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164 Cards in this Set

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The KCS principles have evolved from work that began in what year?


What is a best practice?

A best practice is a method of accomplishing a job, task, or process that is considered to be superior to all other known methods and is regularly measured over time to ensure its effectiveness.

What four areas was (and still is) the support center continually challenged?

Decreased budgets, Increased complexity, rising costs, and increased demand.

Support organizations need to simultaneously:

Scale services, decrease costs, and enhance its people's capabilities.

The HDI Support Center Maturity Model examines what four characteristics of support?

People, process, technology, and vision.

What are the four levels of the support center maturity:

Reactive, Proactive, Customer-Centric, Business-Centric

What are the top ten reasons support centers should implement KCS?

10. Respond to and resolve issues faster

9. Provide answers to complex issues

8. Provide the same answers to the same questions.

7. Support analysts suffering from burnout

6. Address the lack of time for training

5. Provide an answer to recurring questions.

4. Identify opportunities to learn from customer's experiences

3. Improve First Contact Resolution

2. Enable Self Service

1. Lower Support Costs

What is the KCS methodology?

A methodology that seeks to capture, structure, reuse, and improve knowledge in the support delivery process.

Is KCS dependent on Technology?

No, KCS is a methodology based on processes and practices. It is independent of Technology.

What is technology to KCS?

Technology is required as an enabler and does not drive the methodology.

KCS creates knowledge as a by product of....

the problem-solving process

What is a knowledge base?

It is a collection of information that is of value to an organization's customers, combined with means of accessing that information in order to answer questions and solve problems.

What is the benefits to Customer stakeholders of KCS?

1. Increased confidence in support

2. Improved response from support (e.g., speed, accuracy, consistency)

What is the benefits to Analysts (stakeholders) of KCS?

1. Personal empowerment and recognition

2. Improved confidence

3. Broadened expertise

What is the benefits to the Organization (stakeholder) of KCS?

1. Improved effectiveness and efficiency

2. Evolving resources and expertise

3. Improved relevance and loyalty

ITIL and KCS are similar in that both...

1. Were developed to improve service management effectiveness and efficiencies.

2. Are based on process and not technology

3. Claim that knowledge management is a required process within Service Management.

4. Continue to evolve and mature

5. Are acknowledged as best practices

ITIL and KCS differences are...

1. KCS is a methodology, whereas ITIL is a framework.

2. KCS focuses on knowledge as information used to resolve incidents or answer questions within the service operations processes, whereas ITIL defines knowledge as all information within IT.

3. Different terminology is used

What group created KCS?

The Consortium for Service Innovation.

A knowledge-centered organization has the goals to:

1. Develop knowledge as a by-product of interaction.

2. "Grow and harvest" knowledge articles during the problem solving process.

3. Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of assisted service through the reuse of knowledge.

4. Identify opportunities to improve products and services.

5. Provide content for self-service knowledge.

The Proactive methodology follows a process similar to that of software development, and includes these three major phases:

Design, Develop, and Deliver

Of the three proactive major phases what is the design phase for?

In this phase the requirements for the knowledge base and how the knowledge will be organized is defined.

Of the three proactive major phases what is the develop phase for?

Once you start authoring answers to the questions, you are in the development phase.

Of the three proactive major phases what is the deliver phase for?

The knowledge base is ready to be coordinated with the release of a new product or service.

What are the advantages of Proactive knowledge Management?

The knowledge is available before the first incident and that the resolutions are verfied because it is typically an expert who creates the knowledge.

What are the disadvantages of Proactive knowledge management?

It can cost the organization more money because we initially are guessing to what articles are needed. Therefore, some solutions may never get used. Additionally, the knowledge is captured in the IT context, not the customers. These disadvantages lead to higher costs.

What are the advantages of Reactive Knowledge Management?

1. Lower cost of ownership

2. Knowledge is created as part of the support processes so it is immediately available to other support analysts.

3. Higher reuse of knowledge articles

4. Knowledge is created using the customer context which makes it likely to be found on the first search.

What are the disadvantages of Reactive Knowledge Management?

