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39 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
What are the 3 muscle groups of the back?
Superficial muscles?
extrinsic muscles of the back (don't affect back directly)
Role of Superficial muscles? 2
produce and control limb movements
connect pectoral girdle to axial skeleton
Intermediate muscles?
extrinsic muscles of the back
Role of intermediate muscles?
may produce respiratory movement
Deep muscles of back?
intrinsic muscles of the back
Role of deep muscles? 3
specifically act on vertebral column producing its movement and maintaining posture
assist of movement of head
Innervation of Superifical back muscles?
nerved formed by ventral rami
What are the 4 Superficial back muscles?
latissimus dorsi
levator scapulae
What are the 2 Intermediate back muscles?
serratus posterior superior
serratus posterior inferior
Innervation of intermediate back muscles?
intercostal nerves
Innervation of deep muscles of back?
dorsal rami of spinal nerves
What are the 3 groups of the deep muscles of back?
superficial intrinsic layer
intermediate intrinsic layer
deep intrinsic layer
What does the spinal nerve divide into?
dorsal and ventral rami
What muscles are in the superficial intrinsic layer? 2
splenius capitis
splenius cervicis
Action of splenius capitis and splenius cervicis?
-both extend the head and nack if contracted bilaterally
-one side will pull the neck and head to the same side
Origin & insertion of splenius capitis?
O- Lower half of ligamentum nuchae (C4 to C6) and spinous processes of C7 to T4
I- mastoid process
Origin & insertion of splenius cervicis?
O-Spinous processes of T3 to T6
I- transverse process
Innervation of splenius capitis and splenius cervicis?
Dorsal ramus: cervical region
Ligamentum Nuchae?
a fibrous sheet between the occipital bone and the 7th cervical vertebrae
-used for muscle attachment
What muscles are in the Intermediate intrinsic layer?
erector spinae
What 3 muscles are in the erector spinae?
Role of Iliocostalis?
-extends vertebral column when acting together
-bends vertebral column to same side if only one side contracts
Origin & insertion of Iliocostalis?
O-Iliac crest
I- ribs
Action of Longissimus?
-acting together extends vertebral column
-one side will bend the vertebral column to the same side
-capitis portion will extend the head or unilaterally/ one side will turn face to same side
Origin & insertion Longissimus?
O- Illiac crest
I- mastoid process
Action of Spinalis?
extends vertebral column and head
Origin & insertion Spinalis?
O-spinous process
I- occipital bone
What muscles are in the deep intrinsic layer?
transversospinal group
Origin and Insertion of Transversospinal group?
O-transverse process
I- spinous process
The 3 muscles in the Tranversospinal group?
crosses 6 vertebrae
crosses 4 vertebrae
crosses 1 to 2 vertebrae
Action of Tranversospinal group?
rotate the body to the opposite side
Quadratus Lumborum?
is NOT a back muscle but forms part of the posterior abdominal wall
Innervation of Quadratus Lumborum?
ventral rami
Action of Quadratus Lumborum?
-both sides together will extend lumbar spine
-one side will bend to the same side
Origin & insertion of Quadratus Lumborum?
O- iliac crest
I- ribs and tranverse process