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51 Cards in this Set

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Q100. why is supplemental vitamin K given to newborns?
A100. b/c of their fetal liver immaturity in the immediate newborn
Q101. what is the change in serum bicarb levels during pregnancy?
A101. significantly lower
Q102. the umbilical blood flow represents about what percent of the combined output of both fetal ventricles?
A102. 0.4
Q103. the fetal kidney forms urine at what rate?
A103. 400 - 1200 mL/day
Q104. in the later half of pregnancy, umbilical blood flow is what?
A104. 300 mL/mg/minute
Q105. what is the normal constant fetal heart rate?
A105. 120 - 180 bmp
Q106. maternal diastolic BP and Mean Arterial volume nadir when?
A106. 16 - 20 weeks
Q107. an increase in breast volume of what percent is common in pregnancy?
A107. 25 - 50%
Q108. Definition:; the patient's initial perception of fetal movement; at how many weeks gestation is it normally felt?
A108. Quickening; felt at 20 weeks
Q109. Definition:; congestion and a bluish color of the vagina
A109. Chadwick sign
Q110. Definition:; a softening of the cervix on physical exam
A110. Hegar sign
Q111. when are fetal heart tones in a normal pregnancy hear by simple auscultation?
A111. 18 - 20 weeks
Q112. commonly used electronic Doppler devices will detect fetal heart tones at how many weeks?
A112. 12 weeks gestation
Q113. home urine preg tests become positive approx how many weeks following the first day of the last menstrural period?
A113. 4 weeks
Q114. how high should progesterone be for a viable uterine pregnancy?
A114. > 25 ng/mL
Q115. intrauterine pregnancy is detectable by transvaginal US when the beta-HCG is greater then what?
A115. 1000 - 2000 mIU/mL
Q116. in what percent of pregnant women is rubella titer positive?
A116. 0.85
Q117. specific screening for treponema is required following what positive test?
A117. Rapid Plasma reagin
Q118. when can maternal alpha-fetoprotein testing be done?
A118. 15 - 18 weeks
Q119. in a normal singleton pregnancy, from approx 16 - 18 weeks gestation until 36 weeks, the fundal height in cm is equal to what?
A119. the number of weeks gestational age
Q120. what is the prescribed recommendation for weight gain during pregnancy?
A120. 25 - 35 pounds
Q121. Definition:; when the patient reports a change in the shape of her abdomen and that the baby has gotten less heavy
A121. Lightening
Q122. what is the direct result of "lightening"?
A122. decreased fundal height
Q123. a breech presentation occurs in what percent of deliveries?
A123. 0.035
Q124. estimation of gestional age by US is least accurate at what time during pregnancy?
A124. 36 - 38 weeks
Q125. what is the normal fetal heart rate at term?
A125. 120 - 160 bpm
Q126. a reactive nonstress test is characterized by a fetal heart rate increase of how many beats per minute?
A126. 15
Q127. what is an abnormal contraction stress test?
A127. fetal heart rate decreases in response to uterine contraction
Q128. what is the number of contractions in a ten minute window that must occur for a contraction stress test to be measurable?
A128. 3
Q129. a biophysical profile in which there is one or more episodes of fetal breathing in 30 min, 3 or more descrete movements in 30 min, opening/closing of the fetal hand, a nonreactive nonstress test and no pockets of amnioticfluid greater then 1 cm would have a total score of what?
A129. 6
Q130. exclusive of the fetal HR reactivity, what is the biophysical profile considered most important?
A130. qualitative amniotic fluid volume
Q131. repetative decelerations following each contraction when three contractions occur in a 10-min window is an indication of what?
A131. nonreassuring fetal status
Q132. tests of fetal lung maturity are generally used when delivery of a fetus is contemplated at a gestational age of less then how many weeks?
A132. 36
Q133. at how many weeks does phospholipid production increase resulting in a positive phosphatidyl-glycerol test?
A133. 32 - 33 weeks
Q134. during a normal pregnancy, the patient should be encouraged to engage in non-weight-bearing activity at what interval?
A134. three times a week
Q135. in pregnancy, psyllium hydrophilic mucilloid is used to manage what?
A135. constipation
Q136. because of the position of the fetus, round ligament pain is more pronounced where?
A136. on the right side
Q137. which Pregnancy Risk Factor indicates that human controlled studies do not exist?
A137. PRF B
Q138. which Pregnancy Risk Factor means that the drug should only be given if the benefits outweigh the risks?
A138. PRF C
Q139. which Pregnancy Risk Factor means that there is evidence that the fetus is at risk?
A139. PRF D
Q140. which Pregnancy Risk Factor indicates that animal and human studies demonstrate fetal abnormalities, such that the risk outweighs any possible benefit?
A140. PRF X
Q141. Definition:; progressive effacement and dilation of the cervix, resulting from rhythmic contractions of the uterine musculature
A141. Labor
Q142. Definition:; Uterine contractions without cervical dilation
A142. False Labor; (Braxton-Hicks contractions)
Q143. what is "bloody show" associated with at term?
A143. extrusion of endocervical gland mucous
Q144. lower abdominal and groin pain are usually assoc with what type of labor?
A144. False labor
Q145. Definition:; the descent of the fetal head into the pelvis and the changing contour of the abdomen late in pregnancy
A145. Lightening
Q146. what is the definition od "fetal lie"?
A146. relationship of the long axis of the fetus with the maternal long axis
Q147. what is the "Presentation" determined by?
A147. portion of the fetus lowest in the birth canal
Q148. what is "Position" defined as?
A148. relationship of the fetal presenting part of the right and left side of the pelvis
Q149. the descent of the presenting part is identified by which Leopold maneuver?
A149. Third maneuver
Q150. the location of the small parts is determined by which Leopold maneuver?
A150. Second maneuver