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141 Cards in this Set

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50M dilated cardiomyopathy after travel to South America
CM--> SOB, swelling + weight gain, trypanosome cruzii, reflux + megacolon
25M midsystolic murmur, louder with Valsalva
65M drug for NYHA class 2 systolic dysfunction
55F AA restrictive cardiomyopathy, arrhythmia, wheezing
25M CP on recumbency, diffuse 2 mm ST elevations on EKG
Most commonly viral
58M hyperlipidemia, diffuse weakness
Statin induced myopathy
increased CPK, LDH, aldolase, maybe AST and ALT
70 M orthopnea, PND, BP 160/90, HR 110, crackles, sinus tach, LVH, normal EF, what drugs to give?
diuretic, B blocker, Ca blocker
stiff LV with normal EF is diastolic dysfunction, from long standing HTN
72F CHF, EF 25%, blurry yellow vision
dig toxicity
45M a fib, hospitalized, sudden SOB, afebrile, HR 110, RR 28, BP 95/60, new R axis deviation and RBBB
Most common EKG with PE is sinus tach, classic is R axis deviation, S1 Q3 T3
25M hepatitis C, develops CHF, what hx?
IV drug use, HIV
30W 34 weeks pregnant, tearing sensation in chest radiates to back
aortic dissection
secondary to HTN
58M hx of v tach, on meds, develops SOB, fatigue, and cold intolerance
check PFTs, TFTs, and LFTs for patients on amiodorone
25M intermittent palpitations, baseline ECG his wide QRS and short PR
delta wave, early contraction of ventricle
45F palpitations, HR 190, narrow QRS, no P waves
80M chest pain, 3/6 harsh murmur at RUSB, diagnosis and other sx?
Aortic stenosis
assoc with angina (35-50%), syncope, and HF, delayed carotid upstroke, soft S2, S4, may reflect to mitral area- Gallavardin's phenom
36 IV drugs LLSB systolic murmur, louder with inspiration, what wave most prominent in JVP
v wave
tricuspid regurgitation
58F decrescendo diastolic murmur LSB, uvula pulsations, wide pulse pressure
aortic insufficiency
70M ST elevation in 2,3,avf, what additional ECG analysis?
R sided EKG for RV infarcts
35F Raynaud's, GERD, increasing DOE
pulm HTN 2ndary to CREST
55F diabetes, arthritis, cirrhosis, arrhythmia, runs in family
30 fatigue, weight gain, cold intolerance
40F obesity, HTN, new hyperglycemia
metabolic syndrome
60F hypercalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, health food junkie
vitamin D toxicity
50 HTN, tachycardia, flushing
HTN may be intermittent
65M diarrhea, weight loss, a fib
60M fasting blood sugar 130 on 2 different ocassions
fbs>126 two times
60M galactorrhea
50M thyroid ca and neurofibromas
MEN 2b
also includes pheo, MEN2a= thyroid, parathyroid, pheo, MEN1= parathyroid, pancreatic, pituitary
75 hypercalcemia, long tobacco hx
squamous cell lung ca
18F hypoglycemia, mom has DM2
40F proptosis and palpitations
30F has 8 month old, increased fatigue
postpartum thyroiditis
50F hypokalemia, HTN
aka primary hyperaldo
25F hirsutism, amenorrhea
polycystic ovarian dz
55M bilat visual field loss, headache
pituitary tumor
60M meningococcemia, severe hypotension and hyperkalemia
Waterhouse Friderichsen
due to meningococcemia, hemorrhage into adrenal glands
35M wheezing while working on assembly line
occupational asthma
65M heavy tobacco, sputum each morning for 3 months each year
chronic bronchitis
55M, thin smokes 1ppd, pursed lip breathing
45M large bullae at bases on CXR, fam hx of lung dz
alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency
30F tender nodules on shins, intermittent wheezing, arthralgias
see cardio 4
66M sinus tenderness, 2+ blood on UA, caviation on CXR
positive c-ANCA
50 severe wheezing, peripheral eosinophilia
aka allergic asthma or angiitis
30M nonsmoker, hemoptysis, hematuria
45F ulnar deviation, MCP stiffness, SOB, pleural effusion and lung nodules
rheumatoid lung dz
35 IVDA cannonball lesions peripherally on cxr
septic pulmonary emboli
65 nephritic syndrome, acute SOB, tachypnea, tachycardia, normal cxr
nephritic syndrome --> decreased protein c and s
35F comm acquired pneumonia, bilateral infiltrates, Na 130, transaminases slightly high, diarrhea
