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42 Cards in this Set

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What are the 2 sorts of Pericardial Dz?
WHat is normal cc of fluid in pericardium
-Acute Pericarditis--most common
-Chronic Constrictive Pericarditis (PCD)

Visceral Peri usually leaks 10-30 ccs
What is intrapericardial pressure
Neg During Ejection
--facilitates atrial filling/passive flow into atria during Ventricular Systole
Acute PCD, lasts how long
Clinical features
"Fibrinous"--infiltrate is fibrinous and effusive (bloody)
SubAcute PCD, lasts how long
Clinical features
6wks - 6mos
Chronic Constrictive PCD, lasts how long
Clinical features
Adhesive (nonconstrictive
Most common infectious etiologies of PCD
Viral-- +coxackie
Bacterial -- + TB
Name some non infectious causes of PCD
Myxedema (due to thyroidisms), MI, Uremic, Neoplasm, Aneurysm,
--Autoimmune/Hypersensitivity--SLE, RA or R. Fever
What are common drugs to cause PCD
INH, Procainamide, Hydralazine, Chromylin, Minoxidil
Name the 2 non-obvious Sx of PCD in add to effusions/tamponade/pain/friction
EKG changes
Paradoxical Puls
When is the pericardial friction rub heard best
During expiration--this is most impt Sx/Sign for PCD
Name some of the EKG features for PCD
ST segment elevations, also depression in aVR

-ST changes will return to baseline followed by persistent T-wave inversion

QRS voltage decreases
PACs, A-Fib
ST character in PCD EKG
Concave ST that is elevated

dont forget the persistence of inverted T-waves after STs return
and the reciprocal ST depr in aVR
What is CXR feature on Pericardial Effusion (PCEf)
Water bottle silhouette
but echo is best test--shows echo free space
Large PCEf, Area of Dullness, and Tubular Breath Sounds at L. Scapula = what
Ewarts Sign

With large effustions (ie Ewarts), heart may swing freely, what is EKG effect
Electrical Alternans
--flip flopping of QRS or Low voltage

--LOOKs like a barbed wire fence
Hemopericardium indcates what
PCEf that's bloody--think TB, Tumor, post MI injury (esp if anticoags used) or R. Fever
What is def of Cardiac Tamponade (CTamp)
Fluid accumulation (ttl amount NOT determinant, rather rate of filling) in sac sufficient to cause obstructiion to filling/inflow of blood into Vents
=Can cause equalization of cardiac chambers = dec CO and End Diastolic P.
Parameters for CTamp if rapid?
If slow
250ccs if rapid = CTamp
1000 if slowIy
What are clinicals for CTamp:
JVP Trace Changes?
In add to anxious:
JVD? Inc
BP? Dec
CO? Dec (heart tone too)
JVP? Inc
JVP Trace Changes? PROMinent X decent, no y-wave
What is Paradoxical Pulse
Greater than normal inspiratory fall in systolic arterial pressure (10mmHg)
Tx for Viral OR Idiopathic Acute PCD
ASA, NSAID, Steroids
Rest 7-14 days
Dresslers Syndrome?
Post MI Injury
--looks like an infarct, but isn't--rather Autoimmune--1 myocyte versus its neighbor due to hypersensitivey reaction from Ag origninating in myo or pericardium
What is most common cause of Chronic Pericardial Effusion
This results when healing of Acute PCD obliterates cavity due to granulation or scar Dz
Chronic COnstrictive PCD
--vent fillin interfered with
Kussmauls sign, EKG with LVOC, peripheral edema, dysp/ orthopnea and 1/3 with pardox pulse indicates what
Chronic Constrictie PCD
--many etiologies, though TB is most common
--look for calcified pericardium from scars
What are some DDXs for Chronic Constrictive PCD
-Infiltrative Cardiomyopathies (amyloid, sarcoid, hemochromotosis)
-Endomyocardial FIbrosis
-Tricuspid Stenosis

--if PCD, Rx is Pericardial Resection
What amount of effusion needed to see on CXR for PCEf
250 cc
What is Beck's Triad
3 Classic Sx of CTamp
-dec BP
-inc JVP
-Muffled Heart SOunds
-dec Systemic Pre with inspiration (pardox pulse)
What are parts of JVP trace
a wave, c wave-->x decent, v-wave-->y decent

values btw 5-10 mmHG
What is JVP trace for RV Failure?
Pretty much same as normal
just values in 10-15mmHG range
What is JVP trace for Constrictive PCD?
Similar to RV Failure, ie, 10-15 mmHG, but v-wave more prominent also = steeper y decent
WHat is JVP trace for Pericardial Tamponade?
similar values to other Dz, ie 10-15 mmHG, except
NO v-wave. Thus it ends with a x-decent following c-wave
--x decent is very steep
Following ecards are for Myocarditis
Clues for Myo
1. Tachy out of proportion to fever change
2. CHF during or following acute viral illness
3. new EKG/echo findings following a viral infxn
4. Chronic Myo suspected in Pt with Cardiomyopathies or Idiopathic Arrys

**proportion 1degree F - inc 10HR
WHat is the common infectious cause of Myocarditis (MCD) and the 4 bugs within?
Viral most common
-Coxsackievirus B
Lesser common causese of MCD
Protazoan--Trypanosoma cruzi (chagas)
Ticks, Hypersensitivity/Autoimmune
Radiation, chemicals, bacterial,
10% of these PTs with this certain MCD have LV dysfunction 2ndary to infiltration of myocardium via opportunistic bugs, ie toxoplasmosis
HIV Myocarditis
--Also Metastatic from karposis sarcoma
Bacterial MCD is usually a complication of what bugs from endocarditits
Staph A., or enterococcus
or Diptheria (commonest COD for diptheria)
Which MCD is assc. w/ SLE, Thyrotox, Thymoma
-seen in young--middle aged with
Cardiac Enlargement,
ventricular thrombi
MC necrosis
Giant Cell MCD
--Rapid often fatal CHF
How is Lyme MCD treated
--seen with AV nodal conduction abnorms, 2nd and 3rd degree blocks with syncope and LV dysfx
Spirochete--suscept to Ceftriaxone or Pen, Doxy or Amox
Note: MCD may nave Asymp State to fulminant CFH/Death
ST-T changes, but no specifici
chest pain similar to Angina WITH increased cardiac enzymes
Though usually normal PE, what might be auscultated in MCD
s1, s2/s3 gallop
Mitral Regurge Murmur
Pericardial friction rub
Tx for MCD
Supportive bed rest
Arrys get amiodarone
CHF get salt, diuretics, dig
---Pts may be very sensitive to dig

--Usual MOA for death is CHF, Tachy or Heart Block