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44 Cards in this Set

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signs of bowel perforation and peritonitis
pallor, abd. distention/pain, tachycardia, tachypnea
paracentesis(removal fluid peritoneal cavity- preprocedure
void b4 procedure, empty bladder
measure abd. girth
pos upright edge of bed, feet on stool
liver biopsy
pos. supine, left lateral
pillow under right side
avoid coughing and straining
abdominal assessment
ausculate(for bowel sounds)
percuss(for air, solids)
palpate(for tenderness)
bowel sounds
auscultate(5min each quadrant)
Norm bowel sounds
occur 5-30x/min
data collection- acute chronic gastritis
acute(abd. discomfort, anorexia, N&V, headache hiccuping)
chronic(aneroxia, N&V, belching, heartburn after eating, sour taste in mouth, vit B def.)
gastric and duodenal ulcers
gastric(GNAWING, sharp pain in left, mid epigastric region 30-60 min after eating) hematemesis more common then melena
duodenal ulcers(burning pain in midepigastric, 1.5-3hours after meal. during night, awaken pt.
melena more common than hematemesis
dumping syndrome prevention
avoid sugar, salt, milk
high protein, high fat, low carb
small meals
lie down after meals
take antispasmodic med preventdumping
vit b12 deficiency-s/s
smooth beefy red tongue
paresthesias of hands/feet
disturbances w gait and balance
(if result of intrinsic factor or disease of ileum shots od b12 weekly,monthly, lifelong)
food rich in b12
brewers yeast, citrus fruits, dried beans, green leafy veg, liver, nuts, organ meats
what is chron's disease and s/s
inflammatory disease anywhere in GI tract leads to thickening, scarring, narrowed lumen, fistulas, ulcerations, abscesses.
cramp like, colicky pain after meals
diarrhea(semi solid)w mucus & pus.
dehydration, electrolyte imbalances
divereticulosis and diverticulitis
lower left abd. pain w coughing, straining, lifting
avoid high fiber food w inflammation occurs, irritate mucousa
bright red bleeding w defecation
post op
prone side lying post. prevent blding
ice packs over dressing
limit sitting to short periods
sitz bath 3-4x/day
where is Mcburney's point
pre op-
pos. R side lying, semi fowlers
avoid heat to abd.
expect profuse drainage from penrose to be profuse first 20 hours
epigastric pain radiates to scapula 2-4 after eating fatty food may persist 4-6
pain localized in R upper quadrant
guarding rigidity, rebound tenderness
mass palpated in R abd.
MURPHYS sign(cant take deep breath when examiners fingers are passes below hepatic region bc of pain
acute pancreatitis
abd. pain, sudden onset L upper quadrant radiates to back
aggravated by fatty meal, alcohol
CULLENS sign(discoloration of abd. periumbilical area)
TURNER's sign(bluish discoloration of flanks)
Adm. Demerol for pain(avoid morphine and codeine cause spasm of Oddi sphincter)
Hep A-(fecal route, p2p contact, parenteral, cont. fruits/vegs/shellfish, contam. water or milk, poorly washed utensils)
HepB(blood bodily fluids, infected bld products, inf, saliva/semen, contam. needles, sexual contact, parenteral, perinatal period, bld bodily contact at birth)
HEP C-(same as HepB through bld)
HEP D(common among mediterranean/middle eastern,trans. same as Hep B)
HEP E-(waterborne, trans same as HepA)
elevate gastric PH above 5
aluminum hydroxide(contain sign. amounts of sodium. s/e constipation)
magn. hydroxide-saline laxative, s/e is diarrhea)
sodium bicarbonate(cause systemic alkalosis)
common antacids meds
aluminum hydroxide, mag. hydroxide(Maalox oral suspension)
Calcium carbonate(mylanta, tums)
magnesium hyroxide(milk of magnesia)
gastric protectants meds
misoprostol (cytotec)-(give w meal, causes diarrhea and abd. pain)
sucralfate(carafate)-(empty stomach, cause constipation, impede absorp. of coumadin, dilantin, theophylline, digoxin)
histamine 2-receptor antagonist meds
used w caution clients w impaired renal/hepatic function
GI stimulants common meds and facts
30mon b4 meals, bedtime
medications to treat hepatic encephalopathy
lactulose(cholac, chronulac, duphalac)
Neomycin(Mycifradin)-cautin pt w kidney impairment, reduces # of colonic bacteria that convert urea, amino acids into ammonia)
meds to tx inflammatory bowel disease
instruct client NOT to cough, breathe deeply or move during procedure
normal value- pulse oximetry
incentive spirometer- client instructions
place mouth tightly around mouthpiece of device
2. inhale slowly, raise and maintain flow rate indicator 600-900
hold breath for 5 sec and exhale through pursed lips
repeat 10x every hour
keep exhalation port on t piece open and uncovered(if occluded can cause pt to suffocate)
COPD(chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
airflow obstruction caused by emphysema, chronic bronchitis
s/s- barrel chest(emphysema), use of accesory muscles,
Severe acute respiratory syndrome(SARS)
spread close p2p contact w infected resp secretions or objects infected w droplets)
knife like pain aggravated on deep breathing and coughing
pleural friction rub heard on auscultation
apply hot/cold applications(AP)
lie on affected side splint chest
pulmonary embolism
thrombus forms, travels to Rside of heart, lodges in pulm. artery
s/s-(blood tinged sputum, chest pain, cough, cyanosis, distended neck veins, hypotension, shallow resp, tachypnea, tachycardia, wheezes on auscultation, dyspnea, anginal/pleuritic pain)
ad. heparin, coumadin
trans. inhalation of spores, contam. soil, spores found in bird droppings
presence of epitheloid cells in lungs, cause unknown,
highest in blacks, young adults
kveim test; sarcoid node antigen is injected intradermally cause bump in month
TB- tuberculosis
trans. airborne by droplet infection, person w tb receives Bacille Calmette-Guerin vaccine positive skin test
nurse wears customized fitted mask and gown
if client leaves room must wear mask
Mantoux test is TB test- 10mm or more low risk. 5mm HiV pts
used w caution pts wHTN, DM, narrow angle glaucoma, theophylline and b2 adrenergics cause cardiac dysr., s/e palpations, tachycardia, hyperglycemia, <clotting time
bronchodilators(sympathomimetics) meds
Albuterol(proventil HFA), levalbuterol(xopenex) most have rol at end
oral- albuterol(volmax), terbutaline(brethine)
anticholinergics- tiotropium(spiriva), opratropium(atrovent HFA)
inhaled nonsteroidal antiallergy agents- mast cell stabilizers meds(all but 1) tx asthma
cromolyn sodium(Intal)-caution pts w impaired renal/hepatic function
omalizumab(xolair)-anti inflam meds
antihistamines meds
loratadine/pseudoephdrine(Claritin D)
opioid antagonists meds
nalozone hydrochloride(Narcan)
first line meds for tuberculosis(TB)
INH- CI in pts w hypersensitivity,acute liver disease, risk of hepatotoxicity increases, give 1hr b4 or 2 hrs after. adm. 1 hr before antacids
rifampin(rifadin)s/e- vision changes, hepatotoxicity, hepatitis, increased uric acid levels, blood dyscrasis, colitis, take w 8ounce of water, red-orange body secretions. not physician if jaundice dev
first line meds for tuberculosis (TB)- pt 2
ethambutol(myambutol)s/e- pepripheral neuritis, thromocytopenia