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86 Cards in this Set

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negative logarythm of the concentration of H+ ions in 1 mol H2O
pH of body fluids
-gastric : 1.2-3.0
-vaginal : 3.5-4.0
-pancreas: 7.1-8.2
-semen: 7.2-7.6
- blood: 7.35-7.45
-CSF: 7.4
-bile: 7.6-8.6
-constant pH vital, most close to 7.4 (basic)
dissociate in a solution to yield protons and the corresponding base
in solution, accept proton, thereby forming the corresponding undissociated acid
strong acid
-ionizes almost completely in soln
-conjugate base weak meaning a high proton concentration is required to accept a proton and form an undissociated acid
weak acid
-ionizes only partially in soln
-conjugate base is strong meaning the binding force to H is high, thus acception protons is already at low proton concentrations
buffer system
-consists of weak acid plus its strong base
-reduces the changes in pH when acids or bases added
-free H ions can combine with a buffer base to form a weak undissociated acid
-reaction depends on pH
H and buffer system
-increase of H concentration forces the reaction more to the right and more H ions are bound to the buffer
-decrease of H concentration shifts the reactions more to the left and more H ions are released from the buffer
decomposition of aa's and organic salts
-methionine, cysteine, arginine, lysine
eg cys --> glc + urea + sulfate and 2H
eg Naglutamate --> glc + urea + Na + OH
-pH at which individual acid or base is dissociated to 50%
-resulting concentrations of acid and base are equal -->max buffering
- Henderson-Hasselbach:
pH= pK +log (A-/HA)

buffer capacity
-how much acid or base can be added to change the pH for a certain value
-determined by two factors:
1. pK
2. concentration of the buffer
3 buffer systems
1. lactic acid-lactate: pH 1.9- 5.9
2. phosphate buffer: covers biological pH's from 4.8- 8.8
3. ammonium: 9.4
phosphate buffer
-advantage: pK=6.8, close to physiological pH values
- blood: very low []in blood plasma and the ECF it has almost no importance
-intracellular: IC [] much higher, except erythrocytes, and is important buffer
protein buffer
- important IC buffer in all cells b/c high protein concentration
- pK of many close to 7.4
- IC: buffers metabolic pH changes
- EC: buffers, H diffuses through cell membrane
- hemoglobin in erythrocutes buffers respiratory pH changes
bicarbonate buffer
-maintains constant blood pH
-amounts of reactants varies due to changes in metabolism and excretion
=open buffer system
-flexibility, high capacity
-extra CO2 quickly expired by lung or slowly, but more powerfully excreted by the kidney
- H2CO3: formed by gas=
volatile acid
bicarbonate buffer capacity
-pK of carbonic acid= 6.1, but buffering capacity is high because:
1. high concentration: 25.2 mM
2. constant plasma [CO2]
3. continuous metabolic formation and continuous excretion via respiration and urine
effectiveness of bicarbonate buffer
Henderson Hasselbach: at pH 7.4 there is 20 times more base than acid and therefore the buffering is better against excess acid than excess base
regulation of acids and bases
-despite metabolic acids from endogenous protein and carbonic acid from respiration,
-pH in blood and ECF maintained by:
1. buffers
2. respiration
3. renal excretion
-regulation of [H]
- kidneys play role in excretion of H+ ions
-condition in which arterial blood pH <7.36
-respiratory compensates for metabolic alkalosis
- metabolic compensate for respiratory alkalosis
-condition in which arterial blood pH >7.44
- respiratory compensates for metabolic acidosis
- metabolic compensates for respiratory acidosis
respiratory acidosis
PCO2 > 40mmHg
HCO3- >24 mEq/L
-metabolic compensation
metabolic acidosis
-respiratory compensation
PCO2 < 40mmHg
HCO3- <24 mEq/L
respiratory alkalosis
PCO2 < 40mmHg
HCO3- <24 mEq/L
-metabolic compensation
metabolic acidosis
-respiratory compensation
PCO2 > 40mmHg
HCO3- >24 mEq/L
acid-base nomogram
-shows arterial blood pH, arterial plasma HCO3-, and PCO2 values
-shaded areas show approximate limits for normal compensation cause by simple respiratory and metabolic disorders
buffers and H+ changes
-1st line of defense against H+ changes because of their immediate reaction to the acid-base disturbance
- capacity limited as a given amount of buffer becomes saturated
respiratory system and H+ changes
- second line of defense in H changes when buffer systems have reached saturation
- compensation via increasing or decreasing CO2 elimination
-limits the disturbance but rarely returns pH back to normal
renal system and H+ changes
-within hours after disturbance, kidneys are recruited as 3rd line of defense
- compensate via changing excretion of H+ and bicarbonate
- activity develops gradually and takes days to become fully activated
respiratory acidosis examples
-alveolar PCO2 increased by:
1. lung disease
2. weakness of respiratory muscles
3. CNS disease