30F photosensitivity, alopecia, pleuritic chest pain
50M obese bilateral 2+ pitting edema, wife claims he is "lazy"
cor pulmonale due to OSA
other serious OSA complications- arrhythmias, pulmonary HTN
25F progressive chest pain and SOB over months
primary pulmonary HTN
65M diffuse basilar crackles despite diuresis, interstitial infiltrates on baseline cxr
interstitial pulmonary fibrosis
60M methotrexate therapy for psoriasis, progressive sob
pulmonary fibrosis
35M homeless, pleural effusion
55M recent CABG, L sided pleural effusion on cxr one month post-op
Dressler's Syndrome
aka post MI syndrome, 1-12 weeks after infarction, autoimmune, pericarditis and possible effusion
25M HIV, chest pain, pneumothorax
23F photosensitivity, arthralgias, pleuritic chest pain
50M dry mouth, arthralgias, peripheral neuropathy
60F one hour of morning stiffness in bilateral wrists, effusion on CXR
rheumatoid arthritis
70M alcohol abuse, tender warm left ankle, no fevers
20 student R knee swelling and warmth
50M new heart murmur, red warm L elbow
septic emboli
73F swollen DIP joints for months
45M sausage digits, scaly skin plaques
25 eye irritation, ankle swelling, dysuria
conjunctivitis, arthritis, urethritis
50 oral and genital ulcers, arthralgias
a type of vasculitic syndrome
35F purpuric lesions on shins, renal insufficiency
HSP or cryoglobulinemia
cryo- many pts have HCV in the immune complexes
40F reflux, digits get painful in cold, sob
scleroderma/ CREST
50F difficulty brushing hair, rash around eyes
50F dermatomyositis, what further eval?
60F lupus, pain out of proportion to abdominal exam
mesenteric ischemia
due to vasculitis
25F 3 pregnancies with 3 miscarriages
antiphospholipid ab syndrome
coagulation abnormalities
30F depression, multiple tender areas
35F angioedema, hx in father
C1 esterase deficiency
50M low back pain, sacroiliitis on pxr
ankylosing spondylitis
70M h/o iron overload, joint pains in wrists
65F painless jaundice
pancreatic head tumor
45F pruritis, xanthelasmas, AP 8x normal
primary billiary cirrhosis
50M ulcerative colitis, newly elevated AP
primary sclerosing cholangitis
40M IVDA purpuric lesions on shins, jaundice, arthralgias
assoc with Hep C
60M tan, arrhythmia, mild elevation of liver enzymes, blood glucose 200, arthralgias
25F new liver dz, no alcohol, fam hx
autoimmune hepatitis
25M homosexual, new jaundice, dark urine, mild RUQ discomfort, vaccinated for Hep B with proven Ab
Hep A
18M elevated liver enzymes, new gait dysfunction
35M homosexual, severe odynophagia, white plaques in oral cavity
esophageal candidiasis, thrush
70M LLQ cramping pain, similar episodes in past, heme positive
70 pencil thin stools
rectal mass around anus
45F Roux-en-Y for weight loss, greasy malodorous stools
aka dumping
50M copious diarrhea, skin flushing
65F 30# weight loss in past year, iron deficiency anemia, heme pos stools, no abd pain
colorectal cancer
68M CAD, PVOD, post prandial pain 30 minutes after eating
mesenteric ischemia
55M rheumatoid arthritis, gnawing pain radiating to back, improves with eating
duodenal ulcers usually feel better with food
35 alcoholic severe epigastric pain after recent binge episode
acute pancreatitis
18 3 days of abd pain, shifted from umbilicus to RLQ
18F LLQ pain, vaginal discharge, sexually active
80M h/o nocturia, suprapubic tenderness, rising creatinine, hydronephrosis
eg. BPH, prostate ca
30F fevers to 102, renal failure, thrombocytopenia, schistocytes
may see mental status changes
65M CAD, PVOD, started on lisinopril, Cr from 1 to 4.5
renal artery stenosis
65F unstable angina, rising Cr, microscopic hematuria, 2 blue toes
see decreased complement levels
70M LE edema to waist, lost weight over 18 months, intermittent BRBPR
membranous glomerulopathy
assoc with carcinoma, also with infection, autoimmune dz or drugs, most common primary nephrotic syndrome in adults
16F recent URI, Cr 3.0 three weeks later, red cells on UA
poststrep GN
67M CAD, 4 drugs to get bp control, what will renal US show?
