618. Crohn's Dz
Q619. MCC of painful Hepatomegaly
A619. Hepatocellular CA
Q620. Dx: Thrombosis of Hepatic veins
A620. Budd-Chiari
Q621. Dx:; jaundice, pruritus, palpable nontender distended gallbladder; Tx?
A621. Adenocarcinoma of the head of the Pancreas; Tx: Whipple
Q622. A patient presents with HTN, HA, polyuria, weakness and Hypokalemia. Dx?; First Diagnostic test?; Tx? (2 depending on type)
A622. Dx: Conn's syndrome; Diagnostic test: Plasma Aldosterone and Renin levels; Tx:; 1. Adrenal Adenoma or Unilateral hyperplasia: Laparoscopic Unilateral Adrenalectomy; 2. Bilateral hyperplasia: Spironolactone
Q623. A patient presents with a psoriatic-appearing rash over the trunk and limbs, glossitis, stomatitis and new-onset diabetes. His labs show anemia, low amino acid levels and hyperglycemia. Dx?; Diagnostic test?; Tx? (2 together)
A623. Dx: Glucagonoma; Diagnostic test: Tolbutamide stimulation test; Tx:; 1. Surgical resection of tumor; 2. Somatostatin for Necrotizing Migratory Erythema rash
Q624. what is the Tx for hyperparathyroidism in the MEN-1 and MEN-2 patients?
A624. Removal of all parathyroid tissue with autotransplant of some of the parathyroid into the forearm
Q625. A patient presents with a palpable neck mass, hypercalcemia and elevated PTH. Dx?; Tx?
A625. Parathyroid CA (the key is the neck mass: primary hyperparathyroidism have nonpalpable thyroids); Tx: Remove CA, Ipsilateral Thyroid lobe and all enlarged LN
Q626. A patient complains of abdominal pain. On AXR there are "eggshell" calcifications near the RUQ. Dx?
A626. Splenic Artery Aneurysm
Q627. How are maintenance fluids calculated in children?
A627. 4, 2, 1 per hour:; 4cc/kg for the first 10kg; 2cc/kg for the second 10kg; 1cc/kg for every kg over the first 20; ex: 25kg patient is (4 x 10) + (2 x 10) + (1 x 5) = 65cc/hour
Q628. Tx for Trachial or Esophageal Foreign Body?
A628. RIGID boronchoscope or espohpagoscope
Q629. Infant has Bilious vomiting. What is the presumed Dx until proven otherwise?
A629. Malrotation of the gut
Q630. Malignant tumor of the liver that presents in the first 3 years of life
A630. Hepatoblastoma
Q631. Define:; Contracture of the forearm flexors secondary to forearm compartment syndrome; MC Cause?
A631. Volkmann's contracture; Cause:; Supracondylar humerus fracture
Q632. You suspect a newborn has developmental dysplasia. What is the Diagnostic test?
A632. Ultrasound; (the bones are too new to see on x-ray)
Q633. what is the cause of a fever of 104-105:; 1. Shortly after anesthesia; 2. after instrumentation procedure (like cystoscopy)
A633. 1. Malignant Hyperthermia; 2. Bacteremia
Q634. What are the (2) MCC of post-operative chest pain? How many days after the operation does each occur?
A634. Day 1 - 2: MI; Day 5 - 7: PE
Q635. What is the new gold standard as a diagnostic test for a pulmonary embolism?
A635. V/Q scan; (previously it was a pulmonary angiogram, but they are costly and time-consuming)
Q636. What is the normal urine output?; What is the Dx if the urine output is zero?
A636. Normal: about 1/kg/hr; Zero: Mechanical error; (not from kidneys; more likely from a kinked catheter)
Q637. Several hours after completion of surgery for multiple gunshot wounds to the abdomen, a 70 Kg., 52-year-old man is reported to have hourly urinary outputs of 17cc, 13cc, and 21cc, in three consecutive hours. His blood pressure has hovered around 95 to 125 systolic during that time. Dx? (2 possible); What is the next step to differentiate b/t the two and results for each?; Tx?
A637. Dx: Dehydration or Renal Failure (Oliguria can be from shock, but in the presence of an adequate perfusing pressure, it is one of these two); Next step: Test Urine Sodium; Dehydration: Low (20 - 30Meq); Tx: Give more Fluids; Renal Failure: High (>40Meq); Tx: Stop Fluids
Q638. 12 days after surgery for multiple gunshot wounds, a 27- year-old man becomes progressively disoriented and unresponsive. He’s had multiple complications, including several intraabdominal abscesses that have been percutaneously drained. He has bilateral pulmonary infiltrates, and a PO2 of 65 while breathing 40% oxygen. Meticulous attention has been paid to his fluid balance, and there is no evidence that he is in congestive heart failure. Dx?; Next step?