4. drug overdose (hypnotics, anaesthetics)
respiratory alkalosis examples
-alveolar PCO2 decreased:
1. voluntary overbreathing
2. artificial ventilation
3. drug overdose: salicylate poisoning causes stimulation of the respiratory centers causes increased expiration of CO2
metabolic acidosis: H+ production exceeds excretory capacity
-disorder of metabolism: starvation, ketosis, diabetis ketoacidosis, lactic acidosis
- ingestion of substances that give rise to H+: eg methanol, paraldehyde, salicylate poisoning
metabolic acidosis: H+ excretion failure (rate too low)
-inadequate production of NH3 by kidney: chronic renal failure
metabolic acidosis: loss of HCO3- from the body
-from GI tract: severe diarrhea
- urine: carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, proximal renal tubular acidosis
metabolic alkalosis: loss of H from the body
-diuretics: eg thiacides
-glucocorticoid excess, mineralcorticoid excretion
- severe K depletion
treatment of acidosis
1. orally: sodium bicarbonate
2. IV: sodium lactate,
sodium gluconate
treatment of alkalosis
1. orally: ammonium chloride
2. IV: lysine hydrochloride
buffer base in acid-base disorders
-buffer base (BB)=sum of all conjugate bases in 1L of arterial whole blood
1. bicarb: 24 mEq
2. protein: 15 mEq
3. HHb/HbO2: 9/48 mEq
Base excess in acid-base status
= observed [BB]- normal [BB]
(-): base deficit, acidosis
(+) base excess, alkalosis
-can use this to estimate treatment,
eg. -10mEq treated with equal amount to neutralize excess H+
anion gap and acid-base status
=([Na] + [K])-([HCO3]+[Cl])= 17mEq
-not 0 because not all anions routinely measured
-increased in metabolic acidosis, decreased in most cases of metabolic alkalosis
lab parameters
1. GFR
2. renal clearance
3. excretion, resorption and secretion rates
4. renal blood flow
5. clearance ratio
6. clinical screening
-V filtered from capillary blood into Bowman's per min
-(ml/min) determined by:
1. Pf: mean net filtration P across the glomerular membrane
2. Kf: filtration coefficient (ml/min/mmHg): how many ml of primary urine is filtered per min and per mmHg from the blood into Bowman's
-GFR= Pf x Kf
Renal clearance meaning
-water soluble metabolic wastes are mainly eliminated in urine
-RC gives us an idea of the rate at which the blood plasma is cleaned or cleared of a certain substance
renal clearance general
1. how much substance is excreted or how many ml/min of the plasma is completely cleared of the substance?
2. which parameters are accesible
renal clearance variables
-Vu: urine flow rate (ml/min)
-Ps: plasma concentration of substance
- Us: urine concentration of the substance
Renal clearance equation
Cs= Vu x (Us/Ps)
Cs x Ps
if you suppose:
1.Cs is the plasma volume cleared of the substance -and-
2. Ps is the plasma concentration
-then- Cs x Ps is the amount of substance removed from the plasma per unit time
Vu x Us
this amount is removed from blood and added to the urine
Cs x Ps = Vu x Us
the amount removed from plasma = amount added to urine
-clearance used to determine GFR
- just flows through the kidney and into urine
creatinine general
~ used as inulin for fast screening of GFR
- not as accurate as inulin because creatinine produced in the body
PAH general
clearance used to determine the renal plasma flow/ renal blood flow
glucose general
clearance is zero
- blood is not cleared of glucose because normally all filtered glucose is resorbed
basic processes of the nephron
1. glomerular filtration: initial filtered load of a solute
2. tubular resorption: reduces excretion of a solute
3. tubular secretion:
increases excretion of a solute
excretion rate
= Us x Vu
-how much excreted per minute
- Us= mg/ml of urine
- Vu= ml/min
resorption rate
=(GFR x Ps) - (Us x Vu)
-GFR x Ps = absolute amount filtered per minute
- Us- Vu= amount ending up in urine per minute
secretion rate
=(Us x Vu) - (GFR x Ps)
= excretion rate - absolute amount filtered per minute
- additional amount was therefore secreted from the blood into the tubular fluid
GFR and inulin
GFR= (U inulin x Vu)/ Pinulin
-inulin freely filtered like water, not reabsorbed or secreted by the tubular system
PAH and effective renal plasma flow
-PAH is an exogenous marker that is about 90% cleared from the plamsa by filtration and secretion
- good approximation of renal plasma flow
PAH and renal plasma flow
= ERPF/ 0.9
-correct ERPF knowing the extracting rate of 90% for PAH
Renal blood flow and Hct
= RPF/ (1- Hct)
clearance ratio = 1
= Cs/ Cinulin
=1: clearance of the substance is the same as inulin, therefore only filtered, not reabsorbed or secreted
clearance ratio < 1
= Cs/ Cinulin
substance is partly reabsorbed by the tubular system
clearance ratio > 1
= Cs/ Cinulin
in addition to filtration in the glomerulus, the substance is also secreted by the tubular system
clinical screening with Creatinine and BUN
-Creatinine widely used endogenous marker of GFR
-more convienient than inulin, etc.
