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13 Cards in this Set

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50. How is Nursing Care related to Spirituality?
-Holistic care is body, mind, spirit
-Spiritual health linked with physical and mental health
-Clients approach health challenges with a worldview reflecting beliefs that motivate, inform, and comfort them
-Need to be understanding and supportive even if nurse does not share their beliefs
P. 1059 (slide 50)
51. Define Spirituality
-Most human of experiences
-Seek to transcend self
-Find meaning and purpose
-Connection with others, nature, and/or a Supreme Being
-May or may not involve religious structures or tradition
P. 1059 (slide 51)
52.Define Religion
-Organized system of beliefs and practices
-Offers a way of spiritual expression
-Offer sense of community
-Collective study of scripture
-Performance of rituals
-Use of disciplines and practices, commandments, and sacraments
-Ways of taking care of a person’s spirit
P. 1059 (slide 52)
53. What are 2 forms of Spiritual Therapy?
(slide 53)
Define Faith
---Beliefs and expectations about life, ourselves, and others
---Belief in a Supreme Being
(slide 53)
Define Prayer
---Communication and fellowship with Deity or Creator
---Self-care strategy
---Provides comfort
---Increases hope
---Promotes healing, psychological well-being
P. 1063 (slide 53)
54. What are the Spiritual Practices Nurses Should Know?
-Seek a basic understanding of client’s spiritual needs, resources, and preferences
-Follow client’s expressed wishes regarding spiritual care
-Do not prescribe or urge clients to adopt spiritual beliefs or practices
-Do not pressure clients to relinquish such beliefs or practices
-Strive to understand personal spirituality and how it influences caregivers
-Provide spiritual care in a way that is consistent with personal beliefs
P. 1061 (slide 54)
55. What is important for nurses to know about Beliefs Affecting Diet?
-Prescriptions about foods and beverages permitted
-Provide diet plans specific to religious beliefs
-May dictate how food is prepared (e.g., kosher)
-Fasting – abstaining from food for a specific period of time
---Most religions lift fasting for seriously ill because may be harmful to health
P. 1063 (slide 55)
56. What is important for nurses to know about Beliefs About Illness and Healing?
-May attribute illness to spiritual disease or sin
-May ascribe disease to innate presence of sin and evil
-May believe disease is punishment for sin of the past
-Healing may appear to be unrelated to current treatment practices
-Nurse should assess client’s beliefs related to health
-Include some aspects of healing from client’s belief system in plan of care
P. 1064 (slide 56)
57. What is the acronym to help provide for Spirituality sensitive Nursing Care?
P. 1066 (slide 57)
What does FICA stand for?
-F (faith or beliefs)
-I (implications or influence)
-C (community)
-A (address; how can health care team support your spirituality?)
P. 1066 (slide 57)
58. What are some ways a nurse can provide Spirituality sensitive Nursing Care?
-Supporting clients to practice their religious rituals
-Helping clients recognize and incorporate spiritual beliefs in health care decision making
-Helping clients to recognize positive meanings for health challenges
-Promoting a sense of hope and peace
-Referring clients for spiritual counseling
P. 1067 (slide 58)
59. Before meeting with a client with a terminal illness, a new graduate nurse reviews information on spirituality. Which is the best explanation of spirituality?
A. That which gives people purpose and meaning in their lives
B. A formalized religious dogma
C. A nondenominational community service
D. People being responsible for their life patterns
**a. Correct. Spirituality gives purpose and meaning to life; involves a relationship with oneself, others, and a higher power; and involves finding significance in all of life, including illness.
b. Spirituality is a much broader concept than religion and religious services.
c. Spirituality is a much broader concept than religion and religious services.
d. Responsibility for life patterns is a concept of humanism.