1. Knowledge is not available for the first occurrence of an incident.

2. Quality issues - the documented solution may have spelling and grammar errors

3. Incorrect knowledge articles - the knowledge base may contain articles that are wrong.

4. Redundancy and multiple answers to the same question. If the article was in the knowledge base and the analyst did not find it, then they may add the same or different resolution to the same incident.

What are ditches?

A set of practices identified that produced poor results.

What are A Loop Processes in the Double Loop Process?

Activities that repeat multiple times, such as the activity of solving problems or responding to incidents.

What are B Loop Processes in the Double Loop Process?

Processes that are systemic or at the organizational level.

What are the 4 practices of the Solve loop (in order)?





What are the 4 practices of the Evolve loop (in order)?

Content Health

Process Integration

Performance Assessment

Leadership & Communication.

What is at the center of the Solve and Evolve practices diagram?

Knowledge Articles

KCS is not....

KCS is not something a support organization does in addition to solving problems. KCS becomes the process for solving problems.

What does UFFA stand for?

Use it

Fix it

Flag it

Add it

What is a framed article?

Issue and Environment are captured but no the resolution.

What is metadata?

a set of data that describes and gives information about other data.

What is Knowledge Monitoring?

The random sampling and scoring of knowledge articles and feedback to individuals.

What is the Structured Problem-Solving methodology?

This methodology says to first seek to understand the customer, then seek to understand what the company knows about the problem, before seeking to solve it.

Identify the three components that KCS practices are organized into:

Knowledge articles, Solve Loop, Evolve Loop

Explain the Solve Loop.

The solve loop contains transactions or events that occur regularly. These are the tasks that support analysts do every day as they respond to incidents and solve problems. It represents the individual workflow that is driven by the problem-solving process.

Explain the Evolve Loop.

The evolve loop looks at the system or the organization's view of Knowledge-Centered Support. The Evolve Loop defines the processes, standards, metrics, and management tasks.

Explain the benefits of the Capture practice in the Solve Loop.

1. Content is in the customer's context

2. Improves findable articles

3. Context is captured appropriately

4. Context is captured at the point of interaction

Explain the benefits of the Structure practice in the Solve Loop.

1. Providing context for the content

2. Improving readability

3. Promoting consistency and quality

Explain the benefits of the Reuse practice in the Solve Loop.

1. Existing articles can be used to resolve issues, minimizing rework within the support organization.

2. Adds additional customer context

3. Determines if the issue has already been solved.

4. Determines if someone else is working on the same or similar issue.

Explain the benefits of the Improve practice in the Solve Loop.

1. Continuous improvement of the quality of articles.

2. Resources are saved by only spending time on articles that are being used.

3. Knowledge articles are available immediately for reuse.

4. The knowledge engineering process that delays knowledge availability is eliminated.

5. Shared ownership of the knowledge base

Explain the benefits of Content Health in the Evolve Loop.

1. Quality articles are developed - quality is defined as findable and usable.

2. Articles are migrated to new audiences based on demand in a timely manner.

3. Analysts skills are improved through regular feedback.

Explain the benefits of Process Integration in the Evolve Loop.

1. Efficiency and effectiveness of process

2. Solve issues faster using the captured experiences of the entire support organization.

3. Minimizes rework.

Explain the benefits of Performance Assessment in the Evolve Loop.

The benefit of performance assessment is to drive desired behaviors. Value is derived from knowledge, relationships, and influence.

Explain the benefits of the Leadership & Communication practice in the Evolve loop.

1. Clear goals are communicated

2. Greater participation and buy-in by all involved.

3. Improved risk management for the initiative

4. Employees are motivated to support the change.

5. Improved performance.

What does "WIIFM" stand for?

"What's In It For Me"

What is a stakeholder?

A person or group who affects or can be affected by an organizations actions.

What is a strategic framework?

A structured method to define how a project or initiative supports the key objectives of the stakeholders.

Identify the three levels of KCS benefits for stakeholders.

1. Direct - Operational improvements

2. Applied - new ways of delivering service and support

3. Leveraged - enables new kind of services to be offered.

Identify the two types of KCS benefit.

