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22 Cards in this Set

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Sport and Exercise Psych

scientific study of people and their behaviours in sport and exercise activities and the practical application of that knowledge


A process, or method of learning about the world through systemic, controlled, empirical and critical filtering of knowledge acquired through experience

Psychophysiological Orientation

Examines underlying psychophysiological process of the brain in terms of primary causes of behaviour

Social-Psychological Orientation

Behaviour is determined by a complex interaction of the social environment and the personal make-up of the athlete or exerciser

Cognitive- Behavioural Orientation

Behaviour is determined by both the environment and thoughts (cognitions)


The characteristics/blend of characteristics that make a person unique

Trait Approach

Behaviour is determined by relatively stable traits that are fundamental units of personality. These traits predispose one to act in a certain way, regardless of the situation

Psychodynamic approach

Behaviour is determined by a number of unconscious, constantly changing factors that often conflict with one another. Emphasis is placed on understanding the person as a whole, rather than identifying isolated traits


A process whereby we perceive or infer the causality of an event or behaviour

Attribution Theory

A cognitive approach to explaining motivation

Learned Helplessness

A condition descriptive of individuals who demonstrate maladaptive achievement patterns


The direction and intensity of effort

Participant/Trait Centered View

Motivated behaviour is primarily a function of individual characteristics

Situation-Centered View

Motivated behaviour is primarily determined by situational factors

Interactional View

Motivated behaviour results from the interaction of participant factors and situational factors

Achievement motivation

An individual's orientation to strive for task success, persistent in the face of failure, and experience pride in accomplishment


The conviction that one can successfully execute the behaviour required to produce the outcome (Situation-Specific Self Confidence)


An overall learned disposition that guides a person's thoughts, feelings and actions towards other people and social objects

Peripheral route

Use of factors not related to the issue or action itself

Central Route

Thoughtful consideration of the message


The general physiological and psychological activation


a negative emotional state associated w/ activation of the body