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133 Cards in this Set

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What the beverages are diuretics

Tea coffee alcohol

What is an artificial kidney and what is it used for

Dialyzing machine that is used for dialysis. Used when the kidneys of a patient stops functioning

Kidneys move where during deep inspiration

Downward ~1 inch

Components of urinary system

2 kidneys

1 bladder

1 urethra

2 ureters

Function of urinary system

Excreting wastes

Regulating blood composition

Location of kidneys

Lay in sagittal oblique plane in retroperitoneal cavity

Located between 12 thoracic and 4 lumbar

They lie asymetrical right is lower than left BC of liver

Kidneys ureters and bladder are located

In the Retroperitoneum

What two muscles do the kidneys rest on

Psoas and quadratus lumborum

Each kidney is located ________ to the psoas and quadratus lumborum muscles


Each kidney is located __________ to transverse abdominus muscle and liver/spleen


Length of kidneys range from

9-12 cm

Width of kidneys range from

4-5 cm

Height of kidneys range from

2.5-3 cm

Kidneys should have ____ cm in cortical thickness


Upper pole is the most _______ border of the kidney


Lower pole of kidney is the most ______ border of kidney and is more ________ than the upper pole



Superior poles lie more

Posterior medial

Inferior poles lie more

Anterior and lateral

The kidney is composed of two distinct areas

Renal sinus and the parenchyma

Parenchyma holds the outer cortex and inner medullary pyramids

The renal parenchyma is separated into cortex and medulla by the

Arcuate vessels

Longitudinal and transverse normal kidney

What muscle is seen here (bottom)


What muscle am I pointing at


What muscle am I pointing at


What muscle am I pointing at

Quadratus lumborum

What muscle am I pointing at


What is arrow pointing at

Quadratus lumborum muscle

Where does Psoas muscle begin from

Hilum of the kidneys

Psoas lies (posterior/anterior)-(medial/lateral) to kidney

Posterior medial

Quadratus lumborum is located (posterior/anterior) to the lower (what fraction) to the kidney and courses (lateral/medial) to the psoas muscle




Which is the deepest later of Muscles located posteriolateral to each kidney

Transverse abdominus muscle

Three outer layers of a kidney

True capsule

Perirenal fat

Gerota's fascia

____________ or fibroid capsule is the most _______ layer of the outer kidney layers

True capsule

Most inner

Which layer surrounds the true capsule

Perirenal fat - layer of fat

What does the gerota's fascia enclose

Adrenal gland


And perirenal fat

Outer layer of the kidney

Gerota's fascia

What is the gerota's fascia surrounded by

Pararenal fat - most superficial of kidney covering and forms part of the Retroperitoneal fat

Pararenal fat

most superficial of kidney covering and forms part of the Retroperitoneal fat

Renal medulla



Shaped like a pyramid

Henle loop and collecting tubules

Renal cortex:

What is it

What does it contain

Outer layer

Contains Bowman capsule

Malphigian corpuscles and proximal/distal convoluted tubules

Renal pelvis:



What happens here

Funnel shaped

Behind renal medulla

Urine flows into here through minute openings to ureters

Renal hilum contains

Renal artery

Renal vein



What is the collecting system of the kidneys

Minor and major calyces

Minor calyces

How many per kidney

It's function

7-13 per kidney

Receives urine from pyramid

Forms border of renal sinus

Major calyces

How many per kidney



Receives urine from minor calyces and convey urine to the renal pelvis

Major calyces are also known as

Funnel shaped tubes (infundibulum)- which connect minor calyx to renal pelvis

How are the renal sinus echoes produces

The upper end of the ureter divided into 2 or 3 ____________, each of which divided into 2 or 3 _____________ which ends in the pyramids

Major calyces

Minor calyces

What's this

Major calyces

What's this

Minor calyces


Retroperitoneal structure that leave kidney carrying urine to bladder

________________ are lateral branches of the abdominal aorta that are located just ( inferior/superior) to SMA

Renal arteries


Renal vasculature:

Renal Veins

Left renal vein





Which renal artery is longer

Right renal Artery

Segmental artery after entering the renal hilum it divides into 4-5 segmental arteries. Does it have high or low resistance blood flow

Low resistance

Interlobar artery is a branch of segmental artery that courses alongside the renal pyramids. Does it have high or low resistance blood flow


Arcuate artery: boundary between cortex and medulla. Branch off the interlobar artery located at base of the medulla

What kind of blood resistance blood flow does it have


Arterial supply to kidney is provided by what structures

Renal Artery

Testicular or ovarian artery

Superior vesical artery

Right renal artery may be visualised where

Posterior to the IVC

How are renal arteries best visualized

Transverse axis

What's the most helpful landmark for localizing renal arteries


What's that dot

Right renal artery





Two dots?