Qualitative and Quantitative

List common stakeholders of the support organization.

Customers, employees, businesses, and/or partners.

List the four components of a strategic framework.

1. Business Objective

2. Approaches for each Objective

3. Measurements for each approach

4. Targets for each measurement

Identify the purpose of a strategic framework.

By developing a strategic framework for your KCS initiative, you will align the benefits of KCS with your organization's business goals.

The existence of a knowledge base that is based on the context of the customer can drive the following benefits:

1. Customer self service

2. Just-in-time resourcing

3. Differentiation through support excellence

4. Improved products

What are the customer qualitative benefits?

1. Improved experience with support

2. Customer / user productivity

3. Sense of connection via the web

What are the customer quantitative benefits?

1. Customer satisfaction survey

2. Renewal rates on contracts

3. Rate of repeat business

4. frequency of visits to web site and web feedback.

What are the employee qualitative benefits?

1. Recognition for problem-solving skills

2. Peer feedback

3. Sense of accomplishment and contribution

4. Sense of autonomy

What are the employee quantitative benefits?

1. Attrition rate

2. Job satisfaction

3. Broadened technical expertise

4. Development of new knowledge-related competencies

What are the organization qualitative benefits?

Image and reputation, good place to work, good company to do business with.

What are the organization quantitative benefits?

1. Support costs per user / customer

2. Cost per incident

3. Cost of creating / maintaining content for web delivery

4. Capacity

5. Time to technical proficiency

What are the six phases of KCS adoption?

1. Assessment of the current state

2. Acquisition of tools

3. Design of the foundation

4. Development of the KCS core team

5. Organization of KCS waves

6. Evolution of the process

It is not unusual for repeat / known incidents to account for ___% - ___% of the workload.

60% - 80% of the workload.

What is a knowledge article?

A relevant and reusable, findable, and structured object that contains the customer's experience, the analyst findings, and the meta data about the knowledge article.

What is the minimum structure of a knowledge article?

1. Issue/question

2. Environment

3. Cause (optional)

4. Resolution/answer

5. Metadata

Define knowledge state.

The status in the knowledge article life cycle that is used to imply trust and/ ore identify pending action.

Identify the minimum knowledge states necessary for a KCS article life cycle.

Work in Progress




Provide examples of additional knowledge states and why you would use them.

Technical review


Compliance review



What is a content standard?

A set of documents that defines how to capture, structure, and manage quality articles.

What is the purpose of a content standard?

1. Set expectations for the analysis when contributing.

2. Define the structure and purpose of each field in the knowledge article.

3. Define the quality criteria for a knowledge article.

4. Define the visibility of the knowledge article.

What are the common components of a content standard?

1. Content Structure

2. Quality Criteria

3. Style Guide

4. Examples of good and bad articles

5. Knowledge workflow

6. Multi-language considerations

7. Multimedia considerations

8. Visibility matrix

9. Life cycle

What is the purpose of a visibility matrix?

A document that defines access and modification rights for the knowledge base.

List the key components of a visibility matrix.

1. Knowledge Domain

2. Audiences

3. Knowledge state

4. Access Rights

What is the purpose of the KCS quality criteria?

1. Ensure article quality and ensure quality criteria is explicit to all.

2. Create an evaluation checklist for random sampling and define how knowledge will be scored.

3. Provide a context for delivering feedback to analysts.

4. Define how to calculate the knowledge quality index.

What is a knowledge quality index?

A score given to a person or group resulting from the review of the knowledge they contributed for a specified period of time.

What are the steps of knowledge monitoring?

1. Developing a checklist and scoring system

2. Evaluating a sampling of knowledge articles contributed.

3. Calculating a Knowledge Quality Index and developing summary reports.

4. Providing feedback to analysts and management.

Who performs knowledge monitoring?

KCS Coach

What is an evolve loop article?

Articles created outside of the problem solving process.

Who creates evolve loop articles?

Knowledge domain expert

List common reasons to create evolve loop articles.

