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51 Cards in this Set

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Q300. Physio Changes in Pregnancy - Endocrine
A300. Increased thyroid blood flow => thyroid increased in size; increased - TBG; increased bound T3 & T4, and total; unchanged - free T4; increased - total & free cortisol; adrenal gland unchanged in size; HPL - maintains fetal glucose levels => prolonged postprandial hyperglycemia, fasting hyperinsulinemia,; fasting Hypertriglyceridemia, exaggerated starvation ketosis
Q301. Physio Changes in Pregnancy - GI
A301. N/V resolves by 14-16 weeks; increased acid reflux; aspiration; constipation; predisposed to gallstones
Q302. Physio Changes in Pregnancy - Hematology
A302. "physiologic anemia" - increased plasma vol (50%) & RBC mass (30%) => decreased H&H => normal pregnancy Hb is 10-12; WBC increased; ESR increased; platelets unchanged; hypercoagulable state; increased factors 7, 9, 10 & C; MC nonobstetric cause of postpartum death - thromboembolic disease
Q303. Physio Changes in Pregnancy - Musculoskeletal
A303. Increased motility – sacroiliac, sacrococcygeal, pubic joints
Q304. Physio Changes in Pregnancy - Pulmonary
A304. TV - increased; RR unchanged; TV x RR = VE (min. ventilation) so, VE increased; decreased - RV (IRV, ERV, TLC); increased - alveolar & arterial PO2; decreased - alveolar & arterial PCO2; so, resp. alkalosis => increased renal loss of bicarb => alkaline urine; "dyspnea of pregnancy" - from increased VE and decreased PCO2
Q305. Physio Changes in Pregnancy - Renal
A305. Increased renal blood flow => kidneys increased in size (until 3 mos. postpartum); ureters - diameter increased, right > left (due to progesterone); dilation of collecting system, can be mistaken for hydronephrosis; increased - GFR (by 50%), renal plasma flow, Cr clearance, aldosterone, all leads to - decreased BUN, Cr, uric acid; urine glucose increased because reabsorb threshhold decreased
Q306. Physio Changes in Pregnancy - Skin
A306. striae – abdomen, breast, thighs; spider angiomas; palmar erythema; hyperpigmentation - linea nigra – midline, chloasma – face, perineum; diastasis recti
Q307. Physio Changes in Pregnancy - Uterus
A307. 12 weeks, uterus - contracts anterior abdo wall, displaces intestines, felt above symphysis pubis; Braxton Hicks - irreg painless contractions throughout pregnancy => freq., rhythmic in 3rd trimester (false labor)
Q308. Physio Changes in Pregnancy - Vagina
A308. Thick, acidic secretions; Chadwick's sign
Q309. Prenatal Care and Nutrition - Estimated Delivery Date; Gestational Age
A309. Nagele's rule - EDD; 1st day of LMP + 9 mos.+7 days; GA determined by - uterine size; heart tones (10 weeks); quickening (17-18 weeks); US - crown rump (5-12 weeks); biparietal diameter (20-30weeks)
Q310. Prenatal Care and Nutrition - Weight Gain
A310. gain 25-35 lbs. obese to gain less; thin women to gain more; need 2,000-2,500 kcal/day; need additional - 300 kcal/day during pregnancy; 500 kcal/day in breastfeeding
Q311. Prenatal Care and Nutrition - Nutrition
A311. Prenatal vitamins; 1 mg/day of folate; 30-60 mg/day of elemental iron
Q312. Prenatal Labs - Initial Visit
A312. CBC; UA/UC; pap smear; blood type, Rh; Ab screen; rubella Ab titer; HBV surface Ag test; syphilis screen - RPR, VDRL; cervical gonorrhea and; chlamydia cultures; PPD; glucose testing; sickle prep; HIV
Q313. Prenatal Labs - 15-19 weeks
A313. Maternal serum AFP (MSAFP) or triple screen - MSAFP, estriol, B-hCG; offer amniocentesis if >35 y/o
Q314. Prenatal Labs - 18-20 weeks
A314. US - GA (if needed); fetal anatomy; amniotic fluid volume; placental location
Q315. Prenatal Labs - 26-28 weeks
A315. Glucose loading test (GLT); HCT
Q316. Prenatal Labs - 28 weeks
A316. Rhogam (if needed)
Q317. Prenatal Labs - 32-36 weeks
A317. HCT; screen for GBS - if positive - PCN during labor; cervical chlamydia and gonorrhea cultures if need
Q318. AFP - How to measure
A318. MSAFP at 15-20 weeks; results reported as - MoMs (multiples of the median)
Q319. AFP - What does elevated MSAFP mean
A319. > 2.5 MoMs: gastroschisis, omphalocele, multiple gestation, incorrect gestational dating, fetal death, placental abnorm – abruptio, open neural tube defects – anencephaly, spina bifida; MCC of high - date is wrong, if high - get US (check date); if true age more than thought - why "high" value, if still 15- 20 weeks, repeat MS-AFP; if date is right and no explanation on US - amnio for AF-AFP & acetylcholinesterase; high levels - open NTD; normal levels - still at risk for: IUGR, stillbirth, preeclampsia
Q320. AFP - Abnormally low MSAFP means
A320. < 0.85 MoM; MCC of low - date is wrong, check date - get triple marker screen; if not available - then get US; if true age less than thought - why "low" value, if still 15-20 weeks, repeat MS-AFP; if date is right and no explanation on US - amnio for karyotype; sensitivity to detect chromosome abnorm increased by triple screen; trisomy 18 - all 3 are low; trisomy 21 - AFP and estriol low, B-hCG high
Q321. Amniocentesis - When done; Risks; Why done
