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51 Cards in this Set

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Q250. pathogenesis of chronic pancreatitis
A250. continuing inflammation of pancreas, with fibrotic tissue replacing pancreatic parenchyma and alteration of pancreatic ducts --> irreversible destruction of pancreas
Q251. most common cause of chronic pancreatitis
A251. chronic alcoholism
Q252. presentation of chronic pancreatitis
A252. chronic epigastric pain + calcifications on plain abdominal films; steatorrhea, DM, and pancreatic calcifications
Q253. serum and amylase levels in chronic pancreatitis
A253. not elevated
Q254. appearance of chronic pancreatitis on ct
A254. calcifications and pseudocysts an be seen
Q255. appearance of chronic pancreatitis on ERCP
A255. chain of lakes appearance from areas of stricture and duct dilation throughout the pancreatic ducts
Q256. complications of chronic pancreatitis
A256. DM; narcotic addiction; malabsorption/steatorrhea; pseudocyst formation; pancreatic ductal dilation; b12 malabsorption; pancreatic carcinoma
Q257. non surgical tx for chronic pancreatitis
A257. narcotics for pain; NPO; pancreatic enzymes + h2 blockers; insulin; alcohol abstinence; frequent small low-fat meals
Q258. surgical tx for chronic pancreatitis
A258. pancreaticojejunostomy (drains the pancreatic ducts to decompress dilated ducts); pancreatic resection
Q259. most common location for pancreatic cancer
A259. pancreatic head
Q260. risk factors for pancreatic cancer
A260. cigarette smoking (most common); chronic pancreatitis; DM; heavy Etoh use; exposure to benzidine and b-naphthylamine
Q261. purpose of h2 blockers + pancreatic enzymes in chronic pancreatitis
A261. pancreatic enzymes inhibit CCK release and decrease pancreatic secretion after meals; h2 blockers inhibit gastric acid secretion, preventing degradation of pancreatic enzyme supplements by gastric acid
Q262. test for dx pancreatic ca
A262. CT; ERCP
Q263. tumor markers for pancreatic ca
A263. ca 19-9; CEA
Q264. Definition: Gluten-induced enteropathy in susceptible persons affecting the small bowel
A264. Celiac Sprue
Q265. What HLA is Celiac sprue?; (2)
A265. HLA DR3; HLA DQw2
Q266. Dx: Malabsorption (diarrhea, bloating, abd pain, steatorrhea, weight loss), vitamin deficiency (high PT/INR, low iron and calcium), Rash
A266. Celiac sprue
Q267. Pathology Biopsy of small bowel: flattened intestinal villi, infiltration of lymphocytes, hyperplasia and lengthing of the intestinal crypts
A267. Celiac sprue
Q268. what does Antiendomysial Ab test?; What other test accompanies this one?; When is it performed?; What is the most accurate test for this Dx?
A268. Confirms Dx of Celiac Sprue; (also Antigliadin Ab test); Performed: After a Sudan Black stain confirms Malabsorption; Most Accurate: Small Bowel Biopsy; (must be done to Dx the disease and to RULE OUT Lymphoma)
Q269. Definition: A pruitic rash associated with Celiac sprue, responds to Tx of topical Sulfone, resolves with regression of disease
A269. Dermatitis Herpetiformis
Q270. Tx for Celiac sprue
A270. All grains are eliminated from diet except Rice and Corn; (no wheat rye or barley)
Q271. *Patient has chronic pale, greasy, malodorous diarrhea and no evidence of infection. Initial test?
A271. Sudan Black stain
Q272. Pathology Biopsy: mildly flattened intestinal villi with jejunal infiltration of monocytes
A272. Tropical sprue
Q273. Dx: malabsorption signs, megaloblastic anemia, decreased calcium, B-12, iron, folic acid, cholesterol, albumin and magnesium
A273. Tropical sprue
Q274. Tx for Tropical sprue; (2)
A274. Vitamin B-12 and Folate supplements; Tetracycline (for a few months)
Q275. Difference b/t Whipple's disease and Sprue
A275. Whipple's has CNS involvement
Q276. If there is the presence of a normal jejunal Biopsy, what malabsorption disease is ruled-out?