1. Document processes (how to's)

2. Document resolutions to programmed error messages.

3. Develop resolution paths or diagnostic structures when a collection of knowledge articles have common symptoms.

4. Document resolutions to potentially high impact issues as part of a business continuity plan.

5. Fill gaps in knowledge identified through the analysis of self-service usage.

What are the two types of issues reported to the support center?

1. Known - issues that can be resolved by reusing an existing article.

2. New - issues not reported previously and will require development of a resolution.

What are the three points in the problem-solving process that enable value creation?

1. Capture knowledge articles during the problem-solving process.

2. Structure knowledge articles for reuse and system performance.

3. Reuse knowledge articles to optimize the business.

Overall, the rate of repeated or known issues reported to support organizations is ___% to ___%, even in enterprise support environments.

65% to 85%

Utilizing existing articles typically allows repeat issues to be solved in a fraction of the time (normally less than ___% of the time compared to the rework or solving the issue again) by less specialized individuals.

50% of the time

What is the purpose of an "internal resolution" field?

This gives the ability to allow a separate resolution that the support organization would use that is different from the one the customer might see.

What are the Style Guideline Commandments?

1. Thou shall maintain the context of the customer.

2. Thou shall remember the audience.

3. Thou shall not create duplicates.

4. Thou shall not reference a customer nor incident.

5. Instructions shall be numbered steps.

6. Product names shall be proper.

7. Graphics shall be kept small.

8. Attachments shall be visible.

9. Thou shall refrain from abbreviations and acronyms.

10. Thou shall use spell checker.

What are the factors that impact the success of self service?

1. Volume of articles

2. Speed published

3. Findability and Usability

4. Navigation and Ease of Use

5. Marketing

What are the initial 3 roles involved in the implementation of KCS?

1. Leaders

2. Knowledge Developers

3. KCS Coach

As an organization matures in the use of KCS what is another key role?

Knowledge Domain Expert

What are the benefits of having defined roles and responsibilities?

1. Clarifies what is expected of employees and enables accountability.

2. Employees are more satisfied as they know what is expected, and how their performance will be measured/evaluated.

What are the responsibilities of a KCS 1 - Candidate?

1. Understand the basics of KCS and use the KB

2. Familiar with search techniques

3. Using existing articles

4. Adding new articles as WIP or Draft

5. Flagging existing articles that need enhanced or corrected.

What are the responsibilities of a KCS 2 - Contributor?

1. All the duties of KCS 1

2. Review or finish articles that are framed by KCS 1 or other KCS 2s.

3. Ensure articles adhere to content standards.

4. Modify existing articles

5. Promote a draft to approved state.

What are the responsibilities of a KCS 3 - Publisher?

1. All the duties of KCS 2

2. Can publish articles to be used by customers for self service.

What are the responsibilities of a KCS Coach?

1. Promote user development through skills coaching

2. Provide feedback to users and manage skill development

3. Influence good KM practices

4. Influence to use standards for creating or improving knowledge

5. Review articles from KCS 1 until they reach required competency

6. Improve core proficiencies for their own coaching development

7. Help KCS 1s understand the problem-solving process and why it helps

8. Perform internal validation of solutions for accuracy

9. Provide feedback to the knowledge developing organization to improve knowledge management.

List some characteristics of a coach.

1. Excellent communication skills

2. Understanding of support processes, tools, and current knowledge systems

3. Listening skills

4. Influencing skills

5. Demonstrated ability to Manage time, analyze trends, and proactively communicate.

6. Demonstrated commitment to the success of team members.

What are some of the responsibilities of a Knowledge Domain Expert?

1. Providing direction and support to the KB teams.

2. Develop and analyze reports on the effectiveness of the KB

3. Advocating for changes necessary to maintain the KB as an effective tool.

4. Providing application support for items that have a worldwide impact

5. Nurturing a commitment to using the application effectively

6. Defining the audience who should have access rights and what the rights should be.

7. Providing feedback to the Knowledge developing organization

What are some of the responsibilities of a KCS Sponsor?

1. Sharing a consistent vision throughout the organization.

2. Promoting the initiative to senior management and providing periodic updates.

3. Obtaining the necessary resources

4. Acknowledging successes of people

5. Supporting the team during times of conflict or challenge.

What are the responsibilities of a KCS Manager/Coordinator?