A321. 15-17 weeks; US-guided needle; risks - fetal-maternal hemorrhage; fetal loss; why done - > 35 y/o at time of delivery; Rh-sensitized pregnancy; evaluate fetal lung maturity in conjunction with abnorm triple screen
Q322. Chorionic Villus Sampling - What is it; Advantages; Risks
A322. Transvaginal or transabdom aspiration; advantages - as accurate as amniocentesis; available 10-12 weeks (amniocentesis - 15-17 weeks) Risks; fetal loss 1%; can't Dx neural tube defects; if do < 9 weeks - association with limb defects
Q323. Percutaneous Umbilical; Blood Sampling (PUBS) - What is it
A323. Done in 2nd & 3rd trimesters; fetal karyotyping; fetal infection; evaluate genetic diseases; evaluate fetal acid-base status; assess & Tx Rh isoimmunization; erythroblastosis fetalis
Q324. Labor - First Stage
A324. Latent - from onset of labor to 3-4 cm dilation; active - from 4 cm to complete cervical dilation (10 cm); prolonged with cephalopelvic disproportion
Q325. Labor - Second Stage
A325. From complete cervical dilation to delivery
Q326. Labor - Third Stage
A326. From delivery of infant to delivery of placenta; uterus contracts to establish hemostasis
Q327. Nonstress Test (NST) - What is it
A327. Left lateral supine, FHR - monitored by Doppler, correlate with spontaneous fetal movement as reported by mom, unrelated to contractions; normal - accelerate 15 bpm above baseline for 15 seconds; reactive test - 2 accelerations in 20 mins. repeat weekly; nonreactive - 80% false positive, do vibroacoustic stimulation. if persistently nonreactive, do BPP; no accelerations can be due to: GA < 30 weeks, fetal sleeping, fetal CNS anomalies, moms' sedative admin, fetal hypoxia
Q328. Contraction Stress Test (CST)- What is it
A328. Used in high-risk pregnancies; assess uteroplacental dysfunction; monitor FHR during contraction; positive - repetitive late decelerations during at least 3 contractions in 10 mins. > 36 weeks - deliver; < 36 weeks - do BPP, negative - no late decelerations, fetus well, repeat weekly
Q329. Vasa Previa - What is it; Risk Factors
A329. Fetal vessels cross internal os; if they rupture - exsanguinate very fast => fetal death Risk factors:; accessory placental lobes; multiple gestation; velamentous insertion of umbilical cord
Q330. Vasa Previa - History/PE
A330. Classic triad - ROM; painless vaginal bleeding, then fetal bradycardia
Q331. Vasa Previa - Dx
A331. Antenatal US with color Doppler; confirm - after delivery; exam of placenta & fetal vessels; rarely confirm before delivery
Q332. Vasa Previa - Tx
A332. Immediate C-section
Q333. Uterine Rupture - What is it; Risk Factors
A333. Complete separation of wall of uterus with or without expulsion of fetus; complete or incomplete rupture before or during labor Risk factors:; previous classic uterine incision; myomectomy; excessive oxytocin stimulation; grand multiparity; marked uterine distention
Q334. Uterine Rupture - History/PE
A334. Nonreassuring fetal monitoring; vaginal bleeding; abdom pain; change in uterine contractility
Q335. Uterine Rupture - Dx
A335. Surgical exploration of uterus
Q336. Uterine Rupture - Tx
A336. Immediate C-section; uterine repair - stable, young; hysterectomy - unstable or no desire for more kids
Q337. Multiple Gestation - Complications
A337. Nutritional anemia; preeclampsia; preterm labor; malpresentation; C-section; postpartum hemorrhage
Q338. Multiple Gestation - History/PE
A338. Hyperemesis gravidarum - more common; from high levels of B-hCG; uterus larger than dates; MS-AFP very high
Q339. Multiple Gestation - Tx:; Antepartum; Intrapartum; Postpartum
A339. Antepartum - iron and folate, monitor BP, serial US; intrapartum - vaginal - if both cephalic, C-section - if 1st noncephalic, controversial - if 1st cephalic and 2nd not; postpartum - watch for postpartum hemorrhage from uterine atony (due to overextended uterus)
Q340. A pt on birth control has amenorrhea, what is the most common cause?
A340. Pregnancy, no contraception is 100%
Q341. Si/sx of pregnancy
A341. amenorrhea,; morning sickness,; weight gain,; linea nigra,; melasma,; fetal heart tones,
Q342. Hegar's sign
A342. softening and compressibility of the lower uterine segment
Q343. Chadwick's sign
A343. dark discoloration of the vulva and vaginal walls
Q344. Define macrosomia
A344. a newborn that weighs more than 4 kg (9 lbs), usually because of maternal diabetes
Q345. It's the first prenatal visit. What do you order?
A345. Pap smear,; UA,; CBC,; type and screen,; syphilis,; rubella,; glucose if risk factors present,; GC and chlamydia for every teenager and patient with risk factors
Q346. When do you screen for maternal diabetes?
A346. At the first visit if risk factors present. If not, screen at 24-28 weeks.
Q347. How do you screen for maternal diabetes?
A347. Get a fasting serum glucose and glucose levels 1-2 hours after an oral glucose load.
Q348. When do you do a triple screen?
A348. 16-20 weeks
Q349. How does Down Syndrome present on triple screen?
A349. low AFP,; low estriol,; high hCG
Q350. When can fetal heart tones be picked up by doppler?
A350. 10-12 weeks