A638. Dx: ARDS; Next step: PEEP; (then check for underlying reason, like sepsis from abscess)
Q639. An alcoholic patient presents with Acute Pancreatitis with a septic abdomen. On post-operative day 2 he begins to get disoriented. Why?
A639. Delerium Tremens; (seen in post-op day 2 in alcoholics)
Q640. If a patient presents with post-operative disorientation, what are the 6 possible reasons?; What schold be checked with each?
A640. 1. ARDS - check blood gases; 2. DT - if alcoholic; 3. HypoN/HyperN - check serum sodium; 4. DM/TPN - Hypoglycemia - check blood sugar; 5. Hepatic Enceph in Cirrhotic patient - check Ammonia level; 6. Check Medications
Q641. What "type" of esophageal problem:; 1. Inability to swallow solids then liquids; 2. Inability to swallow liquids then solids; give one example of each
A641. solids to liquids: Mechanical (cancer); liquids to solids: Mobility (DES)
Q642. A patient presents 2 days after a hernia repair with signs of a bowel obstruction. Dx?; Diagnostic test/Tx?
A642. Dx: Paralytic Ileus; Diagnostic test/Tx: Barium Tag; (a little bit of barium at a time over a few hours)
Q643. What does an acute appendicitis usually begin with?
A643. Anorexia; (then periumbilical pain to RLQ pain; if the paient looks like appendicitis, but can eat well, its probably not an appendicitis)
Q644. What is the main presentation of Right-sided Colon cancer?; Left-sided?
A644. Right-sided: Anemia; Left-sided: Blood in stool
Q645. A 32-yo male presents with excessive bleeding from the rectum. First Diagnostic test?; Depending on the results, what is the next test?
A645. First Dx Test: NG tube; If blood in stomach: Endoscopy; If no blood in stomach: Angiography; (not a colonoscopy--that much blood makes it hard to visualize)
Q646. Aside from an increased conjugated bilirubin, what is the signature lab result for obstructive jaundice?; in what "benign" Dx will you see this value at an extreme high?; First Dx test?
A646. Increased Alk Phos; Extreme Alk Phos: Acute Ascending Cholangitis; Dx Test: ERCP
Q647. what does TSH and T-4 look like if a patient has a thyroid cancer?
A647. Normal
Q648. A patient presents with HTN, HypoK and is not on diuretics. Dx?; Diagnostic test?
A648. Dx: Hyperaldosteronism (Conn's Syndrome); Diagnostic test:; Increased Aldosterone with a Decreased Renin
Q649. In a patient with a congenital diaphragmatic hernia, what is the first step to Tx?
A649. Tx the Hypoplastic lung
Q650. What does a decreasing platelet count signify in a child with Necrotizing Enterocolitis?
A650. Sepsis
Q651. How do you differentiate intermittent claudication form a neurogenic source versus a vascular source?
A651. Neurogenic source: Positional and does not stop with rest
Q652. What is the Tx if claudication does not interfere with daily life?; If it does, what is the first Dx test?; Tx?; when is it not a surgical possibility to Tx?
A652. Not interfering with life: do Nothing; If it is:; First: Dopler studies (then Arteriogram); Tx: Angioplasty with stent or saph vein bypass; Not surgical: if no Pressure Gradient seen on Doppler (means Dz is in the small vessels)
Q653. A child presents with a mass at the base of the neck, in the supraclavicular area. Dx?
A653. Cystic Hygroma
Q654. A child presents with a mass up and down the anterior edge of the sternomastoid. Dx?
A654. Branchial cleft cysts
Q655. What is removed in a Thyroglossal cyst repair?; (3)
A655. 1. the Mass,; 2. the Middle segment of the Hyoid bone; 3. a core of muscle from the Tongue all the way back to the Foramen Cecum
Q656. 3 months ago, an 18-year-old woman noticed the presence of a 2 cm., firm, non-tender node located in the left jugular chain, at the level of the hyoid bone. She thinks it is larger now than when it first came to her attention. For the past 3 weeks she has had low grade fever and night sweats. Physical exam confirms the presence of the node, and also shows 2 other smaller nodes on that side of the neck, as well as enlarged nodes in both axillas. Dx?; First Diagnostic test?