1. KB quality

2. Promoting to a higher level of KCS

3. Monitoring the progress of KCS Coaches

4. Develop and analyze reports on metrics related to KM practices

5. Monitoring processes, resources, and technology - making recommendations to management

6. Recommending and implementing corrective actions and improvements

7. Administration and configuration of technology

8. Defining the visibility matrix

9. Vendor relations

Define the responsibilities of the KCS Program Team.

1. Developing the KCS Practices

2. Designing the KCS implementation plan

What is the KCS Competency Model?

Defines system rights and priviledges for KCS1, KCS 2, and KCS 3.

What are the benefits of the KCS Competency Model?

1. Empowering users

2. Giving everyone equal opportunity to create quality knowledge based on their own skills.

3. Promoting recongition

4. Promoting accountability

What is the KCS Council?

A cross-functional group consisting of the Knowledge Manager, KCS Coaches, the Knowledge Domain experts, and representatives from management. The council is lead by the Knowledge manager.

Define the principles of the Process Integration practice?

1. Structured problem solving

2. A seamless technology integration, between KM, IM, and other systems.

3. Search technology

4. Integration of the article creation as part of the problem solving process.

5. A closed loop feedback system

6. Processes are defined, documented, and improved.

Identify the benefits of Process Integration.

1. Efficiency and effectiveness of process.

2. Solve issues faster using the captured experiences of the entire support organization.

3. Minimize rework

List the tool requirements needed to support the Process Integration.

1. The tools must function at the speed of conversation.

2. The integration of tools is required to obtain effectiveness and efficiencies.

3. Support the structured problem solving process.

Explain how Knowledge Management integrates with incident management.

1. Knowledge articles are used to resolve incidents.

2. New knowledge articles are captured as a result of an incident.

3. Knowledge articles are enhanced through reuse within the IM process.

Explain how Knowledge Management integrates with Problem Management.

1. Article reuse can assist in identifying problems for analysis based on reoccurring incidents related to a problem.

2. Knowledge articles are enhanced when problem management discovers the root cause, a workaround, or fix.

Explain how Knowledge Management impacts Change Management.

1. The reuse of an article can assist in understanding the risk and quantifying the cost of existing problems if not resolved.

2. Change Management can require knowledge to be updated or added as part of an approved change being implemented.

Explain how Knowledge Management integrates with release and deployment.

1. Knowledge articles are to be updated when a fix is released as a known problem.

2. New knowledge articles can be added as part of the release management communication

Explain how Knowledge Management impacts Service Level Management.

1. Self-Service can be added as an option for customers to find answers to their questions.

2. Expectations of customers to leverage self-service may be set.

3. Operational level agreements can define expectations of support partners to capture and share knowledge.

Identify the 3 key steps of Structured Problem Solving (SPS) in KCS.

1. Literal - "seek to understand" the situation in the customer's context, search the kb, if known article then use it, if not go to Diagnosis.

2. Diagnosis - ask clarifying questions, search the kb again, if still nothing found escalate to research.

3. Research - A resolution is created and a new article is added to the KB.

Identify the activity that must be integrated multiple times within the problem solving process.

Search the knowledge base for existing articles

Explain the terms: Use it, Flag it, Fix it, Add it

1. Use it means to use the article to solve an issue.

2. Flag it means to mark an article to be reviewed by KCS 2 or KCS 3.

3. Fix it means to fix an article that needs more information or is incorrect.

4. Add it means to add an article if it doesn't already exist.

Identify some of the integration requirements between the incident management system and the knowledge management system.

1. Search - ability to search for solutions

2. Link - ability to link to an incident as well as retrieve info from the article to populate in the incident.

3. View - ability to quickly view an article that has been previously linked to an incident.

4. Contribute - ability to add an article from information from the incident.

5. Collaborate - ability to identify SMEs related to the problem and quickly contact them.

Define the core concepts of the KCS Competency Model.

