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52 Cards in this Set

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List the 5 classes of Anti-Hyperlipidemics
1. HMG-CoA Reductase Ibx (3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA reductase or HMGCR/Statins)
2. Bile Acid Sequestrants
3. Cholesterol Absorption Ibx
4. PPAR-alpha Activators aka Fibrates (Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha)
5. Misc
Which 2 statins (HMGCR) are prodrugs?

Name a common anti-depressant that ibx these statins activation by CYP450
----lova simva are prodrugs

Flustacine is drug that ibx their activation
What is MOA of Statins?

What does HMG-CoA Red. do?
Secondary Effect of Statins?
Competitively Ibx HMG-CoA Reducatase

-rate-limiting step in production of Mevalonate & cholesterol
-Statins also UP-Regulate LDL receptors ---suck LDL-Chol (LDL-C) into cells for breakdown to TG, etc.= inc. in lipid metabolism
What are lipoprotein effects of statins on this panel:
LDL-C reduced
TG reduced
HDL raised
Lp-a no appreciable affect
Name 3 most POTENT Statins---now more commonly used due to rampant hypercholesteremia and dosage limitations of less potent ones
statins most potent
Least potent statins (3)
Regarding Dosage, when does majority of LDL-C lowering occur on statins
At lower doses, ie, diminishing returns on incremental dosage.
Which organs are most considered for AEs on Statins?
Liver and Muscle
With Lova- and Simva-, statins, which drugs might inhibit them, be specific with enzyme
Drugs that use up/Ibx CYP3A4/2C9
What are Liver AEs of statins?
-Liver Fxn levels of what = cease drug?
Asymptomatic AST/ALT elevations
-if 3x stop drug
What myopathy is worst cause AE of statins
--what enzyme levels are checked for ceasation of drug/ HALLMARK sign of problem?
if CK 5-10x higher, quite drug
--Rhabdo products try to squeeze through Kidneys = CocaCola Urine
Contraindications for Statins?
Preggers (category x)

-of course, also in Acute/Chronic Liver and Renal Failure
Name the 3 Bile Acid Sequesterants.
Which BAcSeq is a powder form
Cholestyramine is powder
What is MOA for BAcSeq drugs in Hypercholesteremia?

Result of their MOA on Lipids
Drugs are NON-absorbable Anion-Exhange Resins
--Will bind bile acids in lumen

-Results in UP-reg of LDL-C Receptors & Cholesterol 7-alpha Hydroxylase (rate limit enz in syn of bile acid from Chol.)
What are BAcSeq effects on panel:
LDL-C -- reduced--main effect
TG -- zero change/slight increase
HDL-C -- mostly no effect/little positive
Lp-a --- no effect

--b/c slight inc in TG, sort of contraindication for those whose TG is already high
WHat are AEs of BAcSeqs in:
GI--Constipation -- bloating, abdominal distention...obstruction possible
Liver: enzyme elevation
Pancreas: pancreatitis
Blood: Fat Soluble Vitamin Abs/depletion Vit ADEK
What drug must be watched if on BAcSeq

EXTENSIVE drug-drug interactions (just absorbs other drugs)
-take BAcSeqs 1-2hours before OR 2-4hrs after other drugs/vitamins
What is biochem name for Niacin? Vitamin?

Name important dosing fact for niacin
Nicotinic Acid -- Vitamin B3
---NOT Nicotinamide

--Extended Release Tabs for reduction of cutaneous flushing.
MOA for Niacin?