A656. Dx: possible Lymphoma (The timetable of inflammatory neck nodes is measure in weeks, while that of neoplastic nodes is typically of months); First Dx test: FNA (an excisional Biopsy will be needed to establish tumor type)
Q657. A 72-year-old man seeks help for a 4 cm., fixed, hard mass in the left jugular chain, at the level of the upper edge of the thyroid cartilage. Patient says that he found it a week ago, but his wife claims that it has been present for at least 6 months. The patient has a long-standing history of alcohol and tobacco abuse, and he has terrible oral hygiene. Dx?; Diagnostic test?
A657. Dx: Metastatic Squamous Cell CA; from a primary in the head or neck mucosa; Diagnostic test: FNA (do NOT BIOPSY the tumor)
Q658. Aside from palpable mass in the neck, what are (3) other potential presentations for a metastatic SCC of the head or neck mucosa?
A658. 1. Persistent unilateral ear ache with serous otitis media; 2. Persistent hoarseness; 3. Unhealing ulcer in the mouth
Q659. what (2) times do you Never do a tissue Biopsy to diagnose cancer in the face/neck?
A659. 1. mass in neck when suspecting Metastasis SCC from head or neck mucosa; 2. PAROTID gland (too close to facial nerve)
Q660. Neurological problems of vascular nature have sudden onset. By HPI, how can you tell if it is occlusive versus hemorrhagic?
A660. without Headache = Occlusive; with very severe headache = Hemorrhagic
Q661. Location of brain tumor in patient with:; Anosmia
A661. base of Frontal Lobe
Q662. Location of brain tumor in patient with:; Loss of upper gaze
A662. Pineal area
Q663. Location of brain tumor in patient with:; Ataxia, unstable gait
A663. Posterior Fossa
Q664. What is the best imaging method for a brain tumor?
A664. MRI
Q665. What (2) classes of people are UTIs not expected?; What is the work-up for in this case?; (2 together)
A665. Not in:; 1. Children; 2. Men; Work-up: as if it were an Obstruction:; 1. massive Antibiotics; 2. Decompression of urinary tract above the "obstruction"
Q666. A 74-year-old man has a 3mm. ureteral stone lodged just above the ureterovesical junction. He is receiving IV fluids and analgesics, with the expectation that the stone will pass. He suddenly develops chills, his temperature shoots up to 104, and he complains of severe flank pain. Dx?; Tx? (2 together)
A666. Dx: Obstruction plus Infection; Tx:; 1. massive Antibiotics; 2. Decompression of urinary tract above the obstruction; (In the presence of infection, manipulating and attempting to extract the stone would be hazardous)
Q667. A 59-year-old man reports an episode of gross, painless hematuria, without any history of trauma. He has normal renal function. Diagnostic test? (2); why are these tests done?; If he had "poor renal flow" or "a history or renal failure", what is the Dx test? (2)
A667. Dx Test:; 1. IVP; 2. Cystoscopy; (Performed to rule out Cancer of the Kidney, ureter or bladder); Poor kidney function (creatinine > 2):; 1. CT scan; 2. Cystoscopy
Q668. A man presents with a painless enlargement of the right testis. He began feeling heaviness in that part of the scrotum 6 months ago. There is diffuse enlargement but it is difficult to determine if it is intratesticular or extratesticular. What is the next step?
A668. Ultrasound; (best way to discriminate b/t intra- or extra- testicular mass)
Q669. A patient presents with an acute subdural hematoma without a midline shift or anisocoria (unequal pupils). What is the next step?
A669. Hyperventilation, Diuresis and fluid restriction
Q670. What is the first step when suspecting a pulmonary embolism?
A670. Arterial Blood Gas; (an increased alveolar-arterial oxygen difference supports the Dx; a Duplex Doppler and V/Q scan are important for confirming the Dx, but a blood gas should be done first)
Q671. What can occur with massive blood loss with multiple transfusions during an abdominal procedure?; Tx?
A671. Coagulopathy; Tx: FFP and Platelets
Q672. What is the first step in Tx of a rib fracture in an elderly patient?
A672. Intercostal nerve block; (eliminating pain without interfering with ventilation)
Q673. A patient is shot in the lateral thigh. What is the next step in management?
A673. Tetanus prophylaxis; (since there is no damage to vessels, no Doppler, surgical exploration or arteriogram is indicated)
Q674. MCC of Transitional cell tumors of the bladder
A674. Smoking; (66% compared to 15% from Aniline dyes)
Q675. When there is a trauma patient that has a hematocrit of < 30, what should be transfused?