1. An individual's KCS knowledge where demonstrated competency defines system rights and privileges.

2. An individual receives their KCS License as skills are demonstrated.

3. The number of individual's at each competency level is based on business need and demonstrated competency - not everyone can (or will) be at KCS II / III.

Receiving a KCS License recognizes that an analyst has:

1. Demonstrated an understanding and is in support of KCS.

2. Demonstrated a proven ability to add knowledge that satisfies the quality requirements.

3. Achieved the KCS II or KCS III competency level.

Research has shown the following impacts personal and team performance:

1. Alignment to purpose

2. Involvement

3. Understanding

4. Attention

5. Personal Growth

6. Rewards and Recognition

Performance drivers require balance. Name the four areas of balance that should be considered:

1. Social and technical

2. Creativity and structure

3. Individual and team

4. Top-down and Bottom-up

What is a leading indicator?

Drivers or enablers of desired outcomes / results. They are measures of activities that are necessary to produce the desired outcomes.

What is a lagging indicator?

The outcomes or results achieved with processes.

What are Objective Metrics?

Metrics that relate to or are characteristics of independent or individual thought.

What are Subjective Metrics?

Metrics that are measured based on human interpretation, perception, or opinion.

What are Quality or Qualitative metrics?

Metrics that measure how well someone or something is performing or meets the defined specifications.

What are Quantity or Quantitative metrics?

Metrics that are based on data and information, reflecting performance that can be measured, and are typically related to volume or time.

What is Triangulation in relation to KCS?

The concept of evaluating performance based on multiple perspectives.

What is a report distribution matrix?

A summary of reports that are being distributed.

What is a reputation model?

Reflects how an individual is viewed by other team members.

Define purpose statement.

Explain the overall objective of the organization in a way that provides meaning to each individual's contribution.

Explain components of a compelling purpose statement.

1. Is known by all

2. Is larger than the individual or the organization

3. Is not self-referencing

4. Is brief, clear, concise

5. Elicits an emotional response

Effective leaders influence the success of the KCS initiative by:

1. Creating a vision and organizational purpose.

2. Defining goals and objectives

3. Setting the context for boundaries

4. Defining success

5. Developing a communication plan

6. Modeling behaviors

7. Supporting and encouraging good performance, while dealing with inadequate performance.

8. Engaging the people doing the work to figure out how best to get it done.

9. Promoting teamwork

10. Recognizing others for their accomplishments and contributing to success.

The benefits of having a strong leadership in place include:

1. Clear goals are communicated

2. Greater participation by all involved

3. Those being led are willing to take risks.

4. Employees are willing to buy in to the initiative.

5. Employees are motivated to support the change.

Identify the characteristics of a successful leader.

1. Create an environment for success.

2. Create and communicate a compelling vision (purpose).

3. Focus on what people need to accomplish and support them in how they will meet them.

4. Engage all stakeholders by communicating what's in it for them.

5. Create a healthy culture through the right job descriptions, performance assessments, and rewards and recognition programs.

6. Encourage participation and motivate employees.

List the top four motivation factors related to work.

1. Achievement

2. Recognition

3. The Work Itself

4. Responsibility

Explain how KCS impacts achievement.

1. Earning the right to publish or become a KCS Coach.

2. Earning recognition for articles created that others are using

3. Expanding the analyst's breadth of product knowledge.

4. Contributing to the achievement of the goals of the organization

5. Collaborating as part of a group that is creating value for the business.

Explain how KCS impacts recognition.

1. The reputation of the analyst, based on creation of value in the knowledge base.

2. The reputation of the analyst, based on the quality of articles contributed to the knowledge base.

3. Acknowledgment for contributions through KCS measures and reports.

4. Acknowledgment by organization leaders as role models for others.

Explain how KCS impacts work.

1. Decreasing redundancy

2. Providing an opportunity to work on new areas.

3. Increasing confidence that allows analysts to take a broader range of calls because the knowledge base complements their competencies.

Explain how KCS impacts responsibility.

1. Licensing an analyst to approve and/or publish (KCS competency) without review by others.

2. Licensing an analyst to modify / improve content.

3. Making the analyst part of a team.

4. Requiring collective ownership of content - "flag it or fix it".

Explain the difference between reward and recognition.

