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35 Cards in this Set

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non involment in a disagreement, the US did not want to take sides and when Great Britain started a blockade against Germany US ships were intercepted which a violation of neutrality
submarine warfare
new weapon for Germany that was their shot to defeat the British Navy
British passenger liner, May 7, 1915 was torpedoed killing 128 Americans, Wilson sent a message to Germany holding them accountable, W J Bryan thought it was too war like and quit cabinet
Sussex Pledge
1916, German promise not to sink merchant or passenger ships without giving due warning
Allied Powers
Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy; close ties with their economy boosted the US economy
Central Powers
Germany, Austria/Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria
Britain controlled war news cabled to the states, sent stories that poorly depicted Germany
E. Republicans recognized US Army and Navy not well prepared, National Security League created to fix this; Wilson opposed until 1915 and Nat'l Defense Act 1916
Jeannette Rankin
first woman elected to Congress, opposed war
Edward House
Wilson's chief foreign policy advisor to London/Paris/Berlin to negotiate peace, try to fulfill "he kept us out of war", unsuccessful
Zimmerman telegram
March 1, 1917; German foreign minister Zimmerman proposed to Mexico to enter the war with German in exchange for aid in regaining Mexico's lost territory to the states
Russian Revolution
led to a republic in Russia which pleased Wilson over the former czarship
1917, Germany had imminent plans to attack on Western Front and at sea with submarines; US had to move fast to make a difference; while training troops sent supplies instead
George Creel
led propaganda agency called Committee on Public Information; depicted heroisim of US soldiers and villainy of Germany/the kaiser in films, posters, pamphlets
war agencies
Bernard Baruch (War Industries Board: controlled production of raw materials and prices)
Herbert Hoover (Food Administration: conserve Food consumption)
Harry Garfield (Fuel Administration: save coal, DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME)
William Howard Taft (National War Labor Board: increase wages and union membership)
Espionage Act (1917)
20 years in prison for trying to ncite a rebellion or obstruct the draft
Sedition Act (1918)
prohibited "disloyal" or "abusive" remarks about the US Gov., Eugene Debs put in jail under this
Schenck v United States
Schenck passed out pamphlets telling men to avoid draft, 1919 Justice Oliver Wendell said freedom of speech can be restricted in the case of causing "clear and present danger"
Selective Service Act
1917, by Sec of War Baker, 2.8 million men called up and provided half the troops
"communists", took Russia out of war
American Expeditionary Force
Commanded by Gen John J . Pershing, first used to plug weaknesses in French and British lines but soon came to control much more
Fourteen Points
Jan 1918, list of war aims by Wilson; secured freedom of seas, ended secret treaties, reduced nat'l armaments, self-determination to nations of Austro Hungarian Empire, and some general association of nations for mutual freedom and independence
Treaty of Versailles
Jan 1919, Allied nations, Wilson personally attended; it was clear they wanted revenge on Germany; 1. Ger disarmed and stripped of colonies, forced to admit guilt of war, apy reperations 2. formers territories of Ger and Aus/Hung were given self determination 3. League of Nations; never signed by US
Big Four
David Lloyd George of Great Britain, Georges Clemenceau of France, Vittorio Orlando of Italy, Woodrow Wilson of US
David Lloyd George
Prime Minister of UK
Georges Clemenceau
Prime Minister of France
Vittorio Orlando
Italian PM
League of Nations
international peace keeping organization provided for in the Treaty of Versailles, each member stood ready to protect the independence and territorial integrity of other nations
Henry Cabot Lodge
leading Senate Republican who opposed joining League of Nations
senators who would accept League of Nations if certain reservations were added to the covenant (stated mutual defense)
about a dozen Republican senators whoul would not accept US membership in League of Nations
Red Scare
1919, spurred by fear of growing socialism and communism in Russia
Palmer Raids
Attorney Gen Palmer under Hoover between 1919 and 1920 arrested 6,000 "anarchists, socialists, and labor agitators" with little evidence
Emma Goldman
outspoken, foreign born radical who was deported under Palmer Raids
strikes; race riots
some wanted higher pay, police strike in Boston Sept 1919, US Steel Strike; migration of African Americans north during war caused racial tensions, worst city was Chicago