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38 Cards in this Set

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Gluteus maximus
O- ilium, sacrum, coccyx, ligaments
I- gluteal tuberosity 2/5 and iliotibial tract 3/5
A- extends and laterally rotates thigh
N- inferior gluteal nerve
Gluteus medius
O- ilium
I- greater trochanter
A- abduction, medial rotation of thigh
N- superior gluteal nerve
Gluteus minimus
O- ilium
I- greater trochanter
A- abduction, medial rotation of thigh
N- superior gluteal nerve
tensor fascia latae
O- iliac crest, anterior superior spine
I- iliotibial tract
A- flexion of thigh
N- superior gluteal nerve
O- anterior surface of sacrum
I- greater trochanter
A- lateral rotator of thigh
N- branch from sacral plexus
obturator internus
O- inner surface of bony pelvis
I- greater trochanter
A- lateral rotator of thigh
N- nerve to obturator internus
superior gemellus
O- lesser sciatic notch
I- greater trochanter
A- lateral rotator of thigh
N- nerve to obturatur internus
inferior gemellus
O- lesser sciatic notch
I- greater trochanter
A- lateral rotator of thigh
N- nerve to quadratus femoris
quadratus femoris
O- ishial tuberosity
I- near greater trochanter
A- later rotator and adductor of thigh
N- nerve to quadratus femoris
Obturator externus
O-outer surface of bony pelvis and obt membrain
I- trochanteric fossa
A- lateral rotator of thigh
N- obturator nerve
O- iliac fossa; transverse processes and bodies of lumbar vertibrae
I- lesser trochanter of femur
A- flexes thigh (or pelvis over thigh)
N- lumbar nerves, femoral nerve
O- anterior superior iliac spine
I- pes anserinus- medial proximal tibia
A- flexes thigh at hip; rotates thigh laterally; flexes knee
N- femoral nerve
rectus femoris
O- anterior inferior iliac spine; superior lip, acetabulum
I- patella; tibial tuberosity
A- flexes thigh; extends knee
N- femoral nerve
vastus lateralis
O- lateral aspect femur; linea aspera
I- patella; tibial tuberosity
A- extends knee
N-femoral nerve
vastus intermedius
O- anterior aspect of femur
I- patella; tibial tuberosity
A- extend knee
N- femoral nerve
vastus medialis
O- medial aspect of femur
I- patella; tibial tuberosity
A- extends knee, especially the last 15 degrees
N- femoral nerve
O- pubic pectin
I- pectineal line of femur
A- flexes and adduct thigh at hip
N- femoral
O- body of pubic bone
I- pes anserinus-- medial proximal tibia
A- adducts thigh, flexes knee
N- obturator nerve (anterior)
adductor longus
O- body of pubic bone
I- linea aspera of femur
A- adducts and flexes thigh at hip
N- obturator nerve (anterior)
Adductor brevis
O-inferior ramus of pubic bone
I-linea aspera of femur
A- adducts and flexes thigh at hip
N- obturator nerve (anterior)
Adductor magnus
O- inferior ramus of pubic bone; ischium; ischial tuberosity
I- linea aspera; adductor tubercle
A- adducts, extends, flexes, rotates thigh at hip
N- obturator nerve (posterior); tibial nerve
biceps femoris- long head
O- ischial tuberosity
I- head of fibula
A- extends hip; flexes knee
N- tibial nerve
biceps femoris- short head
O- linea aspera of femur
I- head of fibula
A- flexes knee
N- common peroneal nerve
semimem- branosus
O- ischial tuberosity
I- medial condyle of tibia; posteriorly
A- extends hips; flexes knee
N- tibial nerve
O-ischial tuberosity
I- pes anserinus, proximal medial tibia
A- extends hip; flexes knee
N- tibial nerve
O- medial, lateral femoral condyles
I- calcanus
A- flexes knee; plantar flexes foot
N- tibial nerve
O- upper 1/3 fibula; middle third tibia
I- calcaneus
A- plantar flexes foot
N- tibial nerve
O- distal lateral linea aspera
I- calcaneus
A- flexes knee, weakly plantar flexes foot
N- tibial nerve
O- lateral condyle of femur
I- popliteal line of tibia
A- flexes knee, rotates leg medially
N- tibial nerve
flexor hallucis longus
O- inferior 2/3 of fibula
I- distal phalanx of hallus
A- flexes hallux; plantar flexes and inverts foot
N- tibial nerve
flexor digitorum longus
O- posterior surface of tibia
I- distal phalanges digits 2-5
A- flexes DIP; plantar flexes and inverts foot
N- tibial nerve
tibialis posterior
O- tibia; fibula; interosseious membrane
I- navicular and adjacent bones
A- plantar flexes and inverts foot
N- tibial nerve
tibialis anterior
O- tibia; interosseous membrane
I- first cuneiform; first metatarsal
A- dorsiflexes; inverts foot
N- deep peroneal nerve
extensor hallucis longus
O- fibula; interosseous membrane
I- distal phalanx, hallux
A- extends hallux; dorsiflexes, inverts foot
N- deep peroneal nerve
extensor digitorum longus
O- tibia, fibula, interosseious membrane
I- second and third phalanes 2-5
A- extends toes; dorsiflexes and everts foot
N- deep peroneal nerve
peroneus tertius
O- tibia, fibula, interosseous membrane
I- base of 5th metatarsal
A- dorsiflexes foot
N- deep peroneal nerve
peroneus longus
O- fibula
I- first metatarsal; first cuneiform
A- everts foot; plantar flexes
N- superficial peroneal nerve
peroneus brevis
O- fibula
I- tuberosity of 5th metatarsal
A- everts foot, plantar flexes
N- superficial peroneal nerve