1. Rewards are used to create focus for a change, provide compensation for work, promote a change in behavior, and are used for a defined period of time.

2. Recognition is used to celebrate accomplishments, provide acknowledgement of value, is an approval of behavior, and is ongoing.

What are the five signs a leader should be on guard against?

1. Absence of trust

2. Fear of conflict

3. Lack of Commitment

4. Avoidance of Accountability

5. Inattention to Results

What is a communications plan?

A detailed, organized, and ongoing approach to share information and gain support for a project, program, or initiative.

Explain the critical concepts of a successful communications plan.

1. Must be consistently repeated over time and through a variety of channels to drive understanding.

2. Must explicitly plan the messaging platform and the timing and channels of communications to ensure consistency at the right level of exposure.

3. Informs everyone of objectives

4. Encourages team participation and reduces barriers for other groups whose participation is necessary.

5. Identifies channel for each audience

6. Identifies the time required to meet stakeholder needs.

Identify the core components of a communications plan.

1. A messaging platform for each stakeholder

- Key messages: WIIFM

- Frequently asked questions and objections

- Elevator Pitch

- Simple messages

2. Delivery vehicles

3. Programs and activities for engagement and socialization

4. A project plan with time frames

Define an elevator pitch.

Is a short, about five to seven seconds, explanation of what something is and why it matters to the listener.

What are the four things a good elevator pitch should include:

1. Capture interest

2. Make people want to hear more

3. Create a positive perception

4. Create a sense of excitement

List the audiences of a communications plan.

1. Analysts, the support staff

2. Managers of the support organization

3. Executives who must provide support for the initiative.

Explain why it is important to develop answers to objections related to KCS.

1. It is much easier to handle objections with a consistent and well though-out message.

2. By identifying potential objections, you can address concerns that people may be reluctant to raise themselves.

Identify key strategies for handling objections.

1. Be sensitive to feelings behind the "thinking" analytical statement.

2. Acknowledge the validity of feelings and empathize.

3. Seek to understand the issue from the other person's perspective

4. Offer an alternative perspective (don't debate or argue)

5. Use "what's in it for me" (WIIFM) to craft your response in their terms

What does BABAR cycle stand for?

1. Beliefs

2. Attitudes

3. Behaviors

4. Actions

5. Results

What is a decision Matrix?

It is commonly a spreadsheet. Start by making a list of criteria or evaluation points.

List the four key roles for a successful adoption.

1. Executive Sponsor

2. KCS Manager or KCS Coordinator

3. KCS Program Team

4. KCS Pilot Team

Define the responsibilities of the KCS Program Team.

Building the foundation and implementing the strategy.

Identify considerations before selecting the KCS Program Team.

Consider who may serve as as coaches and evangelist when selecting members for this team. Also good to have a IT or Web Liason for the tech considerations.

Define the responsibilities of the KCS Pilot Team.

Will test the new processes and technology. They will provide feedback to the KCS Program team.

Identify the considerations for selecting the KCS Pilot Team.

Team should possess the ability to influence others, as their success with KCS will encourage others to participate. They will support the change and eventually may serve as KCS coaches.

Define the six steps of a KCS Adoption Program.

1. Assessment of the Current State

2. Design the foundation

3. Acquisition of tools

4. Development of the KCS Pilot Team

5. Organization of KCS Waves

6. Evolution

Define a flow and wave matrix.

A map that describes the flow of incidents within the support organization between support teams and support partners.

Explain the purpose of a flow and wave matrix.

Minimize risk and maximize success; identify who needs to be trained; identify with whom one must communicate; and serve as input for selecting the pilot team and defining the implementation waves.

Once the Flow and Wave matrix information has been collected what three factors will influence the selection of the KCS Pilot team?

1. Impact2. Risk3. Influence

Define Ditch.

Known to produce negative results or not produce a desired result.

Explain why it is important to recognize ditches.

Ditches are like warning signs along the road; when the driver adjusts their driving based on the signs, the probability of success is increased.