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67 Cards in this Set

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地方 ちほう
a district; a region; the provinces; [いなか] the country(side)
進学する しんがくする
to enter a higher level school; advance a grade
~回目 ~かいめ
a time: one time, two times, three times,...=~度目
別れ わかれ
noun of 別れる: parting; separation; farewell
告げる つげる
to tell; to inform; to notify
最悪 さいあく 
the worst
this guy; this woman; this one! [with a sense of contempt; scorn; disdain]
頭巾 ずきん
a hood; a headscarf
祈る いのる
to pray (to God)
to haunt; to possess
~にとりつかれる:to be possessed (by/with...); to be haunted (by/with...)
迷信 めいしん
a superstition; a superstitious belief
言い伝え いいつたえ
an old saying; a tradition; a legend
話が見えない はしがみえない
not to know what one is talking about; cannot get it
座敷わらし ざしきわらし
the protective deity (genius loci) of a home in the Thoku region of Japan
憑く つく
to haunt; to possess
独り身 ひとりみ
celibacy; singlehood
寂しさ さびしさ
loneliness, noun form of さびしい
癒す いやす
to heal
妖怪 ようかい 
a ghost; a specter; a phantom; a goblin
目出度い めでたい
happy; propitious; auspicious; joyous
市長 しちょう
a mayor
事業 じぎょう
a business; a commercial undertaking; a venture
礎 いしずえ
the foundation; the groundwork; the base
築く きずく
to build; to make; to construct
standard operating procedure; standard rule; a commandment
暮らす くらす
to make/earn a living
無理矢理 むりやり
by force; perforce; forcibly
追い出す おいだす
to expel; to turn (put, drive) out, to kick s.b. out
傷つける きずつける
to hurt s.b. feelings; to wound; to injure
謝る あやまる
to apologize
(約束やルールを)破る やぶる
to violate a rule; to break one`s promise
肩 かた
a shoulder
揉む もむ
to massage
単刀直入 たんとうちょくにゅう
frank; direct; forthright; straightforward
内定 ないてい
a (tentative) job offer; an informal (official) promise of employment
着信音 ちゃくしんおん
ring alert; ringtone
咳払い せきばらい
clearing one`s throat; hawking; a cough
商事 しょうじ
a commercial business
結果 けっか
a result
惜しい おしい
close but no cigar; regrettable; disappointing
Why don`t you say something!
annoying; be irritating; be a nuisance
流す ながす
to pour; to drain
麻雀 マージャン
図橋 ずばし
dead right! hitting the nail on the head
溜息 ためいき
a sigh
牌 ぱい
a mahjong tile
交ぜる まぜる
to mix (together); to blend (together)
就職活動 しゅうしょくかつどう
job hunting (activities)
bit by bit; slowly
気に入る きにいる
to take a fancy to..., to have a liking for [to]...
福の神 ふくのかみ
the God of Wealth; a bringer of good luck
手違い てちがい
a mistake; a slipup
to share
comfortable; easy
for the time being; for the present/presently
面接官 めんせつかん
an interviewer
Enough (of this foolishness) Cut the crap right now!
無害 むがい
harmlessness; innocence
離れる はなれる
to become more distant; to go away
付きまとう つきまとう
to follow sb about (round); to hang around sb
a stalker
電波 でんぱ
a radio wave
音声 おんせい
a voice; a sound; speech
悲鳴 ひめい
a scream