renal artery stenosis
55M DM, retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy, Cr 1.7, what antihypertensive should he get?
60M unasyn for pneumonia, 10 days later pyuria and peripheral eosinophilia, Cr from 1.1 to 2.5
Allergic Interstitial Nephritis
60M s/p MVA, hypernatremia, UA specific gravity 1.002
diabetes insipidus
55 diabetic, non-anion gap hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis and hyperK
Type 4 renal tubular acidosis
hyporeninemic hypoaldo
25F fever to 102, R flank pain, pyuria
55M primary hyperparathyroidism, left flank pain, hematuria
17M abdominal pain, arthralgias, hematuria, elevated serum IgA
65M pancytopenia, back pain, rising Cr, elevated protein/albumin ratio
multiple myeloma
55F neuropathy, arthralgias, renal failure, pANCA positive
25 microscopic hematuria becomes macroscopic after flu like illness
IgA nephropathy
aka Bergers
35F 3rd trimester, hyperreflexia, edema, proteinuria
70M 3 days IV piperacillin and gent for pneumonia, oral cipro, Cr at discharge was 1.2, Now Cr 2.5 one wk later, BUN unchanged
Aminoglycoside toxicity
15 diarrhea, renal failure, after eating at Jack in the Box
0:157 H:7 E Coli
35 resident of UP, epigastric discomfort and copious diarrhea, neg fecal leukocytes
treat with flagyl, stool ova and parasites, from well water, kids in day care
50 alcoholic fatigue, gradual increase sob, fevers, pleural fluid that doesn't layer on decubitus films
aspiration pneumonia
think anaerobes, treat by drainage, empyema doesn't layer
18 new hematuria and rising Cr 2 weeks after severe URI
post strep GN
low complement
21 LUQ discomfort, sore throat, fatigue, post cervical LAN
parasitic cause of vit B12 deficiency
fish tapeworm
2 infections by Ixodes tick vector
Lyme dz, Babesiosis
treat Lyme with doxy, treat Babesiosis with clinda
40M severe R flank pain, 100+RBC/HPF, ph9.0, what org?
struvite stone, treat with quinolone
35M HIV fever, chills, rigors, LLL infiltrate on CXR
strep pneumo
55F HIV CD4 count 100, sudden onset sob, pneumothorax
treat with IV bactrim and steroids
65M colon ca, fevers and chills, GPC in chains
strep bovis
gut gram positive bug
20M interstitial infiltrates, fever, nonproductive cough
treat with azithromycin
40M exposure to prostitutes, maculopapular skin rash, sore on penis 2 months earlier
parasitic cause of portal hypertension and bladder ca
35M sepsis, widespread purpura, DIC, adrenal insufficiency
Waterhouse Friedrickson
40M immunocompromised, respiratory complaints and skin lesions, broad based budding yeast in sputum
65F s/p BMT, new hemoptysis, cavitary lesion with fungus ball on cxr
60M 2 wks on Abx, watery diarrhea
C diff
45M duodenal ulcer bx
H pylori
55M homeless, weight loss, fatigue, sterile pyuria on UA persists despite Bactrim and Augmentin
35M rash, arthralgias, Cape Cod
Lyme dz