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43 Cards in this Set

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Ferdinand Magellan
1519, circumnavigates the world, Spain is forced to give up on western route and turn intrest to New World, proves world is round
Batholomeu Dias
sailed and charted the east coast of Africa, portuguese, got lost at the Cape of Good Hope and turned back
Prince Henry the Navigator
Portuguese, set up school for sea navigation, interested in the new world and exploration
Treaty of Tordesillas
Pope decides 1494 that Portugal gets Brazil and Spain gets all other New World territories
Isabella of Castile
marries Ferdinand of Aragon to unify the Iberian peninsula and create a unified Spain, forced conversions to Christianity, sent Christopher Columbus to the New World, exiled both Muslims and Jews
Spanish explorers of the New World
Montezuma II
ruler of the Aztec Empire when Hernando Cortes took over with superior technology, firearms, cavalry, and the help of local slave tribes
Bartholome de La Casas
Apolegetic History (1515) wrote of the horrors in the New World by the conquistadores, European disease spreads to natives
Henry VII
first of Tudor line
Ivan IV the Terrible
killed son, military leader, limits boyar power to centralize Russia/Muscovy, has agriculture slaves, failed to establish Baltic port after warfare with Poland-Lithuania
Wars of the Roses
(1455-1485) Lancaster v. York, Lancaster descendant Tudor family takes English throne
Ferdinand & Isabella re-conquer the Iberian peninsula (Spain), unify Spain, and throw Muslims & Jews out
converts in Spain, 1492, forced conversions under Ferdinand and Isabella, ultimately distrusted and turned away from Spain
the slaughter of French nobility in 1525, the largest in a century--the effects of new technology and artillery in the 16th century
Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis
ends Italian Wars in 1550
Holy Roman Empire dynasty
natives in Peru, Pizarro attacked
Vasco de Gama
Portuguese retry's Dias's trip to Asia from around Africa, makes it past the Cape of Good Hope to India
Francisco Pizarro
conquistador of Incas in Peru, discovers lots of bullion to send back to Spain
Sebastian Elcano
1522, 3 years after departing, after Magellan has died, Elcano finishes the journey back to Spain
consumption tax on the purchase of salt in most parts of the kingdom
Teutonic Knights
Baltic Christian military power
Charles V
(Castile, Aragon, Naples, Low Countries, HRE), Spain councils, aggressive foreign policy, Ottoman Empire war, New World colonies
Ivan III the Great
no competitors to throne, military & expansion, Petersburg, great ruler
Henry VIII
2nd king in Tudor Line, 6 wives, Supreme Head of the Church of England, married to Catherine of Aragon and then divorced, Split from Rome, married Anne Boleyn, wanted male heir, son Edward VI died at age 16
Battle of Nancy
Swiss v. Burgundy, 1477, Charles the Bold (las Valois duke of Burgundy) died here, estates quickly dismembered, France threatened by all foreign invasions
French tax directly to property from which nobility and clergy were exempt
Spanish Inquisition
An ecclesiastical tribunal utilized to combat heresy and non-Christians; used by Fredinand and Isabella against the coversos, of converted Jews of Spain
Treaty of Madrid
Francis I cede Burgundy to Habsburgs & recognize Spanish conquest of Navarre & Naples
Thomas Cromwell
creates national church system independent from Rome for Henry VIII after the split from Rome
small Portuguese ships developed in the 15th century perfect for sea travel
sent by F & I of Spain, found the New World, 1492, Treaty of Tordesillas settles dispute between Portugal and Spain
study of navigation, maps, charts, sea travel
Hernando Cortes
conquistador of central Mexio's native tribe Aztecs, with technology, calvary, artillery, and help of other native tribes, Cortes overthrew Montezuma II
crossed the land passage of Panama, 1st European to see Pacific ocean
Mexican tribe overthrown by Cortes, lead by Montezuma II
humanist wrote "On Cannibals"
Rulers of Bohemia and Hungary during 16th century
Ivan IV burned Moscow so as not to let the Crimean Tatars take over in 1571
russian nobility, heightened by Ivan III the Great and diminished by Ivan IV the Terrible
new monarchies
the more centralized European gov'ts of western Europe created in the 15th and 16th centuries
French catholic family, basically ruled by Catherine de Medici, French Civil War
Louis XI
king most associated with the consolidation of France, "the spider", extended France and his power, wasn't fancy at all, subdued nobility