Duplicate RRA

What's this

Duplicate RRA


Duplicate left renal arteries

Blue on right side

Duplicate left Renal arteries

Two red lines

Duplicate renal arteries

Duplicate renal arteries


Triplicate renal arteries

Triplicate renal arteries

RRV courses _________ to the RRA


LEFT renal vein is (anterior/posterior) to the aorta and (anterior/posterior) to the SMA



What's this

LEFT renal Vein

Bottom arrow

LEFT renal vein

What's the nutcracker phenomenon

Aorta- LRV- SMA

The compression of the LEFT renal vein between aorta and SMA with impaired blood outflow often accompanied by distention of the distal portion of the vein.

LRV connects to the____


Ways to evaluate urinary system


IVP intravenous pyelogram

NCCT -noncontrast computed tomography


Ultrasound used on kidney not just for masses but also....

Perirenal fluid collections like hematoma or abscess

Determine Renal size and parenchymal detail

Detecting enlarged ureters and hydronephrosis

Indication for kidney US exam

Patient preparation

Nothing by mouth generally

If bladder distended from rehydration the INTRARENAL COLLECTING SYSTEM also will become distended

Some advocate fasting 6 hours- limit bowel gas

Dilation of the collecting system had been noted in ________

Pregnant patients...

Right kidney is generally involved with mild degree of hydronephrosis..

Goes back to normal after delivery

Neonatal and pediatric kidneys may appear


Have prominent renal pyramids

And or

Subtle sonographic distinctive between renal cortex and sinus

Normal adult kidneys Sonographic appearance?

Elliptical in shape - longitudinal plane

Rounded in transverse

Less echogenic than the liver and spleen (or isoechoic)

In normal adult kidneys:

Renal capsule appearance

Well defined echogenic line surrounding the kidney

In normal adult kidneys:

Renal cortex appearance

Fine mod/medium to low level echogenicity

Hypoechoic or isoechoic to liver/spleen

In normal adult kidneys:

Medulla appearance

Hypoechoic may appear anechoic

In normal adult kidneys:

Columns of Berlin appearance

Moderated medium to low echogenicity

In normal adult kidneys:

Renal sinus

Hyperechoic ... Most echogenic

In normal adult kidneys:

Arcuate vessels

Small echogenic foci at corticomedullary junction

Cortical thickness...

If less than one cm...?

Cortical thinning

Cortical thickness

minimum one cm...


Best way to evaluate kidneys

Right: through liver

Left: through spleen

Patient position for kidney US

Spine or decubitus

Renal parenchyma should be compared to

Spleen and liver parenchyma

Technical aspects:

High/low resolution, real time sector scanners should be used


Technical aspects:

What is a high freq abdominal transducer most helpful in improving visualization of posterior acoustic shadowing add it is in the case of what

Stones without shadow

I know horrible question

What should be used to routinely evaluate genitourinary tract stones

Harmonic imaging

Best position to place patient to evaluate renal size

Decubitus coronal

Bladder is a

Muscular bag

How many openings does the bladder have


What is produced continuously and accumulates in the bladder until the increased pressure simulated the organs nervous receptors


Urethra is a ______ tube that passes from the anterior part of the urinary bladder to the outside of the body


Is the urethra routinely visualized by ultrasound


How is bladder best visualized

Moderately filled

Post void bladder is scanned In __ planes..



Anteriorposterior and transverse

When it comes to the bladder a residue of less than __________ of urine is considered normal in an adult

Less than 20 cc or ml

Best modality of imaging the bladder

Cystoscopy - usually used to examine bladder because it can diagnose early neoplasms

What position used to demonstrate calculi movement

Right or left decubitus

Transabdominal ultrasound allows for visualization of most bladder lesions ______ than 5mm


US on bladder is performed with what kind of bladder



Proper TCG allows for minimization of anterior wall_____


How are ureteral Jets identified

Doppler color

When ureter is dialated it is best visualized in what angle

Coronal- oblique with kidney as an acoustic window

What is this

Ureteric orifices (dilated)

Ureteric orifices of Dilated ureters in transverse


Renal artery

Renal vein

Renal hilus

Interlobular vein

Points to red

Interlobular artery

Renal pyramids

Kidney cortex

Renal capsule


Pelvis renal


Collecting duct