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70 Cards in this Set

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Founder of Person-Centered Therapy
Carl Rogers
Therapy where the individual is good and moves toward growth and self-actualization
Person-Centered Therapy
Founder of Transactional Analysis
Messages learned about self in childhood determine whether person is good or bad, though intervention can change this script
Transactional Analysis
Founder of Psychoanalysis
Deterministic; people are controlled by biological insticts; are unsocialized, irrational; driven by unconcious forces
Father of REBT
Albert Ellis
People have a cultural / biological propensity to think in a disturbed manner but can be taught to use their capacity to react differently
Founder of Gestalt
People are not bad or good. People have the capcity to govern life effectively as "whole". People are part of their environment and must be viewed as such.
Father of Reality Therapy
Individuals strive to meet basic psychological needs and the need to be worthwile to self and others. Brain as control system tries to meet needs.
Reality Therapy
Founder of Individual Therapy
Mas is basically good. Much of behavior is determined via birth order
Founder of Analytic Psychology
Man strives for individuation or self-fulfillment
Analytic Psychology
Founder of Behavior Modification
Humans are like other animals; mechanistic and controlled via environmental stimuli and reinforcement contingencies; not good or bad; no self-determination or freedom
Founder of Neo-Behavioristic
Person produces and is product of conditioning
Founder of logotherapy
Existential view is that humans are good, rational and retain freedom of choice
Father of Trait Factor
Through education and scientific data, man can become himself. Humans are born with potential for good or evil. Others are needed to help unleash positive potential. Man is mainly rational, not intuitive.
Trait Factor
Father of psychodrama
Father of Guidance
Father of Gestalt Therapy
Fritz Perls
Father of Psychoanalysis
Father of Analytic Psychology
Father of Transactional Analysis
Freudian Theory emphasizes
Erik Erikson's theory emphasizes
man's powers of reasoning to control behavior - ego psychology
Id is...
sex, aggression, chaotic, concerned only with the body
Ego is...
logical, rational, reasoning, control
Superego is...
moralistic, idealistic
Who believes if it can't be measured, then it does not exist?
Behaviorists (don't believe in the mind, id, ego, superego, or consciousness)
The only pschoanalyst whose theory encompasses the entire life span is...
Erik Erikson
The last Freudian stage is...
the genital stage beginning at age 12
Erikson's believes in how many stages
8 with the final stage beginning at age 60
Brill is associated with
career theory
Milton H. Erikson is associated with
dbrief psychotherapy and innovative techniques in hypnosos
Piaget observed __ in his own research
his own children
What does a t-test measure
a significant difference between two groups
Who expanded on Piaget's conceptualization of moral development?
Who is the father of behaviorism and coined the term behaviorism?
John B. Watson
Define identity crisis and who came up with the term?
Erikson felt adolescents experiment with many roles.
Who is associated with individual psychology and the inferiority complex?
Alfred Adler
What are Kohlberg's three levels of morality?
Preconventional, conventional, and postconventional
When does a child respond to reward and punishment according to Kohlberg?
In the Preconventional level
When does the individual want to meet standards of family, society, and even the nation according to Kohlberg?
During the conventional stage
According to Kohlberg, when is an individual concerned with universal, ethical principles of justice, dignity, and equality of human rights, and the common good of society.
During the postconvential level
Who is associated with bonding and attachment?
John Bowlby
What is object loss?
if a bond with an adult is severed at an early age according to Bowlby
What is symbiosis and who is associated with this term?
Mahler termed the child's absolute dependence on the female caretaker - difficulties can result in psychosis.
Who is associated with maternal deprivation and isolation in the rhesus monkey?
Harry Harlow
What is anaclitic depression
coined by Renee Spitz, children reared in impersonal situation cried more, had difficulty sleeping, had more health difficulties, and had difficulty forming close relationships.
Maccoby and Jacklin
found Males are better the Females performing math equations.
What is the suicide rate?
12/100,000; rates increase with age; top ten causes of death
When is the fear of death greatest?
in middle age
Which Freudian stage least emphasizes sexuality?
Stage theorist assume qualitative or quantitative changes occur between stages.
What does cephalocaudal mean?
head to foot (human development is this.)
Heredity assumes what three things?
a normal person has 23 pairs of chromosomes, characteristics are transmitted between chromosomes, and genes composed of DNA hold a genetic code
What is Piaget's final stage of development?
Formal operational stage
What occurs in Piaget's formal operational stage?
abstract thinking emerges, problems can be solved using deduction, large number never reach this stage, abstract concept of time, distance, not experience helplessness
Theorists who believe development consists of quantitative changes are
Who is associated with empiricism
John Locke
What is the opposite of empiricism?
do not believe in mind-body distinction; change can be internal; organicism
Empiricists view would be
behavioristic - emphasize role of environment v. organismic emphasize individual action
What is ethology and who coined the term?
Konrad Lorenz; study of animal's behavior in their natural environments