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38 Cards in this Set

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Invation of External Evils

Damp Cold

internal DIsruption

KD deficiency (Yin or Yang)

Traumatic injury

Qi stagnation and blood stasis

What is the diagnois for cold pain and heaviness of the lower back, difficulty turning the waist, pain alleviated by heat and increase by cold or rainy weather. White sticky coating. Slow deep pulse

Cold Dampness

What is the treatment for cold pain and heaviness of the lower back, difficulty turning the waist, pain alleviated by heat and increase by cold or rainy weather. White sticky coating. Slow deep pulse

Dispel cold, remove dampness, warm the channels and free the connections

What points are used for Cold Dampness

UB23,UB40,DU3, UB32, UB25, UB26

What is the diagnosis for stabbing pain fixed location, aggravated by external pressure, worse at night, difficult bending and twisting. Dark purple tongue, with macules. Rough pulse

Blood stasis due to trauma

What is the treatment for stabbing pain fixed location, aggravated by external pressure, worse at night, difficult bending and twisting. Dark purple tongue, with macules. Rough pulse

Quicken the blood, dissolve stasis, regulate qi and relieve pain

What points are used for Blood stasis due to trauma?


What is the diagnosis for slow onset, frequent recurrence, aching of lower back diminished by pressing, fatigue, weakness of knee, increase in pain after exertion, decrease by bed rest Physical cold, pale tongue, deep weak pulse.

KD Yang Deficiency

What is the treatment for slow onset, frequent recurrence, aching of lower back diminished by pressing, fatigue, weakness of knee, increase in pain after exertion, decrease by bed rest Physical cold, pale tongue, deep weak pulse.

Supplement KD Yang, relieve pain

What are the points for treating KD Yang Deficiency?

UB23, UB40, DU3,DU4, YAO YAN, (UB23 & DU4:MOXA)

What is the diagnosis for slow onset, frequent recurrence, aching of lower back diminished by pressing, fatigue, weakness of knee, increase in pain after exertion, decrease by bed rest. irritability, insomnia, dry mouth and throat, red cheecks, vexing heat in five hearts. Red tongue little coating. Rapid thready pulse

KD Yin Deficiency

What is the treatment for slow onset, frequent recurrence, aching of lower back diminished by pressing, fatigue, weakness of knee, increase in pain after exertion, decrease by bed rest. irritability, insomnia, dry mouth and throat, red cheecks, vexing heat in five hearts. Red tongue little coating. Rapid thready pulse

Nourish KD Yin, relieve pain

What are the points used for Kidney Yin Defiency

UB23, UB40, DU3, UB32, UB52, KD3

What is the diagnosis for failure of penis in erection, cold extremities, dizziness, listlessness, soreness and weakness of the loins and knees, frequent urination, pale swollen tongue with thin white coating, deep weak pulse

Decline of Mingmen fire (Impotence)

What is the treatment for failure of penis in erection, cold extremities, dizziness, listlessness, soreness and weakness of the loins and knees, frequent urination, pale swollen tongue with thin white coating, deep weak pulse

Tonify KD and strengthen Mingmen Fire

What are the points to treat Decline of Mingmen FIre (Impotenct)?

REN4, DU4,KD3,BL23,SP6,HT7,BL15

What is the function of REN4 when treating decline of mingmen fire (impotence)

Meeting point of REN Mai and the three foot yin meridians, reinforcing is used to promote the primary qi and invigorate the kidney function

What is the function of DU4, BL23, KD3 when treating decline of mingmen fire (impotence)

Strengthen the kidney yang

What is the function of SP6, HT7 and BL15 when treating decline of mingmen fire (impotence)

Used for damage of the qi of the heart and spleen. Good for activating the qi of the heart and spleen

What is the diagnosis for inability of the penis to erect, complicated with bitter taste in the mouth, thirst, hot and dark red urine, heaviness of extremities, red tongue, yellow sticky tongue coat, slippery pulse

Downward flowing of damp heat

What is the treatment for inability of the penis to erect, complicated with bitter taste in the mouth, thirst, hot and dark red urine, heaviness of extremities, red tongue, yellow sticky tongue coat, slippery pulse

Clear damp heat and benefit the kidney

What are the points used for downward flowing of damp heat

REN3, SP6, SP9,ST40,ST36

What is the function of REN3, SP6 and SP9 when treating downward flowing of damp heat

sooth and regulate qi of spleen to eliminate the damp heat

What is the function of ST36 when treating of downward flowing damp heat

Dispel dampness by improving the function of the spleen in transportation and transformation, heat will disappear when dampness is dispelled

What is the function of ST40 when treating downward flowing of damp heat

Dampness and phlegm

What is the diagnosis for nocturnal emission in dreams, dizziness, palpitation, listlessness, insomnia, lassitude, scanty yellow urine, red tongue without coating, thin rapid pulse

Disharmony between heart and kidney

What is the treatment for nocturnal emission in dreams, dizziness, palpitation, listlessness, insomnia, lassitude, scanty yellow urine, red tongue without coating, thin rapid pulse

Nourish KD Yin, clear heart fire and harmonize heart and KD

What are the points used to treat disharmony between heart and kidney

HT7, BL 15, KD3, BL23, PC7

What is the function of HT7 and BL15 when treating disharmony between heart and kidney

Lower heart fire and harmonize the heart and kidney

What is the function of KD3 and BL23 when treating disharmony between heart and kidney

KD3: Activate the kidney, BL23: Tonify KD and control the essence

What is the function of PC7 when treating disharmoney between heart and kidney

Primary yuan and shu stream of PC. Clears heart fire

What is the diagnois for frequent spermatorrhea at day or night, particularly if there is a desire for sex, pallor, lassitude, listlessness, pale tongue, and deep weak pulse

Kidney Deficiency (impotence)

What is the treatment for frequent spermatorrhea at day or night, particularly if there is a desire for sex, pallor, lassitude, listlessness, pale tongue, and deep weak pulse

Nourish KD yin or yang, secure essence

What are the points used for Kidney deficiency (impotence)

KD3,BL23, SO6, REN4, REN6

When treating KD deficiency (impotence) what is the function of BL23, KD3, and SP6?

Reinforce KD qi

When treating KD deficiency (impotence) what is the function of REN4 and REN6?

REN4 is the meeting point of REN Mai and three foot yin meridian and REN6 both are important for invigorate. Moxa can be applied and can warm and strengthen the primary yang