A675. Packed RBC
Q676. What nerve can be affected if an anesthesiologist wants to perform an axillary block for local pain control and the posterior wall of the axillary artery is pierced during the procedure?
A676. Ulna nerve
Q677. How do you treat a patient with a big, palpable pseudocyst of the pancreas?
A677. Endoscopic Cystogastrostomy; (an endoscopic anastomosis b/t the cyst and the stomach)
Q678. A man is shot in the upper zone of the neck yet is conscious, hemodynamically stable and neurologically intact. What is the next step?
A678. Arteriogram
Q679. What is the best drug for a estrogen/progesterone receptor positive breast tumor in postmenopausal patients?
A679. Anastrozole; (suppresses production of estrogens)
Q680. What nerve during a carotid endarterectomy is prone to damage producing a difficulty in swallowing?
A680. Glossopharyngeal
Q681. Lack of what procedure can predispose a man to penile cancer?
A681. Circumcision
Q682. What electrolyte is extremely increased with a crush injury?
A682. Potassium (causing Hyperkalemia)
Q683. An asymptomatic patient form Mexico has a CT scan done of the abdomen which shows four thin-walled structures 1cm in diameter throughout his liver. Dx?
A683. Simple Liver Cysts; (Amebic abscesses present with fever, leukocytosis, a tender liver and elevated Alk Phos)
Q684. A 27-yo woman from Asia moved to the US and presents with gross hematuria. She reports a low-grade fever and weight loss for over one year. Urinalysis shows pyuria, but cultures are negative for bacteria. IVP reveals diminished contrast excretion and cavitary lesions in the right kidney. Dx?
A684. Tuberculosis; (Secondary TB commonly affects the kidneys and can spread to the epididymis and prostate in men; this is a classic presentation with hematuria, weight loss, low fever, negative cultures and increased leukocytes, and cavitary lesions)
Q685. If a patient presents with a TIA consisting of no bleeding and no signs of extensive infarction within the first 3 hours of onset, what is the next step?
A685. IV infusion of Tissue-type Plasminogen Activator; (tPA can be used as a “clot buster” in patients w/in first 3 hours, though better if started in first 90 minutes of Sx)
Q686. What is the next step in the fracture of a clavicle?
A686. Figure-eight Cast; (not arteriogram)
Q687. A 45-yo man presents with a pale, pulseless, paresthetic, painful and paralytic right lower extremity. On exam, no pulses are apparent in the RLE. Dx?; Tx?
A687. Dx: Emboli in Rt Common Iliac; Tx: Fogarty Balloon-tipped Catheter
Q688. Before performing a Pneumonectomy for SCC of the lung, what should be done?
A688. CT scan of the Chest and upper Abdomen; (to rule-out metastasis)
Q689. What is the next step to confirm a Dx of PE in a patient that has atelectasis and patchy pneumonic infiltrates?
A689. Spiral CT scan of the Chest; (a V/Q scan is not reliable for a patient with atelectasis and infiltrates)
Q690. A 14-year-old boy is hit over the right side of the head with a baseball bat. He loses consciousness for a few minutes, but recovers promptly and continues to play. One hour later he is found unconscious in the locker room. His right pupil is fixed and dilated. Dx?; How is it diagnosed?; Tx?
A690. Dx: Acute epidural hematoma (probably right side); Diagnostic Test: CT scan; Treatment: Emergency surgical decompression (craniotomy); Good prognosis if treated, fatal within hours if it is not.
Q691. A 32-year-old male is involved in a head-on, high-speed automobile collision. He is unconscious at the site, regains consciousness briefly during the ambulance ride and arrives at the E.R. in deep coma, with a fixed, dilated right pupil. Dx?; Diagnostic Test?; Tx?
A691. Dx: Acute Subdural hematoma; Diagnostic Test: CT scan; (Also need to check cervical spine!); Treatment: Emergency craniotomy; poor prognosis because of brain injury
Q692. A 77-year-old man becomes “senile” over a period of three or four weeks. He used to be active and managed all of his financial affairs. Now he stares at the wall, barely talks and sleeps most of the day. His daughter recalls that he fell from a horse about a week before the mental changes began. Dx?; Diagnostic Test?; Tx?
