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51 Cards in this Set

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Q650. when do diaphragms and cervical caps need to be refitted postpartum?
A650. 6 weeks
Q651. what are the (3) hormonal contraceptives of choice postaprtum?; Why?
A651. Depo-provera,; Norplant,; Progesterone-only minipill b/c they are less likely to decrease milk production in breast-feeding patients
Q652. What are the causes of postpartum hemorrhage?; (6)*
A652. Coagulation Defect;; Atony;; Rupture;; Placenta (POC) retained;; Implantation site bleed;; Trauma
Q653. what are the steps in managing a postpartum hemorrhage?; (4 steps)
A653. 1. RULE OUT cervical/vaginal lacerations; 2. if still bleeding: give Uterotonic agents (Oxytocin); 3. if still bleeding: D&C; 4. if still bleeding: Laparotomy with bilateral O'Leary sutures to tie off uterine arteries
Q654. Dx:; fever, high WBC, uterine tenderness 5 - 10 days post C- section; Tx?; (2)
A654. Endomyometritis; Tx: D&C, broad-spectrum Antibiotics until afibrile for 48 hrs
Q655. what is the underlying cause of labial fusion?
A655. excess Androgens
Q656. MC form of enzymatic deficiency assoc with ambiguous genitalia; what is deficient?
A656. Congenital Adrenal hyperplasia; (21-hydroxylase deficiency)
Q657. Dx:; hyperandrogenism, salt wasting, hypotension, hyperkalemia, hypoglycemia, ambiguous genitalia
A657. Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia; (21-hydroxylase deficiency)
Q658. what main lab is elevated in Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia?; what is Tx?
A658. 17-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone; Tx: Cortisol (and a mineralcorticoid if pt is salt-wasting)
Q659. what is the name of the fertilized oocyte 2 - 4 days after fertilization?; what is it called in the next stage?
A659. Blastomere / Morula; next: Blastocyst
Q660. Dx:; patient at puberty with primary amenorrhea and cyclic pelvic pain, lower abdominal girth
A660. Imperforate hymen
Q661. Definition:; build-up of blood behind the hymen in person with imperforate hymen; Tx?
A661. Hematocolpos; Tx: surgery
Q662. (2) causes of Vaginal Agenesis
A662. Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome (MRKH); Androgen Insensitivity
Q663. Dx:; normal female karyotype with ovaries and secondary sexual characteristics, but congenital absence or hypoplasia of vagina, cervix, uterus and fallopian tubes
A663. Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome (MRKH)
Q664. what is the Tx for Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome (MRKH)?
A664. Create vagina: with dilators; or McIndoe procedure (surgically creating vagina with skin grafts)
Q665. Dx:; woman with scant pubic hair and small breasts with vaginal agenesis or absence and absence of uterus; cause?
A665. Androgen Insensitivity; cause: nonfunctioning androgen receptors (normal levels of Testosterone)
Q666. Dx:; symmetric white, thinned skin on labia, perineum and perianal region. Shrinkage and agglutination of labia with occasional pruritis or dysparunia; Tx?
A666. Lichen Sclerosis; Tx: Topical steroids (Clobetasol)
Q667. Dx:; localized thickening of the vuvlar skin from edema with chronic pruritis, possible raised white lesion on labia majora or clitoris
A667. Squamous cell hyperplasia
Q668. Dx:; multiple shiny, flat, purple papules usu on the inner aspects of the labia minora, vagina and vestibule. Often erosive and causing pruritis and mild inflammation
A668. Lichen Planus
Q669. Dx:; Thickened white epithelium, slight scaling, usually unilateral and circumscribed on vulva, with pruritis; (2) Tx?
A669. Lichen Simplex Chronicus; Tx: Ultraviolet light, Topical steroids
Q670. Dx:; Red, moist and sometimes scaly lesions on vulva, which may also be found on scalp, axilla, groin and trunk
A670. Vulvar Psoriasis
Q671. Dx:; palpable red granular spots and patches in the upper third of the vagina on the anterior wall
A671. Vaginal Adenosis
Q672. how are vulvar lesions Dx?
A672. Biopsied
Q673. MC benign tumor on the vulva
A673. Epidermal Inclusion cysts
Q674. Definition:; Disease that causes occlusion of the sweat glands on mons pubis and labia majora, causing cyst formations; Tx?
