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91 Cards in this Set

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The threshold to fitness is
3 thirty minute periods of endurance running
The prime indicator for lifestyle disease reduction and life extension is the number of
calories burned per week
Running burns ___ as many calories per mile as walking
It's better for all of us, even veterans, to include
walk breaks in our runs
1. trying to attain a high mileage level week after week.
2. Running daily runs too fast.
3. Not enough rest.
The power plants of muscle cells are the
Research has shown that it takes ______ to repair stress-related damage
48 Hours
Non-pounding _______ encourages faster recovery than sedentary behavior
It takes about _____ for the muscles to adapt to the stress when you move into a new and more challenging training program
21 Days
You are running _____ when you run slowly and do not exceed the pace or distance for which you have recently trained
_____ running is when you exceed the pace and/or distance for which you have trained
_______ running is not necessary for improving health, only for improving speed
For the first ____ of aerobic exercise, the exercising muscles will use the most convenient energy source, ____ in the muscle cell, almost exclusively
10 Minutes
After about _____ of exercise, the body will start to transition to ____ as a fuel source
10 Minutes
As long as you run within the pace and at the distance you've been training for - you will burn mostly ____
One important objective of training is to teach us the body to conserve _____ and deal with __________
1. Glycogen
2. Lactic acid build-up
_____,_____ running over several months is the best for competitive running
1. Steady
2. Relaxed
The best training program for you is one that
meets your particular needs
The base part of the training pyramid consists of several months of
steady aerobic running
______ are the single most important element in a training program
Long runs
____ prepare the muscles for faster running without going anaerobic
After about _____ of speedwork your performance will tend to peak
8 Weeks
Beginners should stay in the base period of training for the first ______
1 or 2 years
The single greatest cause of improvement is
remaining injury free
Coaches, Sports physiologists, and top athletes agree that the most effective way to improve strength and endurance is to _____, and then _______
1. Stress
2. Rest the muscles
Even if you don't feel tired, it's best to take _______ easy days after a hard one
1 or 2
Research has shown that you need at least _______ of running per week for sustained improvement
3 Days
Most runners can reach most of their goals by running _____ days per week
3-4 Days
Studies have shown that athletes can cut their workouts by ____ for _____ and not lose significant fitness
1. 50%
2. 10 Weeks
When running in cold weather you wear ____ , not ____
1. Layers
2. Heavy Coats
In cold weather start you run or walk by going _______
Into the wind
When the temperature rises above ______ you're going to run more slowly and feel worse than you will at lower temperatures.
55 Degrees
As the mercury rises above ______, your body can't get ride of the heat building up
65 Degrees
The best time for hot weather running is
Before sunrise
The underlying cause of hyponatremia is often ________ compounded by consuming only water in great quantities
severe dehyrdation
The primary benefit of speedwork is to teach the body how to run
The first component of a speed program is
long run
Fartlek is a Swedish word meaning
speed play
Two popular Fartlek variations are ______ and ________
1. Hill
2. Timed Segments
_______ Breaks up the race distance into segments, called repetitions or "reps"
Interval training
Take at least two days of rest after each speed day: at least ________ and at least _______
1. One day off
2. One easy running day
Speed programs for the 10K or shorter events are intense and should last no more than
10 Weeks
You should run _____ speed workout(s) per week for the 5k-10K, and less for the half-marathon (averaging about _______)
1. One
2. One every other week
______ is a training mode in which you're running race pace, or close to it for segments of about 2-5 minutes
Race rehearsal
______ is the second most frequent cause of running injuries
________ is the most frequent cause of running injuries
Increasing total mileage
For races of 10K or less, speedwork should last no more than
10 Weeks
For every _____ too fast per mile in the first 2-3 miles of a race, you can be as much as _____ secods slower at the end
1. Second
2. 10 Seconds
Your body becomes more efficient as it warms up. The muscles, tendons, and joints work better after _______ of activity
10-20 Minutes
Miles with hills should be run ___________ as flat miles
With the same effort
By alternating ______ and ______, from the start, there's virtually no limit to the distance you can cover
1. Walking
2. Running
Many runners who were injured during previous training programs have stayed injury-free when they added ______ to long runs
Walk breaks
______ refers to a careful scheduling of key workouts at the end of the speed phase that can raise your performance potential to its highest level.
A ______ is the best insurance against nutrition collapse
balanced diet
Anything you eat _____ before the race won't be processed in time to help you
12-18 hours
Whatever your fitness level, you'' have a faster time if you
Run steady
You running will be most efficient if your posture is
Erect, perpendicular to the ground
If your body is ________ by being ______, you won't have to spend energy keeping your head, neck, shoulders, etc., aligned
1. Relaxed and balanced
2. Erect
The main function of the arms is
coordination with the legs
Most of the arm movement should be in the
lower arms
Increasing speed in long runs comes from a quicker turnover of legs due to
ankle action
Experienced competitive runners find that their stride length _____ as they run faster
You should touch ______ with each step
Deep breathing or _________ makes running easier
belly breathing
1. Chest Up
2. Hips Forward
3. Push Off
If you feel _________ after a run, you're probably leaning too far forward or back with your head or your shoulders; you're not balanced
shoulder tension
If, during a run, you experience tight hamstrings, you should _____ to shift the major effort to the calves and give the hamstrings a break
shorten stride
If you experience a tight neck as a result of running, your head may not be
directly over your shoulders
_____________ is actually the third leading cause of runners' injuries
Wrong type of stretching
The best time to stretch is ______
after the body is warmed up, relaxed, and when the blood is moving
________ may develop when the quadriceps muscles are not strong enough
Knee problems
1. Increasing mileage too suddenly
2. Running on a hard surface or downhill
3. New Shoes
On long or hard runs, those with __________ will lose their form more quickly
weak postural muscles
___________ can often be avoided by having stronger stomach muscles
Lower back problems
___________ simulates running better than other exercise
Running in a swimming pool
It's better for fat control and your energy level if you eat ever _____
1-2 Hours
The best time for reloading after exercise is within _______ after finishing your run
30 minutes
______ when you begin an exercise program may be a good sign
Weight gain
One of the very best and proven ways of readjusting ______ is by doing regular ______
1. Set point
2. Endurance exercise
If you continue exercising longer than about _______ at a pace that is within your capacity, you start shifting into fat burning.
15 Minutes
There is recent evidence that ________ will cause the dieter to actually gain weight in the long run
dieting without exercise
The single most important factor in shoe selection is your ______
foot type
Regular fluid intake throughout the _________ is your prime re-hydrating time
non running parts of the day
Only ______ is used as fuel, not the fat in your diet
Body fat
A principle called the _______ determines how much fat we store.
After running ______ you'd be burning mostly fat
45 Minutes
A _______ moves predominantly forward and back, with a strong push off. This type of foot needs ________ and good forefoot and rearfoot cushion in a running shoe
1. Rigid foot
2. Good flexibility
A _________ acts as if it's hinged from side to side. This type of foot needs ______
1. Floppy foot
2. Support
The two basic shoe shapes are ______ and _______
1. Straight
2. Curved
Generally, ________ is sufficient to avoid toe blisters and black toenails.
1/2 inch of toe rim
________ should beware of soft shoes
Over pronators