A692. Dx: Chronic subdural hematoma. Diagnostic Test: CT scan; Treatment: Surgical decompression (craniotomy); Spectacular improvement expected
Q693. A car hits a pedestrian. He arrives in the ER in coma. He has …(raccoon eyes… or clear fluid dripping from the nose…or clear fluid dripping from the ear…or ecchymosis behind the ear)…; Dx?; Diagnostic Test?; Tx?
A693. Dx: Base of the skull fracture. Diagnostic Test: CT scan and cervical spine X-Rays. Tx: needs neurosurgical consult and antibiotics
Q694. A 45-year-old man is involved in a high-speed automobile collision. He arrives at the ER in coma, with fixed dilated pupils. He has multiple other injuries (extremities, etc). His blood pressure is 70 over 50, with a feeble pulse at a rate of 130. What is the reason for the low BP and high pulse rate?
A694. significant blood loss to the outside (could be scalp laceration), or inside (abdomen, pelvic fractures)…not from neurological injury
Q695. A 22-year-old gang member arrives in the E.R. with multiple guns shot wounds to the abdomen. He is diaphoretic, pale, cold, shivering, anxious, asking for a blanket and a drink of water. His blood pressure is 60 over 40. His pulse rate is 150, barely perceptible. Dx?; Management? (3); Tx?
A695. Dx: Hypovolemic shock; Management: Big bore IV lines, Foley catheter and I.V. antibiotics. Tx: Ideally Exploratory Lap immediately for control of bleeding, and then fluid and blood administration.
Q696. A 22-year-old gang member arrives in the E.R. with multiple guns shot wounds to the chest and abdomen. He is diaphoretic, cold, shivering, anxious, asking for a blanket and a drink of water. His blood pressure is 60 over 40. His pule rate is 150, barely perceptible. He has big distended veins in his neck and forehead. He is breathing OK, has bilateral breath sounds and no tracheal deviation. Dx?; Diagnostic test?; Tx?
A696. Dx: Pericardial tamponade; Diagnostic test: No X-Rays needed, this is a clinical diagnosis!; Do Pericardial window. Tx: If positive, follow with Thoracotomy, and then Exploratory Lap.
Q697. A 22-year-old gang member arrives in the E.R. with a single gunshot wound to the precordial area. He is diaphoretic, cold, shivering, anxious, asking for a blanket and a drink of water. His blood pressure is 60 over 40. His pule rate is 150, barely perceptible. He has big distended veins in his neck and forehead. He is breathing OK, has bilateral breath sounds and no tracheal deviation. Dx?; Management?
A697. Dx: Pericardial Tamponade; Management: Exploratory Lap; (when the location of the wound strongly suggests pericardial tamponade, emergency thoracotomy might be done right away without prior pericardial window)
Q698. A 22-year-old gang member arrives in the E.R. with multiple gun shot wounds to the chest and abdomen. He has labored breathing is cyanotic, diaphoretic, cold and shivering. His blood pressure is 60 over 40. His pulse rate is 150, barely perceptible. He is in respiratory distress, has big distended veins in his neck and forehead, his trachea is deviated to the left, and the right side of his chest is tympantic, with no breath sounds. Dx?; Management? (2 steps); Tx?
A698. Dx: Tension pneumothorax; Management:; 1. Immediate big bore IV catheter placed into the right pleural space (2nd intercostal midclavicular); 2. followed by Chest Tube to the right side, Immediately!; (Watch out for trap that offers chest X-Ray as an option. This is a clinical diagnosis, and patient needs that chest tube now. He will die if sent to X-Ray.); Tx: Exploratory lap will follow
Q699. A 72 year old man who lives alone calls 911 saying that he has severe chest pain. He cannot give a coherent history when picked up by the EMT, and on arrival at the ER he is cold and diaphoretic and his blood pressure is 80 over 65. He has an irregular, feeble pulse at a rate of 130. His neck and forehead veins are distended and he is short of breath. Dx?; Management?
A699. Dx: Cardiogenic shock, from massive MI; Management: verify high CVP. EKG, enzymes, coronary care unit etc. Do not drown him with enthusiastic fluid “ resuscitation”, but use thrombolytic therapy if offered
Q700. A 17 year old girl is stung by a swarm of bees…or a man of whatever age breaks out with hives after a penicillin infection …or a patient undergoing surgery under spinal anesthetic… eventually develop BP of 75 over 25, pulse rate of 150, but they look warm and flushed rather than pale and cold. CVP is low. Dx?; Management? (2)
A700. Dx: Vasomotor shock; (massive vasodilation, loss of vascular tone); Management: Vasoconstrictors and Volume replacement as needed