A674. Fox-Fordyce Disease; Tx: I&D
Q675. how do you differentiate an epidermal cyst from a sebaceous cyst?
A675. Epidermal - solitary cyst; Sebaceous - collection of cysts
Q676. where are the Skene glands located?
A676. Paraurethral
Q677. where are the Bartholian glands located?
A677. Bilaterally at 4 and 8 o'clock on labia majora
Q678. what is first step in Tx if a Bartholian cyst first appears in woman over 40yo?
A678. Biopsy to RULE OUT Bartholian gland carcinoma
Q679. Tx of a Bartholian Abscess; what is Tx for recurrent Bartholian Abscesses?
A679. Tx: I&D with placement of Word catheter; Recurrent: Marsupialization
Q680. Definition:; Cervical dilated retention cysts
A680. Nabothian cysts
Q681. Definition:; Cervical cysts that lie deep in the stroma and are from remnants of Wolffian ducts
A681. Mesonephric cysts
Q682. even though cervical polyps are not premalignant, why are they removed?
A682. to avoid masking bleeding from other sources and to avoid misidentification for an endometrial polyp
Q683. MC Uterine formation anomaly; cause?
A683. Septate uterus; cause: Problems with fusion of Paramesonepheric ducts
Q684. what are anomalies of the uterus assoc with (non-gyn medical)?; (2)
A684. Urinary tract anomalies; Inguinal hernias
Q685. Dx:; amenorrhea or dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, cyclic pelvic pain, infertility or recurrent pregnancy loss or premature labor
A685. Uterine anatomic anomalies; (Septate uterus)
Q686. Dx:; small uterine cavity, second-trimester pregnancy loss, malpresentation and possible premature labor
A686. Bicornuate uterus
Q687. Tx of Septate and Bicornuate uteri
A687. Surgical removal of septum
Q688. Definition:; Benign, estrogen-sensitive smooth muscle tumors of the uterus; found in what percentage of reproductive-age women?
A688. Fibroids (Uterine Leiomyomas); in 20 - 30% of reproductive-age women
Q689. Incidence of Fibroids in Black women; (3) causes to increase risk of developing fibroids
A689. 3 - 9 x higher in Black Risks:; Non-smoking,; Obese,; PeriMenopausal
Q690. what distinguishes a Fibroid from adenomyosis?
A690. Fibroid has a Pseudocapsule
Q691. Top (2) MC Sx in patient with Fibroids
A691. Asymptomatic (50 - 65%) (MC otherwise is Prolonged bleeding)
Q692. Drug Tx for Fibroids; (3); MOA of these drugs collectively
A692. Provera,; Danzol,; GnRH agonists (Lupron) MOA - shrink fibroids by reducing circulating Estrogen
Q693. If drugs dont work, what is the name of the surgical Tx for Fibroids?; Only Difinitive Tx?
A693. Myomectomy (removal of one or more Fibroid surgically); Only Difinitive Tx: Hysterectomy
Q694. what causes Endometrial Hyperplasia?
A694. continuous endogenous or exogenous Estrogen in absence of Progesterone
Q695. In endometrial hyperplasia, what proliferates in endometrium?; (2)
A695. Glandular and Stromal elements of endometrium
Q696. Risk factors for getting Endometrial Hyperplasia; (9)
A696. CLONED PHD:; Chronic Anovulation,; Late Menopause (> age 55),; Obesity,; Nulliparity,; Estrogen-producing tumors (granulosa-theca cell tumor),; Diabetes,; PCOS,; Hypertension,; Drugs - Tamoxifen
Q697. Dx:; long periods of Oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea followed by irregular or excessive uterine bleeding
A697. Endometrial Hyperplasia
Q698. main Dx evaluation used to Dx Endometrial Hyperplasia; what is second choice?
A698. Endometrial biopsy (or D&C...second choice)
Q699. Risk of malignant transformation from Endometrial Hyperplasia in:; 1. Simple Hyperplasia; 2. Complex Hyperplasia; 3. Atypical Simple Hyperplasia; 4. Atypical Complex Hyperplasia
A699. Simple = 1%; Complex = 3%; Atypical Simple = 8%; Atypical Complex = 29%
Q700. what is the initial Tx for all types of endometrial hyperplasia in child-bearing patient?; Non-child bearing patient?
A700. Child bearing:; Progestin therapy for 3 months; (followed by resampling of Endometrium); Non-child bearing:; Hysterectomy