A276. Tropical sprue
Q277. Dx: 54-yo farmer who has been suffering with diarrhea, weight loss, and arthralgias for the past few months is brought in by his wife for memory deficits that have been occurring for the past 3 weeks.
A277. Whipple's disease
Q278. Definition: devastatingly profound malabsorption syndrome due to destruction of the intestinal lamina due to a gram- negative rod of the Actinomyces genus
A278. Whipple's Disease
Q279. Dx: arthralgia, abdominal pain, malabsorption, fever, inc skin pigment, uveitis, confusion, CNS palsies, nystagmus, heart failure
A279. Whipple's Disease
Q280. *Most accurate test for Whipple's Disease; Other test?
A280. Most accurate: PAS positive macrophages in the lamina propria;; other: PCR of peripheral blood for T. whippelii (Actinomyces strain)
Q281. Antibiotics Tx of Whipple's Disease; (2 steps)
A281. 1. initial course of Ceftriaxone; 2. TMP-SMZ and Tetracycline for 1 year
Q282. Definition: Albumin lost to the GI lumen in excess
A282. Protein-losing Enteropathy
Q283. Dx: Diarrhea, edema, steatorrhea, low albumin
A283. Protein-losing Enteropathy
Q284. Dx test for Protein-losing Enteropathy
A284. Alpha-1-Antitrypsin comparison in serum vs stool
Q285. Similar look to gastric cancer on barium study
A285. Menetrier's Disease
Q286. Definition: Protein-losing enteropathy that causes mucosal thickening due to hyperplasia of glandular cells replacing chief and parietal cells leading to enlarged, tortuous rugae
A286. Menetrier's Disease
Q287. Dx: epigastric pain, diarrhea, edema, steatorrhea, decreased gastric acid secretion, low albumin
A287. Menetrier's Disease
Q288. Dx Tests for Menetrier's Disease; (2)
A288. Endoscopy with deep mucosal Biopsy; Barium swallow will reveal large gastric folds
Q289. Rx Tx for Menetrier's Disease; (2 plus MOA of each specific to this)
A289. Anticholinergics (reduce width of tight junctions b/t gastric mucosal cells); H-2 Blockers (reduce protein loss)
Q290. Definition: Stool frequency < 3 times per week
A290. Constipation
Q291. Etiology of Constipation; (6)*
A291. OLD MD Farts:; Obstruction;; Low thyroid(hypothyroidism);; Disturbed colonic motility;; Medications;; DM;; Fluid and fiber intake is low
Q292. what amount should you increase your fiber to, if your are constipated?
A292. 30 g/day
Q293. Definition: Neuroendocrine tumor arising from ectodermal stem cells in the gut
A293. Carcinoid Tumor
Q294. MC place of a Carcinoid tumor
A294. 90% in Ileum; (most in appendix)
Q295. What neurotransmitters and hormones does the Carcinoid tumor secrete?; (3)
A295. Serotonin;; Bradykinin;; Histamine
Q296. MC places of mets with Carcinoid tumor; (2: in order of frequency)
A296. Liver;; Lung
Q297. Etiology of Carcinoid tumor; (2)
A297. Most are Idiopathic;; part of MEN-1
Q298. Classic triad of Carcinoid tumor and reason for each sign. (3) other signs
A298. 1. Flushing, Hypotension - Bradykinin; 2. Diarrhea - Serotonin; 3. Rt-sided Valvular heart Disease - Serotonin other:; Wheezing (histamine);; Bowel obstruction;; Appendicitis
Q299. Dx test for Carcinoid tumor; (2)
A299. 1. > 10mg/24 hour 5-HIAA; 2. elevated serum and urine 5-HT
Q300. Tx for Carcinoid tumor; (3)
A300. Surgical excision;; Radiation therapy;; Antihormonal therapy