- wastes secreted by kidney produced and excreted at a constant rate
-plasma concentration fairly constant
-kidney disease decreases excretion then plasma [] increases
GFR and plasma creatinine concentration
-GFR decreases in kidney disorder causing production to exceed excretion and increased plasma level
- eg 50% GFR, plasma creatinine 2x normal
-eg 25% GFR, plasma creatinine 4x normal
BUN testing
=blood urea nitrogen
- can be quickly measured with test strips that change color with addition of blood product
- often require further testing as levels vary depending on age, muscle volume and exercise
creatinine testing
-reagent incubation with color change
- chemistry analyzers
- often require further testing as levels vary depending on age, muscle volume and exercise
normal micturition
-full bladder--> stretch receptors --> spine --> PS activated and S inhibited
--> motor neurons of ext sphincter are inhibited --> center in pons (interconnected with uppermedulla, hypothalamus, and cerebrum) starts voluntary flow--> increase in bladder P assures complete emptying
diuretics general
-increase the excretion of solutes and water
- goals: 1. lower BP
2. rid body of excess interstitial fluid eg edema
-classified by their mechanism and site of action
diuretics: osmotically active agents
-freely filtered into Bowman's
- not reabsorbed from tubules
- more osmotically active particles remain in tubular fluid = more water bound and not resorbed
-both water and diuretic excreted, increasing urine volume
diuretics: transport inhibitors
-transport systems like Na/K pump, NaCl symport or Na/K/2Cl symport inhibited
=their solutes and related volume of water are excreted
-increases the urine volume
diuretics: carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
-diffusion coefficient of CO2 is higher than bicarbonate
-inhibiting formation of CO2 in the tubular fluid causes more carbonic acid to remain in the tubules
= excreted with related water, increasing urine volume
diuretics: site of action in proximal tubule
1. osmotic
2. carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
diuretics: site of action in early distal tubule
thiacide diuretics
diuretics: site of action in cortical collecting duct
K+ sparing diuretics
osmotic diuretics fx
-filtered into but not reabsorbed by tubular system
- NaCl excretion increases
- onset of diuresis: 1-3 hours
-duration: 3-6 hours
osmotic diuretics indications
-drug classes: mannitol, glycerol
-indications: 1. treatment or prevention of acute renal failure
2. accelerated excretion of toxins
-contraindication: edema caused by cardiac failure
site actions of loop diuretics
thick ascending loop of Henle
carbonic anhydrase inhibitors fx
-decreased resorption of bicarb
-mild diuresis effect
-danger of acidosis: excretion of base
- Na and K excretion increases as less K available for antiport
- duration: ceases after 2-3 days due to low blood levels of bicarb
carbonic anhydrase inhibitors indications
-drug classes: acetalamide, dichlorphenamide, metazolamide
1. reduction of intraocular P in glaucoma
2. mountain sickness (decrease in bicarb)
loop diuretics fx
-block Na/K/Cl symport in L o Henle
- Na, K, Cl and H2O excretion increases: K wasting effect
-very potent diuresis effect: high ceiling diuretics, excretion of up to 30% of glomerular filtrate
- onset: after 5min IV and 20-60min oral
-duration: 2-8 hours
loop diuretics indications
-drug classes: furosemide, bumetanide, torsemide
- indications:
1. hypertension
2. congestive heart failure
3. ascites
4. acute and chronic renal failure
5. acute pulmonary edema
thiacide diuretics fx
-block Na/Cl symport in early distal tubule
- Na and K excretion increases
- medium effect
- wide therapeutic range: toxic dose= 100-1000x therapeutic dose
-onset: 1 hours oral
-duration: 6-48 hours
thiacide diuretics indications
-drug classes: chlorothiazide, hydrochlorothiazide
- indications:
1. hypertension
2. edema resulting from congestive heart failure
K sparing diuretics fx
-spirolactone: competitively blocks Na resorption and K secretion caused by aldosterone
- triamterene and amiloroide: blocks Na/K pump in distal tubule and collecting duct
- Na excretion increases, K decreases (danger of intoxication)
- medium effect
- onset: after 1 hour
- duration: 6-48 hours
K sparig diuretics indications
-drug classes: spironolactone, triamterene, amiloroide
- indications:
1. chronic liver disease combined with ascites
2. congestive heart failure= counteracting K loss of other diuretics