Positive effects of MOA?
Reduction in cellular hepatic synthesis of TG, VLDL-C and LDL-C
-Increased LDL-C receptor activity
-Decreased HDL-C catabolism
What is primary affect for Niacin/what its best for? Rest of effects in panel:
Niacin best for Inc. HDL--better than Statins
-TG: reduced
T-C: reduced
LDL-C: reduced
HDL-C: increased
---GOOD drug to add to statin therapy for HDL boost
What are AEs of Nicotinic Acid/Vit B3
-Cutaneous Flushing--(PGI2 generation---thus ASA can prophylax this/start low dose)
-GI Distress
-Liver enzyme elevations
-Elevation of Serum GLc AND Serum Uric Acid
What 2 co-morbities to hypocholesteremia may req watching niacin use?
Diabetes--due to Glc inc in serum
Gout--due to Uric Acid
Contraindications for Niacin use?
Chronic Liver/Gallbladder Dx
Severe Gout/Diabetes
Peptic Ulcer Dx
-Bleeding Dx/Thrombocytopenia/Warfarin Therapy (ie Pts with Stints or MI)
The Following Contraindications are for what drugs--give class and names?
-Adv. Renal Dx--Cl- balance
BAcSeqs: Cholestyramine, Colestipol, Colesevelam
For preggers--colesevelam is bad
What doe Fibrates do?
What Lipid drug has no significant Drug-Drug interactions
Niacin/Nicotinic Acid/Vit B3
Name the 2 fibrates
which is Prodrug?
Fibrates/PPAR-alpha Acts
Which Fibrate is more effective?
What is MOA for Fibrates?
via PPAR-alpha Activator: affect transcription of genes involved in lipoprotein metab
--Note: Fibrates involved at Transcriptional/Genetic level
By altering Lipoprotein metabolism/ breaking down VLDL-C/IDL-C with lipase, what is greatest effect of Fibrates
Decreasing TGs on panel
--greatest bang for buck with TG or Chylomicron issues
--Also work on Lp-a (lipoprotein like-a)
Given that Fibrates beat statins on TG, what is effect on this panel:
Hepatic FFA extraction:
Hepatic Acetyl CoA Carboxylase:
LDL-C/IDL-C: Inc Catab
Hepatic FFA extc: Decreased
Hep A-CoA Carbase: Ibxs it (TG production step)
HDL-C: Increased (via VLDL-C clearance
Basically for Fibrates, it?
Decreases TGs the best
--Has decent decreases across panel where you want them + inc in HDL
---Can potentially inc LDL-C in some
AEs of Fibrates
Liver: AST/ALT elevations
Muscle: myopathy
Gall: predisp to gallstones
Drug drug interactions for Fibrates>
Increased effects of Anti-Hyperglycemic drugs

Watch Diabetic's meds
Contraindications for Fibrates?
Severe Renal/Hepatic
Biliary Cirrhosis/Cholelithiasis
What sort of drug is Ezetimibe?
Cholesterol Absorption Ibx
WHat is MOA for Ezetimibe for Cholesterol Absorption?
Selectively ibx---at brush border--the small intestines abs of Chol and Phytosterols
--reduces delivery of Chol to Liver
What is primary effect of Ezetimibe? Compared to Statin?
Total Chol reduction of 13% max-=not huge
--NO sig change in HDL-C
AEs of Ezetimibe?
liver? muscle?
Diarrhea, Abd. Pain, Fatique, Back pain
-Increased AST/ALT & Myopathy (usually due to CO-Rx of Stain/Fibrate)
Contraindications for Ezetimibe
Severe Hepatic Dx
What other Misc/OTC Lipid drug is there. Be specific with all contents
Fish Oil/ Omega-3 FA: EPA, DHA and ALA
Which 2 classes have Greatest GI affects/ Why
Cholesterol Ibx (ezetimibe) and BAcSeqs
--they are local inhibitors
What Vitamin is also often included in FishOil/Om3/EPA/DHA/ALA
Vitamin E

Note: FDA approved product is Lovaza--but expensive, most use OTC
What sort of FA is Omega-3
Unsaturated Fats --> Polyunsaturated Fats (omega 3 and 6 {sunflw/corn oils})

fyi--monoUnsaturates are: Omega 9s like olive

Animal fats/ butter/ lard are Saturated
OF the fats, which tend to be better
The ones that are NOT Saturated
ie, Unsaturated: includes Mono- and Poly- Unsats
MOA for Fish Oils
through IipoPR lipase the manufacturing of DECREASES TGs. Causes:
Total Chol decrease
VLDL dec
HDL inc
Anti-Plt affects
AEs of Fish Oil
GI --upset stomach, burping, reflux
-Bleeding -- ASA/Warf/LMWH-UFH/etc

Monitor Liver/Renal
With high enough dose, what is BEST effect for Fish Oil
Red TG and Red VLDL
--but remember, Statins best, Niacin best of HDL
What is CETP?

Inbx or Act it
Cholesterol EsterTransfer Protein
--CETP breaksdown HDL

Block it and HDLs stay around = good. Drug is anacatrapib--don't think have to know
--consider Niacin like Drug--ie raises HDL
What is prolly best used Lipid drug for preggers?
Bile Acid Seqs, because they aren't absorbed.

Though this may be their only use nowadays
With elevated TC, what must be consdered
when NO Tx is necessary b/c high number is due to high HDL