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56 Cards in this Set

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What is kinseology

The study of movement

Ology= study of

What is biomechanics

Mechanical principles that relate directly to the body

How does kinesiology pertain to OT? (Give examples)

1. ADL (dressing, eating, toileting)

2. Education ( writing, scissors, recess)

3. Play ( playground, toys, golf ect)

4. Social participation ( theme parks, slumber parties in the tree house)

ADL, play....

What is the biomechanics frame reference based on?

Anatomy, physiology, kinesiology

3 things A,P,K

What is the biomechanical reference concerned with?

1.structural stability

2. Endurance


4. ROM


Kinesiology helps Ota understand job related topics. Give 3 examples

1.analyizing posture and joint angles

2.measuring range of motion

3. Identifying exercises that would challenge certain muscle groups

What are the descriptive positions, how many are there?

1. Anatomical position

2.fundamemtal poaition

1. Head, feet foward, hand palm facing forward

2. Used to evaluate posture

Name the segments of the upper extremity

1. Arm

2. Forearm

3. Hand

Segments of the lower extremity

1. Thigh

2. Leg (shank)

3. Foot

Segments of the trunk

1. Thorax


Are the neck and skull segments of the body?


Are all moments to the front of the body extension?

No...all movements to the front are flexion.

Movements that extend behind the body are flexion?


When scapula muscles are responsible for retraction?

Middle trappezius

Which scapula muscle is responsible for protraction?

Middle trappezius

Which scapula muscle is responsible for elevation

Upper trappezius

Which scapula muscle us responsible for depression

Lower trappezius

Which scapula muscles are responsible for upward rotation?

Middle, upper trappezius, serratus anterior

Name all movements of the scapula

Elevation, depression, upward rotation, downward rotation, protraction, retraction

Another way to say 1.medial rotation? 2. Lateral rotation?

1.internal rotation

2.external rotation

Which muscles are responsible for downward rotation

Levator scapulae , rhomboids, pectoralis minor

Name the movements of the humerus at the shoulder joint

Adduction, abduction, extension flexion, medial rotation, lateral rotation, horizontal abducton, horizontal adduction

Name the movements of the elbow joint

Flexion, extension, supination, pronation

Name the movements at the r wrist joint

Flexion, extension, radial deviation, ulnar deviation

Name the movement of the finders and thumb

Flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, thumb : flexion extension, abduction, adductiom, opposition( involves flexion along with rotation of the 1st meta carpal, so the thumb faces the other fingers) reposition, circumduction

Which digit is used as the midnline?

Middle digit (finger)

Name the movements at the hip joint

Flexion, extension, abduction, abduction, outwardrotayion, inward rotation,

Name the movements at the knee joint

Flexion, extension

Name the movements at the ankle joint

Plantar flexion, dorsiflexion, inversion, Eversion

Name the movements at the toe joint

Flexion, extension, neutral, adduction, abduction

Name the movements of the axial skeleton (neck,

Neck, trunk (lateral flexion, rotation), ( flexion, extension, hyper extension)

Does the sagittal plane allow flexion and extension...


The forntal (cornal) plane allows for...

Abduction, abduction,

Movement along the Transverse plane allows for rotation?


What does COG stand for?

Center of gravity. Belly button is a person's center of gravity. The point where three planes intersect.

Name the axes's and which direction does it run?

1. Sagittal = front to back 2. Frontal= side to side 3. Vertical = top to bottom

Joint movement occurs around a axis that is always_______ to its plane


A particular motion will always occur in the same ______ and around the same _____

Plane and axis. [Addiction and abduction will aways occur along the sagittal plane]

Joint movement occurs in a _____ and around a _______

Plane, axis

What is end feel

The subjective assessment of the quality of the feel when slight pressure is applied at the end of a joints passive range of motion

What do normal end feels look like

1. There is full PROM at the joint and normal anotomical structures stop the movement,

Examples : bony, soft tissue stretch, soft tissue approximation

What is abnormal end feel

May pbe presented as pain, muscle guarding, swelling or abnormal anatomy stops the joint movement examples: abnormal, boggy, muscle spasm, empty, springy

Example of a bony end feel

Abrupt, ex: elbow extension

Examples of soft tissue stretch end feel

Firm sensation that has slight give, when the joint is taken to its end of range of motion ex: shoulder rotation

Give an example of soft tissue approximation

When muscle bulk is compressed, giving a soft end feel

Give an example of the abnormal end feel abnormal bony

Suddenly stops hard usually felt well before normal end ROM

What is boggy end feel

Found in acute conitions where soft tissue edema is present has a soft wet spongy feel

What is a muscle spasm in a abnormal end feel

1. Reflexive muscle guarding during motion

2. A protective response seen in acute injury

3. Palpation of the muscle will reveal the muscle in spasm

Describe an empty abnormal end feel

1.occurs when movement produces considerable pain

2. No mechanical limitations at end of range because individual will not let you move further in the ROM.

Describe springy abnormal end feel

Rebound moment is felt at the end of the ROM, ex torn cartilage can cause a rebound

What is close packed?

Joint surfaces: have minimum contact with one another, are tightly compressed, are difficult to distract or separate

Ligaments and capsule holding joint together are taught

Usually occurs at one extreme end of ROM

what is open packed

joints are in a

resting position, parts of the joint capsule and ligaments are relaxed,

muscles ae attached to _____ and cross arleast one joint, so when a muscle _______,one end moves toward the other.

bones, contracts

define insertion

the more movable bone

moves towards the origin

define origin

the more stable bone

typically closer to the trunk

what happens during a reversal of muscle action

occurs when the more movable end becomes less movable