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26 Cards in this Set

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Self Psychology
primarily on understanding an explaining the development of the self and its impact on the person's mental health within a context of human interaction.
Ego Psychology
Unifying and directing role is attributed to the self and not the go.
Object-Relations Theory
Important to psychoanalytical
Object relations
Central to psychoanalytical thinking and treatment. Other people internal or external.
Self Objects
Psychologically important people who support the cohesion of the self.
Nuclear Self
The core of a person.
Primary Narcissims
a state of self-love that is perfect and blissful.
Grandiose Self
The unconscious belief of the child that he or she needs to be great and perfect.
Need to mirrored
a yearning to be admired and to have an impact on others
A parent's ability to put themselves in the child's place.
Optimal Frustration
Model handles the immature, exhibitionists needs of her child by adopting a calming, and loving attitude as she makes clear the unrealistic nature of the child's strivings rather than by acting aggressively toward the child.
Transmuting Internalization
He or she can now decathect some of the primitive narcssistic libido from the grandiose self and invest in an emerging new psychic structure.
Idealized parental image
The child creates a parental image so they are admired omnipotent and self-object.
Need to idealize
The infant now cathects his or her libido to the idealized structure (Father for males; mother for females.
Cohesive Self
Not distinct from the formation of the nuclear self, rather the cohesive self is simply a quality of the nuclear self; specifically it refers to the degree of integration, coherence and vitality of the nuclear self.
Oral Stage
Self-Esteem can be affected if a parent is umempathetic to a child's needs for food and pleasure from their mouth.
Anal Stage
Libido and self obeject needs.
Phallic Stage
Child can only resolve with a firm nuclear self.
Latency Stage
Personality can still change, superego very fragile.
Genital Stage
Healthy development occurs when individuals have acquired a firm and vigorous self within the context of having emotionally close and loving relationships with others.
When there is serious permanent or protracted damage to self and few defense mechanisms are available to cover the defect.
Schizoid Personality Disorders
Achieve emotional distance from others by showing emotional coldness and flatness.
Paranoid Personality Disorders
Distance themselves from others by being hostile and suspicious.
Narcissistic Personality Disorders
refers to individuals with grandiose styles of thinking, hypersensitivity to criticism and overreactions to failure that interfere with effective interpersonal functioning.
Narcissistic Behavior Disorders
Individuals who act out their grandiose fantasies by engaging in perversions and delinquent behavior.
The under stimulated Slef
Boring apathetic and will resort to any stimulation